"Haha." Du Yu gasped for air and turned to look at the giant chi bear.

It was not that he was out of breath from exhaustion. As a demon-controlling general, Du Yu's physical strength was naturally quite astonishing.

The reason why Du Yu was like this was because he was scared!

Master Chizu really didn't say a word and just jumped into the space crack!

This is our first time fighting side by side, so how can we have any tacit understanding?

Chi Zu is so brave!

Fortunately, at the last moment, Xiao Fenyang helped open the Eye of Fenyang, and Du Yu, with his Taixu Ax, tried his best to close the space crack.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Whoosh~ whoosh~"

The transparent petals are still flying back and forth, killing the missing souls of the dead.

As early as when the army of dead ghosts appeared, Li Mengnan had already summoned the love sword in his dream.

Coincidentally, Fu Jianzhou also summoned his own holy soldiers.

The three holy weapons of Feng Wu Sword, Cold Lake Sword and Jade Dragon Lion Bone Scythe quickly killed the remnants of the cold beasts and cleared the bottomless bottom.

"You little girl, how fierce are you?" Right above the bottomless door, Kui Chou tilted his head slightly and touched Lin Shiwei's arm with his horn.

Lin Shiwei did not respond. Since the crisis contact, her eyes have never left Du Yu.

She no longer worries about exposing anything,

Although, she never hid her emotions.

"This fat bear is interesting, isn't it?" Kui Chou muttered, looking at Chi Xiong standing proudly beside him, raising his head and roaring.

Lin Shi's only hand fell on the horn of the bull, and the monster appeared in his palm: "It's called Chizu, and like Kui Chou, it is the holy monster."

"It has some kind of divinity in it?" Kui Chou snorted, "What do you mean?

Prejudgment and calculation?

Or predict the future? "

Lin Shiwei pursed her lips, not surprised that Kui Chou made this inference.

After all, since the crisis emerged, every move she and Chizu made was purposeful and prepared in advance.

Whether it was the sand front that destroyed dozens of Han tribesmen, or the candlestick cannon that deflected Du Yu, or the connection of every subsequent action on the battlefield.

You cannot use the word "coincidence" to define these behaviors.

The reason why this battle was a near miss was because of the efforts made by Chi Zu and Lin Shiwei behind the scenes, which is unimaginable by ordinary people.

This is also the most perfect one among so many battles that one person and one bear have experienced.

No one was killed or even seriously injured.

Everything fell into place and was neat and tidy.

Lin Shiwei looked at Du Yu with burning eyes, looking at his still existing figure, and didn't mind his complicated expression.


Just stay alive.

"So, predict the future." Kui Chou sensed the girl's psychological activities through her palms against the horns.

When he got such an answer, Kui Chou was extremely shocked!

The holy realm is full of strange things and may involve all aspects.

For example, the Holy Way of the Imperial Empress is to help people fulfill their wishes and collect faith and merit.

Kui Chou originally thought that Empress Huangtu was "divine" enough, but unexpectedly, here comes another truly divine stick!

Lin Shiwei subconsciously withdrew her hand, then realized something was wrong, and patted the horns apologetically.

"Hmph." Kui Chou snorted, unwilling to say that he got it, since you are one of your own.

The figure of the ancient Niu Niu flashed quietly and crashed into the tiny Du Yu.

At this time, Du Yu was holding the spiritual branch in his hand, listening to the tree of gods continuously apologizing.

"I'm sorry, Du Yu, I."

"The sacred tree." Du Yu welcomed Kui Chou into his body and interrupted the sacred tree at the same time, "Destroying the cold tree is never a safe task.

If I was afraid of death, I wouldn't come.

We are comrades-in-arms, comrades-in-arms who live and die together. This battle is what we mean to each other.

Don't be like this, Sacred Tree, you don't need to apologize. "

The tree of gods said in a low voice: "I should have discovered the weakness of the spiritual energy carpet long ago."

