Raise A Million Bees At The Beginning

071 Drawing System Rewards

Following Li Yang's silent recitation in his heart, the system immediately started the lottery draw.

Congratulations to character Li Yang for receiving the following rewards.

Item: Ten million bees (unextracted).

Character skills: "Beekeeper" upgrade, (character Li Yang will reduce the natural damage rate of bees from 50% to 60% when raising bees, and the honey will get special effects) Bee colony characteristics: (cold resistance Sex, the bees produced by the system raised by the character Li Yang have strong cold resistance, and do not need to hibernate in cold weather.)

The system produces honey characteristics according to the specific environment of the character Li Yang.

"Camellia winter honey" features: the character Li Yang raises bees to collect camellia nectar, and the winter honey made from camellia nectar has the effect of calming the nerves (suitable for middle-aged and elderly people) (un-excited 7)

"Plum Blossom Honey": The winter honey made by character Li Yang raising bees and collecting wintersweet nectar has the effect of maintaining skin smoothness and moisture (suitable for female groups) (inactive)

Seeing Li Yang now, he felt that he had made a lot of money, not losing anything.

The 10 million bees produced by the system alone made Li Yang very excited. Now that he has completed the beehives in Tianshui Town, there is no shortage of bees in the "Camellia Garden".

I can't even use it up now. After all, the only places that need to collect more honey are "Hundred Gardens" and "Camellia Gardens".

What made Li Yang even more excited was the two honey characteristics given by the system.

The characteristics of "plum honey" and "camellia winter honey" are undoubtedly the biggest surprise for Li Yang.

Although winter honey is already a big gimmick, it is not enough to have a gimmick without the perverted actual effect of "Hundred Flower Honey" or "Royal Jelly".

If there are only gimmicks and no actual effect of changing the sky, the sales may be hot, but it must not last for a long time.

But now Li Yang has extracted these two properties of honey, which is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for his market layout.

Women are willing to buy "hundred flower honey" frantically for whitening skin, so they can definitely buy "plum blossom winter honey" for smoother and suppler skin.

As for "Camellia Winter Honey", Li Yang feels that the effect of "soothing the nerves and nourishing the spirit" given by this product system is for groups with special needs.

Moreover, this group is huge, not to mention middle-aged and elderly people need this kind of product that soothes the nerves and nourishes the energy.

In today's society, 996, working overtime every day and so on, these young people can use it.

Insomnia has evolved from a phenomenon of individual people to a common thing in society.

As long as he does a good job in advertising and marketing this time, Li Yang believes that the launch of these two products will definitely cause the same shock as when "Baihuami" was first launched on the market before, and then there will be a rush to buy.

Thinking of this, Li Yang couldn't help but smile. When he first started, he thought that he was a honey producer who was also in the food industry.

Looking at this trend now, everyone in the cosmetics industry and the health care product industry must feel in danger.

When the honey products of Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. are more complete, it is estimated that some people will really use the human honey of Liyang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to replace those cosmetics.

After all, where is the price of cosmetics? The same skin rejuvenating cream may cost hundreds or thousands of dollars in a small bottle, but the key effect is not as good as Li Yang's honey.

Then why not choose Li Yang's honey? Although the price is much more expensive than ordinary honey, it is still cheap compared to cosmetics.

There are other "Shenshen Bunao liquid" on the market, a box is several hundred, a box contains more than a dozen sticks, and it is not bad to drink for half a month.

But if you buy a one-jin bottle of "Camellia Honey", the price is about the same, but you can drink it for at least a month after soaking in water, and the effect is sure. Needless to say, Li Yang has always been very reassured about the characteristics of the honey produced by the system.

It seems that I have to go to the "Camellia Garden". Now that winter is here, it's time to start collecting winter honey.

Thinking of this, Li Yang got off the car, and then glanced at the top of the field ridge.

The drone has been lifted into the air again for planting operations, and the surrounding crowd has not dispersed yet.

The reporter from Pingyang TV station is still waiting there.

...asking for flowers...

Seeing this, Li Yang walked through the crowd to explain a few words to Wang Zhen and the technical team, and then returned to the car, then started the car and rushed to the "Camellia Garden"

While driving, Li Yang received a call from An Yitian.

"Hello? What are you doing?"

After hearing An Yitian's lazy voice, Li Yang smiled and replied:

"Driving, I have to go to the camellia garden on the way."

After Li Yang finished speaking, An Yitian said:

"I see it's snowing outside, I'll make a phone call to remind you, drive carefully, don't drive too fast, pay attention to safety."

After slowing down slowly, Li Yang lit himself a cigarette and said:

"Well, I know, don't worry, by the way, the camellias will all bloom in a few days, I'll take you to see them then, I planted a large area, it must be very beautiful.

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety and don't disturb your driving."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Li Yang drove to the "Camellia Garden".

The white camellias looked so beautiful in the wind and snow. After seeing this scene, Li Yang quickly took out his mobile phone and took a few photos seriously.

These photos may be used for advertising in the future. After experiencing the pain of the baptism of wind and snow, but the camellia nectar is sweet, Li Yang's advertising copy came up in an instant.

After putting down his mobile phone, Li Yang noticed that a large number of people were unloading goods. It should be that he ordered a thousand beehives to arrive.

These will be put into the "Camellia Garden" at that time.

The construction site on the other side of the factory is also in full swing, and it seems that it has a rough prototype.

But Li Yang still felt that it was too late. After all, the camellias were in bloom and the beehives had arrived, so he had to release the bees to gather honey.

Thinking of this, Li Yang walked directly towards the construction site, not knowing if the boss Qi from the construction company was there. Li Yang planned to ask him to send another ten or two construction teams over.

The scale of Tianshui Town will be bigger after the completion here, but fortunately, the construction time of Tianshui Town can last for a winter, so there is no need to rush too much for the time being. .

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