Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

672 Under the Wind Peach Tree

In the familiar kitchen, in front of the familiar dining table. 700txt.com

Li Hong and her two children were having a home-cooked dinner. What made Du Yu even more familiar was that the three of them didn't even change their sitting positions.

"Come on, Xiaoyu." Li Hong gave Du Yu another braised pork rib, "Eat more."

"That's enough, Teacher Li, I can't eat any more." Du Yu picked up the bowl to take the food and said hurriedly.

There were already a lot of bones placed in front of his table, and he had been eating this meal for a while.

Li Hong said with a smile: "Didn't you say there is still 1 centimeter missing? Eat more and you will grow taller. You are only twenty, so there is still hope."

"That's right." Li Mengnan also picked up a piece of ribs, "Hurry up and grow longer. If you don't grow longer, I will catch up with you."

The girl picked up the tempting braised pork ribs and bit into them, her lips stained with golden grease.

It does look delicious.

Li Hong turned to look at her daughter and said, "Eat less. How can you get married if you are so tall?"

"Eh?" Li Mengnan blinked, "Mom, I'm only 20 years old! I've just started my junior year of college, who am I going to marry!"

"Have you ever been to school?" Li Hong smiled and looked at her daughter, "Haven't you been working for a long time?"

Li Mengnan: "."

Du Yu hurriedly said: "Teacher Li, don't worry, although we don't study in Demon Spirit Academy every day like other students.

But we have Master Yang Qingqing who specially trained us, so we didn’t miss out on everything we needed to learn.

There are young masters to discipline us, and we will not go astray. "

"I know Ms. Yang. I heard that she is already your director." Li Hong looked at Du Yu with a grateful expression, "Xiao Yu, the teacher is very grateful to you for helping Nan Nan find such a master."

"Hey~ Mom!" Li Mengnan said reluctantly, "You have been thanking Du Yu for this meal, but you have never seen it."

Li Hong sighed in her heart, no matter how many words of thanks she said, they were not enough.

Ever since the two children embarked on the journey to control demons, Li Hong has no ability to help them.

Before Du Yu left home, Li Hong talked to Du Yu alone and asked him to help take care of his reckless daughter.

Unexpectedly, in the past two years, Du Yu's development has been astonishing.

Achievements, reputation, honor, strength.

Unparalleled for a while.

These are just the tip of the iceberg that he showed to the public.

Such a young talent always remembers the kindness of the Li family, and even remembers her instructions when he left home.

Du Yu's care for his daughter made Li Hong stunned and even a little at a loss.

Li Hong knew very well that as a paper crane disciple, her daughter was very talented. After all, this was recognized by society.

But there are so many Paper Crane disciples in Daxia, and there are even more children from aristocratic families. They have resources, connections, and everything.

And Li Mengnan is just a girl from an ordinary family.

Why is it that my daughter's strength is always far ahead of the others, her grades are always among the best, and she can even take first place in the ancient desert city?

Counting down from that report card, which one of the Paper Crane disciples is not from the Demon Yu family?

Why did my daughter become a disciple of the famous Qingshi?

Why can I enter Daxia Bookstore·Twenty-nine Bureau?

The daughter also possesses powerful magic weapons and even a world of her own.

Two words: Du Yu.

Li Hong didn't know much about how Du Yu got to where he was today, but she knew very well how her daughter got there.

"You're full!" Li Mengnan licked his lips, "What about you, Du Yu?"

Since Teacher Li Hong had finished eating early, Du Yu nodded and said, "I'm full too. Just come in and I'll clean up."

Li Hong tried to refuse, but Li Mengnan smiled and said, "Let him do it. In our house, Du Yu is always the one clearing the table and washing the dishes."

Li Hong was helpless and looked at her daughter with a smile.

This is true. When Du Yu was taken in by his kind-hearted head teacher, he had no way to repay him and could only do what he could.

Du Yu picked up the dinner plate and said: "Mengnan, take the teacher for a walk in Taoyuan Realm. I will also pack it when you come back."

In the car when we arrived, Li Mengnan once said that his mother liked Fengtao Forest very much.

"What a great idea!" Li Mengnan's eyes lit up and he casually pulled out a tin staff.


The handle of the stick touched the ground lightly, and the two of them disappeared into the kitchen.

"You kid." Li Hong looked at her reckless daughter, "You're still so impatient, we didn't even change our shoes."

"Hehe." Li Mengnan smiled and summoned the Wind Witch.

Although Li Hong is an ordinary person, living in this world, she is not new to demon pets.

However, Feng Wu Wu is really too big.

Although the knitted face shows a smiling expression, it always gives people a weird feeling.

Without saying a word, Li Mengnan put the cloak on her mother: "Witch Feng, please be gentle."

"Hoo~" The long tail waved gently, responding to its owner.

For ordinary people, mountain roads are not easy to walk.

"Hey" Li Hong sighed. At this point, she really couldn't control her daughter.

"What are you sighing for?

. Li Mengnan held her mother's arm and said, "Let's go see the Feng Peach Tree." "

In this paradise dedicated to her daughter, Li Hong asked, "How are you getting along with Xiaoyu?"

