Li Mengnan listened to Du Yu's explanation, a pair of beautiful eyes were shining, as if there were little stars in them.

Seeing that the big boy turned into a little fan girl, Du Yu smiled: "That's the situation."

"Yu Yaoshi Peak can have a demon soul." Li Mengnan murmured, "Is this considered unprecedented?"

"Everything is due to the Shadow Gu Pagoda." Du Yu was not greedy for merit, the Shadow Gu Pagoda helped him a lot.

With that said, Du Yu controlled the monster to rush towards the fire tung tree: "Turn on the light."

Why are the lights on in the dark? It's not like we don't have money to pay the electricity bill.

Fire tung tree: "Okay."

I go?

Hearing the voice of the fire tung tree, Du Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Although the voice is difficult to distinguish between male and female, it does not prevent Du Yu from feeling its characteristics.

For a time, two images appeared in Du Yu's mind.

On the left is a modest gentleman, and on the right is a gentle beauty.

But no matter what kind of image it is, it does not match the bully at all.


My bully, Huo Tong, shouldn't have such a voice!

"Crack." The lights in the living room turned on, and Li Mengnan's embarrassed appearance also came into Du Yu's eyes.

"Go wash first." Du Yu turned his attention to the girl with difficulty, "By the way, do you have a change of clothes?"

Li Mengnan's face was a little red, and she was a little embarrassed: "A few days ago, Huo Tong found me a pair of pajamas. You should have bought it new, and it hasn't been opened yet."

"It's okay." Du Yu waved his hand, not caring about a piece of clothing, but curiously asked, "How many days have you been at my house? Where do you sleep at night?"

"Just sleep in the living room, Huo Tong will make my bed and make a blanket for me."

As he said that, Li Mengnan's eyes were full of envy, and his long two fingers twisted the leaves beside his legs: "You are really lucky, silly Du Yu.

Living in your house, except for being drawn a little bit badly while training, is all about enjoyment!

Open your mouth for food, and stretch out your hand for clothes.

After training every night, the clothes I change will be washed the next day, dried and folded and put on the side of the pillow. "

Du Yu: "."

Looking at the girl's envious face, Du Yu whispered: "Huo Tong helps you with tea and water. But things like washing clothes and shoes should be made of golden leaves."

"Golden Leaf?" Li Mengnan blinked, she had been taken care of for nearly a week, but she didn't know that someone else was giving silently.

Du Yu shrugged his shoulders.

Licking a dog has nothing, um, that's not right.

There is no need for Golden Leaf to please Li Mengnan. Thinking about it carefully, it should be the bully leader Fire Tung Shu who outsourced the work to Golden Leaf?

Sure enough, the credit goes to the leaders, and the employees don't even deserve their names.

Du Yu stood up: "It's very late, go wash and sleep. Don't sleep on the floor tonight, let Huo Tong make a bed for you in the guest room."

"No, I'm going to sleep in the children's room, where there are castle beds."

Du Yu smiled: "Don't crush Youying's castle."

"Go." Li Mengnan spat, "I'm just a little bigger, but not fat. By the way! I almost forgot about my business. I got your ring back."


Li Mengnan nodded: "On the third day we came back, Qianrenshan Bookstore

Tell us to get the ring.

My third sister and I have been looking for you for a long time, but we can't get in touch at all, so we will help you. "


Li Mengnan got up and walked to Xiao Youying's room, which also had a bathroom: "It's on the desk."

Du Yu walked quickly to the study: "By the way, what about Shi Wei?"

"Her father came home and took her to train with her." Li Mengnan took the pajamas handed over by the firewood branch while walking, "It's rare for the three of them to get together, and I always feel like a light bulb, so I came here. "

"Haha." In the study, Du Yu's laughter came from schadenfreude, "So you were abandoned?"

Li Mengnan pursed his mouth and closed the door of the children's room with a thud.

In the study, Du Yu picked up the little red square box on the desk and opened it, feeling dissatisfied.

Why is it a gold ring again?

I climbed down from the Qianren Mountain this time, and I was stripped of several layers of skin, so will you give me this?

The bounty quest in the town store of Qianrenshan Bookstore is obviously a platinum-dazzling difficulty.

Our Yan organization killed the peak of the spiritual level and the mountain giant, and then we fought the peak of the spiritual level and the silver lynx, you.

Is it because this task can be done as a team?

Having said that, the difficulty level of the ring that I obtained before, and the task of the town shop, also surpassed the rating of the demon spirit itself.

It seems that if you want to get the ring, you have to participate in the event!

The bottomless activities and the two gold rings obtained in the final exam are much less difficult than climbing Qianren Mountain.

Du Yu shouted loudly, "By the way, you and the third sister both have rings, right?"

"Yes." From a distance, Li Mengnan's voice came, "I brought it home to my mother, she is very happy, hehe~"

Du Yu nodded in agreement, why might he be unhappy, this is a symbol of honor and strength!

Although Teacher Li Hong is just an ordinary person, he must know how difficult it is to obtain the bookstore ring.

Seriously, given Li Hong's stereotype of her daughter, if

Tell her that her daughter climbed the 1,000-meter peak with her bare hands, smashed the upper half of the mountain giant's body, and after many hardships, she finally got this ring.

The head teacher should be very pleased!

Du Yu thought to himself, and took the small square box to the bookcase.

