"Huh? Governor Zhang, how do you know? ”

Li Mu wondered.

"No, no, I just guessed."

Although Governor Zhang said this, the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.

"In this way, little brother Li, I will treat you in the evening, and I couldn't have two drinks with you that day, it's really a pity, can you give face?"

"Oh... Governor Zhang, where did you say you went, if you want to please, I also ask, you helped me so much. ”

Li Mu saw that Governor Zhang's attitude was a little strange, and quickly said politely.

"That's not okay, I'll bring it up first, little brother Li, if you want to please, next time you have time, today I will be the host, we will come to Japan!"

"Well, well, I'm not respectful. But the next time I ask Governor Zhang, don't shirk. ”

"It must be, as long as Little Brother Li says a word, I will definitely be there, and it will still be Taiheju that night?"

After speaking, Governor Zhang smiled a little.

"Now we in Dongcheng want to say that we have a dinner invitation, the second to none can only be Taiheju, little brother Li, I don't mean to be lazy and not choose a good place!"

"Governor Zhang is polite, Brother Wang is my eldest brother, you take care of his business, I can't ask for it."

"Then say so, at 7 p.m., I'll arrange it."

"Okay, I'll take my leave first, and I have to go back to the garbage dump to keep an eye on the workers."

"You're busy, you're busy!"

Listening to Li Mu's inadvertent words, Governor Zhang's eyes narrowed happily.

Watch Li Mu leave.

Quickly called his daughter-in-law again.

"Wife, hurry, buy the new house to be prepared for our son, and also buy it near our mother and them in the old city, in the future, our family will live close to take care of it, buy a larger one, don't be afraid to spend money."


Leave the bank.

Li Mu is also in a good mood.

See if it's still early until 7 o'clock.

The workers were busy for a while.

After thinking about it, came a used car market.

Walked around and came down.

I saw a fairly new van.

It has a load of about seven tons.

The rear compartment is fully enclosed.

The carriage opens up, and the space inside is at least twice that of Li Mu's current van.

There is this capacity.

Pull the cockroaches yourself, basically you don't have to separate two trips and run again and again.

Otherwise, it will be as tired as yesterday as a headless fly, time-consuming and labor-intensive.

After choosing, Li Mu called the owner.

After some discussion, he spent 60,000 yuan and took the car down.

Complete the formalities.

Li Mu asked the other party to help him drive the van and follow.

And himself, driving a new car. Go back to the warehouse.

It was already past six o'clock in the afternoon.

The container panel house has basically been installed.

The installer is doing the final fixation.

The owner of the container panel house did not know when he had rushed over.

He was directing the workers to pay attention to collecting the utensils.

Seeing Li Mu come back, he immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Brother, looking at you like this, you are indeed planning to use the board house for farming, but you still have some free space on the top, don't you plan to use it together?"

"Top? Not long enough, right? ”

Li Mu looked up.

My own warehouse is more than nine meters high, and after installing a two-story container panel house, it is less than three meters away from the beam frame above, so I did not continue to buy.

"Not enough can be changed, our family's panel houses are all produced by ourselves, just need to reduce the height a little, your warehouse space can be perfectly utilized." And the materials are less, I can also give you cheaper, 4000 a piece, how? ”

"Okay, in fact, I also think that the above is left so cut, some diaphragm, then 20 more, continue tomorrow, the first 40, I will give you the knot first."

"Boss atmospheric!"

The shopkeeper cheered and smiled.

Usually selling this number of board houses, he rarely meets such cheerful people.

After receiving the final payment, he immediately called to urge the factory to start work and change the house.

Li Mu told the installer who installed the stainless steel filter about the above changes.

Although the other party is a little uncomfortable with the lack of installation area.

But did not dare to say more.

It took another ten minutes or so.

Li Mu saw that the time was almost up, and also stopped everyone's work.

Indicates that it will continue tomorrow.

After everyone is gone.

Li Mu opened the door downstairs that he had locked with three egg trays.

The cockroaches who had been hiding for a day suddenly all ran out to breathe.

Li Mu directly pulled the water pipe and rushed to the ground.

All the cockroaches came forward to drink.

This is also the breeding point that Li Mu wrote down before checking the data.

Cockroaches like dark and damp, have nothing to eat, can last for a long, long time, as long as there is water.

Seeing that they drank about the same, Li Mu didn't bother more.

Drove back to Taiheju. *

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