Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

685 Porcelain Farewell

"Blue porcelain sky, farewell. 186txt.com" Qinglong said, Du Yu's feet entangled the wind and caused fire, trying to stand firm in mid-air.

It's just that the dragon's tongue that keeps rising and falling is like a ferocious tsunami to the small human race, and it sweeps him into it again.

The dragon's tongue was so cold that it made Du Yu's teeth chatter.

To be honest, Du Yu couldn't tell whether he was frozen, or whether he was trembling under the pressure of the Holy Power.

In the turbulent waves, Du Yu gave up resistance and allowed his small body to drift with the tide.


This king has accumulated virtues and done good deeds throughout his life, leaving good karma everywhere.

Heaven is unfair, why is it treating me like this?

In fact, the Holy Master was just a little happy.

And in this world, only Du Yu has such qualifications to share the joy with Tian Celadon, so this scene happened now.

The problem is that due to the extremely unmatched strength and size gap, every move of Tian Celadon is a hardship for Du Yu.

What is quite interesting is that the tiny human race accepted their fate, and the huge waves gradually calmed down.

"Uh." Du Yuruan murmured while lying on the dragon tongue bed, "I'm saved."

Suddenly, a sky-blue skirt appeared in front of him.

Du Yu, who was lying on his back, looked up. He saw a beauty holding a candle and saw her upside-down face.

"Have you had enough fun?" Du Yu said angrily.

Tian Celadon sent one hand to the side, and the sea dragon candle glowing with deep sea blue slowly floated to the side.

She slowly knelt down and sat down. The gorgeous long skirt was not in line with common sense. The skirt spread out like ocean waves and flowed under Du Yu's body.

"Aren't you happy for me?" Tian Qingci looked down at Du Yu.

"Happy." Du Yu moved his head, wanting to put his pillow on someone's lap, or simply into someone's arms.

Isn’t it beautiful as a knee pillow of the Holy Medal?

It's a pity that monsters are illusory.

No matter how real it seems, it is ultimately insubstantial.

Tian Qingci looked at Xiaoxiao who was causing trouble and said softly: "I can't fully understand the mystery of the laws of heaven and earth for a while."

Du Yu asked doubtfully: "What about your current thousand-meter dragon body?"

Tian Celadon continued her words: "I will follow the theory you taught me, try to find the flexibility of the rules, and start with specific demon skills.

You said that the rules of the world are not a line, but an area.

As for me, I can float up and down within the range and go to a position that is beneficial to me. "

"Yes, yes!" Du Yu supported the Dragon Tongue bed with one hand and sat up cross-legged, "Then?"

Tian Celadon sighed softly: "It's not that I'm not good at studying and can't support the body of this blue dragon, but that this world cannot tolerate me."

Good guy~

Du Yu grinned, these words were really overbearing.

My body is really ridiculously strong and cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth?

Therefore, the body of the green dragon is particularly draining of mind and energy. Is this a means of restriction by God on Celadon?

Tian Celadon stood up and said: "I found a favorable position for me, at the expense of reducing the strength of the dragon body, in exchange for maintaining the dragon body for a long time without spending any effort.

That is in the middle and lower part of the regular area.

Float a little higher and the limits come into play.

As for downwards, it can still float very far, and my physical strength can still be lowered, but that is not necessary. "

Du Yu looked up at the woman who stood up, and saw her floating towards the dragon's mouth, turning into a stunning silhouette.

"Oh~" When Du Yu was stunned, he only felt surges beneath his body. As the dragon's tongue undulated slightly, he was also sent to the dragon's mouth.

The dragon's mouth opened slightly, and the dark blue light around him was replaced by the bright sky.

As the tip of the dragon's tongue flicked, the huge mountain-like teeth no longer obscured Du Yu's sight.

Du Yu finally looked outside and saw a huge, illusory swimming dragon.

"This?" Du Yu was shocked.

Demonic skill·Wandering Dragon Dance?

