Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

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Still dare to resist?

Lin Shiwei clutched the ancient square hole coin, feeling the spiritual weapon struggling in her palm, and she felt very impatient in her heart. xiaoshuocms.com

Her patience is obviously very limited, and she will only be a little indulgent when it is directed at someone.

Everyone has different ways of controlling monsters, and she is not as loving as Du Yu and Li Mengnan.

Even the demon pets under his command have been trained to "obey orders and execute" creatures, let alone treat an ancient coin that is worthless.

"Mengnan." Lin Shiwei flicked her palm to the side.

Li Mengnan understood this and stabbed him again with the spirit-killing pestle!


The crisp sound shook people's minds.


Above the ancient square hole coin, a trace of cracks crawled out again.

"If you are dishonest again, I will use my strength!" Li Mengnan shouted loudly.

The ancient coin was blown away several meters, spinning continuously in mid-air. It actually realized that what Li Mengnan said was true.

Facing the fatal threat, Gu Qian finally became honest.

A crowd of people surrounded the ancient coins. Du Yu tilted his head and looked at the coins curiously: "Hello?"

Ancient square hole coin: "."

This "hello" is far more important than the "hello" before the war started!

This group of misguided human demon controllers have the power to crush ancient coins, but they are still willing to communicate in a friendly manner.

Du Yu said: "When the weapon spirit comes out, let's have a chat. We can discuss anything we need."

Jiang Feng was silent as always, but his thoughts were very active.

It’s really easy to discuss!

If it's not easy to negotiate, I'll beat you until it's easy to negotiate!

Jiang Feng quite recognized the team's overall style.

Slowly, a ghost figure appeared.

It has the same image as the Sand Ghost, with an evil face and fangs, but its whole body is no longer made of yellow sand, but a pure illusory figure.

Du Yu stepped forward and a ray of evil spirit appeared in his palm: "What's your name?"

Although the Ancient Coin Weapon Spirit was besieged, his attitude was not soft and he asked in a hissing voice: "You and other humans are all demon controllers, why do you all have spiritual weapons?"

Gu Qian's voice was hoarse, while conveying his thoughts, he also glanced at everyone.

It felt that, except for the silent woman, several others had spiritual weapons.

Lin Shiwei was wearing a black python robe, Li Mengnan was holding a spirit-killing pestle in his hand, and Fu Jianzhou also displayed a frost dzi bead and a Xixia flute.

And in the battle just now, Du Yu's Mountain and Sea Bell broke Gu Qian's mentality even more!

Forced to leave the battlefield!

Before Gu Qian could react, it was teleported out again, with the tip of the spirit-killing pestle in front of it.

How to fight this?

"Times have changed, ancient coins. It is now 998, and monster control is the mainstream of this era." Du Yu said, "We, like the spirit masters, are the guardians of this world."

The Ancient Coin Artifact Spirit frowned, accepting the words that were like a fairy tale.

Du Yu's demon has made great achievements!

Qi Ling was very sure that Du Yu was not lying and his attitude was very sincere.

Du Yu: "You yourself also know how long it took you to finally reshape yourself.

In our era, there are many ancient spiritual weapons like yours that have emerged, and naturally some of them have evil intentions.

Our soul-killing pestle is used to destroy such evil weapons.

You didn't harm the buildings, you didn't harm the civilians, that's the only reason you're still alive. "

Sand Ghost fell silent, turned his head, and looked at the Citu Temple not far away.

Du Yu said in a deep voice: "The dispute between the human race and the beast race happened 600 or 700 years ago. The final outcome is that the human race cultivates the demon breath, contracts the demon pet, and peacefully coexists with the demon beast clan."

Accompanied by a surge of fire demon breath, a beautiful demon fox sprang out.

Xiaoyan nestled in Du Yu's arms, blinking her golden-brown fox eyes and looking around curiously: "Huh?"

"Let others see how good we are, come on, show off." Du Yu held the beautiful demon fox in one hand and rubbed her furry head with the other.

