Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1142: : First kiss

"I know that Brother Tian, ​​you are entangled with girls, and I know that if I don't take the initiative, you will definitely hide, but now you are about to go to the realm, will you continue to hide when you go up? By then, the body will be gone, but It's not a human..." A drop of hot liquid dripped onto my face, it was her tear.

Yes, I do like Zhao Qian, there is no doubt that she tempts me, but why not suffer from torture in my heart? I also like the girl next door. Now, regardless of her knowledge of Tao and her cultivation skills, Zhao Qian is much better than her peers. However, she is just like this, but she consistently only likes me. At one point, I cannot compare with her.

I stretched out my hand and held her soft lotus root arm, which made me feel a fatal warm touch, which made me take a deep breath: "Aki...I like you...but I still can't...you know, because of this. , I can't hurt you, and following me, I will continue to be unlucky..."

"My god... don't say it... I don't know what you said... hehe..." I can't see Zhao Qian's expression, but I can feel the loss in her words, but I'm still ready When escaping, she lay directly on me: "Forget it, I won't tease you, but just let me hug you..."

I breathed a sigh of relief, it was nothing to hug...

But... not right! You are still naked, I said quickly: "It's okay to hug, but let's put on clothes first. It's cold at night, don't catch a cold."

"I don't... I just wear it like this, I just want to seduce you, you can open your eyes, and you will see my face anyway." Zhao Qian said with a smile and buried her face between my neck.

When my cheek touched the tip of her hair, I felt rather helpless, but at the same time, my heart was beating fiercely. Fortunately, the soul was able to control it freely. Otherwise, when I thought of her nakedness, I guessed that this physiological reaction would come.

I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling. My tangled thoughts can only be sorted out. If I hold on like this, I will have trouble if I don’t want an accident. I stretched out my hand to put the bath towel on her, but Zhao Qian He raised his head and looked at me curiously: "My God, you seem to have no reaction."

"Want to...what's the reaction?" I was stunned, but suddenly remembered the physiological reaction, and didn't almost breathe back. She wouldn't think I was useless because of this? How can this work? I'm a normal man too, okay? Immediately blurted out: "Um...I placed my body on Turtle Island, and now I am wandering outside of things, and the physiological reaction can be controlled... When the normal is changed, there must be a physiological reaction long ago!"

"Haha... Brother God..." Zhao Qian smiled on me with trembling, her bulging chest shook my soul, and I immediately repented of what I said just now. People didn't even mention the physiological reaction. !

"I'm not talking about physiological reactions, I just want to ask you, how did you see me like this, but didn't mean anything to praise me?" Zhao Qian said, pressing her hands on my chest, trying to sit up from the sofa.

I was afraid of seeing parts that shouldn't be seen, so I hugged her quickly: "First put on a bath towel..."

Zhao Qian looked at me suspiciously, then blinked her eyelashes frequently, and smiled: "Brother Tian, ​​I am wearing it! Where did you think of it? Look for yourself!"

"Huh?" I was stunned, wearing? What kind of clothes can leak most of the breast?

"Swimsuit! Is it good-looking?" Zhao Qian was sitting on me, wearing a fuchsia bikini on her huge chest. When I saw it, I almost didn't have any instability and smoke. This temptation is really bad. I was miserable!

"Okay...it looks pretty." I wiped off my sweat, but when I saw her sitting on me, I was in a trance again. Wearing a swimsuit is much more deadly than the temptation to wear underwear. The key is her. The feeling of sitting on me makes it almost hard to control.

When Zhao Qian was smiling, she seemed to have noticed something wrong, so she hurriedly took the bath towel, put it on her body, and stood up blushing: "This...this...is what Wanyi said...said you want I looked at the swimsuit and then said..."

I sat up awkwardly, but still didn't calm down, so I could only wait for Zhao Qian to say something.

"She said, you have always wanted to see me in a swimsuit, and you said...I have a figure...that...so, I think even if I can't...that...but the swimsuit is okay..." Zhao Qian Said embarrassingly.

"So...this little Nizi." Then I remembered that when she was choosing clothes for Song Wanyi in Dalong County Town God, Song Wanyi said that she would wear a swimsuit to show me. This little Nizi kept remembering this. What happened, maybe it was the girls who misinterpreted the swimsuit thing to Zhao Qian when they were talking about their girlfriends together.

Others can't do this, but Song Wanyi must be able to get it right and make fun of people first-class.

However, Zhao Qian's temptation almost caused me to say something, anyway, somehow it made me lose the chance of being late.

I coughed lightly to relieve the embarrassment between the two, and said: "I... go outside to see this peach blossom formation..."

"Oh..." Zhao Qian chuckled, sitting on the sofa, lying on the back, and looking at me with interest.

I panicked and went out, but faintly heard Zhao Qian say to herself, "I still said that Wanyi was right," and so on, I sighed, Song Xiaonizi won't make me feel better after going up.

After the peach blossom season, the hundred-year-old peach trees outside the villa only grew emerald green leaves, sparsely, but very beautiful.

Walking on the pebble path, looking at the small fish pond with no fish in the water, I will inevitably feel a sense of loss, thinking that if something happened with Zhao Qian just now, it might be nothing. The window paper might have been thin. There is only one millimeter left, and it is a bit too childish to use the cultivator to block emotions and the sister-in-law to block it. It is a bit too childish. They are all adults. If you like it, you like it.

Looking back at the peach blossom, a shadow appeared under the tree.

I was taken aback, but quickly passed God, the wonderful person under the tree was **** in a bun, with long hair and waist, wearing a heavenly robe, stretching out his slender fingers, twisting a fallen one. Peach leaves.

She is so beautiful that she can't talk about her appearance with all her words. Seeing her smile at me, there is a little embarrassment on my face: "Daughter-in-law... You just..."

"If you are passionate and not worried, I am like a peach blossom and often speechless." The wife put her hands behind her, and then turned to the peach tree: "I have seen it all. You can hold back the emotional entanglement for me, and can suppress the peach blossom formation. I'm so touched that I can sit still, and if I want to ask you anything, I can't.

"Isn't sitting in chaos?" I shook my head, enduring and suffering in parallel. I'm afraid this is not just a simple array, it may also represent a kind of destiny. Otherwise, with my seven times the strength of the Nine Suns, how can I always suppress it? live?

"You came with luck and walked into this destiny array, it is inevitable that it will not be affected. There are some things, no matter how strong your cultivation base is, no matter how powerful you are, you will still be unable to resist the rolling of destiny. You are destined to be this fate. What's the point of what I impose on you?" The daughter-in-law said lightly.

Sometimes, I even think that the daughter-in-law in a Taoist gown and the daughter-in-law in a phoenix crown are completely two people. After all, one is kind and gentle, and the other is calm and solemn.

But apart from their looks, they have something in common. But tonight, I didn't see her expressing anything. Could she be disappointed in me?

"Daughter-in-law... Destiny is destiny. You and me are me and you. You should know my feelings for you." I quickly explained.

"I know, I know, I don't want you to be too entangled, you can do so much for me, and I don't want you to be too embarrassed." The daughter-in-law walked towards me seriously, but I couldn't read the faint smile on the corner of her mouth. Understand her mind.

"What should I do?" I sighed. Seeing her right in front of me, my heart froze for no reason.

The closer I get, I feel that the higher the mountain, the more I stand up and stop me from moving forward. The holy woman has no place to be profane. The bright eyes and the clean light keep me intently.

She stood on her toes and held my shoulder lightly, her slightly opened lips imprinted on my lips.

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