
Another slap in the face!

The big man tilted his head, his swollen face was marked with blood, as if he was about to ooze blood. pingfanwxw.com

However, compared to the humiliation and physical pain that Dao suffered, what really made the big man's heart bleed was that the demon pet contracts were torn up one after another!

One after another, the demon pets had no ability to resist, and were swept into the cloud by the dark red grass leaves.

What is above the cloud?

The big man didn't know it, but what he knew was that all the monsters who were caught up... were dead but not alive!

"You will die!" The big man gritted his teeth tightly, and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth.

Should I say it or not, this group of East Persians are quite slippery in Chinese.

On this independent continental plate, as a well-deserved big country in the plate, it has a particularly huge impact on these fragmented and small countries in the west.

Jiarong squinted his eyes, it was right!

If necessary, my wife cannot be taken into the sea to ensure that her life is in danger.

It is one of the 12 robbers, isn't the performance the same?

The little man stared at Jiarong: "Long live the golden lion! Your master is dead!"

I pursed my lips and smiled; "What about him? Is he as cold as me?"

Mustache's inner defense instantly collapsed!

ambition. Zhang Tianxiao murmured to himself, "No wonder, it is favored by the Purple Gold Dragon Pattern Bracelet." "

On the ground and outside, Guan Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

My eyes naturally have a way to see farther through the wall. And which direction is naturally the entrance direction of the above-ground room.

To say it dearly, during the day, when you retreated into the warehouse, the Golden Lions didn't even know about it.

Lu Xia asked for all the information he didn't have, and reported it in real time. "

The little man's physical body was completely reduced to a soulless shell, with a dull complexion and empty eyes.

During the battle, the image of Yang Qingqing cast by Guan Yan was obviously overlooked by those who didn't care!

Guan Yancong interrupted forcefully: "Keep alive, I'm sure the other party is attacking tonight, and tomorrow, you will take the initiative to attack.

Suddenly, the little man's ferocious smile hardened suddenly.

In my mind, the ambush in the warehouse is the real battlefield.

It can be inferred from the picture alone that Yang Qingqing is a spiritual weapon similar to a storage space.

In the forest, Buaba's feet were wrapped in the wind and flew vertically: "Jianzhou."

"You will die." The big man let the point of the knife pierce his face, and tried his best to turn his head, "Big Xia people, they will all die!"

It is precisely because I know what kind of steel and tough guy my companion is, and now, my companion is a miserable model who wants to live in pain...

But less.

Guan Yan was shocked!

Zhang Tianxiao supported the door with one hand.

What "wait for him to die", "you wait for him outside hell" and so on.

This pair of eyes is wide open, and the eyeballs are protruding, as if they are about to fall out.

Jiarong; "This warehouse has not been monitored yet.

In the contest of strength, Guan Yancong was completely his opponent.

A heroic boy's face, with sharp eyes, looking at me passionately.

Jiarong: "Qing..."

With Jiarong holding it empty in one hand, Du Yucao circulated slowly, pieced together the handle of the knife in my palm, and extended the blade.

Lin Shiwei panicked, and subconsciously looked towards the northeast corner.

Just waiting there for the first team to come to support?!

Fu Jianzhou immediately flew down to the sky, chasing after Master Qing.

Guan Yan turned his head and looked at the unshaven man with a rougher face beside him.

Li Mengnan: "How do we know about your spirit weapon..."

The other time, it was right below the city, I took the spirit extinguishing pestle and retreated Yang Qingqing by myself!

Jiarong: "Those two are Hanhu, it will never be possible."

Such an artifact, for a criminal organization, its value is self-evident.

"My friend, please pay attention to him

Their identities!" Lin Shiwei said in a deep voice, "That's what they should have done!"

Buaba suddenly interjected and retreated, "What's going on?"

Jiarong looked at the fierce and cold diehard behind his eyes, and then raised his right hand.

"Winter! Winter! Winter!" The knock on the door became more and more slow and light.

The child hole of the mustache has almost shrunk into a needle-like shape!

Jiarong wished to be close to his master, but he could only secretly pray that the Golden Lion Army was on the move tonight.

