Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

934 Thousands of Trees

The road to spiritual practice is long, and in the blink of an eye, the time has come to the beginning of October.

In the Boundary of the Sea, inside Shatang Mansion.

A piece of tangerine leaf hangs high on the roof of the main building. Yang Qingqing and Du Yu are sitting on it, exploring the way to sainthood together.

In the courtyard, Feng Jian Weinan and four others were sitting on the ground and kneeling, and they were all facing the direction of their master.

From time to time, the disciples would raise their heads and look at the magnificent immortal master.

Such a picture seems a bit like a pilgrimage?

In the past ten days, Du Yu took back Emperor Fengnan and received the blessings of the Qingshi together.

At this point, except Senior Brother Li Jing, all the disciples of Qingmen gathered together.

While everyone is working hard to practice, they are also secretly looking forward to witnessing history.

Regarding Qingshi becoming a saint, it is the history of Qingmen, as well as the history of the entire Daxia, and even the Twin Tree Realm!

I have to say that the human race’s practice of cultivating demons is truly an act of defiance!

Extraordinarily high talent potential, an excellent training environment, a firm way to control monsters, as well as timing, luck and other factors are all indispensable!

The so-called good time, place, and people are nothing more than this.

No wonder only a few people have become saints in the world over the past thousands of years.

It's no wonder that after some saints fell down, they couldn't get up again.

Compared with other saints, Yang Qingqing has a greater advantage!

She possesses top-notch magic weapons, has done meritorious deeds in protecting the country and the world, and is blessed with great luck.

However, under such circumstances, her road to sanctification was still horribly difficult.


Du Yu sat cross-legged behind Qingshi on the sand leaves, pressing her back with one hand and calling softly.

"Yeah." Yang Qingqing closed her eyes tightly and responded softly.

Du Yu: "Xiaoyan is going to be promoted at any time."

Yang Qingqing said softly: "Good thing."

After Du Yu reminded the young master, he moved his palm, held her shoulder, and pressed down slightly.

Nearly two hours later, a circle of flames suddenly spread out of Du Yu's body.


The wind was blowing hard and the heat was rolling.

Yang Qingqing was held firmly by Du Yu, and her body was stable. However, her long hair was flying randomly, and occasionally she would be slapped on Du Yu's face.


Du Yu: "."

Faintly, a smile appeared on Yang Qingqing's face.

"Aunt Qingqing~" A childish voice sounded quietly.

"Huh?" Yang Qingqing felt the little golden crow swimming inside her body.

Fenyang Golden Crow is indeed the supreme fire attribute!

She was obviously Du Yu's demon pet, but she wandered back and forth in Yang Qingqing's body, helping her widen her meridians.

As the Holy Saint, Liuhuo Suanni is also willing to help.

But with the Golden Crow on top, Suan Ni could only lie down, not daring to disturb the practice of the Holy Saint Fen Yang.

At this time, Xiao Fengyang was located above the woman's head, trying to open up the gap in the path between the Ren meridian and the Du meridian.

Xiao Fenyang said: "Don't be lazy~"

Yang Qingqing said slightly apologetically: "Yes."

Little Fenyang murmured in a low voice: "You can miss Du Yu, but you must also move forward with me~

It’s just a little bit close. Come on, let’s clear this road together! "

Yang Qingqing: "."

The person behind it is indeed her way of controlling monsters.

In the process of breaking through and becoming a saint, Yang Qingqing will inevitably think of him.

The two met and got to know each other, the battles they experienced together, and the bits and pieces of their lives together.

And the little golden crow wandering inside her body naturally felt her mood.

"Hey~" Yan Ruyu was paralyzed in the Yintang point between Du Yu's eyebrows.

When she was promoted before, Hu Xiaoyan was always high-spirited and loud.

But this time, she was like a dead dog.

Perhaps "a puddle of mud" is more appropriate to describe it. After all, a dead dog wouldn't be as drunk and confused as she was.

There was no way, after Du Yu's body was tempered by the demonic fire, it was indeed a paradise for fire-based demonic beasts.

In addition, the Shadow Gu Pagoda continuously refines the holy demon soul, and the nourishment it provides is like banned poison, making Xiaoyan unable to extricate himself.

Plus Du Yu’s constant company

Hu Xiaoyan really doesn’t want to go out!

She just wanted to stay paralyzed here every minute until the end of her life.

No matter how wonderful the outside world is, so what?


Du Yu, I have found my destination.

"You monster." Du Yu laughed and cursed in his mind, "I am helping the young master to advance, please don't mess with my monster heart!"

"Huh." Hu Xiaoyan whined aggrievedly.

That sweet voice made Du Yu's bones tremble: "You are so mean to others~"

Du Yu almost burst into tears: "I tm% # ¥% # !!!"

Ten seconds ago, all the disciples in Shatang Courtyard raised their heads to watch.

When Hu Xiaoyan was promoted to the Demon Emperor Dacheng Stage, it caused quite a stir.

Everyone looked at it again and again, and when they found that the young master was still as usual, they all lowered their heads and continued to practice.

Unexpectedly, after just a few minutes, the vision reappeared!


The rich wood demon breath and the churning fire demon breath collided with each other, even triggering bursts of thunder?

Li Mengnan raised his head suddenly, and then a surprised smile appeared on his face.

Is the Qingshi about to enter the next stage?

"Dumb~dumb!" In Yang Qingqing's body, the mysterious golden crow opened a pair of wings and flew towards her forehead from the Baihui point on the top of the woman's head.


Little Fengyang shouted excitedly, marching with a large force of fire demon breath, swinging open the way forward with great vigor.

And above the head of the Golden Crow Supreme Saint, stood a demon named Yang Qingqing.

She stood in the black gold feather crown, mobilized the energy of her whole body, and cooperated with the Burning Sun Holy Saint to attack the meridians.

