"Sorry, Terran, I don't know what creature is hiding in the dark cloud."

Jia Rongcao responded to Yang Qingqing's question: "I have never seen it, I just know that it really exists."

Yang Qingqing nodded silently, picked up a small Jiarong Guo, and handed it to Du Yu.

"Thank you, Master Qing."

Yang Qingqing: "Is it better?"

"Yes, I've adjusted my mentality." Du Yu nodded his head heavily, his tone not seeming to be fake.

In just a few seconds, Du Yu wanted to understand a lot.

No matter how bad it is, they can return to the sea world and try to communicate with the sea-devouring dragon turtle.

Xiao Fenyang might be able to talk, clear up the misunderstanding between the two sides, and let the Sea Devouring Dragon Turtle help find the location of Hai Yuan.

no more

Then stay here with Qing Shi to practice.

Not to mention that he was trapped for a year and a half, so what if he was trapped for eight years and eight years?

Anyway, I have no relatives, Qing Shi is the closest person.

Being with her, whether it is life or death, or growing old in time, is a good journey of life.

No matter what, she was always by her side.

"Let's eat." Although Yang Qingqing didn't know what his disciple was thinking, but seeing his serious appearance, he smiled and nodded.

In the final analysis, Du Yu is just a young man who just turned 18. He has only been awakened for less than a year, and he is not from the military.

Facing the world of mountains and seas that he had never experienced before, and being in such a terrifying prison, he panicked for a while, and it was understandable.

Yang Qingqing put a small fruit into Du Yu's palm, then she picked up another Jiarong fruit and put it in her mouth.

Du Yu looked at Qing Shi for 5 or 6 seconds, but did not wait until her face was twisted.

Yang Qingqing Bingxue was smart and anticipated what the disciple was waiting for.

She smiled and glared at Du Yu: "Eat it, it's not like an ordinary demon fruit."

"Oh." Du Yu responded embarrassedly and threw Jia Rongguo into his mouth.

As the tongue and upper teeth crushed the peel, the sweet and sour pulp nourished Du Yu's taste buds.


However, the sweetness and sourness is moderate, which is very suitable for human consumption.

Since Du Yu secretly raised a little Jinwu, he has always been a big eater of demon fruit.

Over the past year, the fruits he has eaten have to be counted in "baskets", and without exception, those demon plant fruits are not something that humans can enjoy. Wait!

Du Yu suddenly thought of Twin Tree Fruit.

Among all the demon fruits he ate, only the fruit of the tree of gods was sweet and delicious.

Could it be that Jiarong Grass is also specially prepared for the human race?

"Tsk." Du Yu smacked his lips, and didn't taste the slightest spiritual energy, only the earth demon breath and the fire demon breath filled his mouth.

What a magical demon fruit!

It's different from the enchanting little fruit that tortures people in the outside world~

"Meow?" Wild Silver Lynx said suspiciously, since she came to the top of the mountain, she had been "turned off the lights".

No way, Jiarong grass is too high.

Lord Tyrant can't see anything, so all attention is on the master.

After receiving the master's instructions, the wild silver lynx also tried to take a bite of the fruit.

After confirming that it has the earth attribute, the wild silver lynx suddenly opened its bloody mouth and slammed down several strings.

"In this way, we don't need to worry about thunder?" Yang Qingqing asked softly.

Jia Rongcao: "Yes, hundreds of years ago, the human race that lived here would come to fetch fruits regularly."

Du Yu was a little curious: "Are you willing to help those who go astray?"

"No, Human Race, they are not the wrong way." Jia Rongcao's words revealed a faint miss, "They are the owner's family and friends."

As soon as these words came out, Du Yu and Yang Qingqing looked at each other immediately.

Yang Qingqing asked: "This place is the prison of the misguided and the monsters, and the environment is so harsh and dangerous.

Why did Mr. Yanjiang imprison his family here? "

Jia Rongcao: "The master is protecting his clan, and the outside world has been engulfed by war. Here, people still have a chance to survive."

Yang Qingqing: "Where are they? Are they still alive?"

Jia Rongcao's tone was heavy, and his voice became more and more vicissitudes: "They have lasted for several generations and have worked hard to survive.

But, I also forgot how many years ago, they never came to get the fruit again.

It is not known whether they are safe in their homes, and whether they have descendants. "

Yang Qingqing sighed in her heart. She came from the realm of the sea and naturally believed that the realm of mountains was also a prison for all things.

It is indeed a prison here, but she never expected that Yanjiang would bring the human race here.


Because the tree of gods withered and the human race was unable to return to the sky, Yanjiang saw the general trend and wanted to continue the fire of the human race?

Du Yu suddenly said, "The last of the clan!"

Yang Qingqing turned to look at Du Yu: "What?"

Du Yu: "Shan Hai Zhong Qi Ling was attracted by the song "The Last Clan"!"

Yang Qingqing raised her eyebrows slightly, recalling the flute melody played by Fu Jianzhou.

Even if she didn't know the name of the track originally, the emotion revealed in the flute sound was obviously like this.

Du Yu looked at Yang Qingqing: "I have always wondered why Shanhaizhong exiled us here.

I even guessed that Shan Hai Zhong was vexing us and covering us.

Now it seems that Shanhaizhong wants us to help it find the descendants of the Yan family? "

Yang Qingqing hesitated a little, and twisted the crimson petals with her long jade fingers: "Since it is the spirit of Shanhaizhong, it should be able to perceive everything in the body?"

Jia Rongcao: "The world of mountains and seas is independent of the world. The clock of mountains and seas is the gate of heaven, and it is only the gate of heaven."

So, Shanhaizhong is just a portal?

