The endless blades pierced into the fire and thorns one after another, making a terrifying sound!

good guy~

Du Yu stuttered secretly, moved his steps cautiously, and hid behind the "Giant Young Master".

Is this how the fairies say hello?

When we meet, let's destroy the sky and the earth first?

"Hmm~" Above the head, there was a sudden murmur of Rose Flower Spirit.

Du Yu raised his head with all his might, looked up along the exquisite floral and leaf dress, and saw a primordial rose flower spirit on the back of Rose Jiangling's neck.

At this moment, the little guy was looking down at Du Yu, and there was a sweet smile on the petals face, as if he was comforting Du Yu, the little chicken.

Du Yu's expression was strange, and he always felt that the rose flower spirit was saying, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there is me~"

That's what the other party should mean, right?

People say that after the monsters break through the spiritual level and become gods, it is not easy to interact with each other, but this flower spirit in front of me is very friendly!

Or because it is the demon pet of Qingshi, so he is especially concerned about himself?

Having said that, the rose will be a creature with a particularly peculiar shape.

Its body is a huge version of Qing Shi's body, which is nothing to say.

Its head is an unbloomed rose flower bone, without eyes, only flaming red lips.

On its neck, it also wears a "collar", with a small rose spirit in four directions, front, back, left, and right, to observe all directions without dead ends.

The poor Rose Four Spirits, at the spiritual level, the head can still be regarded as the body.

After being promoted to the general level, the four flower bones of the original rose four spirits are only suitable for necklace accessories~

Du Yu waved his hand with a very good attitude: "Hello, we meet again."

Last time in the bottomless pit, Du Yu was fortunate enough to see Rose Jiangling appear.

That time when he faced the ghastly dog, he was also blocked by the rose behind the spirit. The rose spirit he saw at the beginning should also be the one hanging behind the collar.

"Hmm~" Xiao Xiaohualing blinked, obviously possessing an independent consciousness.

The huge flower-leaf dress covering the body, the rose general spirit, poured down like a waterfall.

At the hem of the skirt, a flower stem suddenly sprang out, bringing pieces of flowers and leaves to Du Yu, and patted his head lightly.


"Uh." Du Yu grabbed the flower and leaves and shook hands with it.

This world is amazing!

Ontology·Rose will be busy piecing together fireworks and thorns to shelter one side of the world.

And the little flower spirit behind the collar is sneaking out a flower stem to play with herself?

Yes, Not Bad!

Du Yu secretly rejoiced, if the rear area of ​​the rose general spirit was managed by this little flower spirit, then it would be perfect!

Xiao Hualing is so friendly, and she must be able to have a good relationship with it.

In the future, if you encounter a bigger crisis, can you lift the skirt and dive right in?

Just as Du Yu was pondering the conspiracy and tricks, the surroundings fell into silence.

Du Yu immediately looked up and saw that the fireworks and thorns were slowly dissipating, and the flames were quietly extinguished.

Interestingly, the flowers and leaves in front of Du Yu also quickly retracted and merged into the long dress of flowers and leaves, as if afraid of being discovered.

"Pfft!" Rose will spirit

It turned into a strong fire demon breath and was taken into the body by Yang Qingqing.

The Immortal Master slowly fell and fell towards the gate of the otherworld: "Let's go."

"Go." Lin Chuan greeted Du Yu.

"Oh." Du Yu hurriedly followed.

This is the first time he has set foot on this scorched earth.

The dark patches of land were cracked, and if you accidentally stepped on the cracks, the sneakers occasionally stepped on the small clods, just like stepping on shortbread.

The sound was crackling, crisp and crisp.

Although the sky was dark, the otherworldly realm of the Mountain Fire Knife was still bright, with raging flames burning everywhere, and the sky was dyed a fiery red.

Occasionally, a few charred black demon plants came into view, all of which seemed to be half-dead.

Under the anger of the mountain fire knife, it is difficult for demon plants and monsters to survive here.

I really don't know what the mountain fire knife has gone through. It can be so angry that it has risen for more than 300 years, and it has not yet subsided.

While walking, Xiao Fenyang's voice suddenly came out of his mind:

"It's so comfortable~"

"Ah." Du Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead. Facing the heat wave, he only felt that it was difficult to breathe.

But he had only entered the otherworld a few hundred meters away, and visually estimated that the location of the mountain fire knife was at least several thousand meters away.

This mountain climbing trip, I am afraid that I am guilty.

"Silly Du Yu~"

"Why am I so stupid?"

Xiao Fenyang: "You told Aunt Qingqing to let her fly you up! If you walk over so step by step, will you be suffocated?"

