Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

045 How About Contracting This Land? (Please Read The New Book!!!)

After hearing what Li Yang said, the personnel from the personnel department immediately went down to inform the various departments.

Li Yang lit a cigarette, and after the cigarette was finished, Li Yang got up and walked to the conference room.

At this time, people from all departments in the conference room had already arrived, about 20 people, and when they saw Li Yang coming in, they all stood up together.

After Li Yang walked to the middle position and sat down, the others sat down slowly.

Then Li Yang said:

"Many of you here may be seeing me for the first time today, so let me introduce you formally. My name is Li Yang, and I am the boss of the company you work for."

There was a burst of applause as soon as Li Yang finished speaking.

Then Li Yang nodded and continued:

"Okay, let me just say it briefly."

Li Yang is not like the so-called "simple" talk of most leaders. It takes half an hour to start, but Li Yang really said it briefly.

In less than ten minutes, Li Yang said all that needed to be said in a concise manner, and then Li Yang asked people from the marketing department to stay and the others to dismiss the meeting.

After the people from the marketing department stayed, Li Yang took the time to get to know each other a little bit, and then told them about their current tasks.

It is to immediately organize people to go to the small county next door, and each county has to open a store.

After talking about it in detail, everyone in the marketing department understood that the recruits were all smart people, and Li Yang could express himself clearly without much effort.


After making it clear, Li Yang directly gave them an indicator, and set off for the surrounding counties tomorrow to open a store.

The travel expenses will be accounted for by the company and will be reimbursed when they come back.

After making it clear, Li Yang left the meeting room, and there were many people in the marketing department, and a dozen people needed to hold a departmental meeting.

After leaving the conference room, Li Yang went downstairs directly. He planned to go back to the bee farm today, but he hadn’t been there for several days.

After returning to the bee farm, Li Yang went to the factory to have a look as usual. The workers on the assembly line packed the "Hundred Flower Honey" in an orderly manner. After the last expansion, the output has increased a lot.

Then Li Yang went to the warehouse again and personally counted the stock of "royal jelly".

Looking at the list in his hand, Li Yang compared the stock in the warehouse.

Now there are more than 2,000 bottles of "Royal Jelly" that have been produced and packaged in the warehouse, and they are still the same 50-gram bottles as before.

Moreover, more than 100 catties of "royal jelly" collected are stored in the large honey storage tank.

Li Yang plans to save another batch after a while, and put the second batch of "Royal Jelly" on the market when he has enough 10,000 bottles.

The time is just before winter honey is on the market, so that the two will not conflict.

After all, when two equally expensive products are placed in front of consumers, most consumers only want to choose one.

This is a very simple psychology.


After coming out of the warehouse, Li Yang came directly to the plum blossom forest, looking at the plum blossom forest in front of him, Li Yang thought for a while.

These thousand plum trees can't meet the needs of bees for collecting honey in winter. Before that, it was only the one million bees provided by the system, and the number of bees will definitely decrease in winter when the natural loss is added.

That's enough, plus other winter-flowering plants in the mountains.

After thinking about it, Li Yang decided to grow another forest, the kind that blooms in winter, so that the source of nectar will be sufficient.

But this requires Li Yang to find a new place, which is impossible here, the bees are already saturated, and the loss outweighs the gain if it goes any further.

If the number is too large and the unit area cannot keep up, it will also cause restlessness in the bee colony.

After all, a bee is also an animal and has a need for space.

After thinking of this, Li Yang turned around and went back to the bee farm and drove to the town.

After arriving in the town, Li Yang went directly to Mayor Lin's office, and he needed to contract another piece of land to plant winter-flowering plants.

When Mayor Lin saw Li Yang's arrival, he exchanged warm greetings, and the two of them got used to this way of communication.

Li Yang went straight to the point:

"Mayor Lin, I still need a piece of land. Do you think there is any vacancy in the town? Another piece of land can be contracted, a few hundred acres will do. Of course, a bigger place is better."

Mayor Lin thought for a while after hearing what Li Yang said.

It is a good thing for Li Yang to continue contracting a piece of land in the town, but he needs to consider contracting that piece of land to Li Yang appropriately.

After all, not only does Li Yang need to be satisfied, but Mayor Lin also needs to consider the villagers near the contracted land.

Now Liyang Biotechnology is the economic engine of the town, wherever it goes, the villagers there will benefit.

Not only can I receive a contract fee, but the employment of local villagers has been completely driven.

Li Yang's bee farm requires a lot of labor, and the money earned by the labor can also drive consumption in the town, forming a virtuous circle.

After thinking for a while, Mayor Lin asked his secretary to bring the map of the town, and then opened it in front of Li Yang.

"Mr. Li, what do you think of this land?",


Seventh update, the conditions for adding more updates have not yet been met. There are really few flower evaluation votes today, but I still update the seventh update. Dear brothers and sisters, please support me with flowers, thank you

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