The mountain and sea clock is not the world itself, and naturally cannot perceive all living beings in the mountain and sea world.

Then it all makes sense!

There was only one point that Du Yu couldn't understand.

He couldn't help but ask: "Why did Mr. Yanjiang put his clan here? Isn't the world of the sea below safer than the world of mountains?"

Jia Rongcao: "Perhaps the region is small and resources are scarce. The master must have his reasons for doing so."

Yang Qingqing: "Where is the homeland of the descendants of the Yan clan? Let's help Shanhaizhong find the descendants now."

The tall Jiarong grass blades pointed to the woman's right hand: "A hundred miles away, at the bottom of the canyon."

Yang Qingqing put her palm on the antlers and turned it gently: "Go!"

"Yes!" Du Yu put the tyrant in his legs and chased Bai Yujing's figure out.

Before, the two masters and apprentices were like flies without heads, searching from the realm of the sea to the realm of mountains, just to leave the otherworldly mountains and seas.

At this moment, they finally knew the purpose of Shanhaizhong.

If you can find the descendants of the Yan clan, the mountains and seas will be separated!

It's just that the Yan family haven't come to pick fruit for a long time. Are they really still living in this mountain world?

"Bring this bunch of fruit, it won't rot within three days." The voice of Jiarongcao came from the sea of ​​red leaves and flowers.

Far in front, a blade of grass rolled up with a bunch of fruit, appearing on the only path that the master and the apprentice must pass.

Du Yu grabbed the crimson blade of grass.

The long leaves were used as necklaces, which were tied around the neck by Du Yu, and the bunch of dark red fruits seemed to be turned into pendants.

Until the moment before the master and apprentice left the red ocean, Jia Rongcao came with the last sentence: "Calculate the time, the thunder in the mountain world is fierce, and nothing can be against it."

"Baili, very soon." The wind whistled in his ears, and Du Yu responded loudly, running all the way down the mountain.


A thick thunderbolt fell down!

Twisted and twisted like a long dragon.

It blew up countless crimson flowers and plants, and even blasted a deep pit.

Du Yu's pupils shrank slightly, this lightning bolt was only a hundred meters away from him!

Jiarongcao once said that this is the top of the mountains.

Could it be that this place is particularly concerned by Thunder, is it the densest area where thunder and lightning fall?

From Du Yu's climb to the top of the mountain to the moment he left, in less than ten minutes, three lightning bolts had already struck the surroundings.

Apart from the misalignment the first time, the second time it brushed past the cliff, and the third time it even blew directly into the Jiarong Grass!


The human race can take Jiarong fruit to avoid thunder, but Jiarong grass itself does not avoid thunder, it is really unreasonable!

The barren silver lynx fled quickly, just as Du Yu looked back and watched, countless Jiarong grass flocked to the deep pit to fill the vacancy.

Jia Rong Cao was not afraid of rage and thunder, and once again held its head high, standing proudly, even higher than before.

The safflower and red leaves are obviously very soft, but Du Yu read out four big characters from its posture: Tough and strong!

As the wild silver lynx ran down, Du Yu's vision was finally blocked, and he also broke into a forest.

At the same time, Zhongwai Barracks.

Under the eyes of the soldiers, Lin Shiwei rode his horse forward, carrying Li Mengnan to the edge of the deep pit, and then turned over and dismounted.

"Third sister, I'll accompany you!"

"If there is an accident, you have to be the liaison officer and continue to record." Lin Shiwei looked up at Li Mengnan, and patted her calf with a smile, as if to comfort her.

She jumped directly into the deep pit and strode forward: "It should be fine, don't worry."

Li Mengnan looked complicated, watching Lin Shiwei step out of the blossoming water and head straight for the ancient bell in the pit.

Until Lin Shiwei came to the front of the bell and looked up at the woodcutter sitting on the top of the bell, she couldn't help but take a deep breath and quickly sorted out her emotions.

A wooden pier appeared quietly, and a tree vine tied Lin Shiwei and sent her 30 meters into the air.

"Our people have already gone to find the descendants of the Yan family."

Lin Shiwei looked at the woodcutter who bowed his head and said nothing, and continued: "In the realm of the sea, there are no descendants of the geese.

Qing Shi and Du Yu rushed to the realm of mountains, and at Jia Rong Cao, they heard that

The specific location of the Yan family home.

They have gone looking for it. "

The girl pursed her lips and looked at the silent woodcutter: "Whether we can find it or not, we have done our best.

At that time, can you open the gate of heaven and let them come back? "

There was no response to her soft words.

The woodcutter is like an illusory projection, with no life at all.

Lin Shiwei is really bold!

She reached forward with one hand, and her fingers actually merged into the woodcutter's shoulders, facing the tool spirit directly!

Lin Shiwei looked serious: "We are willing to help you, and we are trying to help you.

But if you had told us early,

What do you want, tell us the internal situation of the boundary of mountains and seas.

My master and comrades-in-arms would not have experienced such ups and downs.

Like us, we all have people who care. You think about Yanjiang and the descendants of the Yan family, I worry about my master and Du Yu

Shanhaizhong, you shouldn't do this. "


Lin Shiwei felt a trace of guilt through the outline of the tool spirit touched by her fingertips.

Lin Shiwei said solemnly: "Speak, any information is fine, let us help you better, at least let our people return safely!"

Listening to the girl's words, Shan Haizhong buried his head deeply.

Lin Shiwei was very dissatisfied!

All living beings have temperaments, which is understandable.

But when she encounters this kind of person who "can't make a fart even with eight poles", she really wants to press the Shanhai Bell against the wall of the clock and give it a few punches!

(End of this chapter)

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