The scorching sun and the desert mountains.

One person and one fox stood at the foot of Beifeng Mountain, looking up at the towering peaks, Du Yu couldn't help sighing: "You still have to have a mount, it's too time-consuming to walk by yourself."

Du Yu entered the arena at 9:00 in the morning. When he crossed Qianren Mountain and arrived at the North Peak, it was already afternoon.

The last time he rode Bai Yujing into the arena, he didn't realize how big Qianren Mountain was.

This time, the endless mountains and deserts have taught Du Yu a lesson.

"Hey~" Xiaoyan squatted on Du Yu's shoulder and murmured softly.

"Haha." Du Yu smiled, "You are so young, why would I be willing to ride you?"

If you don't count the tail, Xiaoyan's body length is only 40c

Just like a small pet dog, from the appearance alone, Du Yu was really afraid that he would kill her by sitting on his butt.


Du Yu headed up the mountain: "Alright, next time Xiaobai isn't around, we'll ride Tai Sui."

Xiaoyan lowered her head with a smile, and rubbed Du Yu's face affectionately.

One person and one fox chatted, time passed quickly, Du Yu climbed to the middle of the mountain with ease, and walked to the end of the road.

"Come back, you have to save your stamina. If I can't beat the big cat, you have to save me." Du Yu hugged King Yan and pressed his forehead lightly on her forehead.

Go wear red, come hang green.

Xiaoyan had just been admitted to the acupoint home, and the figure of Xiaoyouying flashed out.

"Watch over me, Youying." Du Yu looked up at the uneven mountain wall, he jumped up, and grabbed a raised rock with one hand.

"Hmm!" The symbols under Xiao Youying's feet flowed in turn, like steps, it jumped and caught up with Du Yu.

"Yeah." Du Yu grabbed the mountain wall with both hands, closed his eyes tightly, and tilted his head slightly.

The naughty little Youying passed through Du Yu's head like this, from left to right, sprinkled a little spark, with a hint of cool air.

The cooling effect of the quiet firefly is very good, but the big sun in the desert is indeed too vicious.

Du Yu thought about it for a while, and the demon flew away from the Qihai Cave, Yan's House, and reached the Taisui House at Juque Point.


On! Du Yu Tai Sui form!

In an instant, a bamboo hat appeared on Du Yu's head.

Demon Skill Bamboo Leaf Armor!

The wide bamboo-leaf hat almost covered Du Yu's shoulders, naturally blocking the poisonous sunlight.

Du Yu reached out with his left hand, and a red bamboo stick appeared in his hand, stabbing directly into the mountain wall.

Demon Skill Hollow Bamboo!

The moment the bamboo stick pierced the mountain, a small bamboo shoot suddenly appeared on the top right of Du Yu's head.

Demon Skill Hollow Bamboo Shoots!

Du Yu grabbed the tip of the bamboo shoot with his right hand, and tugged it with a little force to test the firmness, and then continued to climb up.

On the side of the North Peak, this silent figure wearing a bamboo hat looks like an ascetic.

The movements are slow and slow, steady and firm.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" Xiao Youying surrounded the surroundings, and Xiao Sui's mouth kept pouting.

Compared to the embarrassment when he was climbing last time, this time, Du Yu was much smoother.

After all, he has improved a level, and his physical fitness has improved to a certain extent.

In addition, with the experience of successfully climbing to the top, without the worry of tragic death from falling off the cliff, his heart is full of great confidence and self-confidence!


The bamboo stick pierced the mountain again, and Du Yu reached up with his right hand and held the bamboo shoots on the mountain wall.

He could count how many times he had repeated this action.

The scorching sun above his head continued to move westward, and Du Yu's clothes were soaked with sweat.

He tried to adjust his breathing and looked up again.

The top of the mountain seems not far away.

"Huh?" Du Yu's eyes widened slightly, and a head appeared on the edge of the cliff a hundred meters above.

It was an earth-brown animal head, like a leopard and cat, with pointed ears and raised tufts of hair.

The man and the beast looked at each other for a few seconds, and the desert lynx turned away, disappearing on the edge of the cliff.

Du Yu is certain in his heart!

It seems that the desert lynx clan is still firmly guarding the top of the North Peak and has not been driven away.

"Hmm~" Xiao Youying called out.

Du Yu climbed another 2 meters and looked up again.

This time, the beast head that emerged from the edge of the cliff was much larger than the previous desert lynx, and it was a beautiful silver color.

The orange-red brilliance of the setting sun, shining on the silver hair, was dazzling and dazzling.

"Meet again." Du Yu whispered with a smile on his face.

The big silver cat looked down at Du Yu for a long time, and it slowly fell down, basking in the sunset gracefully, looking at the sweaty human boy below.

The silver lynx is condescending, his eyes are playful, and he has a somewhat entertaining attitude.

Du Yu licked his dry lips and continued to climb up obediently.

He suddenly understood a little bit, the whales and dolphins with extremely high IQs in the aquarium were forced to show the inner feelings of human beings when they performed.


"呲!" The hollow bamboo was inserted into the mountain again and again, and Du Yu slowly moved up.

From the beginning to the end, the silver lynx had no intention of leaving, until Du Yu was about to grab the edge of the cliff with one hand, but found that he had nowhere to go.

Du Yu raised his head, his eyes were soaked with sweat, let

His vision was a little blurry, and it also added a hazy beauty to the giant lynx above his head: "Let me go?"

The silver lynx crossed its front legs on the edge of the cliff, motionless.

In desperation, Du Yu had to move laterally.

