Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1371: : Like

"I think you look like you." The Sword Demon Master took a closer look, squeezed his chin for a moment, but shook his head again: "It can change, it doesn't seem to be the case before."

"I thought someone else sculpted it casually." I took the villain to look at it, but in the end, apart from feeling its devilish energy a little stronger, it didn't feel much different, at least what Master Sword Demon said would make people feel better. Turning into a real demon is a bit of a joke in my current sense.

"According to my past experience, this thing is unknown to others, but to you, it is definitely a good thing. Others can't use you to use it, that's a chance! Hang it with a rope and walk a period of magic forbidden formation. Take a look?" Master Sword Demon looked at me after looking at the devil's appearance, thinking that this thing is a chance for me, and entering the big formation, maybe this thing will play a subtle role, at least when there is a problem hanging up More timely passage.

I thought about it, anyway, there is no difference between putting it in a backpack and putting it on my body, so I took a rope and tied it up, and then hung it on my body, but even if I hung it on my body, it didn’t produce any other effects, maybe because it hadn’t arrived yet. The relationship of time.

"The big array inside is still quite dangerous. You have to be careful. I don’t have anything here that can make you stronger all at once. So when you encounter danger, you can only solve and eliminate it by yourself, and behind you With that help, I am actually full of confidence in you." Senior Sword Demon said.

For a while, I have regarded him as my master in Kyushu. This is absolutely true, so I said: "Master, don’t worry, you taught me such a great sword technique. Give you a break, as for what will be inside, I will also tell you when I come back."

"Well, you are a person who knows the gratitude report, more reliable than other messy people." Master Sword Demon nodded, then pointed in one direction, and said: "That direction over there, when I enter inside, clean it up. Part of the real demon, the terrain is wider and clearer than other places, you can walk there."

Without saying anything, I flew over there, but Master Sword Demon flew up to me in an instant, took out a piece of paper talisman, and said, "If there is something wrong and the distance is not too far, just take this paper talisman. Burned, I will call you to help you by then."

"Okay, thank you, Master." I took the paper talisman, and I was quite touched in my heart, indicating that he didn't deliberately come in to fool me to die. It's worthy of our time together.

Master Sword Demon meditated directly in the same place, and I also broke into the blue clouds and mist. On the way, there was lightning and thunder, and the devilish energy rolled over. The whole area was like endless haze, even if I put on The star robe didn't have much effect either, it looked the same as if it didn't wear it.

But to break into it, it’s necessary to hide and hide. Otherwise, the real demon will be able to find the door soon. I’m not the master of the sword demon. There are many existences that I cannot resist.

I didn't move fast along the way, and I didn't worry that Master Sword Demon couldn't wait, because he knew that I could run out of the inside even if I encountered great danger.

After a day of groping forward, I found that the terrain here is dominated by valleys, with some strange magical winds, making the entire route full of unknowns.

There were a lot of trees before. Soon after entering the valley, these trees turned into some dark twigs. Some of these twigs have even been magically crystallized. It can be seen that it has been like this for many years and it is likely to be here. It has already existed here since a long time ago.

The devilish energy also made me change a little bit. When I looked deeper inside, I found that all inside became red. This was not a change in terrain, but the red that I saw after being slightly enchanted. The world is more vivid.

And just when I broke into the end of the valley, I found that the road under my feet was more difficult to walk. There was a trend of depression, and I was secretly alert, because usually this is likely to be a basin. It is not surprising that a basin appears in this place, but if a basin appears in this place, it will inevitably allow the demon energy to sink and gather, forming a terrifying gathering place for true demon.

In addition to the previous calculations based on the arc that I deliberately walked along this airflow, and the diversion and winding situation with the flow of magic energy that I saw, the size of this basin is no smaller than the abyss lake in the Youran fairy valley in Wanzhou at that time, and It is probably only much larger, and the middle of this deep valley is also the realm that Master Sword Demon dared not enter.

And when I was considering whether to break in and try, suddenly my sister-in-law gently pulled the corner of my clothes, and I instantly became vigilant. According to previous experience, it is likely that the other party has discovered my existence, and I started to wait for the opportunity to attack, but maybe I didn't have obvious flaws, so he didn't shoot because of instinct.

True demons have lost human emotions, but they have not lost the vigilance they should have. They will have more keen intuition like beasts, and they will crawl in a quiet place like a lion, waiting for the prey to show a slight slack before launching a fatal attack. .

I don't know the strength of the other party, but at least the daughter-in-law asked me to be careful, it would definitely pose a threat to my current situation.

Continuing to explore the front, I am no longer in the position pointed by Master Sword Demon, but almost to another boundary in the northwest. This is why I can calculate the size of the basin below.

I was floating on top of a rock, swaying constantly because of the weird devilish wind in the basin. I was hesitating whether to fly directly in, or to make some preparations. After all, to enter inside, you must investigate So I can only look back.

I checked the equipment on my body, as well as the paper talisman, it looked like it was properly equipped, but I secretly held a silent borrowing method of sword curse in my hand, and then flew into the devilish wind!

And at this moment, suddenly my wife also pulled the corners of my clothes, and a devilish spirit appeared behind me, hurriedly flying towards me!

I immediately used the silent borrowing method just now, and immediately blasted out as soon as I thought of a sword! Before the real demon that rushed over could react, the Tai'a sword aura that gave me blasted into fly ashes, but soon the real demon began to condense again, and I didn’t plan to entangle with him. Went the other direction.

I controlled the distance of the Shuji technique to about five miles, which is not too far for the mountains with a radius of nearly a hundred miles, and I dare not fly to the center, because if the road conditions ahead are not mastered, Shrinking the ground is just killing death, if shrinking to a terrifying position, then there will be a heart to cry.

Fortunately, I was lucky this time. The place where I appeared was still safe, and there was no strange aura around me. I continued to explore the way forward by releasing the demon energy. After all, this can allow me to blend into the real demon and let the other person Think I am the same kind and let me go.

Sure enough, my little trick took effect. The more I walked inside, the more the real demon's aura became. When I got to the front, I even encountered a team of real demons. This made me very depressed. I had to directly Rush in, but in this way, it is pure gambling luck.

Walking by the water, it is inevitable to get wet shoes. The real monsters of the first and second teams easily dangled past, but in the third team, an accident made me have to face a collection of more than a dozen real monsters. .

After the demons are transformed into real demons, they are not all fighting individually. Some will gather together and act like an animal group. After all, only in this way can they survive.

After more than a dozen true demons found me, they all surrounded me. I immediately used the shrunk technique, and then escaped directly into the killing path, but these true demons also have their own ways to deal with it. The unique roar makes more All the true demons knew of my arrival. This time, the situation of encountering marching ants in picking the miraculous leaves was more dangerous than before. At first, a dozen true demons chased me, and finally waited for me to avoid them. After the chaos, it has developed into hundreds or even thousands!

These thousands of true demons almost exist in this place, and they are inevitable.

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