"Hey~" Hu Xiaoyan's eyes were as charming as silk.

She raised her fiery red fox head, stuck out her pink tongue, and licked Du Yu's face affectionately.

Du Yu was also very considerate and waved away the demon breath shirt to prevent King Yan from licking a mouthful of sand.

Ancient square hole coin: "."

Not only Gu Qian was silent, but also several people around him were silent.

No need,

Let’s just say it’s really unnecessary!

Du Yu looked at the ancient coins: "Although the life and death battle between humans and beasts has passed, it does not mean that the world is peaceful.

The twin trees that create spiritual energy and demonic breath are experiencing a huge crisis at the moment.

Ancient Coin, I feel your protective psychology. You are qualified to partner with us to jointly deal with the life and death crisis of this world. "

Perception is naturally a two-way street.

Qi Ling can feel Du Yu's sincerity, and Du Yu can also detect Gu Qian's strong feelings for Citu Temple.

"Three Emperors Money."


Ancient Coin: "My name is Three Emperors."

"Three Emperors Money?" Du Yu raised his eyebrows slightly. This name is quite domineering. Wait, what does "three" mean?

Slowly, the Three Emperors' Money fell towards Du Yu, seemingly intentionally

It landed on the tip of the beautiful demon fox's nose.

"Huh?" Xiaoyan stared at the ancient coin on her nose, and she saw the right thing.

As beautiful as she was, she suddenly showed a look that was not very smart, which made Li Mengnan's heart break.


How could there be such a cute dog in this world!

Just being voluptuous and beautiful, but also having a silly and cute side?

Sanhuang Qian: “I can’t imagine it.”

Although the ancient coin fell on Xiaoyan's nose and he felt it carefully, the illusory weapon spirit could be big or small, and it could also communicate with Du Yu.

Du Yu asked doubtfully: "What?"

Three Emperors Money: "The feelings this monster has for you, for you"

"Why did I lie to you?" Du Yu also smiled, "Three Emperors Money, I feel your desire to protect this temple.

But you have to know the truth that "no eggs are left intact after the nest is overturned". "

While speaking, Du Yu closed his eyes: "Let me show you what the world is facing today, hundreds of years later."

Through the demon soul, pictures come to the Three Emperors Money.

The bottomless abyss, the violent cold beasts, the powerful Han clan.

The tree of gods struggled to resist, and the tree of coldness approached step by step.

For ancient spiritual weapons based on spiritual energy, the scene of the tree suffering is tantamount to the ultimate killing move.

The two branches were tightly intertwined, fighting for their lives every moment, which made Sanhuang Qian's heart tremble.

The most important thing is that Du Yu uses demon soul to convey the picture to the other party.

Sanhuang Qian didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe it.

He didn't lie to it, everything was real.

Du Yu: "If this world collapses, the temple you want to protect will no longer exist."

Suddenly, a charming voice came into Du Yu's mind: "Prince Du~"

Li Mengnan's heart was still tingling over there, and after hearing the beautiful demon fox's words, Du Yu's body was about to tingle as well.

Hu Xiaoyan: "It wants us to enter the temple. It seems to be looking for something."

"Hmm" Du Yu thought for a moment, then signaled to the people around him and strode towards the Citu Temple.

Everyone stepped on the yellow sand on the ground, making strange noises, and looked at the antique buildings on both sides of the street. It was considered a private tour.

Du Yu asked: "Are you going to take me to find the other two ancient coins?"

Sanhuang Qian: "Human race, you are very smart."

Du Yu thought for a moment and said, "In other words, you are three spiritual weapons?"

Good guy~

All at once?

From this point of view, ordinary people cannot contract this coin.

After all, a maximum of 3 spiritual weapons can be contracted. But if a mortal has an ancient spiritual weapon in his body, will he lose the right to contract?

Three Emperors Coins: "No, the three copper coins are all mine. It's just that I was eager to rise, so I poured all my efforts into one copper coin."

"That's right." Du Yu nodded, realizing that he had thought wrong, "In other words, you are not a complete body yet?"

