Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

953 Heavenly Punishment

During the journey of cultivating monsters, the monster race is particularly favored by God.

At noon the next day, there was still no movement from Lin and his wife, but the fluctuations of the demonic aura on Du Yu's body became more and more intense.

He had to get up and stumble towards the back door of the villa.

When he opened the door and came to the porch, he saw all kinds of demon pets gathered around the building, obviously taking advantage of the benefits of cultivation.

"Catch me." Du Yu leaned on the porch fence, turned over and fell down.

The big bear on the moonlit night was very obedient. It opened its paws, revealing its furry and soft arms, and made a gesture to catch the falling Du Yu.

Unexpectedly, his beard was cut off by a Morpho butterfly.

The huge butterfly danced lightly and landed on Du Yu's back.

Du Yu seemed to have grown a pair of gorgeous butterfly wings, which fell steadily to the ground.

"Give way, give way." Du Yu said, and most of the demon pets were obedient and quickly retreated.

Only the little guys underground are restless.

Earth-type monsters, chinchillas, looked like chinchillas, with a circle of petals blooming around their necks, with little bits of soil on them, which poured onto Du Yu's shoes.

This habit, well, is very suitable for signing a contract with someone studying civil engineering.


A violent wave of air spread out!


"Squeak~" Several chinchillas screamed in panic, and were knocked out by the churning air waves.

There were also a few cute chinchillas hiding in the burrows. After a while, they finally dared to come out and take a sneak peek.

But in the next moment, the chinchilla quickly burrowed into the ground, completely afraid to come forward.

Not just the beautiful chipmunks, but all other creatures fled in panic!

This eternally joyful and peaceful paradise suddenly erupted with screams and cries.

Because the tyrant has appeared!

"You guy." Du Yu felt helpless and patted the cat's leg, "Why are you scaring them?"

"Meow." Huang Yinlin looked at the demon pets who were fleeing in fear with an unkind expression.

Who gave you the courage to look directly at this king?

Don’t you know fear?

Don’t you know how to surrender?

A bunch of spoiled creatures who have forgotten what the laws of nature are, right?

"Don't!" Du Yu hurriedly hugged the cat's claws, "They are also monster pets, not wild monsters."

How can domestic cats and hyenas on the grassland have the same survival patterns?

"Meow." Huang Yinlin slowly raised the cat's paw, looked at the little human hanging on it, and shook it left and right.

Du Yu: "."

Of course, Du Yu will not be easily thrown away, but as long as the Tao is higher, the devil is still higher.

The Wild Silver Lynx reached down to the beast's skull, stretched out its huge pink tongue, and licked it down with its claws.

"Uh! Uh"

Du Yu pushed the giant tongue with both hands and breathed hard.

Is this the power of Lord Demon Saint?

Love it, love it~

Du Yu let go decisively. After all, he didn't want to be eaten by the big cat.

However, a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple.

As soon as Du Yu landed, he was pushed to the ground by a giant silver claw.

A trace of dissatisfaction in the rustling voice poured into Du Yu's mind: "Where are you going?"

"I" Du Yu held the cat's paw pads with both hands, his face turned red from suppressing the pain, "Where can I go?"

"Heh." Huang Yinlin spread his claws slightly and looked at someone between the toes, "It's good to know."

Du Yu looked uncomfortable: "Can you be nice to me?"

The huge beast head approached "suddenly"!

A huge ferocious beast's pupil struck directly in front of Du Yu's face, occupying his entire field of vision.

The rustling voice came again: "These demon pets are not dead and have not become food in my mouth."

Du Yu: "So?"

Huang Yinlin: "Because you asked me to stop, they are still alive."

Good guy~

Du Yu grinned, let's just say, are you a little too domineering?

Huang Yinlin once again stuck out his giant tongue, while licking his silver claws, he also licked the little human between his toes: "Whatever you say will be whatever it is.

Am I not good enough for you? "

Du Yuren was almost numb, he could only feel the buzzing sound of the demon breath shirt.

He said: "Then let me go first?"

"Wait a minute."

"Didn't you say that whatever I say is what I say?"

Huang Yinlin said calmly: "You talk a lot."

Du Yu:? ? ?

This big cat is simply the opposite of Tiangang!