Du Yu: "."

"Qing, Master Qing."

"Huh?" Yang Qingqing did not touch the ground, looking up at the huge blade standing on the top of the mountain, slowly floating up.

Du Yu gasped for breath, but he could not get any relief. Not only was the oxygen poor, but as the hot air was poured into his lungs, he only felt that his lungs were about to catch fire!

He stammered and said, "How about you, take me and fly up?"

Yang Qingqing Zhuan

Without turning his head, he glanced at Du Yu from the corner of his eye, and spit out a few words: "Go on your own."

Even though he was in the strange realm of hot mountain fire knives, Du Yu felt a chill in his heart and suddenly shivered.

Xiao Fenyang whispered, "Aunt Qingqing is so fierce."

Du Yu was very helpless and guessed: "Maybe, this is also part of the experience."

After all, Qing Shi is not so serious on weekdays.

Now that Master Master had spoken, Du Yu had no choice but to accept his fate and climb the mountain with his head down.

Lin Chuan came over and explained in a low voice: "Approaching the mountain fire knife step by step, you can still have an adaptation stage. If you are brought directly under the blade, you can't bear it."

Du Yu suddenly thought: "Ah"

The woman's cold voice came again from the front: "There are too many words."

Lin Chuan even shuddered, with a low brow pleasing to the eye, and did not dare to say a word.

Xiao Fenyang: "It turned out to be afraid of this. It's all right, silly Du Yu, you and Aunt Qingqing said to fly directly over there, and I'll keep you alive."

Du Yu: "Forget it, I'll crawl in a proper manner. It will take a lot of work to explain it."

With such a communication in his mind, Du Yu called out, "Master Qing!"


Du Yu: "You can reprimand me a few more words, and my heart will cool down."

Yang Qingqing: ? ? ?

Little Fenyang: "."

Lin Chuan lowered his head silently, but his shoulders shook a little, as if he was holding back a smile?


Suddenly, a crisp and pleasant bell sounded.

"Wow!" Du Yu exclaimed softly, his whole body was out of control, and he suddenly rushed out.

Yang Qingqing grabbed Du Yu's neck with one hand and held it in front of him, looking directly into Du Yu's eyes.

"Gudu." Du Yu swallowed and didn't dare to move, um, he couldn't move either.

Yang Qingqing felt the Adam's apple squirming in his palm, so he put him on the ground and continued to float upward.

Du Yu stood there stupidly, his face that was supposed to be red turned pale.

Lin Chuan happened to pass by, looking at Du Yu's frightened appearance, he couldn't help laughing: "Are you cold?"

Du Yu nodded: "It's cold, it's completely cold."

It's cool, it's cool!

Very good, I can hold it for a while

After half an hour, the group finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

"Haha." Du Yu clawed at the scorched earth with one hand, rolled up with strength, and lay on his back.

A hundred meters away, is the mountain fire knife standing proudly.

Looking up at it at close range, you can experience its majestic momentum even more. The knife is about 86 meters long, but it towers into the clouds like a skyscraper.

Du Yu's chest heaved violently, struggling to find the slightest oxygen in the heat wave, his lungs were almost cooked.

He should have been soaked all over, but he has been in a state of being dried out, and his face is still a little salty after the sweat has been dried, not to mention how embarrassed.

The otherworldly realm of the Mountain Fire Knife is really not something that the Demon Master should be involved in. Just getting close to the mountain fire knife is about to kill Du Yu!

Yang Qingqing glanced at Du Yu at her feet. Although her face was expressionless, there was a trace of unbearableness in her heart.

"Wait." She turned around and floated towards the mountain fire knife.

Lin Chuan's condition is not very good. Seeing the woman walk into the raging flames, he can only watch from the outside, and dare not go into it.

As a great demon master, Lin Chuan's physical strength is qualitatively different from that of Du Yu, and he is also qualified to enter the otherworldly realm of mountain fire knives to practice.

But cultivation is one thing, touching the mountain fire knife is another!

Layers of flames are rendered, and people can't even see the blade.

If you want to communicate with the mountain fire knife, you have to walk into the flames and be prepared to be completely burned.

The sparks that should have been scattered here and there are swaying layer by layer!

Everyone seemed to poke the firefly's nest.

Du Yuruan was lying on the ground, the endless sparks were like waves, fluttering on his body layer by layer, burning the monster breath battle robe.

If there is no shirt, not to mention the clothes on his body, Du Yu himself is afraid that he will be grilled into a kebab.

Fortunately, Master Qing didn't make him wait too long.

A few minutes later, in the fire, a graceful figure in a long flame dress came.

