Raise Cockroaches At The Beginning, I Turn Garbage Into Treasure

Chapter 82: Buy hundreds of thousands of blood-red arowana fish to taste

"What's so special?"

Li Mu secretly praised.

Biological research is different.

Such an unpopular creature, the other party can see the difference at the first time.

"The size is not normal, in our Xia Kingdom, the American cockroach is already the largest among the common cockroaches.

But your cockroach is much bigger than the American cockroach.

And this is not a column, all of them are so big.

If I'm not mistaken, you're a mutant breed.

Saying that, Liu Wenqing looked at Li Mu suspiciously.

"Variation, this is not something that ordinary people can do.

Mr. Li, you cultivated these cockroaches?"

Li Mu smiled: "It is worthy of being professional, everything can be seen by you at a glance."

No, these cockroaches are new varieties that I have cultivated.

However, I don't know their specific situation, so I want to ask you to help with the test. ”

"So what do you want to test?"

"It's better to have an all-round approach, for example, their protein content. The amount of beneficial substances in the body. And whether there is a special effect and so on. 35

Li Mu rolled his eyes and said intermittently.

Even he really doesn't know what the difference between his own cockroaches and ordinary cockroaches is.

"Well, in that case, you have enough experimental samples, and I will test you mainly from a commercial point of view."

I guess this is what Mr. Li wants to know the most, right?"

"Almost, how long will it take?"

"It won't take long, what you just said is something that is known, I just need to test the content, and I can give you a simple report in a day or two." As for more in-depth reports, I keep you informed. 95

"Okay, that's it. What about the cost of the tests?"

16 "The fee is not necessary, Mr. Li is the Shaodong brother, that is my brother."

Testing a cockroach is not difficult for me. 39

"That's not okay, how much it should be, otherwise Brother Dong will know it, and he can't complain about me."

"I really don't need to, your mutant Xiaoqiang is also something worth studying for me, we can each take what we need."

Liu Wenqing smiled and shook his head.

Seeing that the other party insists on not accepting it.

Li Mu is not reluctant either.

After a few pleasantries, he left.

Driving the car.

He pondered for a moment.

Came to the flower and bird market.

Along the way, Li Mu already had it in mind.

The fish that my pond is to be used to raise food is still too small.

And it's just a face project, and their own cockroaches won't run around.

There are so many cockroaches that can't think about jumping into the river.

The main defense is against outside mice, preferably larger fish.

So the kind of fish in the vegetable market is definitely not good.

Enter the Bird and Flower Street.

Li Mu was immediately attracted by the flowers, grasses, fish and insects.

A huge street.

People come and go very lively.

Li Mu walked forward slowly.

Look around carefully.

I found that most of the shops sell the same things.

And the main goal of his trip, fish.

But he was a little disappointed.

Because most of the people swimming in the glass tank are some small goldfish or something.

Either it's a traditional goldfish with bulging eyes, or it's a slim and smart little fish.

Pretty is pretty is pretty yet.

But it is completely unrelated to the bigness and ferocity in Li Mu's mind.

I'm struggling with whether to buy something casually.

Li Mu suddenly noticed that not far ahead, there was a shout.

In front of a shop.

I don't know when it was full of people.

Hesitate for a moment.

Li Mu also followed the flow of people.

The probe looks inside.

With just one glance, Li Mu's eyes lit up.

Because this store is different from other stores.

There aren't that many fancy things at the door.

The whole shop is full of fish tanks.

In the tank, a strip is at least 25 cm in size. The slender fish swims.

The largest one even reaches about 70 centimeters.

This is...... Arowana?

Li Mu hadn't played with these things before.

But basic common sense is still there.

In consciousness, Arowana has always been a relatively valuable ornamental fish.

It's just that this is the first time I've seen a real thing.

Squeezed forward.

Li Mu wanted to take a closer look.

The noise in front of the shop became more and more intense.

"Lose money, you must lose money, you promised me when you sold it, this fish is definitely easy to feed when you take it back."

Now that it's like this, what do you say?"

In front of the store, there is a foam box at this moment.

Inside the box, there are also two dragon fish.

And it's not small, almost 60 centimeters.

However, compared to the lifelike dragonfish in the store, these two large red arowanas are turned over on their sides.

The whole body is almost immobile, only the gills of the fish, and occasionally moves.

In front of the foam box.

One man grabbed another man by the collar.

Questioned loudly.

"What's the matter with me, when you came to see it, it was fine, I have been raising this for so long, and it is also good, you take it back and you won't raise it, blame me for coming up?"

"I won't raise it? Lao Tzu has been raising dragonfish for more than ten years, and there has not been a single death.

Whether it is a fish tank or water quality, it is absolutely in accordance with the highest standards, the number of arowana in my house alone is more than your aquarium, you say I will not raise it?

