Raise Cockroaches At The Beginning, I Turn Garbage Into Treasure

Chapter Seventy-Nine Crazy Thoughts, Crazy Plans

With that, everyone returned to the warehouse again.

"I'm a warehouse with three lines of defense.

The first lane, the container chamber.

These container breeding silos are all fully enclosed structures.

Just close the door and there won't be a single gap.

It can be used in case of emergency.

And it's filled with egg trays.

It creates an ideal habitat for cockroaches.

Once cockroaches get used to it, as long as food and water are plentiful, they are generally not too far from their habitat.

Radically eliminate the possibility of large-scale movement and escape of cockroaches.

Second way.

Stainless steel filter wall.

More than just the location of the container space, I installed one.

There is also a door in the back.

Today is for the convenience of you coming in and observing, so I haven't dealt with many details yet.

In the future, I will add a water curtain to the parts of these filter walls that open.

That is, every time the material is fed and discharged, when the filter is opened, the water curtain will automatically open to prevent the cockroach from escaping.

Of course, we are always a waste treatment plant, and we will import and produce garbage for a long time.

In terms of opening and closing doors and windows, even if there is a water curtain, it cannot be perfect.

Therefore, the moat outside is the most critical line of defense.

The moat had just been repaired yesterday, so it hadn't had time to pour water into it.

After the watering, I was going to raise some fish in the two-meter-wide moat.

As long as the cockroach falls in, there is basically no possibility of escape.

This is my design for the safety of cockroaches after the number goes up.

With Li Mu's narration.

Everyone nodded one after another.

I kept looking around at the design that I didn't realize was before.

Put yourself in your shoes.

If you are a cockroach yourself.

There are 347 houses inside, there is food, and there is really no desire to escape.

Even if occasionally, a few of them can't find their way to break through the defense line of the filter wall.

The moat that firmly circles the warehouse is definitely not something they can cross.

As a leader, of course.

The eyes of several people also looked long-term.

That's the geography of this cockroach farm.

Also invulnerable.

In such a huge garbage dump.


It won't affect anyone.

Even if the cockroach runs, can it run there?

And even more so, if someone attacks under the pretext of cockroaches.

That would have allowed the other party to come to this dump to have a look.

Whether there are more cockroaches in the cockroach farm, or more cockroaches in this huge garbage dump.

The wild ones in the open air are left unattended.

Why do you want to go to a cockroach with three lines of defense?

Think so.

Several people nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, brother, what a surprise you gave me.

I don't even know how to do it. ”

Li Shaodong sighed.

"What don't you know about this, you are sure that something can be done, we will let go and do it."

Brother Dong, you were originally in charge of this piece, every day the garbage was transported over, I digested it for you, and everything was fine.

Li Shaodong shook his head directly.

"Brother, what you think is too simple, I govern the environment.

It represents the government.

It's not my personal move.

Occasionally a car or two is fine.

But what we need to deal with now is hundreds of cars a day.

It's not about friends helping each other.

And, this project, from start to finish.

We did not engage in any participating.

On what basis divide the fruits of your labor brothers.

If someone wants to insert a kick, I, Li Shaodong, are the first to disagree!

"Brother Dong, what are the two of us talking about?"

"It must be said that this thing is too involved, and now your factory is small and unaware."

When it grows later, it will definitely be an amazing asset.

It's enough to make a lot of people's hearts move.

Even, among these people, there may be people who can't even solve my dad!

And don't believe it, brother.

In your opinion, this is a way to make money.

But in the eyes of others, this is political achievement.

It's better, you can still work with each other.

If the situation is not good, it may kick you out directly.

Because of your thing, as far as I can analyze, it is too simple.

There is no technical content at all.

When someone else's financial strength exceeds you, you can instantly rely on the huge volume to make you have no way out. 99

Li Shaodong analyzed with a serious face.

Li Mu and others also changed from indifference at the beginning to vigilance.

It has to be said that in his place, he will govern.

Li Mu did not reach Li Shaodong's status, so he could not know the sinister of the world.

Although there is absolute confidence in his golden finger.

But Li Mu knew it well.

I can find relevant information about cockroach farming from the Internet.

If others have the heart, it is definitely not difficult to find.

Cockroach farming is not easy.

But compared to what high-temperature incinerator and other technologies.

Cost or technicality?

It's all very different.

Just look at Li Shaodong, what they tore into for a high-temperature incinerator technology.

You can know what kind of shock will it cause if your cockroach farming is exposed?