Sanhuang Qian: "Yes, I have not yet regained my full strength."

"Okay! Good, good!" Du Yu was overjoyed.

One ancient coin is so powerful. After three ancient coins are connected in a string, is it still worth it?

Du Yu continued to ask: "What kind of abilities do those two ancient coins have?"

Three Emperors' Money: "All ancient money belongs to me, and I have shown everything."

"Oh, I understand." Du Yu nodded secretly. In other words, the three ancient coins share the ability to raise dust, build a sand cover, and summon evil spirits in the sand.

Du Yu suddenly said: "By the way, who was your last master?"

This time, Sanhuang Qian did not respond.

Du Yu felt the other party's mood, so he kept silent. There was no need to rush this matter, there would be plenty of time in the future.

He originally thought that the coins would take him to the main building, but unexpectedly, the ancient coins led everyone to stop on a stone arch bridge.

Under the stone bridge, there should have been running water before, but now it is filled with yellow sand.

Du Yu looked at Jiang Feng: "Senior sister, there are two ancient coins in the sand, help me look for them."

Jiang Feng doesn't mind doing dirty work. When performing tasks, she will absolutely obey any instructions from her superiors.

Jiang Feng jumped off the stone bridge, stepped on the sand, and stepped on the dark military boots again.


The ground shook slightly. Jiang Feng closed his eyes and tilted his head slightly, as if sensing something.

"Hiss!" The Mud Soul Imprisonment suddenly sprang out and plunged into the mud.

Within a moment, Mud Soul Imprisonment held the mud in its hands and poked its figure out of the mud.

Jiang Feng picked up the dirty ancient coins. One of them was missing a piece, and the other was broken into three pieces.

Fortunately, all the fragments were there. Jiang Feng flicked the coins with his fingertips, shaking off the sediment on the coins.

Then, she stretched her arms so long that she stood under the bridge and put her palm in front of Du Yu's face on the bridge.

This sudden and strange scene scared Du Yu so much that he did not dare to reach out to pick it up immediately.

It will take some time for everyone to adapt to this new senior sister who joins the team.

"It turns out it's the emperor!" Du Yu looked at the ancient coins on his senior sister's palm and read the simple words above, and then realized it later.

Jiang Feng: "."

The junior brother just looked at the ancient money in her hand without reaching out to take it.

If Du Yu didn't answer, Jiang Feng couldn't take back his hand, let alone force the ancient money into Du Yu's arms.

As a result, Jiang Feng kept maintaining this posture, which made Fu Jianzhou's mind move slightly and feel strange.

I don't know why, but Fu Jianzhou suddenly felt like he was in the same boat?

"Senior brother."

"Arrived!" Fu Jianzhou was startled and immediately looked at his junior brother.

Du Yu picked up the coin on Xiaoyan's nose and put it into the palm of his senior sister: "Lead the team to Shanhai Zhong to learn about the origin of the Three Emperors' Money, and introduce it to the situation of the modern world.

I'll go negotiate with the soldiers, and I'll pick you up after I get back to the 29th Bureau. "

"Yes." Fu Jianzhou nodded immediately.

Lin Shiwei on the side heard this and silently took a step closer to Du Yu.

Du Yu flipped his hand, and all the senior brothers and sisters, including the senior sister with the arm of the inspector under the stone bridge, were put into the clock.

Behind Du Yu, Lin Shiwei watched Zhong Ying expand and shrink, but the scene in front of her did not change.

Involuntarily, Lin Shiwei raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

She never spoke or made any request. She just took a step closer to Du Yu, and Du Yu also understood what she meant.

She enjoyed this little tacit understanding.

Du Yu held Xiaoyan in his arms and turned to look at Lin Shiwei: "Is it fine?"


"You are careful, why don't you praise me?" Du Yu said with a smile.

It could be seen that Du Yu was in a good mood. After all, everyone had properly disposed of an ancient spiritual weapon that was causing trouble in the city.

"Yeah." Lin Shiwei also smiled, and she didn't know if it was perfunctory, "Fine."