"Uh." Du Yu was a little confused by the burning, and his consciousness was a little blurred. He thought it was an hallucination before his death.

This picture is really magical.

"Gather the demon souls, I will guard you." Yang Qingqing brushed off the flames on her skirt and came to Du Yu's side.

Lin Chuan whispered, "Auntie, then me"

"Go, this is also your opportunity." Yang Qing

Qing looked at Lin Chuan and whispered, "Take care of yourself."

"Yes!" Lin Chuan looked at the Mountain Fire Knife, then at Du Yu's location, carefully calculated the distance, and then stepped aside.

For Du Yu, he is about to usher in an unprecedented catastrophe.

But for the powerful demon fighters and sharp swords, this is a rare opportunity!

The moment when the human race went against the sky and gathered the monsters to form, was the most angry moment of God!

Naturally, Du Yu's environment will be the most intense moment of demon breath.

Yang Qingqing suddenly raised her head and looked into the distance: "Don't come any closer,

The mountain fire knife has a bad temper. "

In the distance, a soldier raised his hand in greeting, and the soldiers sat on the ground one after another.

There is no doubt that these are the elites among the elites. If there is no matching strength, dancing on the tip of the knife is tantamount to death.

"Du Yu?" Yang Qingqing lowered her head, looked at Du Yu in a daze, and couldn't help sighing in her heart.

Crossing the level to come here is indeed embarrassing for him.


Rose Jiangling came into the world again, the huge body rose from the ground, and Du Yu was directly thrown out under the heat wave.

"Ah!" Du Yu suddenly woke up.

As he rolled down the mountain, he was caught by a flower vine and slowly received the flower and leaf skirt.

In the dense floral skirt, Yang Qingqing showed a shallow figure: "Gather the monsters, immediately."

"Okay." Du Yu shook his head vigorously, trying to wake himself up.

His eyes were closed, and he looked at the acupuncture points in his body.

Seeing this, Du Yu was taken aback!

I don't know when, a black fog figure appeared in Yutang Cave?

Little Du Yu floated in the center of the acupuncture point, and in front of him, a black mist woman leaning on a black umbrella in both hands seemed to be quietly waiting for something.

Du Yu: "You want to help me carve?"

Shadow Gu Pagoda: "My honor."

In such a harsh environment, the disgraced Du Yu rarely showed a smile on his face, but it was a pity that the smile was uglier than crying: "Thank you."

The black mist woman reached forward with one hand, and from the dark leather gloves, strands of pure demon soul slowly flowed out, floating towards Xiao Du Yu.

Little Du Yu with an illusory outline, the torso and limbs do not need to be sculpted at all.

The wisps of demonic souls approached the face, constantly condensing and compressing the contours of the face.

Eye sockets, nose bridge, lips.

The next moment, Du Yu's heart trembled!

In Yutang Cave, Xiao Du Yu, who was floating in the air, suddenly opened his eyes!


Du Yu's head was stunned, and the endless demonic breath from the Yutang Cave surged outwards, swooping away!

Every demon breath seems to be mixed with a trace of demon soul.

They invaded the world wantonly, watching this strange world, like little hands, touching everything in the world, feeling the most real appearance of everything in the world.


Yang Qingqing raised her eyes and looked up at the sky.

The dark night sky was already dyed red by the mountain fire knife.

But at this moment, a sea of ​​fire suddenly ignited in the sky, gradually covering the sky!

The explosions of flames sounded one after another, not thunder, but more ferocious and violent than thunder!

Above the sky, in the sea of ​​fire

, It seems that there are some creatures hiding?

They faintly shuttle in the sea of ​​​​fire, soaring wildly in the night sky.

The next moment, the sea of ​​​​fire seemed to have a hole in the night sky, and a huge flame vortex appeared.

The edge of the vortex is constantly surging, and the flames are slowly flowing, as if there are two oriental dragons connected end to end, chasing each other.


A huge fireball appeared from the hole and slammed down, like a meteor from the sky, approaching the top of the mountain!


The mountain fire knife hummed for a while, and the huge magic weapon array on the handle of the knife suddenly lit up! Endless mountain fire sword souls spread out, densely packed, straight into the sky!

"Heavenly Fire." Yang Qingqing's eyes blurred and he murmured.

She stood on the head of Rose Jiangling, watching the fire of the sky come to the world, watching the soul of the sword tear the sky.

Subconsciously, Yang Qingqing pinched the side of the skirt with one hand and moved it slightly.

Along with that, the rose under her feet held Ling Ling on one side of the long flower-leaf dress, and moved slightly to the side, sheltering Du Yu at the edge of the skirt.

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