Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

893 Farewell under the clouds

Under the twin sacred trees, thousands of dead branches turned into steel needles, as dense as rain falling.

And in this terrifying battlefield, a tiny figure shuttled back and forth at a very fast speed, like a butterfly passing through flowers, it was dazzling.

Such a scene dumbfounded the surrounding soldiers and made Li Mengnan sweat.

It's too extreme

Every time, just before a dead branch approaches and is about to penetrate Du Yu, his figure disappears without a trace.

In such a battlefield, there is no room for distraction. Even if he makes a mistake in judgment, Du Yu will be pierced by thousands of arrows!

"Be careful, be careful." Li Mengnan kept mumbling, his heart in his throat.

The dense "steel needle rainstorm" makes people shudder.

And among them, the struggling young man had tried his best.

Eye of the Burning Sun, teleportation, high-speed movement, transposition, body broken into water.

There was a crisp sound of "pop"!

Du Butterfly, who was walking through the heavy rain of steel needles, was finally caught and was whipped away by a dead branch.

"Ah!!" Du Yu cried out in pain, and the sounds of broken shirts were heard one after another.

Du Yu's own demon breath battle robe, Xiaoyan's fox fire burning armor, and Qitian's fire armor demon clothes.

A total of three shirts were unable to withstand the blow of the dead branch and were completely shattered.

Du Yu flew out and hit the snow hard, his body being bounced up again and again.

Frost and snow are everywhere, flying in random directions.

It wasn't until he was more than 300 meters away that Du Yu slowed down his momentum, dragged long traces on the snow, and gradually stopped.

"I" Du Yu bit his lip and swallowed the disrespectful words back into his stomach.

Although it's a trial, it's really easy to get carried away when you give it your all.

The specific performance is not only in language, but also in behavior.

Du Yu, who was slipping in the snow, had already picked up the Taixu ax in his hand!

To be honest, Du Yu wished he could just tear open a space crack and open another space crack at the twin tree stumps!

Of course, he couldn't do that.

Reason told Du Yu that he must not confront the sacred tree head-on.

The sacred tree was injured, but I lost my life!

The Kunlun Sacred Tree is so majestic that it cannot be cut down by Du Yu with just one axe.

Once Du Yu did this, it meant that he took the initiative to distance himself from the Kunlun Sacred Tree and provide an output environment for the opponent.

Based on the reaction of the Kunlun Sacred Tree, the moment Du Yu opened the crack, the dead branches would inevitably stab in and rip him into a sieve.

"Yes, Master." Taixu Ax said solemnly, "You must not do that before you control the sacred tree."

Du Yu: "What if I make the gap smaller? To prevent the branches of the gods from getting in?"

When we were cutting down the cold tree before, I put the ax blade against the root of the cold tree stump several times and dragged the tomahawk forward."

Taixu Ax: "That is my method of close attack, not the space-time gap used for passage.

The master wants to tear open two space cracks with one axe, and the scale can only be large, not small.

Whether it is a sacred tree or a cold tree, their branches can definitely penetrate. "

"Du Yu?" A breeze swept by, and Li Mengnan quickly put the pieces together.

She knelt on the ground and looked at Du Yu with worried eyes: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry." Du Yu raised his hand and gently touched the girl's cheek.

Perhaps he was infected by Celadon, and he also fell in love with this action.

Li Mengnan had no intention of paying attention to this. She placed her hand on Du Yu's chest, feeling extremely distressed: "It's bleeding, and you're still so stubborn!"

Du Yu's clothes were in tatters, and there was a bloody whip mark on his chest.

"The movement was predicted by the divine tree, and the body didn't have time to break into water." Du Yu comforted softly, and a sea dragon candle appeared in his hand.

The swaying candlelight exudes deep blue light, healing everything within the illumination range.

Through the gaps between his fingers, Li Mengnan saw that the wound under his palm was gradually healing.

She hurriedly moved her palm away to let Hai Longzhu shine better on Du Yu's wound.

At the same time, dead branches also came quietly.

"What should I say?" Du Yu grabbed the dead branch with a hint of expectation in his heart.

He was indeed injured, but it is undeniable that Du Yu persisted for a while in the "Steel Needle Rainstorm".

If Du Yu uses Taixu Ax, it is not possible to determine who will win or lose.

Tree of Spirits: "Your growth is indeed gratifying, but"

Du Yu frowned: "But?"

Tree of Spirits: "It's still too risky. It would be nice if you could be a little faster, even a little bit."

"Sacred tree." Du Yu rubbed the dead branches, "I'm not going to fight against the cold tree in a one-on-one fight. I also have many comrades at the holy level."

Tree of Spirits: "Yes, this is also the problem. There are countless saints of the Han tribe and saints of the cold beast around the tree of Youhan."

Du Yu: "I have the Liuhuo Suanni! As soon as the auspicious voice from the sky goes down, how many cold beasts are there, all of them will fall into chaos.

At that time, Han Beast will become our help! "

Tree of Spirits: "Cold beasts are uncertain factors after all, and they may also disrupt our plans."

Du Yu opened his mouth and naturally understood the meaning of the Kunlun Sacred Tree.

He was silent for a while and then said: "Sacred Tree, our twin tree world can't wait any longer."

"Why do you say this?" The tree of gods asked, "You have just annihilated four holy ministers of the Han tribe and four holy beasts.

This is an extremely painful blow to Youhan Realm, which will slow down their attack. "

Du Yu put one hand on the ground, and Li Mengnan quickly put his arms around his back and helped him sit up.

"Sacred tree, you have also seen the situation on the battlefield. Soldiers and demon pets are dying every minute and every second!"

Tree of Gods: "For the ultimate victory, dedication and sacrifice are necessary."

