Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1184: : Tax

"It's too dangerous outside, hiding dragons and crouching tigers, and your current cultivation level is not high. It's better to practice in a group and slowly adapt to this world. It's good for you and me." Of course I don't want her to leave. It's not that Shang Wanqiu is good-looking, but that she has a group of elites who master this ghost fairy gate. I still need to keep her.

Shang Wanqiu pondered, and Yuan Ci took the opportunity to say: "Now when using people, and everything is difficult at the beginning, you also know that the great wasteland is very dangerous, and the immortality of this place is not in the lower realm of purgatory in some places. It is better to listen. One day, he is best at helping people level up. I don’t think it will take two years for us to reach the level again."

"What's the full level?" Shang Wanqiu glared at Yuanci, and Yuanci touched his head, and said, "It's like entering the Dao to the Nine Suns realm."

Shang Wanqiu stared at Yuanci with wide eyes, and said in disbelief, "Impossible! Do you think I'm very foolish?"

"Who dares to fool you? Real people and real things? If you don't believe me, you will know when Li Poxiao and Sun Chongyang come back and ask. Can this be fake? Do you want to continue to work behind closed doors as before in the Lower Realm? Hundreds of years have passed." Yuanci looked serious.

I knew that this guy was half a clerk, and now if he hadn't had a bald head, I would have never regarded him as a monk.

Shang Wanqiu is very interested in cultivation. Although he is unwilling to follow me for 100,000 points, there is no other way at this moment: "Okay, I will stay here for now, but are you not afraid of raising tigers?"

"Friends of Shang Dao, who is your brother Shang Zhao, you can ask his fellow ghosts and immortals, who always yells at me and kills, life is less interesting, right?" I said lightly, she killed It can't help me, and even saved me. I can see that she doesn't hate me that much. Besides, who is her brother, she should also know that vengeance in the Profound Clan is normal.

Shang Wanqiu frowned, and then said: "But I promised his mother that I will take your life back. I have chased you here, and I will take your head back!"

"Aren't you and his brother?" I asked curiously. Shang Wanqiu frowned and said, "Cousin."

"Oh...that's pretty close, you are good to him." Yuan Ci said, and Shang Wanqiu glared at him: "Do you think you are the same as modern people?"

"You changed the fairy body, aren't you also a modern person?" Yuanci shrugged and smiled.

"At least my heart is not!" Shang Wanqiu said unhappily, seeming to be dissatisfied with modern people like us, maybe because of our weak friendship, I immediately said: "Do you think you can kill me? In fact, before You can’t be higher than me, and now, you still don’t know how to do it? Or do you plan to use the spell I converted you to deal with me?"

"This..." Shang Wanqiu hesitated, and Yuan Ci said, "No, I saved you so many times in one day, even more intimate than your brother. I think your cousin's character is not good. How many times has he rescued you? I'm afraid he won't pit you less, right?"

"This..." Shang Wanqiu began to hesitate again, and I smiled: "Don't do this and that, go to work quickly, I think someone from other organizations will come over soon, internal and external troubles, it is imminent."

Yuan Ci and Shang Wanqiu didn’t say anything any more. They went to reorganize the team obediently, and prepared to print the announcement. They even sent a patrol team to search for the lost monks in the lower realm, and organized a few small teams to go directly into the Great Wasteland to find .

The team going to find people is still based on patrols, while the monks of the lower world are used as auxiliary existence. A patrol team will bring a monk from the lower world to learn the old language and learn the fighting methods here. The monks of the lower world are responsible. Teach you some small spells that you can use, so that everyone can become Bai Gaozheng, no longer a three-handed axe, you need to rely on protective shields and weapon condensation to deal with the enemy, but use spells!

There must be an improvement in combat effectiveness, but it takes time to ferment. Even if the news is blocked, some people still hear the news two days later. The nearby Daye City already knows that the reward is here. As for There is no news of Yang Zhenglin's death.

When I got the news, there were a lot of lower realm monks who came to Guanzhong City one after another. By all accounts, there were more than 1,000 people, and they brought a lot of relatives, which added up to more than 3,000, because they were ghost cultivators. , So you still have to practice a little bit to make an immortal body.

Sun Chongyang and Zhao Xianguan came back together. They were obstructed in the Great Wilderness, and they came out after a long walk around. They were scarred. I was not surprised that they were together. After all, Sun Chongyang seemed to be interested in Zhao Xianguan. As for Zhao Xianguan, I don’t Got it.

