Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1328: : Tianmu

It seems that after Yingpei fell to the world hundreds of years ago, the Tianfeng family fled to Wanzhou via Zhongzhou, and after escaping to Phoenix City, they lived well, and now there is such a mansion in the inner city, but whether you regret it There, I can't guess.

"Did you live there before? The Phoenix clan is good to the Tianfeng clan." I said, knocking.

"I am not very clear, because every time I come back here, I have been ordered by my teacher to participate in important things, so I have not paid special attention to their family. I just got the distribution map, and I didn't expect it to be heaven. The resident of the Feng family, by the way, when I arrive in the inner city, I will tell you that you are waiting for me outside the city," Yun Bingxin said.

"Oh, yes." I nodded quickly. Only when I can enter the inner city can I contact Xijun, otherwise I will run in the outer city to find Xijun, face so many nine immortals in the inner city, don't chase down as an assassin, and act afterwards. Many inconveniences.

Yun Bingxin and I walked all the way to the head of the inner city, while a group of Phoenix Clan cultivators patrolled the edge of the inner city.

Both the outer and inner cities in the city are no-fly zones. If someone is found flying, these cultivators will fly up and arrest them. With this rule, the city here is very harmonious.

Yun Bingxin quickly entered the inner city and tried to get me in. Of course, it was just the first step after entering. She said that she would find a way to get me a golden invitation letter, otherwise I would miss the palace.

While waiting outside, more and more fairies walked into the inner city, and I stood outside the city gate and waited, trying not to let these cultivators see it.

About half an hour later, Yun Bingxin came back as expected, and took a golden invitation letter, and then handed it to me: "Okay, just when I went to tell the courtesy officer, I happened to be familiar Fellow Daoist, just asked my name, and asked the ceremonial officer to resend the invitation."

I was stunned for a moment, and accepted the invitation letter. It said the words'Xia Qiliang'. Although it is obvious that this is not my real name, it should be valid. After all, I can enter the imperial city in an open manner. Although Yun Bingxin said that it was simple, it was not easy to come to the'familiar Taoist friend'.

With a golden invitation letter, there is no obstacle to entering the inner city. After all, gold represents identity. As long as you verify the authenticity of the invitation, you don’t bother to check whether you are the owner of the invitation. After all, this thing is a phoenix. The recognition of the inviter by the clan, no one will lose the sign by himself.

Entering the inner city, it turned out that the prosperity here is far beyond imagination. Many buildings can be described as magnificent and magnificent. I followed Yun Bingxin and quickly arrived in front of a big house.

"This is the place that the organization arranged for the evil emperor Daoist fellow. His disciple told the organization that he couldn't come this time. It's empty here. It's not small. You live here tonight, I I have to organize the reinstatement. I will not accompany you for the time being. I will come back later." Yun Bingxin said.

"Okay, Miss Yun, you are busy." I said politely, but with a secret smile in my heart, this evil emperor divided his soul and killed me. I am afraid it will be too late for the deity to come, and it will not be a short while before the soul is divided. Can recover, to this level, less than half a year, can not restore peak strength.

I was relieved to live in the mansion assigned by the organization here. Although it is not big, it also shows that the Phoenix family attaches great importance to the organization, but there are also several other courtyards similar to this one nearby. They should be living in Liushanhe and Sima. For important people in organizations such as Li, Queen Mother of the West, I can't just run around there without problems, it's better to keep a low profile.

But after I entered the room, Ruoyoruowu let out a breath, and found that there were no traces of the nine-fold immortal cultivator around me, so I started to be a little curious, but soon I changed my mind. There are still three days left before the marriage. Gao People must come later, so I don’t have to worry too much.

After strolling around the residence, I couldn't wait to go out, preparing to visit the huge complex of buildings where the Tianfeng clan was located.

Because the quality and quantity of the guards in the inner city are not comparable to those in the outer city, I slowed down and walked there like a mountain and water. However, interrogations were still drawn along the way, but because there was a golden invitation letter and the name was still Xia Qiliang was unheard of, so these high-level cultivators didn't find any information about me, so they just let it go.

