Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1154: :respite

"One day! Are you okay?" Yuanci reached out to explore my body, I nodded, took out a pill and swallowed it into my abdomen, and then sat cross-legged in the tunnel of the solid world talisman.

I was attacked by the ghost Tathagata Shang Wanqiu that day. This woman actually got into the team for two days. When everyone was most relaxed, she chose to attack me who was protected by Tuantuan! The fighting outside was chaotic. Li Poxiao controlled the sword pill to rush out in front of me, and the attacking voices of Yin Ge and Zhao Xianguan came from outside. After I restored some mana and stabilized the Nine Suns, I couldn’t help but be fortunate to have the protection of my friends. , Otherwise the blow just now would have been ashes.

"Immediately open up the back passage, we will recover from the upper realm, and then we will find ways to save Zhao Xianguan and Yin Ge!" I immediately ordered, at this time I can't be sloppy, after all, the deep passage is very dangerous, once a fight, the space is definitely not Steady, the solid world talisman can’t bear the tossing in it. A little bad luck, the channel was broken, everyone just finished playing like this, and the key problem is that I can’t use the solid world talisman in the channel at all, because the big formation In the outside world!

Regardless of time or security, Shang Wanqiu's sneak attack was successful to the extreme, and it also plunged us into an absolute crisis. Only by breaking through to the upper bound can we regroup again!

However, at this moment, there was a riot again behind me!

The appearance of shouting and killing made the faces of Sun Chongyang and I painted white. This is simply the Jedi in the Jedi!

"Hold! The few Nine Suns realm monks outside will definitely try to break the state behind, and we will go to the back too!" I frowned. There are Shang Wanqiu and the Heavenly Ghost Tathagata in front, but it doesn't mean there are behind, as long as Breaking through the defense behind, we may have a ray of life!

However, I don’t know what the situation of Zhao Xianguan and Yin Ge is outside. Suddenly, the passage vibrated violently. My pupils shrank and the dark passage was bad. It must have been extremely strong energy spreading to the passage, accelerating the shedding of the passage!

If this continues, everyone will squeeze the pressure of the different space into meat sauce without fighting!

"What to do! My mother, it's dangerous!" Yuan Ci exploded in anxious foul language, and Sun Chongyang desperately rushed to the back with the golden sword of the head, but he couldn't wait to see the surrounding passages all the way.

"Calm down! Li Poxiao! You are responsible for guarding this passage to prevent people from attacking! If something is wrong, you can immediately break out and contain the ghost of the Tathagata! But be careful of the monks at the ghost gate!" I immediately ordered Li Poxiao, and then Looking at Yuanci and Sun Chongyang, he said, "I will immediately attack all the rebellious monks behind, and let them come behind us if everything else is of no concern to us! If you violate the order, you will not be forgiven!"

There are hundreds of monks on Zhao Xianguan and Yin Ge. There will be no problems in dealing with the Heavenly Ghost Tathagata, but you can’t ignore the monks from the ghost fairy gate that are still mixed in. Everyone left the ghost fairy gate to Shang Wanqiu. The suspicion of Guixianmen was taken off, but now this situation is undoubtedly changed back, after all, the traitor over there is the monk of Guixianmen!

The next battle has already begun, Sun Chongyang and Yuan Ci have also killed all the way, I took out a bunch of formation flags and magic weapons behind, ready to consolidate the big formation at any time!


However, there is not much time for us to wait, and the channel directly vibrates, and the team behind may not be able to stop the chaos, and Shang Wanqiu must have long wanted to kill us in a different space!

Undoubtedly now she has also succeeded and trapped us here!

I became anxious in my heart, and my sister-in-law continued to pull at the corners of my clothes, but I had no choice at all. Now I can't use the shrinking technique, and many tactics are basically unusable.

Quickly flew to the back of the passage, and just when we were about to see the exit, a beast roar drew us into the abyss again!

"It's over! This time is really over! One day! What to do with us!" Sun Chongyang saw a terrifying beast suddenly squeezed into the tunnel, his face turned green in fright.

"This time it's fun. One day, I didn't expect us to die so embarrassed! What can I do if my sister doesn't have me!" Yuanci was almost crying, I looked at the black beast with scarlet eyes, and felt in my heart. Instead, there was a little more expectation: "Look at this behemoth! It doesn't seem to be eating people or making trouble, but keeps rushing over! Quick! Let's not resist it! Let's make a way now!"

