Raising A Golden Crow In Secret

979 Flatten the Western Sky?

The next day, at noon.

Du Yu, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a surge of energy.

He opened his eyes and looked at the dim surroundings with some confusion.

After reacting for a few seconds, Du Yu finally remembered that he was in Shatang Mansion, Huotong Courtyard, and Huotong House.

There is no such thing as night in the sea world. The reason why the light in the bedroom is dim is because several windows are covered with palm leaves.

Normally, Du Yu would sleep under the firewood tree. After all, this was an opportunity to accompany Brother Shu.

However, in the sea world, the Qingmen people gathered together.

Moreover, Du Yu was the only one who slept with Shi, so he didn't want to be too presumptuous, so he didn't sleep in the yard.

"Who?" Lin Shi stood up with her only hand on the bed, and lazily rubbed her messy hair with her other hand.

Du Yu felt it carefully and couldn't help but look happy: "Xiao Bai."

"If you advance again this time, you will be at the peak of Demon Emperor." Lin Shiwei looked down at Du Yu with a smile on her face.

"Yes." Du Yu closed his eyes and used his demon soul to go to the acupuncture points in his body.

Seeing this scene, Lin Shiwei, who wanted to get up, lay down again.

She gently rested her pillow on Du Yu's chest, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Du Yu naturally noticed his girlfriend's actions and smiled: "Are you easy-going?"

Lin Shiwei closed her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "You want to stay in bed, can I lift you up?"

She originally thought that Du Yu was going to advance under the twin trees or next to other demonic plants.

But it doesn't matter if Du Yu doesn't go. After all, he is next to the Shadow Gu Pagoda, which is a strange world for demons and spirits.

Du Yu played with the tips of Wei Di's hair with his fingers, while his demon soul was quietly relying on the beautiful fairy deer in the Qihai cave.

The so-called "staying in bed" is indeed a literal meaning.

How could he possibly sleep when his pet was promoted?

Moreover, Du Yu's mind became more and more active, and his heart was filled with expectations for the future.

If Hu Xiaoyan's promotion is the benchmark for Du Yu, then Bai Yujing's promotion is the benchmark for Hu Xiaoyan.

Hu Xiaoyan has always been a pursuer, and Xiaoyan has already caught up a lot.

In the past, whenever Xiaoyan's level of strength had just caught up with Xiaobai, Bai Yujing would advance and widen the gap with Hu Xiaoyan again.

Today it is different.

Both the fox and the deer have been in the Demon Emperor's Dacheng stage for a long time, although Bai Yujing once again took the lead and rushed to the peak stage.

But it won't be long before Xiaoyan will catch up.

According to this trend, I don’t know if the fox and the deer can become saints together?


What beautiful words~

The more Du Yu thought about it, the more excited he became.

"Dong dong dong~"

In the silent Huotong Mansion, there was suddenly a knock on the door.

Lin Shiwei frowned slightly and slowly opened her eyes.

Du Yu said softly: "I'll go take a look."

"I will focus on accompanying Xiaobai to advance." Lin Shi put her only hand on Du Yu's chest and stood up.

She got up and got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. As she walked, she was originally wearing a black nightdress and put on a black python robe.

Du Yu: "."

Damn it, I was stuck on the bed.

Hmm. Then I’m sorry~

Du Yu pretended that he had been hit by a body-fixing spell and closed his eyes with peace of mind.

"Dong dong dong~" The knocking on the door started again.

In front of the gate of the house, Fu Jianzhou called softly: "Junior brother?"

But unexpectedly, a cold female voice came from the closed door of the house: "What's wrong, senior brother?"

Fu Jianzhou: "."

Good boy, you really dare!

Summon Emperor Wei to come and answer the door?

You are simply tired of living. Uh, maybe you are kneeling in the room and can't stand up?

"Huh?" The door of the house was still not opened, but a nasal voice came from behind the door, with a hint of question and hint.

"Ah." Fu Jianzhou reacted and said hurriedly, "An envoy from Xixiao Kingdom has arrived."

Lin Shiwei raised her eyebrows slightly, envoy?

This is novel.

Fu Jianzhou continued: "The other party wants to pay a visit to our Qingmen. The Qingshi is still resting, so I don't dare to disturb them, so..."

"Senior brother, wait a moment."

Fu Jianzhou took a few steps back and waited quietly. After a while, Du Yu's energy surged and he strode out.

"Messenger from Xixiao?" Du Yu's face was full of curiosity, and naturally he had never experienced anything like this.

Only then did Fu Jianzhou realize Du Yu's situation and advised, "Junior brother, it's better to advance. I'll ask the young master."

"No, let her sleep a little longer." Du Yu flipped his palm, and the shadow of his bell flickered.

Immediately, Yu Wei and the other two appeared in front of the Central Tent, the base camp of the Orcs. Standing beside them was Senior Brother Kuchiki.

Du Yu looked inside the tent: "Where are they?"

Fu Jianzhou: "Only one person has come and is waiting outside the camp. Should I let him in?"

"Okay." Du Yu nodded.

Just one person came?

Quite courageous?

"Don't stand at the door of the tent." Fu Jianzhou laughed and joked, "Go in and take a seat, please?"

"Haha~" Lin Shi

Wei also smiled and patted Du Yu's back, "Yes, put the shelf up."

"Uh." Du Yu scratched his head and looked at Lin Shiwei, "How about you come?"

The girl smiled and glared at Du Yu, then pushed him into the tent: "Don't you always call yourself 'my king'?"

Du Yu: "."

Since the tent was made of Huitian wood branches, Fu Jianzhou had the final say on its structure.

Senior Brother Fu is also really ruthless. Under his order, Huitianmu Mo built the main seat into a throne.

The base is very high, giving it a sense of superiority.