There was a hint of smile in Huang Yinlin's beast eyes, and his silver claws pressed Du Yu's body to the ground with a little force.

The tyrant raised his head high and roared: "Roar!"

It was a high-spirited and high-spirited feeling, and it gave a feeling of "dominion over the world". The demon pets in the paradise were trembling and did not dare to breathe.

At some point, Lin Shiwei stood at the porch of the villa.

She was not afraid, but her eyes were full of joy.

The Wild Silver Lynx, transformed into a demon saint, is more than 11 meters long and looks like a terrifying giant beast!

The thick silver tail is also 11 meters long. It is like a steel whip. When it shakes gently, it draws deep whip marks on the ground!

its shoulder height

It's more than 5 meters, nearly as tall as a second floor.

Such a huge pure silver cat looks majestic and shining under the sunlight at noon.

"Be gentle." Lin Shiwei held the fence with both hands and looked at the big silver cat with a smile, "Don't crush your master to death."

"Meow." Huang Yinlin turned his head and looked.

The giant cat even had to look down to see the girl standing on the porch.

"Come on, me." Lin Shiwei's words stopped abruptly, and she suddenly looked up at the sky.

Huang Yinlin also looked up, with a bad look on his face.

I saw wind and clouds surging in the sky, and then the earth trembled faintly.

Is this a divine punishment? !

Lin Shiwei was surprised and happy, and immediately returned to the house.

In the corner where he was drinking tea, his father looked happy, while his mother closed her eyes tightly and her body was trembling slightly.

"I'll come." Lin Shiwei quickly stepped forward, picked up her mother, and walked outside the house.

With Lin Shiwei's current ability, she is completely able to help her mother avoid this disaster.

But she can't do that.

Because divine punishment is not only a crisis, but also an opportunity!

The reason why God created the vision is to prevent the human race from breaking through and advancing.

But in the process of accepting the punishment from heaven, the human race can harvest endless energy and promote the gathering and formation of monsters!

For ordinary demon masters, there are two endings: either death, or taking the first step to becoming a god.

But for Su Ming'an, she has only one ending - success!

With Yuwei and the two Great Xia God Generals here, who can hurt her in the slightest?


The sky was dark and the earth was dark, clouds were rolling in, and layers of sand and dust were rising between the sky and the earth?

Is this earth element punishment?

"Tyrant." Du Yu pinched the soft pad under the big cat's paw.

Huang Yinlin slowly released his paws.

She looked up at the sky, with a pair of beastly eyes full of ferocity!

God damn it.

I was about to use him as a human flesh pad and enjoy myself. How dare you disturb me? How brave are you?

I won’t poke a hole in you today, okay?

Huang Yinlin suddenly blinked his eyes.

The dog Cangtian who was causing trouble for the cat didn't need to be killed by Huang Yinlin himself, it would have revealed its holes on its own.

"Wow!" Du Yu exclaimed and landed on the big cat's head.

I saw dust sweeping across the sky, outlining a vortex.

Immediately afterwards, a huge ball of sand fell from the sky and hit the Daxia government.

Du Yu arched his legs slightly and ordered: "Jump up, then use the twin wild lynx to cooperate, and we will kill him!"

"Meow!" Huang Yinlin licked his lips, with a fierce look in his eyes.

She leaped high into the air with all her strength and force on all four paws, soaring straight into the sky.

Du Yu felt like he was riding a rocket! The power of Lord Demon Saint is simply terrifying!

Until it reached the highest point, the Wild Silver Lynx quickly summoned a twin Wild Lynx.

I saw the long tails of the twin wild lynxes curled up, tying the waist and abdomen of the wild silver lynx, and then swung them upwards.

"Meow!!" The wild silver lynx screamed sharply and tore at the huge meteorite with both claws.

Eternal Diamond·Earth Splitting Palm.

After all, Huang Yinlin has just been promoted, and the quality of his demon skills has not yet improved.

But it doesn't matter, just slap a few more times.


The sand ball crawled out with traces of fragmentation, but it didn't tear apart?

Huang Yinlin suddenly became unhappy.

She tapped the knuckles of her claws slightly, turned around and fell, and at the same time, she flicked her long tail.

Eternal Diamond · Hanging Tail!