Du Yu suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Kunlun Divine Tree has always been very "human" when communicating with him.

As a result, Du Yu occasionally forgot that this was a sacred tree that had stood for thousands of years. It was used to all kinds of wars and the life and death of all things.

Tree of Spirits: "Du Yu, you are a kind child. You don't want to see your comrades die or your home being destroyed. You want to destroy the cold tree.

I understand all this.

But have you ever thought about what it means to our Twin Tree world if you fail? "

Du Yu clenched the dead branch in his hand.

Tree of Spirits: “If you fail, there will be no hope for this world.

All civilization will eventually be destroyed, and hundreds of millions of creatures will die or become slaves of the cold.

You have seen these scenes in the Ashes Continent, right? "

Li Mengnan pursed her lips and looked unhappy.

As humans, she and Du Yu both have their own limitations.

They really did not want to see their comrades die tragically, and they did not want to see the monster beasts reduced to withered bones.

The Kunlun Sacred Tree is looking at this battle that has lasted for nearly a thousand years from a higher level.

The tree of gods said solemnly: "Du Yu, I hope you can be able to handle it with ease when facing the tree of coldness.

If this is a luxury

Then I hope you can go faster, at least a little faster. "

"How fast?" Du Yu finally spoke, "Promoted to the Demon Control Saint?"

Tree of the Gods: “If time permits, I even hope that you can reach the Holy Level, just to ensure the success of the mission!

But Hanshu obviously won’t let you grow.

You killed several holy ministers and Ni Po, which bought us some time.

Before the battle situation gets worse, you can advance to a lower rank and improve the quality of your demonic skills a little bit."

Du Yu: "My talent is already very high, and I have never met any threshold. Before reaching the general level, I was promoted to a small rank in an average of 2 or 3 months.

It's June 7th now, and I'm at the emperor level.

I'm afraid I'll have to wait until September, or even October, to advance to the Demon Emperor's Xiaocheng stage. "

Tree of Spirits: "I'll help you."


Tree of Spirits: “Stay here, stay in this realm of Kunlun.

I infuse you with spiritual energy and demon breath every day to help you break through and advance!

I will spar with you every day and give you special training so that you can get used to all the offensive methods of the Netherfrost Tree. "

Hearing this, Du Yu fell silent.

Reason told him that the choice of the Kunlun Sacred Tree was correct.

As it said before, everything is to completely destroy the Tree of Frost!

Du Yu also knew that after becoming emperor, he was finally qualified to receive special training from the sacred tree.

In the following period, if I can bathe in the "steel needle rainstorm" every day,

"Du Yu Du Yu~" Little Fenyang suddenly appeared, "We promise the big tree!"

Taixu Axe: "Master, promise to the sacred tree."

The two creatures from another world obviously have higher pursuits.

They want to destroy more than just this cold tree!

There is no doubt that the Frost Tree in the Ashes Continent is far stronger than the Frost Tree that everyone is facing right now!

After all, that cold tree has conquered a world.

It has a wider territory and can absorb more majestic energy.

The reality is here, the Frozen Tree of Ash Continent has already begun to enter the next world!

"Du Yu." Suddenly, a sky-blue figure appeared beside Du Yu.

The cold skirt fluttered gently and brushed across Du Yu's cheek, as if to wake him up.

"Huh?" Du Yu raised his head and looked at this magnificent figure.

Tian Qingci said softly: "Promise to the sacred tree, you have bought yourself some time, and you should make good use of it."

"Yeah." Du Yu nodded heavily and held the dead branch with one hand, "Okay, then we'll have to worry about the sacred tree."

The dead branches also wrapped around Du Yu tightly, with a hint of joy in his voice: "Okay, let's continue!"

The majestic mother of demon spirit civilization was actually worried that Du Yu would go his own way and not listen to its suggestions.

"Wait a moment." Du Yu signaled the Holy Spirit to enter his body, and then turned on the Mountain and Sea Bell.

The next moment, Du Yu and Li Mengnan arrived at the mountain boundary and stood tall at the Tianmen.

There is a beautiful picture scroll floating on the side - the Seven-foot River and Mountain Picture.

As early as Du Yu called Han San and Bai Yulongshou out of the picture, he took the Jiangshan Picture back here to avoid losing it.

Sensing Du Yu's arrival, the map of mountains and rivers immediately moved sideways and handed the scroll into Du Yu's palm.

"Mengnan, after you go back, be sure to follow the team closely." Du Yu looked at the girl, "I

Send the Lion Bone Sickle, Fire Sui Axe, and Flowing Fire Holy Saint into the picture, and you will take the Jiangshan Picture with you. Hmm. "

In a deserted environment, Li Mengnan held Du Yu's face in his hands and pressed his soft lips deeply.

She didn't know why Du Yu could still be so calm after experiencing the "storm of steel needles".

All she knew was that she was frightened.

Du Yu's body stiffened slightly, and then he put his arms around Shen Mengnan's graceful waist and kissed her back gently.

When they reunited two months later, the two did not have a good conversation. Instead, they fell into life-and-death battles one after another.

Until this moment, in these mountains, they finally had a little private time.

However, Li Mengnan still made a mistake.

At the top of the mountains, the trio of the second team raised their heads and stared silently at the sky.

The sky, which was already covered with dark clouds, had an apocalyptic sadness to it.

Under the churning clouds, the man and woman embracing each other and kissing each other did not make the world any brighter.

Because it didn't feel like a happy reunion, but like a sad farewell.

Li Mengnan hugged her sweetheart tightly, pressed her forehead against his, and whispered: "Du Yu."


"You must be careful and protect yourself. When the war is not tense, I will come back to accompany you."

"Or. Or you."

"I would like to, but it's not possible. Young masters, senior brothers and sisters also need protection."

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