Sun Chongyang and Yuanci looked at each other and asked why in unison, I didn't even think about it, so they squatted in the tunnel while pulling them!



The strange behemoth with four hooves and the head of a wolf directly stepped past us, and passed by. As expected, there was no idea of ​​attacking us, but wanted to rush into the purgatory behind us!

Yuan Ci and Sun Chongyang were all surprised, but they pulled me up and fled to the back!

"Wow!" The two-meter-high beast roared all the way, and then encountered a volley on the other side of Purgatory. I don't know if it has collided with the Heavenly Ghost!

"Now!" Yuanci stood up and asked me. I glanced at the purgatory side, then at the chaotic rear exit, gritted my teeth and said, "Follow the giant beast! Even if it is settled over there, there are still a group The ghost is stuck there, it's better to follow the giant beast!"

"What? The exit is there!" Sun Chongyang looked at me in astonishment, but when he saw the cultivator squeezed in from the exit, his face turned pale, the space was about to collapse, and he had to follow the giant beast back. It's incredible.

"Listen to one day!" Yuan Ci said loudly, pulling Sun Chongyang and I into strides and then flying. Don't look at this kid's fatness and good running skills. He took two steps in three steps and turned around in an instant. , And the space really broke from behind us, countless ghost repairs were directly annihilated in the different space, and there was no scum left!

I drew out the solid world talisman and chanted the spell quickly, but I couldn't keep up with the destruction speed of the tunnel at all!

Yuanci ran away and roared, exhausting all his strength to eat milk, and the third-rank golden lotus was also spinning on top of his head, constantly emitting golden light to protect us. Although the offensive effect was not good, the protection effect was really good. The passageway has caused the pressure of the different space to erode in, and countless ghosts are all around us, making Sun Chongyang and I pale! Moreover, this golden light cover is making a terrible rattling sound like polished glass, and it may collapse at any time! This makes us more frightened, walking on thin ice!

"No...No way! Quickly open the body guard to the strongest! I want to throw you out! Damn, one day, you take care of my sister! Your life is in exchange for my Yuanci! You want to marry She! Take care of her for me for the rest of my life!" Yuanci's eyes were tearful, and he twisted us with his big hands like a chicken, ready to throw it to the other side!

"No! Yuanci! There must be a way! There must be a way, right! One day! Please open your mind again!" Sun Chongyang stared at me with round eyes, waving his hands in the air.

It is said that people are quick-witted. I looked at the third-rank Jinlian in a hurry, and suddenly remembered the five realm cards Yuanci had put into it at random. I immediately broke away from Yuanci and took five from Jinlian. Boundary card, then chanted the spell and threw it out!

For an instant, all our surroundings were plunged into darkness, and the surrounding space vibrated violently. It seems that even if this world card can force a world out, how could the small interface be against the pressure of a different space, and it is also under terrifying pressure. !


A boundary card was ruined on the spot, and the pressure in the space suddenly increased. Yuan Cilei glanced at me and the surrounding situation, and seemed a little puzzled. I immediately reminded: "I'm not leaving yet!? Do you think your sister is here? Can I still come to me after I die? What do you want her grandmother! Tell her yourself! I won't tell her that her brother easily betrothed her to me!"

"Hey! You're good! Let's go out and discuss this matter!" Yuan Ci jumped forward and quickly jumped forward. Sun Chongyang and I were protected by the third-tier golden lotus and temporarily resisted a small amount of space pressure. .

But after all, it was just a small interface. Only three explosions were heard, and the brand exploded again to three pieces, and the pressure of the space crack was restored to its maximum at this moment. Yuanci glanced at the third-tier Jinlian, gritted his teeth and continued to speed forward!

After feeling that I had reached the pit, I reached out and took the last world card into my hand! Removed the control of the small interface!

Sure enough, the space collapsed again, and the location of the pit's mouth was exposed. After Yuanci took a look, he jumped onto the pit without saying a word and appeared in the world of purgatory!

"The interface channel has been ruined, and my revenge has been avenged. What is the use of you continuing to pester me here? The blame is that he killed my brother in Xia Tiantian, how would I let him go?" Opposite, Shang Wanqiu shouted angrily , And there is the roar of the beast beside it!

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