Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

022 Establish A Logistics Network (New Book Please Read!!!)

"Brother Yang, Mayor Lin directly sent out our company's needs yesterday, and communicated with the personnel department about the time, and it will be at 1:00 noon today."

After hearing what Wang Zhen said, Li Yang nodded.

This time is right, everyone has just finished lunch, so it is also suitable to come here to register.

The recruitment conditions given by Li Yang are very simple. Of course, it is basically impossible for non-professionals, but it is really easy for professional old beekeepers.

That is to collect the royal jelly of ten bees on the spot. The royal jelly collected by ten bees may be less than one gram, a piece the size of a sesame seed.

The loss of bees caused by collecting such a piece cannot exceed one, as long as it can cause the death of no more than one bee, it will be passed.

What Li Yang offered was 300 yuan a day, which is not low. In the part-time job industry, this is a professional technical job, which is the price of a big worker.

After collecting for a period of time, Li Yang will pick out the most skilled people and directly pull them into the company's establishment.

Let them enjoy the company's various benefits, of course, they are considered to be the company's professional royal jelly collection department.

Although Li Yang believes that the future people in this department are all relatively old in absolute age, these people will definitely bring Li Yang a lot of profit.


"Okay, then you guys continue to load the car and work hard."

"Alright, Brother Yang, don't worry."

After speaking, Li Yang got into his big G again, and then asked the guard to open the gate of the bee farm, drove in and parked on a flat ground.

It was the company's simple parking lot. After all, many people in the company's financial and advertising departments were from urban areas, and they drove to work every day.

The place without parking is not good, Li Yang sat in the car and looked around.

When I first contracted this land by myself, there was only a dilapidated small yard and a large open space.

And now after such a long period of development, I have established a large warehouse and a factory building with a packaging line here.

There is also a staff dormitory built in the yard, providing water, electricity, internet, and a canteen.

After establishing the company, Li Yang set up the company's financial department, cashier, and advertising department, although the total number of people sitting in these offices is less than ten.

But there is still an office area in the bee farm. Due to geographical limitations, Li Yang is still unable to set up a marketing department and a sales department.

After thinking about it, Li Yang still felt that he had to build an office building in the urban area to organize the rest of the departments.

It is unrealistic to buy or buy land to build a group building now, take your time and rent an office building first.

After the company's office in the urban area is settled, the financial cashiers will also have to move to the urban area to work, and they can only come to the bee farm to handle work every month when paying wages or other things.

The bee farm is not directly responsible for other complicated things, it just needs to do production with peace of mind.

And at that time, the bee farm in Baihua Mountain will have to be expanded. With the expansion of business, the current production capacity of these beehives is not enough.

And I still have a million bees on hand that I haven't extracted. These are provided by the system, and I can collect winter honey in winter.

I also have to plan in advance, after all, looking at the whole world, there is no honey that blooms in winter such as wintersweet flowers or longevity flowers Clivia.

Needless to say about the price at that time, the advertising effect and people's early adopter effect alone can trigger a buying frenzy on a large scale.

After all, people are very curious about new things, and with the real quality and effect of "Hundred Flower Honey" and "Royal Jelly" before, people's trust in Liyang Biotechnology Company also has a foundation.


After getting out of the car, Li Yang called the person who made the beehives before, asking for another thousand beehives!

After inspecting the bee farm, Li Yang first decided to go to the suburbs of Pingyang City to have a look. If there is a suitable warehouse there, he would have to rent one first.

Now the sales of each of the three flagship stores in Pingyang City are stable at about 60 to 1 million per day, and the demand for "Hundred Flower Honey" is still huge.

It takes time and effort to pull goods from the bee farm and deliver them to each flagship store every day. The road in the key village is not easy to walk, and sometimes the flagship store is out of stock on rainy days.

So Li Yang decided to rent a large warehouse in the suburbs of Binh Duong City, and then go through the process of building a bee farm to the suburban warehouse, and then the suburban warehouse directly supplies the flagship store.

In this way, it is enough for the bee farm to ensure the inventory in the warehouse in the suburbs.

After thinking about it, Li Yang drove directly back to Pingyang City. He just had a car in the past two days, so Li Yang was happy to drive more.

Coming to the city Li Yang didn't go into the city, but went directly to the suburbs.


I basically post as much as I write every day, and I can’t hold back the manuscript, but I have to develop my potential. Brothers, I will also set a standard for addition according to other people’s standards.

You have also seen my book. It is not the kind of mindless coolness, but the refreshing feeling brought by the pursuit of details and real achievements. People who like my style must not give up quality for the sake of quantity, so I promise On the premise of quality, there are more updates, and the standards for adding updates are not the same as those of those brainless people. After all, their writing is somewhat easier than mine. Maybe it’s because I’m not talented enough...

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