"Crack!!" The ball of sand shattered with a bang, endless sand and dust flying everywhere.

Du Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, all this sand was transformed from the earth demon's breath.

"Du Yu." Lin Shiwei's voice came from far below, "Don't kill all the people from Heaven Punishment. Mom needs this."

"Oh." Du Yu responded loudly, riding on the big cat's head, his figure falling rapidly.

"Huu~" Du Yu's feet were entangled in the wind, and his falling speed suddenly slowed down.

Desolate Silver Lynx sank directly into the ground, then surfaced silently.

"I'm causing trouble for you." Su Mingan nestled in her daughter's arms, feeling a little guilty.

Normally, a peak demon master should be able to sense in advance that he is about to advance.

For example, Fu Jianzhou went to Hanhu Sword Realm more than a month in advance to prepare.

But Su Ming'an's situation is indeed somewhat special.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, everything happened suddenly and without warning.

Could it be possible that he was really enlightened by his daughter?


Otherwise, I have been stuck in this position for more than 20 years, why would the promotion window open today?

"Concentrate and stick the monsters in your body together, like making a clay figure." Lin Shiwei warned softly.

Su Ming'an: "Yeah"

"Huh!" There was more and more dust between the sky and the earth, and a shaft of sand fell from the sky, covering the demon pet paradise.

Lin Shiwei immediately raised her hand, and an 87-meter sickle blade suddenly took shape.

Holy Weapon·Jade Dragon Lion Bone Scythe!

"Buzz~" The lion bone sickle received the instruction from the mistress and swung the blade upwards.

Demon Weapon Array·Sand


I saw a huge arc of sand and soil cutting the salon roll in half from bottom to top?

The salon roll was cut through and completely unable to be rolled up.

Du Yu looked at the girl with a strange expression: "You should leave some for Aunt Su."

Lin Shiwei: "."

At the porch of the villa, Lin Yuanfang stared blankly at the two children, not knowing what to say.


Who is punishing whom?


The sand and soil all over the sky suddenly gathered into arcs and were thrown downwards.

The expressions of Yu Wei and the other two people darkened. An output of this scale would not only affect the demon pets in the paradise, but also the government community in Daxia.


The Demon Emperor Huitianmu, which is more than thirty meters tall, was quickly pieced together.

As the earth shook, a forest rose from the ground.

Eternal Diamond·Return to Heaven and Sea of ​​Trees!


Another nearly 200-meter-long jet-black giant python sprang out of the tiny Shi Wei's body and smashed into the demon pet paradise.

The earthquake trembled more and more violently, and in the sea of ​​trees, a more magnificent bamboo forest rose from the ground!

Eternal Diamond·Bamboo Forest!

The trees swayed and the bamboos towered into the sky.

Endless branches and bamboos are tightly woven to form a huge defensive cover, blocking out the sky and the sun.

The majestic Great Xia God General can even protect the entire Twin Tree Realm, but you are still missing a small residential area?


"Click! Click" Among the lush branches, Lin Shiwei stepped on the giant bamboo, hugged her mother, climbed out of the defensive cover, and headed higher into the sky.

As a person who gathered demon souls to take shape, Su Ming'an was undoubtedly the target of divine punishment and would attract firepower.

If all the attacks from Heavenly Punishment are directed high into the sky, then the area below will naturally be less affected.

"Wei Wei?" Su Ming'an felt nervous and clutched the corners of her daughter's clothes.

Lin Shi's only hand held the back of her mother's head and gently pressed her shoulder.

The girl regarded the punishment from heaven as if it were nothing, and she could see the grace of the god at a glance.

With a gentle smile on her face, she whispered: "I will protect you, Mom."

Su Ming'an: "Yeah"

"What do you mean, Wild Silver Lynx Saint?" Du Yu rode the big silver cat, sprang out of the dense branches, and came to the top of the defensive cover.


Du Yu patted the lynx's head: "This is the earth element's heavenly punishment! Do you want to go all out and practice the Holy Spirit directly?"

Huang Yinlin: "The most holy way you and I have set is to kill."

Du Yu raised his head and looked up into the sky, looking at the slowly rotating sand vortex: "Then let's kill the sky?"

"Meow~" Huang Yinlin licked the tip of his nose.