At this moment, Du Yu moved his palm up again and pressed the top of the woman's head.

For the first time in his life, he touched the head of a young master.

Hmm. Feeling good?

Du Yu resisted the urge to rub it.

He teamed up with the Shadow Gu Tower to forcefully pour terrifying amounts of pure demonic soul into the woman's body!

The demon soul Yang Qingqing kept her eyes on the road ahead, and waves of strong demon souls came in time and continued to merge into her body.

In the black gold feather crown, the energy fluctuations of the exquisite goddess statue became more and more violent.

"Silly!" The little Golden Crow flew past the meridians in front of him again. Unlike every time before, this missing meridian path finally changed.

The front meridians on the body and the governor meridians on the back gradually form a closed loop!

At this point, the body of the demon controller has formed its own system, and the demon breath surges like a river, repeating the cycle endlessly!

"Wow~" Xiao Fenyang was extremely happy.

She flew along the torrent of demonic breath, swooping from the top of Qingshi's head to below her body, and then soared up from below her body.

The one who surrounds the sky is round!

It is also the path that the spirit’s aura travels.

From now on, Xiao Fenyang's flight path can finally be described by the word "Zhou Tian".

However, in just a few weeks, the demon Yang Qingqing left the Black Gold Feather Crown and suddenly came to the world.

All the disciples looked delighted as they watched the illusory young master descend into the world and envelope the entire house below.


The demon soul young master quietly disappeared. When she came again, the demon soul had become larger and was close to the central area of ​​​​Shatang Courtyard.


The demon soul dispersed again, and then stretched out again.

At this time, the entire Shatang Mansion, including Shatang Courtyard and Huotong Courtyard, were all covered by a goddess statue.

"Gudu." Fu Jianzhou swallowed, his heart trembling slightly.

Li Mengnan also shrank his head and sat on his knees in a dignified manner.

Jiang Feng's face was full of respect, and under the pressure of the demon that covered the sky, he and Lin Shi only lowered their heads.

Obviously, Qingshi has entered the final sprint stage.

How long will this phase last?

It’s not clear yet, but what is certain is that in this process, she can benefit all sentient beings to the greatest extent!

The ones who benefited the most were naturally the demon pets in Yang Qingqing's body.


A wave of air spread violently.

Du Yu's face was startled, his hand fell, and he subconsciously held Qingshi's shoulder.

The violent air waves made Du Yu feel suffocated!

Who advanced?

There is fire and wood in the air wave circle. Should it be the holy flower, the rose emperor spirit?

No, it should be called "Rose Holy Spirit" now.

Du Yu was filled with emotions.

The first one to advance was the Holy Flower, which had suffered a lot, instead of the Holy Tree Huitianmu, which was developing steadily.

Previously, Yang Qingqing had mistakenly entered the base camp of the Cold Beast Legion in the Ashes Continent.

During Yang Qingqing's escape, the Holy Flower's body was also destroyed, and only the demon spirit remained.

In order to protect the holy flower and prevent it from being destroyed, Xiao Fengyang signed a contract with Qingshi.

It could be regarded as a blessing in disguise. In the process of protecting the Holy Flower, the Golden Crow Supreme helped it unlock the ancient body.

Now it seems that the name Qingshi chose for his pet when he was young is no longer a beautiful wish and extravagant hope.

After going through many hardships, it has become a true "holy flower".


Another air wave circle hit, this time, it was pure wood demon breath.

Du Yu held Qingshi's shoulders and flew into the air.

He knew that this must be the sacred tree Huitianmu!

"Silly Du Yu~" Little Fen Yang returned to Du Yu's body, "We can leave."

Retire after success?

Du Yu immediately released his palm.


Suddenly, a rose fire vine came over and wrapped tightly around Du Yu's wrist.

Du Yu: "."

What do you mean, you won’t let me go?

The churning wood demon breath surged in all directions, the wind and waves calmed down a little, and Du Yu also landed on the Shatang leaves.

With a slight movement of the woman's fingertips, the rose vine dragged Du Yu, like dragging a dead dog, and brought him back behind her.

Du Yu's face was well-behaved and he didn't dare to say anything.

If you're not allowed to leave, then we won't leave. It's better to stay closer so we can enjoy the benefits~

Du Yu thought to himself, looking at the lingering breath of the wood demon around him, a smile appeared on his face.

After the Holy Flower, the Holy Wood also succeeded!

Qingshi is really amazing.

For other saints, it would be good to have 1 or 2 holy pets under their command.

Look at my young master again!

The two saints of flowers and trees!

Dragon and Snake Twin Saints!

plus the holy

·Flowing fire Suanni,

And a sad seabird running towards the Holy One.

How terrifying is such a demon controller?

Truly one man becomes an army!

She alone is enough to rule the world.

What's even more frightening is that Yang Qingqing's disciples are not bad either.

Everyone also has holy weapons and holy pets, and a few people have holy demon pets.

Such a group of people who are destroying heaven and earth do not go out to separate mountains and become gods in their own world, but stick together closely.

Where can I go in this world of thousands of trees?

Where can't you conquer?

Thinking about it, Du Yu couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Huh!" The demon flashed frequently, expanding to the limit again and again.

A cold voice entered Du Yu's mind: "You're disturbing me."

"Sorry." Du Yu quickly calmed down.

"Thousands of Tree Realms?"

"The young master will be promoted first, and we will wait until he becomes a saint."

Once again, Yang Qingqing's demonic spirit enveloped the mansion, blocking out the sky and the sun.

She lowered her eyes and looked at a pair of tiny figures on the roof with her huge beautiful eyes.

Thousands of trees?

That's fine.

A mere Twin Tree Realm cannot contain the fire you are full of.

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