Du Yu looked at the bottomless door blocked by spiritual branches and felt a little scared in his heart: "Hanshu can tolerate it to this extent, I don't blame you."

With that said, Du Yu directly changed the subject: "I don't think I won the lottery. There are 7 new bottomless ones opened in the west of the mainland, and we have to clean up 4 of them.

Can I think that there is such an ambush in every abyss? "

The tree of gods pondered for a moment and said: "Otherwise! There can't be so many saints in the Youhan world."

The clay hand that rushed out before was obviously from a holy clay woman.

The threat it brings to everyone is undoubtedly extremely huge!

However, under Chi Zu and Lin Shiwei's swift attack, the Nipo Godly Statue retracted its arm in pain before it could show its power.

Such a scene seemed simple, but Du Yu didn't know what was hidden behind this minimalist and extremely efficient attack.

Every step needs to be incredibly precise.

The timing of Chizu's appearance, the distance it charges forward, the critical point of its momentum, the deflection angle of the enemy's mud hand, and the second before the Holy Demonic Skill is unleashed.

Including those extremely threatening Han people in the lines on the palms.

If it were not for Lin Shiwei and Chi Zu, then this battle would probably have a different ending.

The tree of gods suddenly conveyed its thoughts: "These seven bottomless ones are relatively close together."

Du Yu's heart moved slightly, and he immediately followed the divine tree's thoughts.

In other words, no matter which bottomless abyss everyone goes to clean up, the Youhan Realm can respond quickly as soon as they appear in the bottomless abyss!

The Youhan Realm can assemble their troops, quickly rush to the bottomless building that Du Yu and others have cleared, and set up an ambush behind the gate!

Yes, that makes sense.

In fact, Du Yu and the tree of gods had the same idea on the issue of "the most holy".

How difficult is it to cultivate the Holy Spirit?

Even the monsters with normal minds have been searching for the Holy Method to no avail, let alone the irrational cold beasts?

Han San had said before that there was a holy being in the Youhan Realm, and he was talking about the statue of the God of Clay.

Du Yu had reason to believe that the holy clay woman Han Beast mentioned was the one just now.

The tree of gods said solemnly: "I will immediately strengthen all the seals and never pull away my branches."


As the saying goes, you gain wisdom when you take a hard step.

This sudden and huge crisis caused a slight change in the defense concept of the Tree of Gods.

It does not intend to leave the task of sealing the bottomless door to the human race and the aura carpet.

Tree of Spirits: "The cold tree can go crazy and cause trouble here, and it can naturally do it elsewhere."

Du Yu clenched the spiritual branch tightly: "There is no need to use your body to resist, just increase the number of defenders of Shenmu Pavilion.

The place of spiritual cultivation has been open for such a long time, so there are enough great spiritual masters, right? Have them build the Reiki carpet thicker.

If you are still worried, just integrate the spiritual branches into the middle layer of the spiritual carpet, or simply put it on the top layer. "

The tree of gods was filled with emotion and said softly: "Yes."

Such a thing happened, but Du Yu had no intention of blaming it.

Not even a little bit.

Everyone knows the truth. Du Yu didn't cut down the cold wood for the sacred tree. He did it for the human race and even more for himself.

But the Tree of Spirits has already regarded Du Yu as a comrade-in-arms and someone it relies on.

Of course, the Spirit Tree felt very guilty for putting his comrades in danger.

Facts have proved that Du Yu did everything he could!

But the tree of gods failed to do its part well. It failed to protect Du Yu, if it weren't for Chi Xiong's divine soldiers descending from the sky.


The huge Chi Zu suddenly disappeared, and endless demonic aura poured into the body of the girl in black skirt.

Du Yu raised his eyes and saw the girl in black skirt floating high in the air, looking down at him.

Tree of Spirits: "I will order someone to reshape the seal."

As the dry spiritual branch in his hand was pulled away, Du Yu also raised his hand and made a move towards the sky.

