Raise Cockroaches At The Beginning, I Turn Garbage Into Treasure

Chapter 77 The factory starts, and the army of cockroaches appears!

"Haha! Brother, you really have a lot of flowers! Awesome! Hahaha!""

Li Shaodong held back for a long time, after repeatedly making sure that he was not mistaken.

Finally couldn't help it, and slapped Li Mu on the shoulder. Laugh forward and backward.

Others are a little better, less exaggerated.

But he was also smiling, his face was flushed, and he beat his chest.

Li Mu frowned, got up and looked into the car mirror in front of him.


His face froze.

His face showed a look of crying and laughter.

"This Nima, who did it!35


Li Mu looked towards Wang Fugui, who was smiling and closed his mouth.

"Brother Wang, isn't it you!"

"Hey, don't wronged a good person, how could I do such a thing. 99

"It's not you or anyone else, I remember you sent me home last night."

Li Mu's face turned a little red.

"It's true that I sent you home, and I sent you home with Governor Zhang, but we left when we did."

Absolutely nothing else was done. ”

"No way, when I woke up, I didn't even wear clothes, you must have done something else."

Li Mu was a little anxious.

"Then I won't know about you.

Saying that, Wang Fugui reached out and rubbed Li Mu's face.

Look at the faint red mark on your hand.

"Brother, I really didn't expect that you would be able to live like that if you drink like that!

Gee, but it's not that brother said you, you are not without money now, change a better lipstick for your woman, this lipstick is too poor quality. ""

"Where am I a woman! Brother Wang, you still don't admit it. You must have slandered me.

"Well, if you have to say that, I can't help it.

I want to ask you, even if you think I did it, do I look like someone with lipstick?

Besides, before you got drunk last night, you don't know what the big 16 family has drunk.

It's good if we can take you home. Where is the energy to fix you?


Li Mu listened to Wang Fugui's explanation, and his brows furrowed again.

Trying to remember everything from last night.

Little by little, memories emerged.

Finally stopped for a moment when he got up and vomited.

"I'm Nima, Zhang San!

"Who is Zhang San?"

Listen to Li Mu's roar.

Several people's curiosity suddenly came up.

His eyes were staring at Li Mu.

"Brother Wang, are you sure you didn't take off my clothes?"

"Absolutely not, men's family, do you need to take off your clothes to sleep? Do you think your brother Wang is the kind of person who will serve people?"

"By 35


At this moment, Li Mu finally felt a little like crying.

Subconsciously, he twisted his ass a few times.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and sit indignantly in his seat without speaking.

"Brother, I saw yesterday that you seem to have two rooms, could it be that someone from another room will take you that...

"No, absolutely not, I live alone, the other room is empty.

"Yes, then why do I seem to vaguely see that there seem to be women's clothes hanging on your balcony?"

"You're drunk, blind!"

Li Mu is now upset, listening to Wang Fugui's words, he feels that the other party is deliberately ridiculing him. Repeatedly shook his head.

"Oh! That's okay, brother said no, then no! So when will we see you when it will be brought out?

Li Mu rolled his eyes.

Ignore the crowd who burst into laughter again.

I took a piece of toilet paper and wiped the lipstick print on my face.

A person sits there sulking.


The walk from home to the dump is not too far.

It didn't take long for it to arrive.

With one of the played.

And Governor Zhang's car.

As well as garbage trucks following behind.

"Brother, this is your warehouse?"

Get off the bus as soon as possible.

Li Shao was attracted by the scene in front of him.

Even Wang Fugui, who has already been here once.

At this time, his eyes were also full of surprise.

Compared to when I came before.

The current warehouse can be said to be a big change.

The garbage that had almost flooded the warehouse before had now been emptied to a distance of several meters.

The washed concrete floor around the warehouse and the tiled gutter contrast with the surroundings.

Compared to before.

This time, Li Mu's warehouse is truly standing out.


In front of the warehouse gate stands a feeding machine and conveyor with a huge opening.

It is also more noticeable.

"Brother, this is the secret weapon you showed me?"


"Your thing is a garbage shredder, right? My high-temperature incineration plant also has one like this, compared to my one, you are pediatrics.

Li Shaodong said with some disgust.

"Then you quickly move your big one over to me."

Li Mu has not yet come out of the lipstick incident. No good airway.

Liu Shaodong laughed.

He pointed to Li Mu's roller conveyor.

"Brother, don't tell me that this pool around your warehouse is used to hold swill!"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!"

Knowing Li Shaodong, they are estimated to be immersed in ridiculing themselves today, and they can't extricate themselves.

Li Mu glared at the other party.


The warehouse door was opened directly.

Then push the electric brake.

Press the switch.

The machine hummed.

From the shredder outside the warehouse to the intricate conveyor belts inside the warehouse, the movement began.

"Lean! This warehouse..."

