Raise Cockroaches At The Beginning, I Turn Garbage Into Treasure

Chapter 18 Three days is too long, I'll get it for you in one night

"But young man, I have a little doubt, I hope you answer it."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Suddenly, a man who Wang Fugui had highlighted to Li Mu before spoke up.

This Li Mu remembers that he seems to be the leader in charge of industry and commerce.

Not daring to slacken, he quickly nodded.

"Leader you say!"

"Just now, I have been listening to your emphasis on professional people doing professional things and advocating outsourcing cleaning business. I don't care if it's advertising or not, what I want to know is, what are the benefits for long-term health management? ”

"Doesn't asking someone to do hygiene further encourage their lazy character?"

"Tang Bureau, this is to the point, this is also my doubt."

"That's right, don't look at what this little guy said, I feel that his opinion is not much useful except for temporary development, and it does not have much impact on long-term development."

The crowd echoed.

On the stage, Li Mu smiled slightly.

"Leadership is leadership, and you can see the key to the problem at once."

"However, our analysis of this matter is a little more thorough."

"Because, leaders, I didn't pay attention to what I really meant by outsourcing."

"When I say outsourcing, the more important meaning is to set a benchmark for the market."

"Take the Dongmenkou vegetable market as an example, usually, they are used to that greasy environment. So I feel that no matter how you clean it, it is impossible to clean it. ”

"Over time, it just let it go and start to rot."

"And we outsourced a thorough purge to tell them that in this world, there are only lazy people, and there is no oil that cannot be cleaned up."

"It's with this vastly different contrast that they can break their stereotyped thinking about the word clean. Take your horizons to the next level. ”

"And without the historical dirt of old cellars, it will be much easier for them to clean up." Let me ask, a brand new and clean environment, normal people, who is willing to easily destroy? ”

"In this way, will the overall level of hygiene increase by leaps and bounds?"

"Some people may say that some traders or managers just don't love cleanliness, they just can't change their thinking, so what should they do?"

"At this time, I am willing to spend money on these four words of honor, I can send them over, who is dirty, who pays to take care of it!"

"People are lazy, we can't manage it, but no matter how lazy people are, they will definitely not get by with money, right?"


"Makes sense!"

"I was a little dazed just now, but now I listen to the young man say so. It's really clear. ”

"Well, it's like we bought a new thing, at the beginning, it was definitely the most cherished and the most reluctant to destroy."

"If you can really set a benchmark as the young man said, it is definitely more practical than supervising."

"This time is really to the point, and it is also the biggest significance of our exchange banquet, typical problem, benchmarking problem."

"The current Taiheju is a benchmark in the restaurant industry, and other restaurants can be dissatisfied, but you can't deny that someone has done it, why can't you do it."

"Well, well said, young man, you are an eye-opener for those of us today."

"Propose the theme, sublimate the theme, return to the theme. It's very realistic and thorough. ”

"However, I still have a doubt."

"Compared to restaurants, the vegetable market is not many times more complicated than a restaurant, and the area is also large. I'm afraid this benchmark is not easy to erect, right? Especially the kind of vastly different effect in your mouth, young man, who can do it? ”


Suddenly, Li Mu's word made the scene quiet again.

"I, and my team, can do it!"

Li Mu's words are sonorous. Fighting spirit.

"I lean, this guy, Genima dares to blow!"

"I know that he said such a big pile, definitely has a purpose, this is revealing, right?"

"Ya, you kid is going to blow himself and pull me through muddy waters? When I Li someone has no temper, right? ”

In the audience, hearing Li Mu's words, most people were just a little surprised.

Only the fashionable young man before had a strong look of dissatisfaction on his face.


He stood up.

"Brother, you should know what kind of occasion this is today, right? Some words, but you can't say nonsense! ”

"Did I say nonsense, didn't everyone see the effect in Taiheju?"

"What is Taiheju? Can Taihe Ju compare with the wet market? ”

"In my opinion, it's all the same!"

Li Mu replied calmly.

"Good, good, just based on your words just now, you have a business, you said that your team can set a benchmark, right, I will give you this opportunity!"

"As far as the Dongmenkou vegetable market, I will give you three days, you give me a big cleansing, you must be able to achieve the effect you said, and in the future, all the market hygiene business I manage will be handled by you."

"If you can't do it, you should know the consequences!"

"Three days?"

Li Mu's brows frowned slightly.

"Hehe, if you think the time is too short, I can extend it for you..."

"No, I mean, three days is too long, I'll get it for you in one night!"


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