Du Yu asked, "Do you have something to tell me?"

Lin Shiwei shook her head: "No, I just report the situation with you."

"Oh." Du Yu turned his head and looked into the distance, saw the soldiers on the street, and whispered, "Aren't you interested in the Three Emperors' Money?"

Lin Shiwei replied softly: "Senior sister specializes in the earth element, and this spiritual weapon is more suitable for her."

"Tsk~ You are so elegant and bright."

"Go." Lin Shiwei smiled and spat at Du Yu, "You didn't take the ancient money from senior sister's hand, weren't you just creating opportunities for her?"

Du Yu: "."

Be careful, Shiwei, you are the real one!

Du Yu looked at General Lin cautiously: "Are you not angry?"

"Why am I angry?" Lin Shiwei rolled her eyes at Du Yu, "She is more suitable for senior sister."

Besides, you are just creating an opportunity for her. If I really want it, you will get it back for me.

Lin Shiwei silently added in her heart.

Everyone has shortcomings, and General Lin is certainly not immune.

She has always been very confident, but sometimes she is so confident that she is arrogant.

But it is undeniable that her mother still has some influence on her on certain issues.

Lin Shiwei said softly: "Do you want senior sister to go to Shanhai Zhong to practice?"

Du Yu: "Jiarongcao can help her practice, but it depends on personal wishes.

I don't always go to the mountain world. It would be fine if she can settle down and practice. If not, the mountain world is just a big cage.

In addition, if we really want to help her practice, we should introduce her to Huangtu Empress. "

Lin Shiwei: "Huh?"

Du Yu: "Now that we have talked to Senior Langao, it is our blessing. Senior Langao also said that this is a good relationship.

The statue of the most holy Nipo God is sitting there!

At the same time to practice, the Imperial Earth Temple should be more helpful than the Mountain Boundary. Of course we must find the best environment for our senior sister. "

Lin Shiwei raised her eyebrows slightly: "You don't plan to let senior sister settle in Shatang Mansion?"

Du Yu: "Senior Brother Li Jing hasn't moved in either, there's no need.

Keeping Senior Brother Fu by our side is enough for daily use. Uh, what, enough to serve the young master. "

Lin Shiwei looked strange, as if she understood something.

Du Yu hurriedly said: "Senior Sister's main force is also the Clay Goddess Sculpture. The Royal Earth Empress not only has a top-notch cultivation environment, but can also answer questions for Senior Sister!

Our most important goal is to let our senior sister advance to the emperor level with her demon pet and rush to the path of demon saint. "

Lin Shiwei: "."

Du Yu looked at the eager soldiers in the distance and waved: "I will tell the soldiers about the situation, and you call the bureau to report.

In addition, let the bureau arrange a return flight for us. "

"You don't want to open the Taixu Axe?" Lin Shiwei reached down casually, her black python robe surged, and handed a mobile phone to the girl's hand.

Du Yu grinned: "How fast can you go back with Taixu Ax?"

Lin Shiwei thought for a moment and then burst into laughter.

Du Yu not only handed the ancient money to the senior sister's hand, but also planned to give the senior sister 2 to 3 hours to communicate with the spiritual weapon.

She walked aside with her mobile phone, patted Du Yu's shoulder, and commented sincerely: "It's really fine."

Du Yu hurriedly said: "The main reason is that I can't wield the Taixu Ax myself, so it's not good to bother others all the time."

Lin Shiwei had a slight smile on her face and glanced at Du Yu: "I know, if the bureau asks, I will say this."

Du Yu smiled and didn't respond.

Don't say anything, Xiao Shiwei. Take the road!

To be honest, if Sanhuang Qian's strength was limited to what he had just done on the battlefield,

performance, then Du Yu really may not do this.

But Sanhuang Qian made it clear that it was not in its prime at this time.

There are still 2 ancient coins that have not returned to the team!

How could such a powerful magic weapon be left to outsiders?

Senior sister, please take advantage of this big gift package for newcomers.

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