Senior Sister Jiang Feng is a relatively serious person, with a silent temperament and doesn't like to talk much.

After Du Yu asked about her strength and information about her demon pet, he stopped disturbing her, stood up and sat back in the row of seats opposite.

Thinking about it in Du Yu's mind, even if he had to communicate with his senior sister, it was still his job.

After all, they are the same age and both come from the military, so they should have more topics in common?

Fu Jianzhou indeed obeyed his teacher's orders, and paid special attention to the new senior sister who joined the team, and took the initiative to introduce her to her about the team's profile.

"This person is so sad." Xiao Fengyang said in a confused manner.

"Who?" Du Yu was a little surprised, "You mean Senior Sister Jiang?"

"Yes, she is so sad."

Du Yu glanced at the silent Jiang Feng again, and responded uncertainly: "Maybe you just left the army and are a little sad?"

On the side, Lin Shiwei handed over the mobile phone.

Du Yu looked at the documents on the screen and his face gradually became serious.

Another ancient spiritual weapon rising in the city!

And the commotion caused was not small, and the sky was filled with yellow sand.

Such harsh sand and dust weather is incompatible with a Jiangnan water town like Luzhou City.

The direct flight from Songgu Pagoda to Luzhou City in Wanhui Province only took one and a half hours, but every minute and second on the plane was torture for everyone.

And the sudden call from Senior Brother Li Jing made Du Yu even more nervous.

"Hello?" Du Yu frowned and answered the phone.

"This spiritual weapon is a bit weird, and it did not cause civilian casualties." Li Jing got straight to the point and retorted in one sentence.

"Ah?" Du Yu was very confused, "The rise of spiritual weapons in the downtown area caused such a big commotion, and no one was hurt?"

"Yes, but they are not civilians." Li Jing said solemnly, "The demon masters and demon pets have all been attacked by sand, and unknown creatures have appeared in the sand.

But for civilians within the dust range, they just experienced a large-scale sandstorm. "

"That's it." Du Yu nodded, "If the spiritual weapon only attacks the demon controller and the demon beast

It seems that the previous owner of this spiritual weapon was probably a soldier of the human army. "

Li Jing: "Maybe so. Anyway, you should be more careful. After all, this spiritual weapon is specifically aimed at us."

Du Yu asked: "Have you discovered what kind of spiritual weapon it is?"

Li Jing: "We haven't found it yet. Director Yang has given instructions to solve the problem as quickly as possible and resolve it quickly.

Since sand and dust can harm us, it can also harm civilians and buildings, but it has not done so for the time being. "

Du Yu: "Received."

Li Jing: "Okay, I'll let you know if there's any new news."

Du Yu put down his cell phone, and the people around him also cast inquiring glances.

"Is this spiritual weapon specifically aimed at us demon controllers?" Li Mengnan asked outright.

Du Yu said: "I think this spiritual weapon is specifically aimed at monsters. After all, in that era, humans and beasts were enemies of life and death.

In conjunction, our group of demon masters who practice demon breath are heretical, even evil. "

Jiang Feng looked at Du Yu's calm analysis and couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Jiang Feng was not surprised that Li Jing called Du Yu instead of Fu Jianzhou.

Because when the young master called her to join the job, he had stated that the leader of the first brigade was this junior brother Du Yu.

The captain position is still vacant, and Yang Qingqing is temporarily filling the role.

The young master also has some expectations for Jiang Feng, hoping that this female disciple can give full play to her talents and after getting used to it for a period of time, she can serve as the captain.

Jiang Feng was a captain when he was in the Demon Spirit Army.

Because he leads a special team with extraordinary strength, this so-called "captain" is a real regimental level.

With Jiang Feng's personal quality and ability level, it is more than enough to serve as the captain of the Third Division, First Brigade.

She just needed some time to adjust, that's all.

Jiang Feng also asked the young master, since Du Yu is the leader, why not let him directly serve as the captain.

The Qingshi's response was also very simple: Du Yu already had enough responsibilities.

"I'm afraid it's difficult to persuade this kind of spiritual weapon." Li Mengnan looked embarrassed.

"Ha." Lin Shi only sneered, "If you can't persuade me, then just smash it to pieces."

"That's right, we can't let it continue to cause trouble in the downtown area." Du Yu nodded with approval, "However, we should try our best to persuade him."

"Yes." Lin Shiwei nodded slightly, her domineering energy also restrained a lot.

The trio kept chatting, and Jiang Feng was also silently observing everyone's words and actions.

In just a few words, Jiang Feng already understood the temperaments of his junior brothers and sisters.

Just as Jiang Feng continued to integrate into the group, the transport plane sailed into a sky covered with clouds.

The voice of the soldiers was heard in the cabin. Through the window of the plane, several people also saw the yellow sand that filled the city in the distance.


The rear hatch slowly fell, and a strong wind swept through it.

Lin Shiwei did her job, stood up and walked towards the rear cabin door. As she walked, the jet black dress she was wearing billowed out.

But in just a few steps, the black dress turned into a jet black cloak?

Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and saw Li Mengnan behind him.

Wearing a white cloak?

In this black and white scene, Du Yu is wearing the Q version of Wind Soul Imprisoned short-sleeved shirt, which looks quite abrupt.

Looks like a little rookie who got into the great team~

Du Yu shouted loudly: "Let's go, brother and sister, the plane can't get closer."

While talking, the rookie was very courageous, turned around and jumped out of the plane.

Jiang Feng and Fu Jianzhou followed immediately, but when Jiang Feng's feet were wrapped in the wind and he stood a thousand meters high in the sky, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Below is a bustling city with busy streets.

