Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

291 Sea-devouring dragon turtle

Sha Tang's words directly made Du Yu dismiss the idea of ​​taking the sea route.

Obviously, Du Yu realized the terrifying strength of the monsters in the sea. Just with a life span of hundreds of years, the other party is definitely not an ordinary creature.

Here comes the problem!

If even the ancient demon saints living in the sea could not find the abyss of the sea, and could not find the way out, then why did the master and apprentice who first entered here find the abyss of the deep sea?

At this point, Yang Qingqing is not in a hurry.

Since there is no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, and Shatangshu is willing to answer, then ask more questions.

She asked, "What race are the monsters in the sea?"

"Dragon turtle."

"Dragon turtle?" Hearing such words, Du Yu only felt his brain buzzing!

Du Yu, who came from another world, naturally heard the illustrious name of the dragon turtle.

Isn't this an ancient auspicious beast, one of the mythical dragons?

Of course, Du Yu wanted to put a question mark on the identity of the other party.

After all, this is a different world summer, which belongs to the twin tree civilization and breeds a unique monster culture.

"It's called Sea Devouring." Sha Tang added.

good guy~

Devouring the sea, burning the sun.

One is worse than the other!

"Little Fenyang, have you heard of the dragon turtle?" Du Yu retracted his palm against the bark and asked in his mind.

"Very familiar." Xiao Fenyang responded, but the next words were somewhat uncertain, "I seem to have seen it before~"

Du Yu was overjoyed: "Have you seen the dragon turtle family?"

"It seems, where did it come from?" Little Fenyang frowned, trying to recall the past.

However, due to the limitations of her state, she has been missing not only her physical body, but her memory is also incomplete.

"There seems to be a picture."

Du Yu suddenly came to the spirit: "What picture?"

"Dragon turtle is very good, take me to play in the sea?"

Du Yu: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Fenyang: "Am I playing with the dragon turtle or fighting with the dragon turtle?"

Du Yu: ? ? ?

Little Fenyang whispered: "It seems to be playing together, I remember stepping on the horn of the dragon turtle, I didn't peck it~"

Du Yu: "."


Since you didn't peck it, you are good friends.

If you peck it, the dragon turtle is a villain!

It can be seen that Du Yu's position is very firm.

Du Yu here was talking to Jin Wu, and far away in the military camp, when Lin Shiwei wrote the word "dragon turtle", the whole person was dumbfounded.

She had never heard of this species!

Long, she had heard of it.

Although this kind of creature only exists in legends and stories, it has never been recorded in modern times, but the name of the Naihe dragon family is extremely loud.

In the hearts of Daxia people, at least there is a general image.

Tortoise, Lin Shiwei has also heard of this kind of creature, and this kind of creature is very common.

Not only ordinary animals, but also among the monster beasts of the water and earth systems, there are also various kinds of turtles.

But dragon + turtle?

Lin Shiwei, who lacks imagination, doesn't even know how to piece together these two unrelated creatures!

"No information." Behind Lin Shiwei, Li

Meng Nan sat on the back of a horse and carried his mobile phone forward.

Lin Shiwei turned his head and saw that this species was not included in the Demon Spirit Guide at all.

"Ancient monster." Lin Shiwei whispered, sighing inwardly.

For thousands of years, countless species have disappeared on the land of Daxia.

In addition, some monster races are rare in number, and some are even unique.

Not to mention seeing it with my own eyes, even if humans have heard about it, it is an honor.

Inside the sea.

Du Yu, who was communicating in his head, suddenly heard Qing Shi's surprised voice.

"You mean, the sea-devouring dragon turtle has the same responsibility as you, guarding the sea world and not allowing exiles to escape here?"

Hearing the woman's words, Du Yu hurriedly raised his hand, a ghost appeared in his palm, and pressed the bark with one hand.

I happened to hear Sha Tang's response: "Yes, for thousands of years, we have been with each other and know each other's existence, but we rarely meet."

Yang Qingqing: "Since the dragon turtle is an orc and it should be opposed to humans, why would it help the ancient bell of the spirit master to guard the sea world?"

Shatang: "It's a matter between the Dragon Turtle family and the owner, I don't know."

Du Yu: "Is your master male or female, what's his name?"

"Yanjiang. Hongyan returns to Nanjiang." When Sha Tang responded, the lush branches descended, and slowly pieced together a tall man.

The surname Yan is really rare.

Yang Qingqing: "Where does Nanjiang refer to? Is that your master's hometown?"

"Yanjiang is both a name and a place."

Yang Qingqing: "Is it the Yanjiang River in Tianfu?"

Shatangshu was silent for a while, then slowly responded: "I haven't heard the word Tianfu for a long time."

"I've been to Tianfu, Jinguan City!" Du Yu passed his left hand over his forehead and sent it to his side.