I think it works!

During the journey of cultivating monsters, the monster race is particularly favored by God.

At noon the next day, there was still no movement from Lin and his wife, but the fluctuations of the demonic aura on Du Yu's body became more and more intense.

He had to get up and stumble towards the back door of the villa.

When he opened the door and came to the porch, he saw all kinds of demon pets gathered around the building, obviously taking advantage of the benefits of cultivation.

"Catch me." Du Yu leaned on the porch fence, turned over and fell down.

The big bear on the moonlit night was very obedient. It opened its paws, revealing its furry and soft arms, and made a gesture to catch the falling Du Yu.

Unexpectedly, his beard was cut off by a Morpho butterfly.

The huge butterfly danced lightly and landed on Du Yu's back.

Du Yu seemed to have grown a pair of gorgeous butterfly wings, which fell steadily to the ground.

"Give way, give way." Du Yu said, and most of the demon pets were obedient and quickly retreated.

Only the little guys underground are restless.

Earth-type monsters, chinchillas, looked like chinchillas, with a circle of petals blooming around their necks, with little bits of soil on them, which poured onto Du Yu's shoes.

This habit, well, is very suitable for signing a contract with someone studying civil engineering.


A violent wave of air spread out!


"Squeak~" Several chinchillas screamed in panic, and were knocked out by the churning air waves.

There were also a few cute chinchillas hiding in the burrows. After a while, they finally dared to come out and take a sneak peek.

But in the next moment, the chinchilla quickly burrowed into the ground, completely afraid to come forward.

Not just the beautiful chipmunks, but all other creatures fled in panic!

This eternally joyful and peaceful paradise suddenly erupted with screams and cries.

Because the tyrant has appeared!

"You guy." Du Yu felt helpless and patted the cat's leg, "Why are you scaring them?"

"Meow." Huang Yinlin looked at the demon pets who were fleeing in fear with an unkind expression.

Who gave you the courage to look directly at this king?

Don’t you know fear?

Don’t you know how to surrender?

A bunch of spoiled creatures who have forgotten what the laws of nature are, right?

"Don't!" Du Yu hurriedly hugged the cat's claws, "They are also monster pets, not wild monsters."

How can domestic cats and hyenas on the grassland have the same survival patterns?

"Meow." Huang Yinlin slowly raised the cat's paw, looked at the little human hanging on it, and shook it left and right.

Du Yu: "."

Of course, Du Yu will not be easily thrown away, but as long as the Tao is higher, the devil is still higher.

The Wild Silver Lynx reached down to the beast's skull, stretched out its huge pink tongue, and licked it down with its claws.

"Uh! Uh"

Du Yu pushed the giant tongue with both hands and breathed hard.

Is this the power of Lord Demon Saint?

Love it, love it~

Du Yu let go decisively. After all, he didn't want to be eaten by the big cat.

However, a monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple.

As soon as Du Yu landed, he was pushed to the ground by a giant silver claw.

A trace of dissatisfaction in the rustling voice poured into Du Yu's mind: "Where are you going?"

"I" Du Yu held the cat's paw pads with both hands, his face turned red from suppressing the pain, "Where can I go?"

"Heh." Huang Yinlin spread his claws slightly and looked at someone between the toes, "It's good to know."

Du Yu looked uncomfortable: "Can you be nice to me?"

The huge beast head approached "suddenly"!

A huge ferocious beast's pupil struck directly in front of Du Yu's face, occupying his entire field of vision.

The rustling voice came again: "These demon pets are not dead and have not become food in my mouth."

Du Yu: "So?"

Huang Yinlin: "Because you asked me to stop, they are still alive."

Good guy~

Du Yu grinned, let's just say, are you a little too domineering?

Huang Yinlin once again stuck out his giant tongue, while licking his silver claws, he also licked the little human between his toes: "Whatever you say will be whatever it is.

Am I not good enough for you? "

Du Yuren was almost numb, he could only feel the buzzing sound of the demon breath shirt.

He said: "Then let me go first?"

"Wait a minute."

"Didn't you say that whatever I say is what I say?"

Huang Yinlin said calmly: "You talk a lot."

Du Yu:? ? ?

This big cat is simply the opposite of Tiangang!

