Raise Cockroaches At The Beginning, I Turn Garbage Into Treasure

Chapter 84: The opportunity to get rich overnight is just around the corner

"Well, when I first sold the Arowana, I also thought about breeding and selling it myself, and I also specifically studied the habits of the Arowana.

Generally, Arowana matures for about three years and then spawns.

And this blood red arowana is longer than normal arowana.

The maturity period is more than five years.

And each spawning is only twenty to forty.

The final survival hatchability is only 50% at a maximum.

Therefore, the blood red arowana fry will be so expensive.

Unexpectedly, under the hands of the great god, all 50 eggs that were difficult to produce hatched!

"Yes, fifty fish eggs, it's strange that it is not difficult for the blood red dragonfish to give birth!

"But this method of the Great God is simply enough."

The shopkeepers who watched the bustle on the side said with amazement on their faces.

Most people's attention has completely shifted from the fish to Li Mu.

Li Mu looked at his additional surprise with joy on his face at the moment.

This is buy two get fifty free!

It's only 100,000 yuan.

What's the difference with white picking.

Just now, I saw the price of the red arowana in the store in front of me.

Even if it is a seedling, it is at least two or three thousand.

As far as the growth points that they hatch now reach the seedling level, they can also directly offset the purchase cost.

It's simply not too cost-effective.


Thinking about it, Li Mu looked at the shopkeeper and the customer.

"Two, can you pay now?"

"Yes, yes, God, I'm really sorry to doubt you just now.

"Yes, I have raised Arowana for so many years, I never knew that there was such a method in this world, I always thought that the main thing to breed Arowana was environmental light bait or something, it was me who was lonely."

Come and I'll sweep you 10,000, no, 20,000, and ask the Great God to do me another favor, go to my place and help me see. ""

The customer nodded in shock, his face respectful and flattering.

Faced with the collection code shown by Li Mu, he directly transferred 20,000 without hesitation.

The store manager did not hesitate and directly transferred 10,000.

Then, with Li Mu's consent, Li Mu's WeChat message was added.

"Great God, the dragonfish is worth a lot, although it is quite good to feed, but sometimes there will be accidents, I don't know if there are any people who don't understand in the future, can I ask you for advice? 39

"There is no need to ask, I don't understand this method, most people don't understand, but if there is a problem with a high-priced fish, I can help try it."

"That's okay, just the bged means of the great god, if the price is low, I dare not invite you."

The store manager said with a wry smile.

The customer who paid 10,000 more was overjoyed at the moment.

After Li Mu packed his blood red arowana family in the store for oxygen.

Left Li Mu his own address.

Agreed to go and help see his Arowana in the afternoon.

And only then left.

The fish was packed, and Li Mu was in no hurry to leave.

Anyway, the organism that has been optimized by the system, whether it is vitality or adaptability.

All far beyond ordinary creatures.

As long as it is not deliberately persecuted, Li Mu does not believe that they can easily hang up.

So I walked around the bird and flower market again.

The blood-red dragonfish just now gave him a great inspiration.

Whatever it is, in fact, for yourself with a biological evolutionary system.

After control optimization, it can actually become a way to make money.

However, between doorways and doorways.

There is still a huge difference.

Common things, except for side doors like cockroaches and earthworms.

Even if Li Mu has a system, it doesn't have much advantage.

Take the gold finger to grab business with ordinary people.

Time-consuming and labor-intensive, there is no way to maximize the benefits.

Even if you want to do it, you can only think about it when you can't use up the money in the future.

As for now.

Don't look at the two million on you, but really study other creatures.

Even if one only needs 100,000, there are up to twenty.

Moreover, it is limited to small-scale farming.

Once the scale goes up, it's astronomical again.

Now I haven't even managed to feed cockroaches that can make money without spending money.

That has the energy to do something else.

So, even if you want to make quick money now.

You can only focus on something that is extremely scarce and expensive.

Thinking so, Li Mu wandered around, and his purpose was much stronger.

Something with a price below w, skip it directly.

And the entire flower and bird market, because it is facing the public.

Creatures higher than ten thousand, except for dragonfish, are really difficult to see.

Occasionally, you can see a superb parrot or a cute lizard that looks like Pikachu.

The price is worth 10,000.

After carefully analyzing the prospects, it is also temporarily not interested.

Walking and walking.

Finally a series of advertisements.

It caught his attention.

"Heavenly Sword Youlan Miao, Heavenly Sword Youlan Miao, sold at a low price, don't miss it when you walk by."

If you love to raise flowers, if you feel bored, Tianjian Youlan is your best choice.

Ten million are waving at you, and the opportunity to become rich overnight is just around the corner.

An attractive horn sound came from a stall.

It attracted a large number of tourists to stop and watch.

"Boss, what are you talking about the Heavenly Sword Youlan?"

Someone asked.

"Brother, Heavenly Sword Youlan has never heard of it?

This is one of the hottest orchids in recent years, and so far, there are only three in the world.

At the World Flower Show three years ago, one of them was bought for 18 million.

It set a record in the flower world in recent years.

The other two plants, the ones with a little difference in quality, were also opened to 10 million.

Just this, the owner of the Heavenly Sword Youlan is not for sale.

"18 million? I have to be obedient, what orchid is worth so much?

If it were me, don't say 10 million, I would sell it for 1 million.

"Friend, the pattern is small, the price of the Heavenly Sword and Orchid, in addition to surprise, the most important thing is that it is rare.

There are three plants in the world, and all of them are cultivated by people from the cherry blossom country, so they are naturally regarded as treasures.

"Rare? Isn't this shopkeeper selling Heavenly Sword Orchid seedlings? Where is it rare?"

"Oh, you don't understand this, the Heavenly Sword Orchid, and the Heavenly Sword Orchid Seedling, those are two things.

And this is also the most attractive place of the Heavenly Sword Orchid.

That is, seedlings are easy to cultivate, not difficult at all.

But it was extremely difficult for him to grow from a seedling to a finished product.

It can be said that this thing has to be cultivated and grown. It's like buying a lottery ticket.

But it's much harder than buying a lottery ticket.

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