Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

689 will! Tai Sui God!

Fu Jianzhou spoke softly and told a sad story. 502txt.com

Senior Sister Jiang Feng's past has made everyone feel sad and sad.

Although they are all demon controllers in this world, the trio of Yu, Nan, and Wei, and the trio of Qing, Feng, and Jian are like people from two different worlds.

The Paper Crane disciples went smoothly, singing and advancing all the way.

But this group of demon spirit soldiers who were born in the army were burdened with unimaginable suffering.

Most of them lost something, either before joining the army or while in the army.

A cold tree has changed the fate of too many people.

"Will the military listen to the young master's suggestions?" Du Yu asked.

"You should, right?" Li Mengnan whispered, "After all, Qingshi and Du Yu are the main force in cleaning up the bottomless abyss."

Yang Qingqing watched the TV and said casually: "Not necessarily, it is related to the overall strategy of Twin Tree and Daxia, and there is no room for personal affairs."

Du Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "Should I ask for the twin trees?"

After Yang Qingqing was silent for a moment, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

That's right, what can't be tolerated?

If the disciple goes to find the Twin Tree himself, there should be no problem.

Yang Qingqing sighed softly: "No need, we just follow the order."

Thinking about it in the woman's mind, Daxia cleaning up the bottomless abyss is not simply destroying a bottomless pit.

In the future, Daxia will most likely establish a training base for Yuling soldiers, which is related to the overall strategy.

The continuous flow of Yuling soldiers is the basis for counterattacking the Youhan Realm.

Spiritual energy is the nemesis of cold air.

It can dispel the cold air, resist the cold secret method of the Han clan to a certain extent, and can even seal the bottomless door.

And as everyone clears more and more bottomless abyss, the resistance of the Netherfrost Tree will inevitably become more intense.

This is a long task, and the difficulty will increase exponentially.

Daxia needs to continuously recruit new blood, and it also needs to continuously strengthen its own strength to accomplish this feat.


There was a sudden crisp sound on the TV.

Yang Qingqing woke up from her meditation and subconsciously raised her eyes to look at the screen.

She only saw a familiar figure, and her forehead was penetrated by thin cold branches!

As for the crisp sound, it came from a clay hand, which cut a diagonal line filled with water drops from Du Yu's right foot to his left shoulder.

Du Yu's head was broken and his body was cut apart.

The whole picture is so poignant and heroic!

Because, he was still holding the Fire-Sui ax tightly in his hand, and his pair of light red eyes were still staring at the Frozen Tree.

There was silence in the living room.

Lin Shiwei's fingers landed on her thin lips, and she gently kneaded them unconsciously. Once again, she saw this scene.

She had been in the bottomless abyss before, watching it over and over again.

At home at the moment

She looked at the tragic figure on the TV, and then looked at the figure sitting upright by the coffee table. The two figures overlapped infinitely, both with erect spines.

But the broken body of the person in the painting is even more tragic.

"Hoo!" The man in the painting swung the giant ax filled with red flames and slashed hard at the roots of the cold tree.

Cold trees fell, mountains collapsed and the ground cracked.

The burning bamboo ax in his hand sent fire clouds all over the sky.

Follow his back and look up.

It was a tree that had been chopped off and frozen in place.

The endless flames spread everywhere and slowly filled the dark bottomless abyss, depicting thousands of branches of the cold tree.

The fire tree in the abyss is magnificent.

A voice-over suddenly sounded. The voice was not loud, but firm and powerful: "Da Xia Twins."

"Ha" Du Yu, who sat up unknowingly, finally took a breath and relaxed his tense body.

Precisely because he was the witness and the person involved, Du Yu's sense of involvement was terrifyingly strong.

In just one scene, Du Yu was dragged back to the battlefield of life and death.


Please pay more attention in the future, but don’t relive it again.

Home is a warm and comfortable place, but when this video of the exam was played, Du Yu's temples were pounding.