"You! That's, that..." The little man's sinister smile finally disappeared, and he was forcefully dragged towards the Shadow Gu Tower.

For a long time, I said that a broken word came out,

Jiarong threw away Du Yu's grass blade: "So crazy and cold?

Lin Shiwei had no choice but to come to the door, turn on the porch light, and look in through the cat's eyes.

The woman behind the eyes is the same!

The other party was simply venting his anger, and there was a hint of excitement in my protruding eyeballs.

Mustache woke up suddenly, and said stammeringly: "Say, tell! Say!"

I'll kill you! Little Xia bitch, he can't get any information from you! "

Of course, it would be worse if my wife had fewer Golden Lions.

About what is "knife head licking blood", what is "Desperado"

, The Golden Lion Army has completely opened the eyes of everyone.

They are equipped with any spiritual weapons, and the spiritual weapons belong to your master!

Qing let you see that he is not less frenzied. "

After all, Jiarong had turned on Guan Yancong several times.

no bones

The sharp tip of Du Yucao almost pierced through the side of the man's upper jaw.

Shan Hai Zhong: "Yes.

Buaba made a decisive decision: "Set up an ambush on the spot! God laughs, the eight of them sneaked out of the warehouse, pay attention to hiding their whereabouts."

"Gudu." Mustache's Adam's Apple squirmed, his eyes full of horror.

So Du Yu didn't quite agree.

Zhang Tianxiao rushed out of the woods immediately: "Yes."

Behind the villa door, there was a slow knock on the door.

And behind the waiting artifact...

After some words fell, everyone was shocked.

Li Mengnan suddenly realized that this was the only time everyone was performing tasks in the city.

I never thought that the Golden Lions would have no faith?

That is something that Xiao Da dare to covet!

To die to that extent?

Buaba frowned heavily; "Where is it? The enemy's small camp?"

Jiarong subconsciously withdrew his hand and removed the blade.

That's really asking for death, it's just a joke!

We are coming for you! "

Lin Shiwei pretended to be patient: "It's nothing, I'll go to work tomorrow to talk."

The next time Yan organized a trip by plane, he was recognized by the public, which shows that the video has spread widely but has little impact.

On the ground floor of the villa, a figure quietly emerged.

As early as when Xiaohan shouted that the bracelet belongs to your master", Jiarong was no longer puzzled.

But Cuckoo's performance, in Jiarong's eyes, looks more like capable and furious, with the spirit of Ah Q, completely venting when he is dying.

But in the dark kitchen, a young man was sitting behind the dining table, looking over there quietly...

"Gudu." Lin Shiwei swallowed.


In the past, the cuckoo leader of the Purple Lion Army also said similar things.

Buaba pondered for a moment, then said: "Jiarong leads the team to settle this matter.

Jiarong once again sacrificed the Shadow Gu Pagoda, and immediately after that, the robber's lower body ghost appeared


The small door of the house was pushed open little by little by Guan Yancong.

Guan Yan raised the blade and patted Mustache on the face: "It seems that he is still devout enough, not afraid of death at all."

Lin Shiwei was startled, calmly took two steps forward, and looked into the kitchen.

Guan Yancong's wife

As a mere mortal, it would be a mistake not to be controlled by one or two members of the Golden Lion Legion.

Eight seconds later, the die-hard loyalist said, "Hey hey hey." To Du Yu's astonishment, the big man suddenly laughed out loud, "Hey hey hey..."

Jiarong frowned slightly, realizing that the situation was right!

There are countless large videos shot by the public, but most of them flow outside the network.

"Let you retreat." A voice suddenly came from outside the kitchen.

Jiarong's face was bright, and he pressed his hand to his ear: "Shan Hai Zhong."

Guan Yan responded: "I am an internal responder, but I was coerced.

Compared with Zishi, a group of weak thieves and bandits who only care about money, they know a lot less.

The mustache said tremblingly: "He, Xiao Xia,...he"

In the earphones, Buaba's voice came again: "Contact Professor Hu immediately, explain the situation, and tell me, anyone can be trusted.

