Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

864 The fifteenth crescent moon

Yang Qingqing naturally agreed to Elder Yinsuo's request.

Then she took Du Yu and Hongye Clan Chief to negotiate with the Zhumu Sen Foreign Land side.

This matter is of great importance, and Zhumusen did not immediately respond. Yang Qingqing expressed his understanding of this, and stayed with Du Yu temporarily in Zhumu Forest.

Although it was a short stay, the master and apprentice gained a lot from it.

Bamboo Forest is also a holy land for training. There is a five-bamboo formation on the bank of Crescent Lake, which can meet the training needs of demon controllers of all attributes.

The Chi Xiongs each possess unique skills and extraordinary martial arts.

Having Chi Xiong with various attributes, martial arts, and strength levels as sparring partners really makes the master and apprentice look after each other beautifully.

It is a pity that the two bows and arrows still have no progress. However, the Xiaoyan in Du Yu's body has begun to become alive again and may advance at any time.

Du Yu was extremely happy!

Yan Ruyu has always been one step ahead of Du Yu in promotion.

Once she becomes emperor, Du Yu thinks that she is not far away from becoming emperor!

The days of practice passed by in a hurry, and soon the time came to a week later.

May 15th, 999 in the Twin Tree calendar, this is a day destined to be recorded in history!

After extensive research and judgment from Daxia Bookstore, the Demon Spirit Military and other parties, Zhumusen Foreign Land officially received instructions from the national level and agreed to allow the Chixiong clan to settle in the realms of mountains, seas and secluded waters.

When the news came, Du Yu was accompanying Qingshi, standing quietly by the Crescent Lake.

It was already very hot in Jinguancheng in mid-May, but the lakeside area was refreshing and pleasant.

I don’t know if it’s the smoke waves rising from the lake, or the mist floating in the bamboo forest.

In short, the light green graceful figure looks even more hazy and ethereal against the mist.

Over the past few days, Qingshi has fallen in love with this place.

She always stood by the beautiful Crescent Lake, with her hands behind her back, looking at the calm lake.

One stop lasts for several hours.

Du Yu didn't know what she was thinking, or maybe she was in a daze.

He never asked, just accompanied me silently.

To be precise, when Qingshi was quiet, Du Yu was also quiet, even breathing lightly.

"Hey~" Hongye's call came from behind.

Du Yu turned his head and looked around, and saw a Chi Xiong wearing a red bamboo leaf hat walking in the green bamboo forest.

"Master." Hongye quickly came to Du Yu, and wisps of demon spirit came towards him, "The human race is here, requesting to enter the lake area."

Du Yu nodded: "Let them come in."

The Zhumu Forest Land is different from all other lands in the world. Here, even if you are a foreign land staff member, a soldier in the demon army, etc., you are not allowed to move around at will.

The Chixiong clan is not an ordinary monster.

Thousands of Chi bears formed not only an ethnic group, but also 60 Taisui Bamboo tribes, a Chi tribe civilization!

Among the Chi tribe, only two humans are special.

How special is it?

The two of them even seemed like the owners here.

"Yes." Hongye immediately turned and left.

Du Yu turned his head and looked at the fairy shadow in the light mist.

Just as he was about to say something, the woman in front of him had already turned her head.

"Someone is coming from a foreign land." Du Yu said softly.

Yang Qingqing looked at her well-behaved disciple with a faint smile on her face: "You don't have to accompany me every time."

"Yeah." Du Yu smiled and said nothing.

Where is it not practicing?

The so-called Crescent Lake is beside the bamboo forest where the Five Bamboo Formation is located, and the energy is amazingly dense.

What's more, Du Yu didn't feel bored, but actually enjoyed it.

Every time he sees a woman's gentle and quiet figure, he always feels at peace in his heart.

Especially in this troubled world, there were very few things that could stabilize Du Yu.

Du Yu once thought about a question, what would he be like if there was no Qingshi around?

The cold invasion was like a billowing black cloud, always shrouding his head and crushing downwards.

And the whole world seems to be counting on him to become emperor.