"Is this all you did before you came to pick me up?" A cold voice came quietly.

Du Yu turned his head and looked up at Qingshi on the sofa: "Well, it was too overwhelming at the time. Now that I read it again, I can remember many details."

With a slight smile on her face, Yang Qingqing reached out to Du Yu.

But the white jade hand stopped halfway. The woman sat on the sofa and no longer leaned forward.

Du Yu secretly cursed in his heart and took the initiative to poke his head over.

Master is amazing, right?

Yang Qingqing put a hand on Du Yu's head and rubbed it gently: "It's even better than I imagined."

Not bad, at least she still knew how to move her hands and didn't let me shake my head from side to side.

Du Yu: "Celadon is very powerful. Without her, I would have died there."

The cold tree was so vicious that it waited until the last moment before suddenly pricking out a thin cold branch.

If Du Yu didn't have two sages beside him, the Eye of the Burning Sun + the Mirror Flower Moon, Han Shu's fatal trick might really kill Du Yu completely.

Yang Qingqing nodded with approval and warned: "You must thank Celadon."

Du Yu smiled: "Young master, don't worry."

Yang Qingqing noticed something unusual, and wondered where the bitterness in his disciple's smile came from.

"What's wrong?" the woman asked softly.

Du Yu: "This time we clean up the bottomless one again. Tian Celadon can't help me. Qingshi has to make an agreement with Jasper Gourd and let it always pay attention to Hanshu's sneak attack."

Yang Qingqing took back the hand that fell on Du Yu's head, frowned and said, "Where is Celadon?"

Du Yu organized his speech and told Qingshi what happened in the past few days.

Yang Qingqing was originally quite confident. After all, as long as Tian Celadon was around, her disciple's survival would be greatly guaranteed.

but now.

Has the Holy Celadon gone to understand the Great Way?

The two parties even broke the contract?

From the small details, Yang Qingqing could tell that this matter was important, and even asked his disciple to cut off the contract.

Du Yu consoled him, "It's okay, Qingshi. As long as we work steadily and step by step, there will be no problem."

Yang Qingqing leaned back on the sofa, frowning in thought.

The aura unique to the master spread out inadvertently, and the disciples did not even dare to breathe.

Interestingly, the strength of this Kuchiki Qingshi is only one thousandth of that of the Demon Emperor Yang Qingqing.

Anyone in the room can easily crush Qingshi to death.

But even so, seeing their master showing such an expression, the disciples became silent.

After a while, Du Yu finally spoke: "Master Qing, I have some ideas about your Jiangshan Realm and Mengnan's Taoyuan Realm."

The sudden words interrupted Yang Qingqing's meditation and relaxed the atmosphere in the room a little.

Du Yu: "I think that independent worlds like the Mountain World and the Sea World, which are far away from the world, can support a demon pet saint."

"Oh?" Yang Qingqing raised her eyebrows slightly.

Du Yu: "Just now, I went to visit the Holy Saint Kui Chou above the clouds, and Kui Chou showed me that the mountain realm is its domain.

Tian Celadon's domain is the sea world, and she also made it clear that the sea world can give her endless power. "

Du Yu explained his reasoning in detail, making everyone ponder in silence.

No wonder there are so few saints in this world. It turns out that every saint needs a world to back him up and support him?

After Du Yu elaborated, he gave some suggestions: "I think Qingshi and Mengnan should choose a suitable demon pet and let the demon pet establish contact with the Jiangshan Realm and Taoyuan Realm."

When Du Yu said these words, Yang Qingqing already had a choice.

The sad seabird's destiny lies in the sea, and the realm of mountains and rivers cannot give the sad seabird a path to become a saint.

Among the remaining demon pets, Kuchiki Arowana has the highest talent and the best chance of becoming a saint. Its water and wood attributes are also infinitely consistent with the Jiangshan Diagram.