The silver lynx turned its head slightly, and its long tail swept across the edge of the cliff abruptly, bringing with it a burst of sand.

Du Yu lowered his head and used his hat to cover the smoke and gravel.

"Heh." Du Yu grinned, his face was red, his breathing was heavy, "Are you really owed a beating?"

Most cats are playful and cruel.

It's their nature, not to mention the wild lynx king.

"Hmm!" Xiao Youying was very dissatisfied, holding up the torch, and shouted loudly.

"Stop." Du Yu opened his mouth to command, clutching the edge of the cliff with one hand, raised his head again, and looked directly at the silver lynx.

Above his head, a two-meter long silver tail swayed back and forth, as if Du Yu could be swept away at any time.

Such a behemoth, just swiping its tail casually, is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Not to mention, the desert lynx also has an exclusive demon skill, the gallows tail!

Dazzling platinum quality gallows tail!

Any demon fighters who climb the North Peak of the rock don't have to wait until they fall off the cliff and die, this tail is enough to get them


Suddenly, an illusory ghost sprang out of Du Yu's body, and he approached the lynx king: "You're afraid, I'm afraid I'll go up and beat you."

Hearing this, the silver lynx tail stagnated in mid-air, and its eyes narrowed slightly.

Du Yu took the opportunity to use his right hand to turn over the cliff.

Knowing the topography of the mountain, he did not roll down uncontrollably this time, but was still clinging to the cliff and lying on the ground.

Xiao Youying flew up in a hurry, looking at the silver lynx vigilantly.

"You can't leave anymore, Terran, forever."

Du Yu turned his head and looked at the pair of ferocious beast pupils of the silver lynx.

It. No, it should be called her.

Her voice was rustling, low and magnetic.

In Du Yu's shallow life experience, he had never heard such a voice.

But he didn't want to, that today a monster was here to fill a gap in his life.

The silver lynx is undoubtedly a king, and you can tell from the tone of voice that she is a particularly domineering and powerful kind.

Come to think of it, she was used to being mad in the lynx group.

Since it is the law of the jungle, it is understandable to respect strength naturally.

It's just that King Du finally climbed to the top of the mountain after untold hardships, but he didn't come to bow his head as a minister!

Just when Du Yu wanted to respond, the silver lynx jumped lightly, and the buzzing sound came immediately!


She didn't attack, but the demon breath shirt still knocked Xiao Youying out.

A pair of giant claws of the silver lynx pressed on both sides of Du Yu's body, lowered his head, and stared at Du Yu with beast pupils: "Meow!"

Du Yu tilted his head, but couldn't avoid her bloody mouth.

By the way, her breath is so fresh, isn't it? Full of the smell of sandstone fruit.

good guy~

It seems that during this time, this big cat did not eat less vegetarian food?

In Du Yu's mind, he ordered Xiao Youying to prepare for the blowing of Youying, and at the same time control his own monster to move sideways.

Until the demon touched the silver lynx's body again, he communicated, "I repeat, the demon was separated from you just now, I didn't understand."

Silver Lynx: "Because of the protection of powerful creatures, you are not afraid of death, are you?"

Du Yu: "Didn't you agree to be each other's sleeping pads? Why did you die again?"

Silver Lynx: ? ? ?

Du Yu patted her huge paw: "Go, go, wait for me to rest for a while, and I'll beat you to meow in a while."

The silver lynx stared at Du Yu: "I'm tired of playing with my clan, you can be the next one."

"Yo?" Du Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

She is obviously a monster, and her trash talk is high.

In this way, the monsters living in the wild have been fighting with their prey and hunters from childhood to adulthood?

Or, what she said was not trash talk at all, but the truth.

Du Yu had seen the angry look of the silver lynx.

When the group of desert lynxes who were about to escape, came back to investigate the situation, they were immediately caught by her, and the abuse was so miserable!

"Then let's see the real stamp in our hands and see who's who's toy." Du Yu pushed the silver lynx's paw, "You start first, I'll recover."

Hmm. If you don't push it, it's embarrassing~

"Hmph." The silver lynx snorted coldly and glanced at Du

The fool's right hand turned and left.

Just before leaving, the long silver tail was drawn heavily on the ground.


A crack was drawn out of the earth, full of deterrence!

Under the palm of Du Yu's right hand, the spiritual skill, the candle wick cannon, which had been gathering momentum, quietly dispersed.

From the moment he turned over the cliff, candle wick cannons had gathered under his right hand.

Such a skill can naturally not hurt the opponent, but it can open the distance.

Although he had an agreement with the big cat, he also had Xiao Fenyang's strong deterrent power to save his life. But after all, the other party is full of animal nature, what will he do if he is not in balance.

"嘤~" Little Tai Sui suddenly appeared.

Since Du Yu was lying on his back, Tai Sui floated out from his forehead and sat on Du King's head.


"Huh?" Little Taisui split a fork, spread his short legs to the sides, and looked down at the master below.

"Summon the hollow bamboo shoots and restore my strength." Du Yu was so tired that he didn't want to move, and a muffled voice came from below.


A huge hollow bamboo shoot suddenly appeared, supporting Du Yu's body.

As the bamboo shoots slowly gathered, Du Yu looked at the silver lynx in the distance.

You are waiting for me!

Tonight is your time to meow!

The silver lynx understood Du Yu's provocative eyes, she glanced at Du Yu coldly, turned around and continued walking, and slapped the desert lynx beside her.


"Woooo~" The desert lynx screamed miserably, and was fanned dozens of meters away, with smoke and dust all the way.

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