
This time, the speed with which everyone answered questions was obviously not as positive as just now.

It took half a ring before someone spoke up.

"It's difficult, after all, people come and go, and all kinds of scrap garbage are brought everywhere, not as easy as at home."

"Yes, who doesn't want to clean a little, but the conditions are there, and it's almost impossible to clean how clean."

"Especially the place where the meat is sold is greasy all year round, plus the guests move around after stepping on it, the kind of old cellar, I really can't deal with it."

Lily stared at the person who spoke, the corners of her mouth raising a curve.

"It seems that all the stall owners and shopkeepers find it difficult, right?"

"What about the others, do they have a different opinion?"

"Of course there is, where in the world is there a cleaning that is not clean, but it is just too lazy to get by."

Lili's words fell, and a vegetable shopping aunt couldn't help but speak up.

"Yes, I sometimes like to come in the afternoon to buy cheap vegetables, and I can always see many stall owners leaving after selling their dishes without cleaning, which can be said to be difficult to clean, it is clearly lazy."

"Besides, no matter how many people in the vegetable market are, can the garbage created be as big as cooking at home? Why our homes are clean is not a tireless and meticulous cleaning every day to keep it. ”


The high degree of unity between the first two topics was finally divided into two factions on this third issue.

Argue up.

It seems to be getting louder and louder.

Lily stopped everyone in time.

Pressing her hand down, she raised her volume.

"Okay, everyone be quiet. It seems that everyone has different answers to this third question, and it is good that there are differences, but there is no practical point in arguing like this.

Therefore, the main purpose of my coming today is to let everyone see with their own eyes whether the hygiene of the vegetable market can be done well, and if so, to what extent.

As the old saying goes, facts speak louder than words.

Based on the problem of hygiene and rectification of the vegetable market, the leader of our market supervision department specially invited an unknown housekeeping company to carry out a surprise cleaning of the vegetable market at the east gate last night.

A small team, a night time, to be exact, should start at 12 o'clock last night and end at 6 o'clock this morning.

How far can you clean such a large wet market in six hours?

I'm sure everyone is curious!

I'm curious too.

But before we go inside and find out.

I have one last question for you.

A small housekeeping team, the result of six hours of cleaning, how much time do you think the hundreds of stallholders and shopkeepers in the Dongcheng Vegetable Market can do it? ”

"Do you need to say that? Those stall owners and shopkeepers are on the acre and three-point land in front of them, and it is not a matter of minutes to get it done. ”

"Yes, what a small team can do in one night, if they can't keep it, it's really excessive. That's pure human laziness. It has nothing to do with whether it is good or not. ”

"Dear stall owners, what is your opinion, I believe that when you left last night, you were already informed, and even the garbage on the floor did not need to be cleaned up, and all the housekeeping team was handed over to clean. Do you have confidence in maintaining the hygiene achieved under such circumstances? ”

Lili saw the opportunity, attacked sharply, came directly to the stall owners, and handed the microphone over.

The latter is watched by so many people, how can it be said that it can't be said.

One by one, they lit indifferently.

Very good!

Lily's face showed a bright look.

Open your mouth again.

"It seems that you are very confident in maintaining this level of hygiene, so after this round of cleaning, for those who can spoil the cleanliness of the market, we start with the Dongmenkou vegetable market and implement the 'polluter pays' strategy, do you feel acceptable?"

"Polluter pays?"

"Yes, to be specific, for those who cannot clean their stalls well and pollute the environment of the vegetable market, they will pay for the next big cleaning."

"This one can! I support! ”

"It's long overdue, to put it bluntly, the hygiene of the vegetable market is difficult to manage, it is not the previous cost of flat sharing, everyone is laying out, broken jars are broken, if there is this strategy, I see who dares not to love cleanliness."

"Absolutely support, it is best to be stricter above, those who do not love cleanliness and do not want to follow the rules, directly drive out of the market."

This time.

The opinions of the masses seem to have reached a high degree of unity.

Everyone applauded.

Only some really lazy people in the crowd of stall owners had a somewhat ugly face at the moment.

But looking at the excited crowd, they dare to say a word?


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