"Huh?" Little Taisui sat down on the ground, blinking her dark eyes curiously.

For the first time, Shatangshu's voice was a little surprised: "You actually have

Is there a Chi Bear? "

"I brought it back from Zhumusen, you know the goods very well." Du Yu continued, "Could it be that your hometown is also in Tianfu Province?"

Sha Tang: "In those years, the Chixiong family tried their best to reconcile the conflicts between the human race and the orc race.

To this end, they lost too many clansmen.

In the end, the Chixiong clan still failed, and with a small number of clansmen, they stayed away from the battlefield. "

Du Yu rolled over and rubbed the little Tai Sui's head.

It turned out that the five creators of Zhumusen left because of this, and finally found a paradise to rebuild the tribal civilization.

Having said that, the battle between the human race and the orc race is essentially a struggle for survival, how can it be reconciled?

The deeper Du Yu got into this world, the more he felt that the choice of the twin tree was the right one.

The greedy human beings and the red-eyed orcs are bound to perish in the end.

Thousands of years later, look back.

The withering of the tree of gods seems to be the only solution that can extinguish the war and allow the two sides to live in peace.

Thinking about it, Du Yu's heart moved!

Isn't the location of the Kunlun Mountain East section where the Daxia Twin Spirit Tree is located in the northwest of Tianfu Province?

The "battlefield" in Shatangshu's mouth is probably not the main battlefield under the Kunlun Mountains Twin God Tree?

Kunlun twin gods

The tree is a battleground between the human race and the beast race. After all, it is the fundamental source of spiritual energy and demon breath.

The Chixiong family is really fierce, they went to the center of the stage to mediate?

Du Yu doesn't know where the Yanjiang River is and which cities it flows through, but the master has already said that it is in Tianfu Province.

In other words, Yanjiang, the owner of Shanhai Bell, also lives in the center of the stage!

Not to mention Tianfu Province, which sits on the eastern section of Kunlun Mountains, the entire Great Xia was spread by war.

From this, it can be seen that the hometown of the owner Yanjiang must be the place most affected by the war.

Not to mention that Yanjiang can possess such a terrifying artifact, the Shanhai Bell!

On the most cruel battlefield, what kind of bright flowers can bloom!

At present, there are not many spiritual tools that reproduce the sun.

Although the effects of the ancient spirit tools are different, it is difficult to compare them horizontally.

But those with discerning eyes will have their own answers.

Among the several spiritual tools that were born, Shanhaizhong's ability is undoubtedly the top, at least one of them.

Du Yu even thought that no matter how many spiritual tools were born later, it would be difficult for them to be comparable to Shanhaizhong!

As early as when Shatangshu said the information such as "The World of Mountains", "The World of Sea", etc., Du Yu already had a small thought in his heart:

I'm going to get it!

As Sha Tang continued to talk and Du Yu got to know him more deeply, the desire in his heart became stronger.

With a mountain and sea clock, you get not just one clock, but two worlds!

Now, he has seen the realm of the sea, seen the friendly ancient demon plant, the Shatang tree, and heard of the ancient demon saint, the sea-devouring dragon turtle.

I don't know what kind of terrifying existence will there be in the "Boundary of Mountains"?

Of course, these are all later stories.

At this moment, Du Yu quietly mumbled and hid all his thoughts in his heart. The reality is that he doesn't even know how to get out.

Wouldn't this kind of words make people laugh out loud?

However, dreams come after all!

What if?

Yang Qingqing here kept asking, and Lin Shiwei in the barracks kept recording.

Shatangshu only knows a small amount of information. After all, the years are too long, and some things can't be remembered.

Moreover, since the owner Yanjiang transplanted him, it has been the tomb keeper of the sea world.

The master will occasionally come here to rest and accompany him, but he will not say too many things.

Shatangshu had even forgotten that the last time he saw its owner Yanjiang was hundreds of years ago.

Du Yu understood this very well.

The blue sky and blue sea here are immutable.

There is no sun in the sky, how do you measure time?

Any creature, living alone on this island for six or seven hundred years, not to mention memory, not crazy!

Thanks to the fact that this is a different world, all beings can focus on one journey of cultivation and have nothing else to do.

However, from Shatangshu's response, Du Yu also extracted a key piece of information!

Yanjiang, the owner of Shanhai Bell, can come to the realm of the sea.

That is, the caster can also enter here, and come and go as they please.

I just don't know what Shanhaizhong will do after Yanjiang comes in.

Will it stay outside?

Sounds a little dangerous.

What if it is picked up by a passing creature?

If the owner enters the world of Shanhaizhong and can put the Shanhaizhong into his body, it will be even more perfect.

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Qingqing stopped asking.

The sand tang tree is very cooperative, maybe it has been lonely for too long, and it is very willing to tell.

However, out of ten questions, it could only answer two or three at most, and many of the responses were ambiguous.