Such a picture made Du Yu grin!

Don't get me wrong, Du Yu thinks he is worthy of this seat. After all, he is the veritable king of the beast race in this continent.

He had such a reaction purely because he had never experienced such a thing.

Lin Shiwei covered her mouth and snickered, watching Du Yu reluctantly ascend the throne, and said: "I will give you the trouble?"

Du Yu:? ? ?

Since ancient times, dogs have always fought against human power!

Is it better for you to let me fight like a dog?

"No need." Du Yu sat down on the wooden throne.

It happened that Lin Shiwei summoned Fu Dou.

Upon hearing this, the swaying black tail of the Holy Saint immediately drooped.

The dog opened its dark eyes and looked up at Du Yu with some grievance: "Woo~"

"No! What I mean is that I don't need you to cheer me up. I don't mean that I don't want you." Du Yu explained repeatedly and immediately waved, "Come."

"Woof!" Fu Dou's tail stood up again, swaying happily from side to side, and ran towards Du Yu.

Du Yu leaned over and stroked the dog's head. Looking at the well-behaved Hu Dou, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

You are really becoming more and more stupid.

After a while, Fu Jianzhou led a young man in.

This man has a slender figure and a rather handsome appearance. He is wearing a black gown and has an elegant temperament.

His expression was particularly respectful, but when he saw Du Yu and Fu Dou, his movements paused for a moment.

However, the man quickly adjusted. He bowed slightly, cupped his fists and raised his hands: "Xixiao Zeyu Shui, I have seen the king."

Du Yu: "."

When he called himself "my king", it was purely a joke.

When someone actually calls him the king, what does it feel like?

Because Ze Yushui bowed his head, he didn't see Du Yu's expression.

Lin Shiwei, who was sitting below Du Yu, could see it clearly. She smiled secretly in her heart, but her voice was as cold as ever: "Change the name."

Ze Yushui hesitated for a moment and then said, "Ze Yushui has met Mr.

Du Yu looked at the handsome man below and finally responded: "What's the matter?"

Ze Yushui breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said that he had passed the test.

In the minds of the people of Xixiao, this group of demon controllers is extremely mysterious and extremely powerful!

Ze Yushui didn't dare to make the demon masters unhappy, and he didn't know what the consequences would be.

Ze Yushui said in a deep voice: "Yesterday's battle, sir's power has spread throughout the western sky.

When God heard about this, he specially sent me to thank you for your kindness in not killing the soldiers, and to thank you for your mercy on the world. "

Du Yu raised his eyebrows slightly: "God?"

Ze Yushui raised his fists above his head: "The name of King Xixiao is taboo, I dare not call him directly."

"Oh." Du Yu nodded.

The so-called gods should be titles such as emperor and majesty.

Ze Yushui: "I came here this time and brought three items. They were all given to you by the God of the West as a token of respect."

"Oh?" Du Yu suddenly became interested.

As if conjuring a magic trick, Ze Yushui took out a mahogany square box from his wide sleeves.

Du Yu patted the wooden branch throne.

Huitianmu·Moxin understood the idea, stretched out a branch from the armrest of the throne, reached towards the mahogany square box, rolled it up and took it back.

Du Yu took the beautifully carved wooden square box with his hand and could already smell the faint fragrance in his nose.

Ze Yushui opened his mouth at the right time and said: "There is a spiritual weapon in the box, a jasper-carved Pisces sachet, which has the effect of refreshing the mind."

Hearing this, Du Yu did not open the box, but put it back on the branch.

After communicating with the demon spirit, Mu Zhi stuffed the wooden square box into the throne and buried the box deep in the ground where no one could see it.

Du Yu's idea is very simple, he must be on guard against others.

Ze Yushui took out an identical mahogany square box from his wide cuffs.

Ze Yushui opened his mouth and said: "The spiritual weapon, a string-patterned ruby ​​ring."

Du Yu remained silent. He didn't quite understand the meaning of gifting the sachet.

But this finger ring should only be worn by princes and nobles, right?

Of course, there is a question mark here. After all, this is Tushan Continent, and Du Yu doesn't know the culture of Xixiao Kingdom.

In any case, the other party's respect and goodwill were expressed quite clearly.

Ze Yushui opened his hands, and Du Yu, who had excellent eyesight, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He finally understood how the envoy of Xixiao "conjured tricks".

There is a pink lotus hidden in Ze Yushui's cuff?

This pink lotus is obviously Ze Yushui's own spiritual weapon, and he keeps taking out things from this spiritual weapon.

So, is Ze Yushui really just here alone?

I'm afraid he can summon thousands of troops, right?

With a muffled "dong" sound, Ze Yushui took out the last Xixiao gift.

A huge cauldron!

Is this tripod made entirely of jade?

The jade tripod is more than three meters high, square in shape, with four legs and two ears.

The white jade looked like mutton fat, and the carvings on it were particularly delicate. Du Yu was a little stunned when he saw it.

In the cultural education Du Yu received, something like a tripod was an important weapon of the country!

Words such as power, status, dignity and prominence are inseparable from it.

King Xixiao gave Du Yu a jade sachet and a jade finger, but also a jade tripod?

Ze Yushui said: "The spiritual weapon Xixiao Jade Square Cauldron.

This cauldron can attract the pure spiritual energy from heaven and earth and continuously gather it in the cauldron for you to nourish your body and mind and cultivate and seek the Tao. "

Du Yu stroked the black dog's head with one hand, remained silent for a moment, and looked at Lin Shiwei who was sitting below.

But he saw Emperor Wei folding his legs elegantly and smiling wildly: "But he knows the current affairs."

Du Yu: "."

Thank you for not letting you sit down!

They have made it clear that they are here to seek peace, but your attitude

Do you want to flatten the western sky?

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