This is a domain-like demon skill, and each swimming dragon is very small.

But at this moment, this huge illusory dragon is actually as long as the white jade dragon's 100-meter body?

"Concerning demon skills, I have found many positions that are beneficial to me." Tian Celadon said softly, "After searching and searching, I found the quality of Qing Yuehui."

Du Yu's face looked delighted. This was not a holy star, but a holy moonlight? !

The tip of the dragon's tongue slowly poked out of the dragon's mouth, carrying Du Yu, who was sitting cross-legged above him, as if to let him see more clearly.

In sight, a hundred-meter-long dragon was cutting into the body of the white jade dragon.

It is worth mentioning that due to the trust in Nie Miehui, this jade road does not need to be exchanged with the jade road in the Dragon Palace.

The white jade dragon below is particularly thick, with a circumference of about 50 meters.

After the white jade dragon was split vertically and laid flat on the ground, the white jade stone ground that was one hundred meters long and fifty meters wide looked like a square rectangle.

Du Yu turned to look at the sky celadon floating beside him: "Does your operation of adjusting the strength of the dragon's body also apply to the outside world?"

"Applicable." Tian Qingci was very sure, "Exchanging physical strength for longevity and not being immune to spiritual backlash is not just a rule in the sea world, but a universal rule in the world.

It's just that the sea world can give me more power.

Just from the perspective of demon skills, in this sea boundary, I can float within the regular area.

to a higher position. "

Du Yu: "Oh?"

Tian Celadon: "The sea world can give me more. I feel that I have not fully accepted the support of the sea world."

Du Yu looked at Tian Celadon. He was not the person involved, let alone the saint.

Regarding Celadon's theory, Du Yu, a newbie, only half understood it.

Tian Celadon controlled the dragon body to fly towards Shatang Mansion, and the hundred-meter-long dragon followed closely behind with the white jade dragon corpse.

Tian Celadon: "We always say that I have blended into heaven and earth."

Du Yu: "You are already the Holy Saint, aren't you?"

Tian Qingci shook her head gently: "I just used my absolute fighting power to arbitrarily determine myself to be the overlord of the sea world and determine the fate of the creatures in the sea world.

But in a new world, a small heaven-level monster can also be the overlord of a party. What is the difference between it and me? "

Du Yu's thoughts started to change in his mind: "Do you want to integrate more deeply with the sea world and establish more connections, or become the sea world itself?"

Tian Celadon's noble and cold face finally showed a faint smile.

Du Yu: "Really?"

Tian Qingci nodded gently: "I will give you an answer during this trip to the Dragon Palace."

Du Yu pondered for a moment and said softly: "Celadon, I don't know how to help."

Tian Qingci suddenly interrupted Du Yu's words: "Thank you, Du Yu."


Tian Celadon: "I stood at the door of the rules before and knew little about everything. It was you who led me into it."

Du Yu: "I'm just going to ask for advice and explain it to you."

"It was you who made me see a higher existence." Tian Celadon floated in front of Du Yu, "Beyond the regular area, there is an unknown realm."

Du Yu was shocked: "Huh?"

Tian Celadon looked into Du Yu's eyes: "It's unrestricted there, it makes me yearn for it."

Du Yu: "Is there another realm above the Holy?!"

Celadon: "Huh?"

Du Yu's expression changed one after another: "The holy level means integrating into the rules and becoming the rules. And the higher level means breaking the rules?

Like you said, unrestrained? "

"Maybe." Tian Celadon stretched out her white jade hand, which was mixed with cold water drops, and touched Du Yu's cheek.

However, Du Yu's heart was surging with turmoil, and he could no longer care about anything else.

Tian Qingci said softly: "You have to practice hard, okay?"

"Huh?" Du Yu came back to his senses and felt his face become cold.

Tian Celadon: "I only had a superficial perception, but it made me fascinated and yearning. I found my goal and my future destiny.