The woman turned to look at Du Yu: "I'll let the people outside negotiate with Shan Haizhong. If you want to go out, you can only open the gate of heaven."

Yang Qingqing is very rational.

Entering the abyss and finding a way out, obviously


The two were fortunate enough to meet a Shatang tree who was willing to listen to the explanation. They could not guarantee that the sea-suppressing beast, the sea-devouring dragon turtle, would treat the two of them so kindly.

Yang Qingqing is indeed strong, but not strong enough to compete with the demon saint.

Looking at the helpless two people, Shatangshu suddenly said, "The mountains and the sea are inseparable."

"Huh?" Yang Qingqing turned to look at the trees.

A few twigs rolled up a few sand tang fruits and sent them to the two of them: "In the realm of the sea, there is no way to escape.

But the two of you can go to the border of the mountain and ask if there is a way out. "

"The mountains and the sea are inseparable!" Du Yu's eyes lit up, "But the realm of mountains and the realm of the sea are interlinked?"

"Yes, demon fighter." Several fruits fell into the hands of Du Yu and Yang Qingqing, "Thank you two for staying with me for a long time to communicate with me and tell me the news from the outside world.

Hope you guys can help Shan Hai Zhong.

I've been waiting here too long, on a mission that has long since been shattered.

Since the sea world has no meaning to exist anymore, maybe, I should also be freed. "

Du Yu felt anxious, and hurriedly said: "The sea world certainly has a meaning to exist! The Twin Tree civilization is being invaded, and Daxia is facing a huge crisis.

Trust me, Shatang!

The mountain and sea clock that sees the sun again will eventually find a new owner.

At that time, whether it is the realm of mountains or the realm of the sea, there will be great value. You all have a meaning to exist! "

Sha Tang: "Oh?"

Du Yugang wanted to continue to explain the current situation of Daxia, but found that he would be wrong.

Sha Tang asked: "Shan Hai Zhong, will find a new owner."

"Of course!" Du Yu raised his hand, and the ancient pagoda appeared in his palm, "It's like my shadow Gu pagoda, Qing Shi's bell bracelet.

No matter what the knot of Shan Hai Zhong Qi Ling's heart is, Da Xia will definitely try his best to help him unravel it.

Such an artifact, Daxia will definitely use it well to face all kinds of crises. "

"It turns out that the spiritual energy in your body also comes from the spiritual tool." Sha Tang's voice seemed to be relieved a lot.

It responded slowly: "Since that's the case. Then go, Terran."

The next moment, the gravel ground suddenly trembled.

"Meow!" The wild silver lynx let out a sharp cry and quickly ran to Du Yu.

And Du Yu immediately took back the little Tai Sui, not knowing what Shatangshu was going to do.

Under the feet of everyone, it was like an hourglass, sinking rapidly.

"Hold on Xiaobai!" Du Yu said hurriedly.

The wild silver lynx didn't care much, and the long tail wrapped around Bai Yujing's snow hoof.

And the branches of the sand tang tree actually wrapped the two people and two beasts, as if helping them to stabilize their bodies.


The sand and gravel slowly circulated, forming a small vortex, and the two and two beasts kept sinking.

"Gudu." Du Yu's Adam's apple wriggled.

He is very aware of the goodwill of Shatangshu, but this scene is too terrifying, he always feels that he is going to be buried alive and buried here!

"Hey!" At this moment, in the distant sea, there was a dragon roar!

Du Yu was shocked, is this the voice of the ancient demon saint?

Shatangshu: "It has not been seen for thousands of years, but it came just in time."

Du Yu: "What's the situation?"

Yang Qingqing said solemnly: "It doesn't want us to go?"

Sha Tang seemed to dislike that the ground was not sinking fast enough, it rolled two people and two beasts, and slammed into the depths.

"As far as the sea-devouring dragon turtle is concerned, the two of you are the misguided ones who were exiled here. You shouldn't leave here."

Du Yu: "Then what do you do? Will it retaliate against you?"

Hearing this sentence, Sha Tang suddenly laughed: "Haha."

In the laughter, Du Yu only felt that the speed of the subsidence suddenly accelerated!

Is this Nima fighting to death?

The endless sand and gravel rubbed frantically with the Demon Breath battle robe, making a dense sound.

Before Du Yu came back to his senses, he only felt a burst of clouds and mists!

"Wow!" Du Yu exclaimed, he was going to the ground, but was suddenly thrown into the air?

Du Yu shook his head vigorously, and looked down, only to see that the branches of the sand tang had burrowed back into the ground.

Turn the world upside down?

Could it be that the realm of mountains and the realm of sea share a piece of land, but are they just upside down?


Far in the sky, dark clouds are surging.

Thunder rage, lightning and thunder!

Mountains and seas, the boundary of mountains!

Four thousand two hundred words, ask for some tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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