In the dark, it seemed that there were thousands of pairs of eyes watching him, eager and expecting what he could do.

No one can feel this kind of pressure.

Du Yu really thought that without the young master by his side, he would be in a completely different state.

The extreme desire for strength in his heart may drive him into a state of madness.

At this time, the reason why Du Yu was able to stand here safely was that his mood was relatively stable and controllable.

Everything is because of this figure in front of me.

This peaceful and quiet figure.

Since the Fragrant Tea City Bottomless Abyss mission, Yang Qingqing has only made one request to Du Yu, hoping that he should combine work and rest and pay attention to his recuperation.

Nothing else.

In the past week, including the previous month, she had not given any advice or lectures to Du Yu.

Maybe she expressed everything she wanted to say with practical actions.

On the surface, it seemed that Du Yu was accompanying her to watch the lake.

In fact, it's more like Qing Emperor meditating with his disciple?

Yang Qingqing stepped forward, raised his head slightly, and motioned behind Du Yu.

Du Yu turned around and saw Hongye returning, with a middle-aged and elderly man beside him.

Unexpectedly, the foreign side only sent one person?

Seeing the person coming, Du Yu quickly recalled the other person's name.

He hopes for autumn!

The person in charge of the Zhumu Forest Demonic Realm Party is called "Director He" by the staff.

The two parties had met once. At that time, Du Yu returned to his hometown with the lost Tai Sui Thunder Bamboo, and it was the curator who personally welcomed him.

"Director He, good morning." Du Yu spoke first to avoid the young master not recognizing him.

He Wangqiu had gray hair on his temples and a kind face. There was a hint of kindness in his eyes when he looked at Du Yu.

"Okay, Xiao Du." He Wangqiu nodded with a smile and turned to look at the woman behind Du Yu.

Yang Qingqing nodded: "Director He."

He Wangqiu paused, observed carefully for a moment, and then said: "Congratulations, Ms. Yang."

"Director He has a good eye." Yang Qingqing smiled. She was indeed ready and the promotion window might open at any time.

As early as more than a month ago, she told Du Yu that she would start preparing for promotion.

Today, Emperor Qing has already set his sights on becoming the Demon Emperor at his peak, and he only needs to wait for an opportunity.

It's a pity that Yang Qingqing is not a disciple of Paper Crane, so she can't stride forward vigorously, blocking the way and killing the Buddha.

Even with the jade gourd nearby, she could only wait.

This wait, maybe tomorrow, maybe ten years.

Countless demon masters are stuck on a certain breakthrough threshold, unable to improve even half a point in their lives.

This story is very sad.

What’s even more sad is that stories like this happen all the time and are everywhere.

However, since He Wangqiu chose to congratulate him, he was obviously sure that Yang Qingqing would advance.

In the eyes of outsiders, Yang Qingqing is undoubtedly the top being among the new generation of demon masters in Daxia.

Her illustrious military exploits are enough to shine through in the annals of history.

Such people who do great things and achieve great deeds will become saints sooner or later.

Even God can't stop it.

He Wangqiu looked at the pair of handsome young men in front of him and said, "The superiors have approved the decision of the Chixiong clan. You two can take them to the world of spiritual weapons at any time."

Du Yu said: "Thank you, Director He."

But He Wangqiu smiled: "No, Daxia should thank Chi Xiong and thank you."

He obviously knew very well what the Chixiong clan was going to do.

A week ago, the Chixiong Tribe’s large-scale actual combat drill had given the world a very clear warning.

Du Yu shrugged his shoulders: "I hope it won't be necessary for Chi Xiong to come out."

Du Yu's remarks clearly indicate he has higher expectations for himself.

As long as he can destroy Hanshu's body, everything will be solved naturally.

"Hmm." Hongye whispered.

She really hopes to help her master. As one of the eight hundred warriors, the leader of the Hongye tribe did not enter the mountain realm to avoid disaster!

"Have you informed the clansmen?" Yang Qingqing looked at Hongye.

"Hey!" Hongye looked respectful, bowed and nodded.