Yin Ge also returned with a group of monks. The encounter in the Great Wilderness had a huge impact on him. He almost didn't cry when he saw the city and the moment he saw me. For me to become the lord of the city, of course he was Raising both hands in favor, also really persuaded many people to join my army.

I called them together and conducted a meeting to guide them, and asked them to practice if they were willing to practice, and if they were willing to follow me to become an army, they would become an army. After all, there are still many benefits to joining the army. It is tax-free in the city. Those who do not join the army will have to pay much more taxes than mortals if they want to enter the city to gain protection.

As for the original patrol team, a team of five hundred people is temporarily retained, but the strength is replaced by a monk who is one level higher than the upper realm mortals, and the designation has been replaced by a picket, responsible for maintaining the city order. On them.

Guanzhong City and other cities are autonomous regions, and independent troops are definitely necessary. So the monks outside the pickets were gathered together. The city established an autonomous committee. I became the first president, mainly to defend the city’s safety. It is for war.

The city’s management has been improved since the picket team came to power, and taxes have been reduced overall. The property of the four city bosses has also been confiscated, but the strange thing is that their wealth is not as high as I thought. .

"You may not know that there is a price for us to establish an autonomous region. Otherwise, how could Qian Hui, Yang Zhenglin, and Bai Gaozheng be allowed to mess around here? Everyone has to pass the fairy crystal to it, otherwise the organization will fight. Coming here! Boss one day, I can see what you did in the past few days. It is different from the bosses. In fact, the people under us have thought of doing this when dreaming, but you don’t plan to do it. Give the organization money?" Liu Bin looked at me staring at the ledger, his eyes were a little startled, as if he was about to anticipate something big.

"What? Did you pass the money up? Organization? What organization?" I was stunned, and the secret path really didn't go so well. Of course others I thought of could think of, but others didn't do that. It definitely makes sense. After listening to Liu Bin That said, not only me, but also several city leaders who participated in this meeting thought so.

Liu Bin and He Dou took over the Beicheng District and Nancheng District, Yuanci and Shang Wanqiu took over the Dongcheng District and Xicheng District, I was in charge of the central government, Yin Ge was in charge of military affairs, and Sun Chongyang and Zhao Xianguan followed me in charge of dispatching orders.

Li Poxiao disappeared again. Otherwise, I would give him a title. I heard that he was dead, but I don’t believe it. This kid is the Nine Lives Cat Monster. I haven’t killed him in the lower realms for so long. How could it be possible? He died casually.

"It's the big organization that manages our municipality. They are all monks with very good cultivation bases. It is stipulated that we must pass the fairy crystals to it every month. I heard that this situation has been going on for decades. , We have this policy. We always have someone to collect the full amount of celestial crystals, but we have to give it! For example, in Guanzhong City, there are fights from time to time. The boss is changed every year, but there has never been a failure to turn in the celestials. Jing's! Must still be the share of one thousand immortal crystals a month! Two hundred and fifty in an urban area!" He Dou said quickly.

"So much? What will happen if I don't give it?" I frowned. I didn't intend to be obedient. I didn't want to pay the protection fee. Besides, a thousand immortal crystals, let alone now, even in the past, I could not get it for a month. Give up so much! This is more than the consumption of Tianyicheng! No wonder this Yang Zhenglin and the others were so obsessed with Xian Jing, they shouted for Xian Jing every day, and underneath were busy with this matter every day, it was really not easy to do anything else.

"Actually, it is said that a few decades ago, this tax was still affordable, one thousand a month, absolutely relaxed and happy, but after so many years, you have also seen that the glory has passed, and people are getting poorer and poorer. The tax method is getting more and more ruthless. It’s not much different from the ruffian. We also think it’s better not to pay? But this idea has been suppressed. Really, these people are all gods, otherwise we This place has long been unified, and the army has also come out. Otherwise, why is it that everyone is still in the autonomous region for decades?" He Dou continued to introduce the situation. As he said, his face changed, as if he noticed my expression. It's not like paying taxes, which inevitably makes him very scared.

"When will the tax be collected next time?" I asked, and after doing the calculations, I sold a few boss’s things, only the number of immortal crystals was about 1,34, which is definitely enough to pay taxes, but the key is for me to organize my arms. , Already spent!

Liu Bin and He Dou immediately relieved when I said to pay taxes. Liu Bin said, "Oh, don't worry, boss, we still have three days to prepare."

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