Of course, because of this, I also filed it for the record. This matter has to be handled quickly, otherwise I will be exposed to the identity.

The organization’s resident is not short from the Tianfeng family’s residence. It took me about an hour or so to walk there, and I stood in the large residence where Xijun might live.

Every room here has a small array of precautions and detection, and the breath of other homes can't easily get in. I can't know whether there is Xijun in it. I can only find someone to ask about the situation.

"This fellow Taoist, I am Xia Qiliang, I have an old relationship with Miss Xia Xijun, and I want to see her if I have something important. I don't know if I can pass it through?" I observed for a while and picked one who looked more Talking doorman.

The guard glanced at me and found that I was covered with a golden invitation, and frowned. He looked at the Seventh Immortal Guard who was standing guard with him.

The two seven-fold immortal cultivators are just guards. I can imagine that their clan is very powerful. While thinking to myself, I also subconsciously touched the fairy crystal in my arms, took out two eight-fold fairy crystals, and handed them to them. The hands of two guards.

"Two fellow daoists, can it be convenient?" I said again.

"Senior, don’t be like this. Do you know how many ladies come to look for in one day? It’s not that we are not accommodating, but that we can’t accommodate. It was okay before. You should come one day earlier, but within three days , According to the rules, Tianmu is to be carried out, and foreign guests are not seen." The guard said hastily.

"Oh...Tianmu." I looked astonished. In fact, I didn't know what this Tianmu was, but the eightfold fairy crystal did not take it back. The two guards wanted to return it to me, so I waved my hand. , Said: "I will give it to two people. Since I can't see it, then forget it."

The two guards hurriedly thanked them and said that if they met in the future, they would definitely inform me. I smiled and didn't say anything. I left a good impression, and there might be unexpected gains.

Sure enough, although the two guards did not let me see Xijun, at least they chatted with me because of my enthusiasm and talked about recent events. Although they don’t know much, some information is important to me. It’s like Xijun’s unsatisfactory life recently, and she never goes out from time to time, but in the attic in the backyard, all of which made me pay attention. If I really can’t see Xijun, I can only find a way to get in. Up.

At the chat stall, several elderly women soon came out, chatting in a low voice, while walking out of the door to the parking lot.

"This kid is tough enough. When is it, and still so self-willed, all the people in Kyushu have come to Phoenix. She said she won’t marry if she doesn’t marry? Can’t she? If you don’t marry, you must marry, why not just be happy. Some? And the son of this generation is also recognized as the strongest in the past, her blood is not very pure, but she accidentally touched the Great God Yuanfeng!" A woman in extremely gorgeous dress said a little dissatisfied.

"Aunt Hua, of course what you said is reasonable, but this kid won't listen to us. Forget it, I can say everything. What can be done? Let's go back and return to life first, at least tell the ancestors what we have seen and heard. Well, fortunately, the grandmother of this child also followed us to persuade, this child..." The woman next to this luxurious woman also said.

"Hey, why did the three-year agreement only go to one year, saying that we broke the agreement, if we really tell her that it will be two years later, then it is really a serious matter for our family, and the righteousness is now. And when it’s for? It’s so unreasonable and arrogant.” The voice of three women was getting louder and louder.

Watching the three women go away, the guard said with a smile: "Now, in these three days, Mrs. Zhonghua and the two ladies often enter the mansion. At present, they can see the young lady, but after today, Now, after all, is it necessary for Tianmu? But it seems that the young lady still refuses to agree today and insists on resisting the result."

"The young lady descended from the sky, when Yuanfeng came when she came, it was too expensive to say, a little arrogant I think it is appropriate, how can we improve the status of our clan?" Another guard said.

"What is the use of your lady's tough resistance? What if you don't accept Tianmu?" I saw that these two guards were loyal to the Tianfeng clan and had a good impression of Xijun, so I asked about the possibilities. .

"This..." One of the guards looked embarrassed, and the other shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Tianmu is just a form, it won't hinder the ending..."

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