Guan Yancong looked up at the night sky, put one hand to his ear: "Teacher Qing?"

In addition to this sinister smile, it also reveals confidence.

There was a muffled sound of "Winter".

Everyone really thought that before the Golden Lions got their hands, they were just running away, but waiting on the sidelines.

Since Jiarong first dealt with the Purple Lions, naturally, the Golden Lions were also classified as the same level as the Purple Lions.

Until his companion was dragged back to the Shadow Gu Tower, Mustache still regained his composure.

Shan Hai Zhong: "Yes."

Buaba: "Jiarong, what's the situation with Lin Shiwei?"

Under the palm, there is no exquisite ancient pagoda.

I cried and howled, as if I wanted Mustache to save me.

a few minutes ago.

Guan Yancong: "Go back to the warehouse and set up an ambush, and the eight of them will lead Guan Yancong to rescue Zi.

Guan Yan directly interrupted the boy's words: "Jihua Township, the sky-covering robe."

Ambush Xiaoxia? People from Bureau 74 of the bookstore?

Do what you can, please come in?

Not "Jie Jie Chai\

,"Little Xia people?!

Guan Yancong's wife was kept outside her apartment. "

Shouting in his mouth, the little man shook his head violently!

Or, the Golden Lion Legion wants to wait for everyone to arrive, and wipe out everyone?

Behind the door, a ghost suddenly retreated.

My wife Jing Fei moved out of the capital, but was controlled by the Golden Lions.

Jiarong said in a deep voice: "Slow down, it won't be worth it before I confess to him personally."

Because, no ray of demon spirit was pulled out from my body?

I had to open the door, but only opened a crack: "It's not too late, who are they?"

With that said, Lin Shiwei was about to close the door, but...

It's also like what Du Yu saw when he first came to the lonely country of Gaosuo? The lonely city of Gaosuo. The plaques on the street are bilingual and have Chinese signs.

Jiarong laughed hotly: "Ah, is that so?"


Guan Yancao dragged the little man's body, and quickly fell towards Wangshirou Peak.

Fu Jianzhou's Xixia flute, Buaba's bell bracelet, including Shi Hua, He Changfeng's Broken Whip, and Feng Guixiao, all became mortals!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss ofs of

While speaking, the rich demon spirit was completely absorbed by the Shadow Gu Tower.

"He's going to die!" Little Han had the ability to commit suicide successfully, but his smile became even crazier, "Xiao Fu, they all have to die!

Jiarong spoke very slowly: "Take Shi Hua and He Changfeng and leave the warehouse immediately, now! Immediately!"

Zhang Tianxiao looked up at the woman: "Xiaoxia Bookstore? Seventy-four rounds."

Jiarong: "Did the Golden Lions leave? It is the only way to go. There are no fewer people sneaking in!

Guan Yan opened his mouth, and when the words came to his lips, they still turned into one word: "Yes."

Jiarong held his head high, looking at the river behind him

The strong demon soul: "There has never been no living beings, and they can withstand the interrogation of the Shadow Gu Tower.

The close connection between countries in all aspects has also made Daxia a common language on this continent.

Jiarong: "Yes, the Golden Lions are hiding in the upper city and roaming back and forth, do they have a fixed den.

Just talking about the strength of everyone in Qingmen,

Jiarong; "Yes!"

One time was to put the huge shrouding robe into it,

Buaba: "When are we going to do it?"

What the Golden Lions want is just a bracelet, but we also want your Yang Qingqing!

Let's mention everyone's official identities for the time being. After all, the Golden Lions haven't ambushed Team 2 yet, so they're not slapping Xiaoxia Bookstore in the face.

Jiarong waved his hand casually: "Throw it up and feed the lion."

After being devoured by thousands of ants and gouging out the heart and bones, she has already lost the demeanor she should have lost.

He poked the opponent's red and swollen face with the tip of the knife: "What are you laughing at?"

Lin Shiwei, who had just cleaned up the messy kitchen, was stuck in place.

That's all true.

Remember, they are matching bracelets!

Looking at it now, is that the real "master"?


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