Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1320: : Magic


"Don't... don't go there!" Luo Dongjun hurriedly made the old Thunder Dragon chase me at the fastest speed, but how could they be nine times faster than mine, and in an instant I arrived at the seemingly grapefruit tree In front of the special green tree, and looking at the most leaf, it is a sword.

In an instant, a lot of leaves fell into my hands, but the next moment I turned my head, Luo Dongjun had already flown back, and the corner of my clothes behind me quickly tugged at my sister-in-law and I quickly looked forward , I don’t know if I don’t look at it. I was so scared when I saw it. A dense group of scarlet ants crawled all over the branches, and I moved this big tree as if I stabbed a hornet’s nest. Flying ants like marching are all flying towards me!

This immediately made my face ugly when holding the branches, because there are many such ants hidden on the branches!

Holding the branch, I quickly shook and shook most of the ants away. At the same time, I stretched out my hand and picked more than a dozen leaves floating around, then chased Luo Dongjun and the old Thunder Dragon!

"Xia Yitian! You are simply a lunatic! Don't follow me. You don't know how terrible the magic ants on this tree are. Where they eat, they are full of devilish energy, so when you get angry, you will eat with your companions. , So they can’t stay anywhere, so after hunting, they will live in this tree and treat it as a nest. This will consume their demonic energy, which is also a kind of living instinct. If you only steal some leaves Forget it, but if you cut down their branches, it's like tearing down their nest. You have to die endlessly! You kid, don't follow me! Back then, I just took a few leaves and chased me all over the mountain, almost hanging Now... hehe!" Luo Dongjun flew to a safe route. When I turned around, I saw his face turned pale.

While feeling awe-inspiring in my heart, I looked behind, and sure enough, a horrible red cloud of magic ants had already chased me, and even no matter how far it flew, I felt a little reluctant to let go. I didn't think much, and pinched a piece of talisman After throwing it out, a big fire rushed past me in an instant. What surprised me was that the fierce flame did not stop them from advancing, and even made them more fierce. Luo Dongjun seemed to understand my thoughts and quickly said: "Use Sword, or crush them to death! Otherwise, no magic is useful to them!"

"Prison cow, kill them!" I looked at the prisoner cow. The prisoner cow immediately turned into a flying fan and flew towards the group of ants instantly. This stirred up, and the magic ants were taken down one by one!

Chaos Iron is not an ordinary treasure. While changing in a variety of ways, it is also based on physical strikes. There is no magic content on the periphery, because it only accepts internal changes.

The ants that came out quickly killed a lot of them, and Luo Dongjun was completely stunned. Unexpectedly, he was chased for a while, and I found a way to fight.

In addition to the attack of the prisoner cow, I myself started to wipe out the ant colony with the Tai'a sword. Although this group was not fast, it also restrained the development of Hongyun. I was in a good mood and wanted to kill. But suddenly Luo Dongjun attacked me!

I flashed aside in an instant, and saw that Luo Dongjun took out a branch and directly shot a magic ant where I was standing. This sweep made me feel guilty for his actions. It turned out that he was about to attack. The demon ants that have killed me are not trying to attack me.

"Okay, run quickly, it will be difficult to clean up here when something happens, and there will be more and more magic ants! And don't think that you can avoid the magic with the blade of grass. If this continues, it is not very fun to attract magic repairs. !" Luo Dongjun warned me.

I knew that I could no longer act arbitrarily, and I still had to follow Luo Dongjun to continue northwest.

However, when I turned back, a figure in the darkness seemed to be standing behind the ant colony in confusion. I don't know if it was an illusion. After seeing that the other party was not following, I immediately followed Luo Dongjun and fled here in a hurry.

There is still a red and black world around, like a trace of resentment lingering in my heart, I will never leave it, and it seems that after I picked a handful of the magic leaf, my luck ended, trouble began to follow one after another, and occasionally some Occupying monsters with terrifying and demonic nature, these monsters are so powerful that they are not only eightfold immortal, but also lingering. It seems that someone is driving them to chase us.

Luo Dongjun and I are speeding up and fleeing here. After all, Luo Dongjun has a rich resume. He said to me: "A little further ahead, I will go to the realm I know well. I know the patriarch there. Now we are obviously following the demon. Test us, observe our strength, and want to keep us longer, so that other demons can encircle us together, but once I get to the Daoist friend I know well, it may be able to break this deadlock."

These words made me feel grateful, and said, "I really didn't expect that picking a handful of leaves would attract such a terrible thing, Fellow Luo Dao, thanks to you this time."

"Oh, don't do this and I am Amitabha! My fellow Taoist owed me favors before. His son ran into the demon and almost died when he ran out. I ran by and happened to help. Then that fellow Taoist has always taken care of me. Every time I pass by here, he will entertain him. Although there are many fierce demons, after all, they also live in groups. There are also many people who hide in the world. The demonic energy will not be too heavy. It's a fallen paradise." Luo Dongjun said, taking me to a valley.

In the valley, a dark village with no sky was located there. He took me directly into it, but before reaching the entrance of the village, a few crimson-eyed monsters flew up and stopped us. Outside the village.

"A few fellow daoists, we want to see Patriarch Mo, don't know if Fang is inconvenient?" Luo Dongjun looked at the two demons up and down, and became a little confused.

"Seeing Mo... Patriarch? Of course convenient." One of the demons nodded, and then looked at me: "Human?"

"Don't worry about so much, take them in." A demon said with a sneer.

Luo Dongjun hesitated, but still followed the two demons to fly in, but I was secretly wary of the two demons and secretly said: "Friend Luo, do you recognize these two?"

"This... I don't recognize it, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong?" In fact, Luo Dongjun is not very sure, otherwise he would not ask me to strengthen my thinking.

"How long have you not been here?" My heart suddenly raised, because I can see a lot of traces of the fighting around. Although some time has passed, I have always been able to see a big battle. Traces of the past.

"It's been more than ten years... This place is different from ordinary places. Often there are demon cultivators who break into this place directly because there is no dry leaves, and finally demonize and become demon cultivators. And last time I came back, it was not the same way... …" Luo Dongjun answered me.

"Look at here, if it's different from before." I motioned to him to look around, but Luo Dongjun said: "Friend Xia, I think you are worried. There has been a war for many years in this neighborhood. There is no trace of the war, haha..."

I frowned, and then I could only follow him to the inside, but when I was about to walk into the village, I refused to fly inside. For no reason, layers of demonic energy surged in the village, everyone knew It was the other party who started to warn.

But Luo Dongjun didn't seem to believe my instincts very much. He still followed the two demons and flew inside. Seeing me stop, the two demons immediately looked at me fiercely.

"Hmph, run away, there are no old people or children at all!" I snorted softly. According to this density, the following is all magic repair!

Luo Dongjun also suddenly woke up, and the two magic cultivators immediately prepared to call people. I didn’t hesitate to kill one of them with a single sword, but soon, all the magic cultivators below flew up, shouting that we would be dismissed. Piece.

Luo Dongjun's face was green, and the demonic cultivators below not only had eight-layered immortals, but also nine-layered immortals, and they were reluctant to follow us.

"Unexpectedly, there are such clean cultivators here. It seems that they are experienced people. I caught all of them!" The headed Jiuzhongxian brought a dozen eighth-level immortals and more seven-level immortals to chase after him. We rushed into the depths of the Demon Land.

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