Look at the scene inside the warehouse.

Wang Fugui was the first to widen his eyes.

He hurried towards the door.

His face was full of disbelief.

What do you see for yourself?

In just a few days, the previously empty warehouse.

Now it's almost full.

Towering and neat container panel house.

More than a dozen conveyor belts interspersed with rules.

There is also the stainless steel filter wall that fits tightly without leaving a single gap.

With a strong curiosity.

Wang Fugui, Li Shaodong and others all lay on the filter wall and looked inside.

Then surprised to find.

It's not just the warehouses that are filled with rooms, but also the houses inside.

It's all stuffed.

Not a single extra crevice in sight.

"Brother, what the hell are you doing, why can't I understand it at all?

Li Shaodong observed for a long time.

Can't help but speak out.

The corners of Li Mu's mouth picked.

"I said it all, with your IQ, it is difficult for me to explain it to you.

"Lean, here it is again, I see that your kid is untidy, don't get drunk and live like last night... Haha!""

Li Mu had a smile on his face.

Can't stand these endless guys anymore.

Drive them all out the door.

"Brother Dong, just laugh, you just watch me ignore you for a while."

Saying that, Li Mu beckoned to the garbage truck driver on the side.

Pointing at the entrance of the garbage shredder, he made a reversing gesture.

The other party specializes in this business.

Naturally, it is a familiar road.

In just a few clicks, the garbage transport truck stopped at the shredder inlet.

"Straight down?

Sticking his head out, the driver asked loudly.


Li Mu nodded.

Li Shaodong was surprised.

"Brother, are you sure you want to fall? If this thing falls, if it doesn't work, your brand new warehouse and your equipment will be wasted.

"Then you are optimistic!"

Li Mu raised an eyebrow.

Again, the order was given to the actual one.

Under the control of the latter.

The front section of the dumpster rises slowly towards the sky.

At the end of the garbage loading bin behind, a door also opened.

There was a uproar.

All kinds of kitchen waste are tilted towards the shredder.

A strong smell of swill then spread.

The people who heard quickly retreated to the position of the gate in order to observe the follow-up.

At the same time, the garbage entering the shredder is also clicking.

Unity is shredded.

It becomes a layer of food scraps that cannot be seen as it is. Along the conveyor belt, it appeared in front of everyone.

Then it was slowly transported into the warehouse.

Soon after, the first batch of garbage residue arrived in the first row of aisles.

The brush that is constantly waving on the conveyor belt is brushed to the conveyor belt in front.

During the shaking, the food residue was divided into three strands and swept into several conveyor belts above and below. Head towards their respective floors.

A few aisles behind.

The same is true.

Those brushes seemed to sweep irregularly, but after a round, the first batch of residue transported into it was swept clean.

All were evenly laid on the conveyor belt in front of each room.

The residue on the conveyor belt reaches the deepest part of the warehouse.

Li Mu pressed the stop button.

And set this time period to a common pattern.

"Not bad, brother 347, you and the conveyor are very good, didn't cost less?"

Look at the conveyor belt that works as precisely as an assembly line.

Li Shaodong's eyes shone. Praise.

"This set down, it's just a million.

Li Mu smiled proudly and began to blow up the cowhide.

"However, the device is good, what next, how to deal with it, I don't see other machines for processing garbage?"

"Just wait! 35

Li Mu smiled slightly and roared inside.

"Little ones, give it to me!

Li Mu's voice fell.

The pupils of everyone who followed his gaze shrank suddenly.

In sight.

Tide-like brown-red figures gushed out from the surrounding rooms.

A moment later.

On 12 conveyor belts.

Crawled with a thick layer of cockroaches.



Swallowing frantically.

Everyone couldn't believe what they saw.

His eyes were filled with horror.

"Brother, brother, this is your secret weapon? Those things... Is it a cockroach?

Li Mu looked at everyone's panicked faces and smiled slightly.

"How else?"

"My God, what did you do with this brain, why did you think of using cockroaches to eliminate kitchen waste, just that gadget, how much can you eat?"

Li Shaodong felt like he was going crazy.

"How much did you eat?" Brother Dong, do you know how many cockroaches I have?"

"How much?"

"More than 10 million!

"Moreover, these cockroaches I raise are completely different from the cockroaches outside, they are special varieties that I have bred myself, not to mention the size, rich in nutrition, protein content more than beef, taste."

"Stop, stop! Brother, I haven't had breakfast for a long time, and I don't want to waste food, can you not be crooked?"

Li Shaodong interrupted Li Mu's introduction that day.

Crying and laughing.

PS: Brothers, it hit the shelves at five o'clock yesterday, and so far it has been more than 16,000 words. I can do more than 1,000 words an hour. It's really a fight, or that sentence, thank you for subscribing to support, and thank you brothers who gave me tips and cast data, if you can, can you get a monthly pass. Thank you all.

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