"Let's go." Yang Qingqing said.

Hongye immediately turned around and led the trio into the depths of the bamboo forest, the Five Bamboo Formation.

When three people and one bear arrived, the eight hundred chi bears had already assembled.

Chi bears can be large or small, with the largest being 10 meters tall, as huge as a three-story building.

There is no doubt that this is the Demon Saint level!

As of now, there are already 7 Chi bears that have achieved sainthood!

The five elders of the Chi tribe have all become saints, and they are worthy of the name of elders.

Following closely behind him was the leader of the Thunder Bamboo Tribe, with whom Du Yu happened to have some connections - the leader of the Tianshan Tribe!

The reason why Tian Xian became the tribe leader was precisely because of the lost Tai Sui Thunder Bamboo brought back by Du Yu and Yang Qingqing.

The last Chixiong Demon Saint is also the first to become a saint in the entire Chixiong tribe, and the senior leader of the Chixiong tribe - Houtu.

However, the thick soil is no longer in the bamboo forest.

After it made a Tai Sui Earth Bamboo, it returned to Senior Empress Tu Langao.

Currently, in the Wuzhu Formation area, apart from Elder Yinsuo, Tianshan and the four elders are all present. They are also one of the eight hundred warriors.

It is enough to show how strong the Chixiong clan is in supporting the human race!


"Poof!" Each Tai Sui Bamboo was taken into the body by the Chi Bears, and in the blink of an eye, the Five Bamboo Formation had disappeared without a trace.

Even the Tai Sui wood and bamboo gifted by Chi Zu were taken into the body by Chi Xiong Wuxin.

Immediately afterwards, a huge demonic spirit pressed down and enveloped several people.

Tian Xian supported his huge body and looked down at Yang Qingqing. He clasped his hands together and bowed to salute: "That's enough, Master Qing."

"Tell the tribesmen that I have to feel aggrieved for the time being." Yang Qingqing raised her palm, and a beautiful jade gourd appeared in her palm.

"Woo~~~" Tianshan raised his head, and the bear roared for a long time.

"Nai?" Bai Yujing appeared quietly and tilted his head curiously.

Du Yu patted the snow-white deer's leg and said, "Go and carry Qingshi on your back."

"Nai~" Bai Yujing reached down the deer's head, rubbed Du Yu's cheek, and then walked aside.

As she turned her antlers, Yang Qingqing sat sideways on the immortal deer's back.

Yang Qingqing did not reject Xianlu's kindness.

Picking up the jasper gourd in his hand, he passed by the chi bears one after another.


"Hey~" The chubby chi bears, no matter their size, were all sucked into the jade gourd.

Their bodies hovered inside the gourd, their black eyes blinking, looking around curiously.

Until the first demon saint was sucked in, his huge size made the black and white dumplings sit down.

For a while, the sound of "嘤嘤嘤" kept coming from inside the gourd.

It was a pity that Du Yu could not see such an interesting scene.

In fact, Du Yu's eyesight was enough to see the inside of the gourd through the jade wall.

But at this moment, his attention was not on the gourd at all.

Du Yu's eyes passed through the lush bamboo forest, passed through the mist floating on the Crescent Lake, and stared blankly at the edge of the bamboo forest on the other side of the lake.

There, a tall figure was standing.

She was wearing a black dress, holding a bamboo tree with one hand, and secretly looking over here.


Is she here to pick up another thousand Chi Bears?

Du Yu immediately took steps forward. If he hadn't just lent Xiaobai to the Qingshi, he would have been flying at this moment.

However, in the next second, he was frozen in place.

In the sight, the mysterious girl in black dress shook her head slightly.

Du Yu opened his mouth, and there were many words on his lips, but in the end, all the words turned into his stopped footsteps, silent.

Lin Shiwei's eyes seemed a little apologetic.

She looked at Du Yu from a distance, backed away slowly, and disappeared deep into the bamboo forest.

Then, pieces of bones flew out from the bamboo forest, hovering above the Crescent Lake, and pieced together into a huge jade dragon and lion bone sickle.

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