Of course, Yang Qingqing also has many alternatives, such as Rose Emperor Spirit, Huitianmu, Thunder Bamboo Chi Bear, Yueshan Lion, etc.

The woman was thinking quietly, while Li Mengnan looked at Lin Shiwei on the side.

General Lin was a little confused and didn't know what the other party meant.

Li Mengnan whispered: "The Chenlinglu clan has the highest talent, and they have the best chance of becoming a saint, and then they can realize the Holy Spirit."

Lin Shiwei nodded lightly, as if she realized what the girl was going to say.

Li Mengnan: "My Taoyuan world is full of wind-type monster plants. In the future, I will also build it into a wind-type paradise.

Third sister, how about letting Bai Luyin enter the Taoyuan world together and establish contact with the Taoyuan world? "

Lin Shiwei was filled with emotion and said softly: "Du Yu said that a world can only support one demon pet."

Regarding this point, everyone has a general conclusion in their minds. The so-called holy realm should be exclusive.

Now that Tian Celadon controls the sea world, how can another demon pet control the sea world?

If demonic plants such as Shatang tree and Jiarong grass can really make a breakthrough in the mountain and sea realm, it can only be because the two tracks are different.

"Du Yu is just guessing!" Li Mengnan whispered, "Besides, Bai Luyin is a couple, how can they be separated?

There is no distinction between you and me. They can encourage and support each other, so they should practice together. "

Du Yu picked up a piece of pastry: "It makes sense, but what I said may not be right. I'm not sure. Can Bai Luyin and his wife be both holy?"

Creatures like the Chenling Deer are absolutely pure in spirit and beautiful from the inside out. There can be no intrigues or other bad things between the couple.

If both can succeed, it will be wonderful.

If not, the couple should be able to elect a rules representative regardless of each other.

No matter which outcome it is, it will definitely be a good story.

On the contrary, it is my king’s Bai Yujing, Yan Ruyu, You Yinghuo, Tai Sui Shen, and Huang Yinlin.

Well, let’s talk about it later.

The field of rules does not only have specific territories, but also abstract concepts.

Moreover, Du Yu already knew that there were two holy beings in the world of controlling monsters.

There is a white tiger in Kunlun, and there is a queen in the imperial temple.

Strictly speaking, there is no doubt that the two exist in the same world.

Obviously, there is a fundamental difference between the world of the Demon Master and the world behind the spiritual weapon.

Taking ten thousand steps back

Think about it

As he looked, Du Yu couldn't help but look weird.

Under the Taixu ax blade, there are three thousand worlds!

I still can't find the most sacred place for my beloved pets? What a joke!


While everyone in the room was chatting, a violent wave of demonic energy surged from Du Yu's body.

Du Yu's eyes lit up: "Tai Sui?"

"Master!" A naive voice entered Du Yu's mind, and his voice was full of joy, "Demon General, I want to be promoted to Demon General!"

"Well, Silly Duyu will be big soon!" Little Fenyang said softly, wrapped in endless demon breath, and went straight to the Juque Cave.

Indeed, after the Chi Xiong clan was promoted to general level, they adapted to the demonic skill Chi Bear Soul.

Previously, Du Yu was envious of Lin Shiwei and Li Mengnan who both had five-meter tall bodies.

In that state, his height was not as long as a girl's legs.

To be precise, his head is barely higher than his knees.

In the future, he won’t have to be envious.

Because when Leng Jade Chi Clan Bear Soul appeared on the scene, he was already 10 meters tall!

Of course, the quality of the demon skills displayed by Du Yu's hands will be lowered.

As for whether the Chi tribe's bear soul body moves slowly and whether its body bones are brittle or not, well, that's another matter!

At least Du Yu stood up!

"Little Chi Xiong, grow up quickly!" Little Golden Crow was as enthusiastic and cheerful as ever, helping every companion to advance, "Wow~!"

Tai Sui Shen was full of energy, clenched the bear's paw tightly, raised his head and roared: "Woo~~~"


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