Looking at the neatly arranged 4 small red square boxes, he put the new members in as well. As if thinking that this was not perfect enough, Du Yu also opened the little red square boxes one by one.

One bronze, one silver, three gold.

"Not bad!" Du Yu nodded with satisfaction, his collecting hobby was greatly satisfied.

The demon spirits below the third level of Songguta City have cleared the customs by themselves.

One bronze and one silver, respectively, are the representative twin tree alien rings that can be completed by the demon demon and the demon demon.

As for the three gold rings, each one is bigger than the other!

It's just that there is a missing Wanzhiyuan · Bookstore ring that should have been owned, Du Yu looked left and right, always felt a pity in his heart.

Do you want to go there again sometime and find the nameless fruit in the heart of the Yaoguoshu?

Du Yu stopped silently for a while, then turned around and returned to the master bedroom.

Happy events, complacent.

He slept very soundly that night.

Silent all night, the next morning.

Du Yu woke up early, he was in the wildfire

The knife's hotel has slept enough and is in excellent physical and mental state.

It's just that he didn't get up in a hurry, but released his demon soul and chatted with Golden Leaf.

Golden Leaf's voice was small and soft, and his tone was weak, giving Du Yu a particularly humble feeling.

It was very insecure, and was deliberately trying to please Du Yu.

Thinking of Golden Leaf's tragic life, Du Yu could understand its cautiousness.

People always say that a child's tragic childhood takes a lifetime to heal.

I don't know how long Goldleaf will have to live safely at home before he can heal his wounds.

Or, the physical and mental damage caused by the velvet bear to the golden leaf is too serious, the golden leaf's character has been formed, and it cannot be changed for a lifetime?

"Thank you." Looking at the clothes Golden Leaf handed over, Du Yu patted the dark golden leaf.

The golden leaf didn't say anything, until the owner took the clothes, it silently retracted the stem and leaf.

Then, the curtains, like a dark golden waterfall, opened a gap slightly.

Realizing that Du Yu didn't mean to stop, Golden Leaf wrapped the curtain with confidence and pulled it to the sides.

Du Yu grinned helplessly and quickly changed his clothes.

Since there were guests at home, the door of the master bedroom was closed. When he came out, he found that the door to the children's house was wide open.

It seemed that Meng Nan had already woken up.

Since possessing the demon soul, Du Yu's perception of the surrounding environment has also improved a lot.

But it must be explained that only in the process of promotion can Du Yu have the feeling of "connecting the world and all things".

Just like the original Qing Shi, she cleverly used the promotion moment to find the missing bell bracelet.

Connecting the world is a kind of benefit.

When the promotion is over, everything is silent, and the demon warriors no longer have such a terrifying perspective of God.

Du Yu walked into the children's room curiously and looked around.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him, Li Mengnan walked quickly, and said angrily and funny: "You guy, are you really afraid that I will crush the castle bed?"

"No, no." Du Yu smiled and turned to look at the girl, "I just haven't been home for a long time, look around."

Li Mengnan rolled her eyes at Du Yu, turned around and walked away: "I believe you, come to eat!"

Du Yu hurriedly followed: "I'll buy you a bed later, one room is still empty.

I don't know when I will contract the next monster, that room can be used as a guest room first. "

"That's right, you have 4 acupoint homes. After being promoted to the Great Demon Master, you have 5 homes, but now you have only contracted 3 monster pets?"

In this regard, Du Yu is noncommittal, he is more than 3 monster pets!

In addition to Firefox, Chi Xiong and Youying Doll, he also has Bai Yujing and Xiao Jinwu.

Strictly speaking, he already has 5 monster pets.

The two came to the table, and the breakfast was simple, hot milk, toast and fried eggs.

Du Yu picked up the fried egg and stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely, "Good workmanship."

Hmm. It's really nothing to brag about.

But when the girl got up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for him, Du Yu had to express something.

Li Mengnan's face was reddish: "It's fried on fire."

Du Yu: "."

Li Mengnan suddenly raised his head and became a lot harder:

"I bought the eggs!"

Du Yu immediately gave a thumbs up: "The choice is good, the quality is very good!"

Li Mengnan whispered: "The store picked it, and it was delivered by takeout."

"Cough, cough." Du Yu almost choked to death. After a while, he wiped his wet eyes, "It's okay, the money is ours."

Li Mengnan suddenly came to life and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes! I spent the money."

Du Yu quickly changed the subject: "What's your plan next? Continue training here?"

Li Mengnan: "Okay, the fire tung tree specially customized the course for me according to my own characteristics, with special care. How about you?

? "

"I'm also practicing to get familiar with the demon pet demon skills." Du Yu thought for a while, and continued, "In two days, I'll go climb Qianren Mountain again, and go to the cat."

Li Mengnan's eyes lit up: "Are you going to bring that big cat home?"

Du Yu looked embarrassed: "I don't know when I will be able to conquer it.

Give it a try, I happen to have a monster, and I can chat with it. "

If you really can take the big cat home, you don't need to buy a bed in the guest room.

It was a pure natural animal skin bed, with a length of more than two meters and a half. No matter how long the big man's legs were, he could stretch it out!

And the width is also sufficient.

Besides, even if it is not wide enough, Li Mengnan dares to turn over while lying on it?

Laugh to death!

Don't dare to move!

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