This time, the Empress did not refuse.

Her eyes did not dodge, and the dark figure slowly fell down and stopped in front of Du Yu.

Du Yu looked at the girl's amazingly charming face and said softly: "I haven't thanked Chi Zu properly yet."

Lin Shiwei said softly: "It likes peace and quiet."

"Are you sure?" Du Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

The way Master Chizu roared just now was very fiery.

"Ha." Lin Shiwei had many explanations in her mind, but in the end it just turned into a chuckle.

Chizu really liked peace and quiet, and even practiced to the point where his mind was as calm as water.

To put it another way, even a creature with this kind of temperament couldn't help but roar after victory.

It's enough to imagine what Chizu went through.

There is no doubt that Chizu is venting!

When you have rehearsed this day dozens or hundreds of times, experienced dozens or hundreds of failures, and finally find a way out, no matter how old-fashioned a creature is, it is inevitable that your emotions will boil.

Du Yu said softly: "Is there any more prophecy?"

Lin Shiwei shook her head, not sure whether she wanted to express "no more" or "don't know".

The girl's cold fire eyes were full of nostalgia.

But Du Yu was clearly standing in front of her.

Slowly, Lin Shiwei raised her hand and touched Du Yu's cheek.

"No need to hide anymore?" Du Yu didn't know how to react, so he could only respond in a joking way.

Lin Shiwei nodded gently and waved away the demon breath shirt, her palms were very soft.

Du Yu also waved away his shirt and closed his eyes.

He felt a sense of security.

This is rare.

The last person who made him willing to close his eyes and gently rub his cheek against the other person's palm

It's Qingshi.

Du Yu plays different roles in front of different people.

In front of Shi Wei, Meng Nan, and senior brothers and sisters, Du Yu is mostly a leader and plays the role of "protector".

Only in front of Qingshi, Du Yu was the one being protected.

And today, Lin Shiwei also did it.

A trace of peace rose in Du Yu's heart, giving him the most authentic answer.

"Thank you for saving me." Du Yu rubbed his cheek against the girl's palm and whispered, "So many times."

In Du Yu's mind, the girl and Chizu must want to be perfect.

Therefore, Chizu repeatedly recommended

During the performance, everyone in the team, including Du Yu, must have been rescued by this man and the bear many times.

But many endings are not perfect.

It could be that a certain comrade or demon pet was seriously injured, or the bottomless door was not guarded, etc. It was only after repeated deductions and experiences of the two that Lin Shiwei had such a look in her eyes.

That's why Du Yu made these remarks.

However, this time, he really guessed wrong.

There was never anyone else in Hanshu's eyes, not even the tree of gods.

Lin Shiwei's eyes were gentle and her thumb gently stroked his face: "Don't talk such nonsense."

"Is it about gratitude, or about times?"


Du Yu opened his eyes, smiled and nodded: "Okay, can you put the nostalgia in your eyes away? I'm not dead."

At least this time, I didn't die.

Lin Shiwei's gentle palm suddenly grasped Du Yu's face.

Her thin lips lightly pressed against Du Yu's lips, and then she let go of her palms.

Du Yu pursed his lips, and the girl in the black dress in front of him floated up, turned and flew to the side.

From a distance, her faint voice came: "Okay."

Du Yu silently watched her flying back, seeming to see tears falling.

Indeed, the girl who turned around and left couldn't hold it back in the end.

Lin Shiwei, like Chi Zu, needed to vent her emotions, but she didn't shout.

A layer of mist rose in her eyes, and with tears streaming down her face, she fell towards a giant tree that was frozen in mid-air.

Are you really not dead?

But I have lost you many, many times.

"Third sister."

"Huh?" Lin Shiwei took a deep breath and did not turn around.

Li Mengnan's eyes were full of heartache, and her figure floated down. She reached out and hugged the girl's arm, and whispered:

"Don't cry."


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