"Everyone came to see this unscrupulous profiteer, sick red arowana, 250,000 sold me, I also let him go to my house when I bought it, he patted his chest after watching the breeding environment to ensure that there would be absolutely no problem."

Now I backtracked, saying I wouldn't raise fish.

If you want to do business like him, who dares to buy it?"

"Don't you spew blood, I've seen you, but who knows what you did to the fish?"

"What did I do? Since I bought the fish, they don't eat or drink. Definitely your reason. I inquired, this happened once in the Arowana you sold before.

Therefore, it is definitely not the first time that you have done this kind of broken thing. ”

"You fart!35

"You're bloody! 99

The two pulled, no one obeyed the other, and the noise became more and more intense.

The knowledgeable people around sighed.

"It's a pity, these two blood-red dragonfish are so good, if they can be raised well and grow to a larger size, let alone 250,000, it is no problem to sell them for 5.6 million."

"Yes, I don't know what these two guys are doing, such a precious blood-red dragonfish was tossed like this. Violent heavenly things.

"Some of them are involved here, I remember that there was also a dispute like this before, and it took a long time to settle it. The fish were stinking at that time. In the end, the shopkeeper returned half of the money.

I think this time will be like last time!35

The crowd was talking.

And Li Mu.

For what to argue with them.

I didn't listen to it much.

All his attention was focused on the figure of 250,000.

A fish.

Two hundred and fifty thousand?

If you raise a little bigger, can it be worth five or six hundred thousand?

This Nima is also too valuable.

One fish is enough to buy a warehouse for yourself.

Although it looks quite beautiful.

But it's just beautiful.

Why is it so expensive?


Li Mu squeezed into the innermost part.

Seeing that the two were arguing, there was no time to manage themselves.

I couldn't help but reach out and touch the dying dragonfish.

I want to see how this sky-high price fish is different.

Nazhi, as soon as it touched, the system sounded.

[Detection of dying species, arowana, excuse me, whether to treat.] 】


Li Mu was stunned.

Since getting the system, every time he touches a new creature, the improvement is whether it is controlled or not.

Whether this is a cure or not, it is the first time I have encountered it.

Curious, Li Mu looked towards the system panel that no one else could detect.

The phantom pattern of two dragonfish has appeared on it.

This is followed by a note.

[Blood red arowana mother fish, due to excessive spawning, resulting in decreased biological function, stress response, refusal to eat, current state, on the verge of death]

[Blood red arowana male, due to the excessive spawning of the mother fish, resulting in overfilling of the mouth of the eggs, unable to eat and breathing difficult, the current state, on the verge of death. ] 】


What is it.

Will fish still be difficult to produce?

Also, the mother fish is difficult to produce too much, what is the matter with the male fish, why do the fish eggs overfill the mouth?

Li Mu looked at the explanation with a confused look.

However, this is clearly not the time to think so much.

Because it was during Li Mu's stunned time.

The picture of the two fish has begun to flash red.

[347 warns that the creature is on the verge of death, and if it is not treated within 10 minutes, it will die completely. 】

Don't think much about it.

Li Mu quickly looked up at the two who seemed to be arguing endlessly.

"Two, do you sell this fish?"

The voice fell.

The two suddenly stopped arguing.

He looked at Li Mu speechlessly.

"Brother, don't make trouble, the fish are going to die, someone will buy it?"

"Why not, me!"

Li Mu pointed to himself.

"What did you buy it for?"

"Eat. It is said that the dragonfish is expensive, I have always wanted to taste what the dragonfish tastes, while there is still a breath to sell me, sell me cheaply, go back and taste it!


The crowd was collectively sluggish.

After a long while, the shopkeeper frowned.

Look at the owner of the Arowana.

"What do you say, I see that we are not finished with this matter today, since neither of us can find the reason, let's make a decision as soon as possible."

"I don't care, you lose money!

The other party did not let go.

"There is no such rule.

Since you also inquired.

I've done this once.

I should also know how it was solved at that time.

This time I admit bad luck and refund you half of the money. The fish belongs to me.

While this brother wants it, I will recover some losses.

Otherwise, how do you want to make trouble, I will accompany you!"

The latter frowned.

Considered for half a day.

Look down again at the blood-red dragonfish that is about to completely turn its stomach.

Gritted his teeth unwillingly.


The shopkeeper agreed at the moment of the other party's consent.

Quickly set his sights on Li Mu.

"Brother, how much are you going to give?


"2000? Brother, are you kidding me? This is the blood red arowana, the most precious species in the dragonfish. ”

The shopkeeper's face changed.

"I care what kind of breed he has, what I want to know is whether it is delicious or not, you have to have the ability to save it, then I can buy it according to the real value, otherwise, 2,000 yuan, buy your twenty or thirty pounds of fish, I already give a sky-high price." 55

"Are you sure you bought it for food?"

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