There was a hint of smile in Huang Yinlin's beast eyes, and his silver claws pressed Du Yu's body to the ground with a little force.

The tyrant raised his head high and roared: "Roar!"

It was such a high-spirited and high-spirited feeling that one felt like "dominating the world". The demon pets in the paradise were trembling and did not dare to breathe.

At some point, Lin Shiwei stood at the porch of the villa.

She was not afraid, but her eyes were full of joy.

The Wild Silver Lynx, transformed into a demon saint, is more than 11 meters long and looks like a terrifying giant beast!

The thick silver tail is also 11 meters long. It is like a steel whip. When it shakes gently, it draws deep whip marks on the ground!

Its shoulder height is more than 5 meters, and it is nearly as tall as a second-story building.

Such a huge pure silver cat looks majestic and shining under the sunlight at noon.

"Be gentle." Lin Shiwei held the fence with both hands and looked at the big silver cat with a smile, "Don't crush your master to death."

"Meow." Huang Yinlin turned his head and looked.

The giant cat even had to look down to see the girl standing on the porch.

"Come on, me." Lin Shiwei's words stopped abruptly, and she suddenly looked up at the sky.

Huang Yinlin also looked up, with a bad look on his face.

I saw wind and clouds surging in the sky, and then the earth trembled faintly.

Is this a divine punishment? !

Lin Shiwei was surprised and happy, and immediately returned to the house.

In the corner where he was drinking tea, his father looked happy, while his mother closed her eyes tightly and her body was trembling slightly.

"I'll come." Lin Shiwei quickly stepped forward, picked up her mother, and walked outside the house.

With Lin Shiwei's current ability, she is completely able to help her mother avoid this disaster.

But she can't do that.

Because divine punishment is not only a crisis, but also an opportunity!

The reason why God created the vision is to prevent the human race from breaking through and advancing.

But in the process of accepting the punishment from heaven, the human race can harvest endless energy and promote the gathering and formation of monsters!

For ordinary demon masters, there are two endings: either death, or taking the first step to becoming a god.

But for Su Ming'an, she has only one ending - success!

With Yuwei and the two Great Xia God Generals here, who can hurt her in the slightest?


The sky was dark and the earth was dark, clouds were rolling in, and layers of sand and dust were rising between the sky and the earth?

Is this earth element punishment?

"Tyrant." Du Yu pinched the soft pad under the big cat's paw.

Huang Yinlin slowly released his paws.

She looked up at the sky, with a pair of beastly eyes full of ferocity!

God damn it.

I was about to use him as a human flesh pad and enjoy myself. How dare you disturb me? How brave are you?

I won’t poke a hole in you today, okay?

Huang Yinlin suddenly blinked his eyes.

The dog Cangtian who was causing trouble for the cat didn't need to be killed by Huang Yinlin himself, it would have revealed its holes on its own.

"Wow!" Du Yu exclaimed and landed on the big cat's head.

I saw dust sweeping across the sky, outlining a vortex.

Immediately afterwards

, a huge ball of sand fell from the sky and hit the Daxia government.

Du Yu arched his legs slightly and ordered: "Jump up, then use the twin wild lynx to cooperate, and we will kill him!"

"Meow!" Huang Yinlin licked his lips, with a fierce look in his eyes.

She leaped high into the air with all her strength and force on all four paws, soaring straight into the sky.

Du Yu felt like he was riding a rocket! The power of Lord Demon Saint is simply terrifying!

Until it reached the highest point, the Wild Silver Lynx quickly summoned a twin Wild Lynx.

I saw the long tails of the twin wild lynxes curled up, tying the waist and abdomen of the wild silver lynx, and then swung them upwards.

"Meow!!" The wild silver lynx screamed sharply and tore at the huge meteorite with both claws.

Eternal Diamond·Earth Splitting Palm.

After all, Huang Yinlin has just been promoted, and the quality of his demon skills has not yet improved.

But it doesn't matter, just slap a few more times.


The sand ball crawled out with traces of fragmentation, but it didn't tear apart?

Huang Yinlin suddenly became unhappy.

She tapped the knuckles of her claws slightly, turned around and fell, and at the same time, she flicked her long tail.

Eternal Diamond · Hanging Tail!