One day, I will break through the rule area and go to the higher unknown realm. "

Du Yu stretched out his hand and held the cold palm on the side of his face.

Unfortunately, he only held a drop of water.

Tian Celadon: "This cannot be achieved overnight. It may take a long, long, long time."

Du Yu: "Yeah"

Tian Celadon: "You have to practice hard, live a long time, and witness with your own eyes the day when I break out of the rule area and surpass it."

Du Yu nodded heavily: "I will work hard."

Who wouldn’t want to live as long as heaven and earth live together?

Tian Qingci looked at Du Yu's bright eyes full of seriousness and admired them quietly.

Du Yu: "But you can't be too ambitious. You must first fully integrate into the sea world and lay a solid foundation."

"Of course, after I fully understand everything about the Holy Saint, I will look for you as soon as possible." Tian Celadon suddenly turned sideways and moved out of the way.

As the tip of the dragon's tongue tilted slightly, Du Yu looked down at Shatang Mansion.

The flawless jade road has been paved.

The Shatang Courtyard alone is hundreds of meters long vertically and horizontally. From the gate of the mansion to the entrance of Qingshi's main room, a dragon's body that is 100 meters long and 10 meters wide is just right.

The road connecting the east and west wings is also a hundred meters long, but less wide.

Two jade paths form a crossroad. Since the Shatang tree is located in the center of the courtyard, the jade path was cut out from the middle and paved around the trees.

There are two other jade paths extending from under the tree, with a slightly curved angle, leading to the Moon Arch Gate on the east and west sides, and then to the Fire Tung Garden and Fire Tung Tree.

The jade stone path in Huotong Courtyard is in the shape of "big".

At this time, the firewood tree was standing at the center point of the intersection of the roads, leaning down the branches and studying the jade road.

"By the way, keep all the dragon bones for me. I need the lion bone sickle." Du Yu said.

Since the Nirvana Gray Demon Flame is so powerful and burns away the cold air in the dragon corpse, the dragon bone can naturally be used.

In this way, there is no need to dig through the "trash dump" in Celadon's Zhuhai Dragon Palace.

"Yeah." Tian Qingci responded casually and said softly, "When you miss me in the future, just look at this road."

Du Yu immediately understood what the Holy Master meant. Tian Qingci was going to practice in the Dragon Palace and of course he could not be disturbed in the slightest.

Sensing that Du Yu didn't respond for a long time, Tian Qingci reminded: "Huh?"

"Okay, I understand." Du Yu came back to his senses, his heart full of reluctance.

Since Celadon said such words, she has no idea when she will return.

But Du Yu didn't want to delay the other party's future because of himself, let alone disturb the heart of the Holy Demon because of himself!

Du Yu pressed down

The emotion in my heart changed the topic: "This is the White Jade Dragon. You want me to look at other dragons and miss you?"

"After I deprived it of its life, it was no longer a white jade dragon." Tian Celadon looked down at the mansion below and said calmly, "It is the jade road I gave to you."

"Oh." Du Yu responded in a low voice, not daring to say anything more.

"During my absence, you must practice well and don't do anything too risky." Tian Celadon warned softly.

"I have to take you back to the Dragon Palace. Don't be so hasty to say goodbye." After saying that, Du Yu added, "Besides, you are a demon pet, and I am the master."

The corners of Tian Qingci's lips raised slightly: "Master, be obedient and don't make me worry too much."

Du Yu was silent for a while, then whispered: "Okay."

The beautiful figure quietly disappeared, the tip of the dragon's tongue curled slightly, and Du Yu was taken into the dragon's mouth.

The huge swimming dragon rushed towards Fu Jianzhou and others, without injuring them at all, but swam towards the beach wrapped in their bodies.

Seemingly to prevent Du Yu from mistaking the jade road for a white jade dragon, You Long also brought the white jade dragon head that was idle on the beach.

It followed the figure of Qinglong and flew to the distant sky, then swooped down and plunged into the vast sea.


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