"It's pretty good." Li Mengnan said casually.

Looking at the maple branches hanging down, the girl smiled and patted the leaves and said hello.

"Nan Nan, don't pretend to be stupid with me."

Li Mengnan's face turned red and she whispered, "That's it."

It seemed that at a time and place that Du Yu didn't know, mother and daughter had talked about his topic many times.

Li Hong said softly: "Xiao Yu, this kid has a good heart."

Li Mengnan murmured in a low voice: "Now I agree with my father again."

Li Hong smiled and cursed: "What are you talking about? If you have something to say, speak up."

Li Mengnan shrank his neck in fright, as if he was remembering the time when his mother scolded him mercilessly when he did some tricks in class.

Li Hong: "Tell me, I asked you to say it but you won't say it anymore?"

Tsk~ It’s so right!

In one sentence, it will take you back to high school classroom.

Li Mengnan hugged her mother's arm and said softly: "Mom, we are all demon masters. We can't even take care of practicing and taking care of our demon pets every day."

As he talked, Li Mengnan felt a rare melancholy.

The girl took a deep breath: "I'm a little better, and I spend more time practicing. Du Yu is one mission after another. After leaving this battlefield, he will enter the next battlefield.

Third sister is such a brave and strong girl, yet she is still enduring it.

If I say it, in case, um, the days to come will be long, long, long.”

Third sister?

Li Hong knew who her daughter was talking about, Lin Shiwei.

The Lin family girl is also a disciple of the Qingshi sect and is her daughter’s colleague in the 29th Bureau. He is a descendant of the Lin family, a famous demon-controlling family in Songguta City.

But what her daughter said made Li Hong a little confused.

What does "the third sister is still holding back" mean?

Now that you've seen it all, why don't you feel any sense of crisis?

Although her daughter was careless and heartless, Li Hong didn't think her daughter would be so stupid that she wouldn't respond.

After all, the premise for her daughter to say this was that she had already seen the clues.

Or maybe

After thinking about it, Li Hong was startled.

Do you still have private communication with Miss Lin about such a sensitive matter?

You guys?

"Mom." Li Mengnan, who is usually crazy, rarely looked serious, "We are not ordinary people, our world is different.

During this assessment, I met an old woman. "

Li Hong calmed down and listened to her daughter's words.

Li Mengnan: "Senior Feng among the Seven Sages of Great Xia is over one hundred and thirty years old, but he looks like a thirty-year-old man.

The old lady I met this time was also one of the Seven Sages of Great Xia, and she was the Queen of Heaven and Earth in Shunkou Lea, but she looked between 80 and 90 years old.

Can you imagine how old she is? "

Li Hong shook his head silently.

Li Mengnan also shook his head and sighed: "I don't know either, but this old woman must have lived for a long time, and even witnessed the rise and fall of Daxia.

Perhaps this senior has personally experienced major events from hundreds of years ago that are mentioned in history books. "

Listening to the words that sounded like a fantasy, Li Hong couldn't help but feel sad.

Even the demon controllers were secretly speechless when hearing this kind of thing, let alone ordinary people.

Li Mengnan: "We are demon controllers, mother, you cannot look at us with worldly eyes.

It's good to just stay with him like this. "

"You have grown up, Nan Nan." Li Hong looked at Taolin in the distance, "Mom can't understand a lot of things you said, but I know that the mission you are performing is very dangerous, and your father and I are getting older. .

I think, with Xiaoyu always protecting you, we can feel at ease. "

"Mom will live for a long time!" Li Mengnan said hurriedly, "Last time I was taught a lesson and I didn't even drink a glass of water. My health has improved!"

Li Hong smiled and cursed: "Go."

"Hehe~" Li Mengnan smiled and came to the edge of Shilifeng Peach Forest, "He is also taking good care of me now. He has always taken care of me."

A girl who is always reckless, her beautiful eyes are bright and smart at the moment.

She murmured softly: "I have been controlling demons for two years. Senior Brother Fu once told me that my experience in the past two years has surpassed that of other demon masters in a lifetime.

Mom, I have seen a lot and felt a lot.

I know what I want and I know how to do it. "

The girl secretly added: At least, I know how to do this.

"Hey" Li Hong sighed heavily and walked slowly into the peach forest, "Okay."

Pieces of pink or white peach petals swayed and fell, landing on the heads of the mother and daughter, turning into little bits of energy and dissipating in the wind.

The beautiful peach blossom rain made Li Mengnan's eyes blurred.

But Li Hong, who had always loved this strange demonic plant, had no intention of watching it.

After enduring it for a long time, Li Hong finally said, "You just said that the Lin family girl has been enduring it."

"Hey~ Mom!" Li Mengnan said reluctantly, "Don't worry about me."

"Okay, okay, don't care."

"It's settled!"

Li Mengnan stretched out her white palm and spread it flat in the air.

A person's way of controlling monsters is his philosophy of existence. The stronger the person who controls monsters, the more deeply rooted the way is.

And with his way of controlling monsters, how could he leave so easily?

The girl caught a falling peach petal, and as her fingers tightened, the petal was also held in her hand.

Huh, you can't run away.


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