"Crack!!" The ball of sand shattered with a bang, endless sand and dust flying everywhere.

Du Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, all this sand was transformed from the earth demon's breath.

"Du Yu." Lin Shiwei's voice came from far below, "Don't kill all the people from Heaven Punishment. Mom needs this."

"Oh." Du Yu responded loudly, riding on the big cat's head, his figure falling rapidly.

"Huu~" Du Yu's feet were entangled in the wind, and his falling speed suddenly slowed down.

Desolate Silver Lynx sank directly into the ground, then surfaced silently.

"I'm causing trouble for you." Su Mingan nestled in her daughter's arms, feeling a little guilty.

Normally, a peak demon master should be able to sense in advance that he is about to advance.

For example, Fu Jianzhou went to Hanhu Sword Realm more than a month in advance to prepare.

But Su Ming'an's situation is indeed somewhat special.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, everything happened suddenly and without warning.

Could it be possible that he was really enlightened by his daughter?


Otherwise, I have been stuck in this position for more than 20 years, why would the promotion window open today?

"Concentrate and stick the monsters in your body together, like making a clay figure." Lin Shiwei warned softly.

Su Ming'an: "Yeah"

"Huh!" There was more and more dust between the sky and the earth, and a shaft of sand fell from the sky, covering the demon pet paradise.

Lin Shiwei immediately raised her hand, and an 87-meter sickle blade suddenly took shape.

Holy Weapon·Jade Dragon Lion Bone Scythe!

"Buzz~" The lion bone sickle received the instruction from the mistress and swung the blade upwards.

Demon Weapon Array Shatufeng!

I saw a huge arc of sand and soil cutting the salon roll in half from bottom to top?

The salon roll was cut through and completely unable to be rolled up.

Du Yu looked at the girl with a strange expression: "You should leave some for Aunt Su."

Lin Shiwei: "."

At the porch of the villa, Lin Yuanfang stared blankly at the two children, not knowing what to say.


Who is punishing whom?


The sand and soil all over the sky suddenly gathered into arcs and were thrown downwards.

The expressions of Yu Wei and the other two people darkened. An output of this scale would not only affect the demon pets in the paradise, but also the government community in Daxia.


The Demon Emperor Huitianmu, which is more than thirty meters tall, was quickly pieced together.

As the earth shook, a forest rose from the ground.

Eternal Diamond·Return to Heaven and Sea of ​​Trees!


Another nearly 200-meter-long jet-black giant python sprang out of the tiny Shi Wei's body and smashed into the demon pet paradise.

The earthquake trembled more and more violently, and in the sea of ​​trees, a more magnificent bamboo forest rose from the ground!

Eternal Diamond·Bamboo Forest!

The trees swayed and the bamboos towered into the sky.

Endless branches and bamboos are tightly woven to form a huge defensive cover, blocking out the sky and the sun.

The majestic Great Xia God General can even protect the entire Twin Tree Realm, but you are still missing a small residential area?


"Click! Click" Among the lush branches, Lin Shiwei stepped on the giant bamboo, hugged her mother, climbed out of the defensive cover, and headed higher into the sky.

As a person who gathered demon souls to take shape, Su Ming'an was undoubtedly the target of divine punishment and would attract firepower.

If all the attacks from Heavenly Punishment are directed high into the sky, then the area below will naturally be less affected.

"Wei Wei?" Su Ming'an felt nervous and clutched the corners of her daughter's clothes.

Lin Shi's only hand held the back of her mother's head and gently pressed her shoulder.

The girl regarded the punishment from heaven as if it were nothing, and she could see the grace of the god at a glance.

With a gentle smile on her face, she whispered: "I will protect you, Mom."

Su Ming'an: "Yeah"

"What do you mean, Wild Silver Lynx Saint?" Du Yu rode the big silver cat, sprang out of the dense branches, and came to the top of the defensive cover.


Du Yu patted the lynx's head: "This is

Earth element is a punishment from heaven! Do you want to go all out and practice the Holy Spirit directly? "

Huang Yinlin: "The most holy way you and I have set is to kill."

Du Yu raised his head and looked up into the sky, looking at the slowly rotating sand vortex: "Then let's kill the sky?"

"Meow~" Huang Yinlin licked the tip of his nose.

I think it works!

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