At that time, the person who bet with Li Shaodong will still sit down?

Will Sun Shao's gang in the next city watch this develop again?

When I thought of this, Li Mu's whole person was not good.

Next to Wang Fugui and the others, one by one, they are even more human.

What Li Mu could think of was, how could they not think of it?

For a while, everyone's faces were very strange.

It felt like entering a treasure mountain. but could not take away.

It's hard to think about it.

Li Shaodong waited for everyone to reminisce.

Only to speak out again.

"So brother, you can't have anything to do with me in this project for the time being.

Otherwise my contradictions will be concentrated on you.

It's a complete scourge. ”

"Then Brother Dong, what should I do now?"

"Bged, grow! Only you have reached a level that is impossible to ignore.

You can really stand in front of the stage.

Take the simplest example.

When your cockroach garbage disposal plant is sized to the point where you can directly swallow all the garbage in our East City.

When will you have the real say!

At that time, others just want to rob and make trouble.

But your inheritance has become an established fact.

They then want to do something to you silently.

It's impossible.

When the time comes, I will appear again as a collaborator.

Hit the nail on the head. ”


Li Mu blinked, a little puzzled.

Just now, it was said that it is better not to tie it together to add a calamity of arrogance.

How to cooperate now?

Li Shaodong smiled slightly.

"The cooperation I said is not what you think.

I won't interfere in any way with your cockroach farm.

Cooperation comes from other sources.

As things stand, your cockroaches can only be biologically processed.

That is, digesting organic matter.

The rest of the city garbage is still out of the way.

So it is absolutely necessary for my high-temperature melting furnace plant to continue.

And didn't you already think of this model at the dinner table that day?"

Li Mu nodded.

"That's right, Brother Dong, you said at the dinner table that the main problem was when the moisture content was too high. I'm already thinking about it.

We can totally let the cockroaches go. Absorb the moisture in it.

It is then treated with your high-temperature incinerator.

In the absence of moisture, I am afraid that even the fuel is not needed to achieve the maximum effect.

There is no need to introduce any more advanced high-temperature incineration technology. 99

"That's the truth.

I have hurriedly set up high-temperature incinerator plants and thermal power stations.

Grab the attention of others.

You continue to develop obscenely, and hurry up to expand the cockroach farm.

So that we can join forces!

Achieve a win-win situation!"

"Well, but Brother Dong, don't rush to do it.

Actually, there is a bigger plan in my mind.

Everything we just said is included in this plan.

The overall arrangement is done. Our future knows no bounds.

If the arrangement is not good, a lot of useless work will be generated. ”

"Oh? Brother, you talk about it.

Li Mu nodded.

I looked at the dump in front of me.

"Brother Dong, how big is this garbage dump?"


Li Shaodong looked up.

With helplessness in his eyes.

"This is the biggest problem in our eastern city, on the edge of the main city, there is such a huge garbage dump covering an area of more than 300 acres. Just thinking about it can make people prohibitive and completely helpless. "9

"So, this dump is enough to build your high-temperature incinerator?"

"Is that enough to build my cockroach farm?"

"It's not enough, it's far from perfect!"

"So, what about expanding the size of the two of us tenfold?"

"Ten times?"

Li Shaodong pondered for a long time.

"It's still not perfect, besides, we have increased the scale tenfold, what's the use, there is not so much garbage disposal!"

"We don't have it, others have, such as Taicheng, such as other neighboring cities in Dongcheng!"

Everyone is geographically not far apart, and I believe they all have common points in the disposal of garbage. ”

Li Mu's words fell.

Li Shaodong's eyes suddenly kicked.

It seems to be aware of something.

"Brother, you mean, like the Taicheng today, to kill them all?" 9

"Why not? We have this technology, why can't we play with the big one?

There's a charge for disposing of garbage, and your power plant has more fuel and more electricity.

Of course, the bigger the better.

Moreover, this should still be inexhaustible.

So my intention is to develop in all directions. ”

With that, Li Mu returned to the door.

The switch was pressed.

The garbage dragged by the ground gradually entered a large garbage can that could be lifted and loaded before Li Mu.

"Brother, what are these?

Li Shaodong and the others looked curiously.

Inside was something black, hundreds of pounds.

"As I said earlier, cockroaches are not perpetual motion machines, they also need to eat and drink Lasa.

This is cockroach droppings.

Or rather, this is the best fertilizer, no processing at all, natural pollution-free fertilizer. 95

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