The citizens in the city looked up one after another, watching the transport plane fly away, and also watching the few people flying down in the sky.

For Jiang Feng, this kind of mission method is difficult to accept.

Born in the military, she has strict discipline and would never be able to use her magic skills in ordinary society.

And she, who has been fighting without end all year round, has never performed a mission under the spotlight of thousands of people.

"Follow me, senior sister." Fu Jianzhou patted Jiang Feng's shoulder, seeming to understand the female soldier's inner thoughts very well, "This is a mission requirement."

"Yes." Jiang Feng nodded and went straight to the city filled with yellow sand.

"This is not ordinary rain, it is mixed with demonic breath." Li Mengnan, wearing a white robe, flew to Du Yu's side with a hunting sound.

"It's probably Wolf Lake crying from the sky." Du Yu's trio fell rapidly against a building, "Shi Wei, go negotiate with the soldiers and ask for some pairs of headphones."

"Okay." Lin Shiwei fell towards the group of soldiers, while Du Yu landed directly in front of Shachen.

What is particularly strange is that the boundaries between sand and dust are extremely clear, just like a cover.

Where Du Yu was standing, everything was normal, but half a meter away in front of him was a field of yellow sand.

"Have you found the spiritual weapon?" Lin Shiwei's questioning voice came from behind.

"Report, not found yet." The soldier stood straight and responded loudly.

"Relax." Lin Shiwei frowned slightly, "In other words, this spiritual weapon is in a certain building."

The girl said this because it was raining in the city.

If this ancient spiritual weapon is exposed outside the building, such as on the street or on the rooftop, then Langhu Tianwei will definitely find its target.

"Leader, I can't give you a definite answer." The soldier responded immediately, "The yellow sand blocks the rain from falling, and we don't know much about the environment.

Including sound-based sensory magic skills, the effects are not ideal. Our troops are still searching in the sand and dust, and have not found them yet. "

Du Yu penetrated the yellow sand with one hand and penetrated into it.

In an instant, layers of fine sand scraped against his palms, but there was no real damage.

But after just a few seconds, Du Yu's demon breath shirt began to tremble.

Therefore, this yellow sand is a conscious and independent attack!

It is not a passive attack, and it will also screen out the creatures that enter the sand and dust.

However, the attack effect of this yellow sand is relatively limited.

With Du Yu's demon-breathing battle robe at the beginning of his demon-controlling stage, he can completely withstand it.

"The information says that there are still unknown creatures in the yellow sand?" Lin Shiwei continued to ask.

The soldier responded: "The unknown creature is made of yellow sand. It is human-shaped and has a ferocious face. It should be one of the functions of this magic weapon."

Hmm. It sounds a bit like the end of the world.

Not only is the sky full of yellow sand, but there are also demons and evil spirits in it?

The next moment, Du Yu's eyes turned red, and the whole world suddenly became clear.

"Du Yu." Li Mengnan opened his long legs, came to Du Yu's side, and whispered, "Shall I open the Miaoxiang Bowl and collect all the sand and dust?"

Du Yu thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "It's easy to anger the other party. Qingshi has reminded us that Shachen is capable of harming us, and naturally he is also capable of harming civilians and buildings.

It's better for us to find this ancient spiritual weapon directly instead of forcing it to come out on its own. "

Luzhou City is a big city, and this is a bustling neighborhood.

In just 1 or 2 hours, it was impossible for the citizens to evacuate completely.

Judging from the current situation, there should be many citizens locking their doors and windows indoors, waiting for the end of the world to pass.

"Wolf Lake Tianqi can't penetrate the sand and dust." Fu Jianzhou's expression was not very good. The Wolf Lake Dog's rain-sensing magic skills were indeed very limited.

"If you can't beat them, then let's join." Du Yu suddenly said.

Everyone looked around and saw Du Yu's hand passing behind him and sending it to his side.

"Meow." The silver giant beast suddenly appeared, and a ferocious and violent aura filled the entire place in an instant.

The Wild Silver Lynx lowered its huge beast head, and a pair of ferocious beast boys swept over the crowd.

Cruelty is only one aspect.

The key is that Huang Yinlin is a demon emperor!

The surrounding soldiers felt terrified and their bodies tensed up.

"Tyrant." Du Yu raised his hand.

"Meow." Huang Yinlin looked at the frightened expressions of all the sentient beings, then he lowered his head with satisfaction and rubbed his nose against Du Yu's palm.

"You can use the desert sandstorm later to mix your sand into the yellow sand and find out what is causing the problem."

Huang Yinlin: "Object?"

"Yes, this sand was created by an ancient spiritual weapon." Du Yu rubbed the big cat's nose, "Control the intensity of the desert sandstorm. The sand must not have output attributes, so as not to accidentally injure the creatures in it."

"Meow." Huang Yinlin seemed a little disappointed, thinking that Shachen was caused by a certain monster.

Caused by it.

As the "king of all beasts in the desert", the tyrant really wants to meet Xiaoxiao in the sand to see who is the king.

As a result, the other party is not in the same system as myself.

"One more." Du Yu ordered, turning to look at the others, "Senior brother."

"Here we go." Fu Jianzhou handed over the invisible earphones.

Du Yu: "You and your senior sister will take a lynx to the western half to search for it. Mengnan, Shiwei, I, and I will search for the eastern half. If we find out about the situation, we will communicate as soon as possible."



Under the gaze of all the soldiers, 5 people and 2 lynx strode forward.

In just over ten meters, the figures were completely submerged and disappeared into the layers of yellow sand.


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