Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1382: : True biography

"Head of laughter! Everyone is Paoze and belongs to the same organization, so why lie to me?" Li Poxiao's voice passed through the clouds and rushed to our eyes.

There was a bit of indignation in his voice, and Xiao Qianjian didn't intend to be more polite to him, and said angrily: "Is the road I pointed you wrong? The route to Leizhou is also correct, and the route to Yunzhou is also correct. Yes, you ran back when you couldn't get there. Can you blame me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Poxiao swished and came to us. He was vaguely more dusty in appearance, but his firmness was the same as before, except that there were some more holes in his robe and traces of fighting.

Maybe the cheating of Xiao Qianjian this time made him look a little angry, of course, it can’t be said to be angry, but it is not easy to be able to arouse him like this, and only I have this ability in my memory. It’s not dead to change someone else. I am afraid I will be disabled.

"Hmph, I think you are a senior, you actually led the road map of the immortal turbulent flow to the nest with countless sea monsters, so that both Daoyou Chen and Daoyou He died in vain. If it weren't for my alertness, they would have died. There, I asked the surrounding monsters about the map, and I have confirmed that I can go there, but there is still a relatively safe road. As for the one you mentioned, unless it is different from ordinary people, it will not pass at all! In addition, I asked at the time You, will Xia Yitian return the matter, but you said you won't come again, but why are you here now?" Li Poxiao snorted coldly, waiting for Xiao Qianjian to explain.

"Oh, dare you not to look at the road when you walk, and you still rely on me when you step into the sea monster lair? You don't take the map to ask, can you pass the turbulent flow of immortality? In addition, I have to ask you why you want to do it. Yeah!" Of course Xiao Qianjian didn't intend to admit that he had fooled him, and also bit Li Poxiao back, but I secretly said that it was bad, this Li Poxiao is stubborn, how can he make trouble with you, under normal circumstances, they do it directly!

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay a price. I can't kill you, but it doesn't mean you can't do it. And you, now come back with Xia Yitian! If you don't have a satisfactory answer, don't blame our organization!" Li Poxiao He put his hand on the sword, as if he could do it at any time.

But how could he have played with Xiao Qianjian, the old fox, and said with a corner of Xiao Qianjian's mouth: "I knew your kid couldn't do it, so for the sake of organization, I personally brought him back!"

"You!" Li Poxiao was speechless, staring at Xiao Qianjian, my heart was grinning, Li Poxiao still has the strength and personality.

He must have been fooled by Xiao Qianjian, and then he stayed near the Nine Heavens Divine Sword Gate, thinking that I would definitely come back or something. As a result, he waited for me and Xiao Qianjian. He originally wanted to come in angrily to interrogate us, but he didn't. Thinking of giving Xiao Qianjian another flick, he pushed his temper back.

"What am I? I went to Leizhou in person to work for the organization. I knew that you were looking for Xia Tiantian. Didn't this bring you back? I was the same way, so why I came here so easily. , The three of you two died, what is there to say? I’ll tell you, I will definitely poke the organization when you and I do something. I see how Lao Li helps you with it!" Xiao Qianjian sneered, this A bite with blood on the belt is also a ruthless character who can fool people.

Li Poxiao frightened Xiao Qianjian for a while, frowned for a while, these two stunners were still inertia, I stood up and said: "Li Poxiao, you are still so impulsive, and the head of laughter is also dedicated to your organization. But you beat them. You can see that they are annoying to you, but they also went to Leizhou to find me in order to organize. This is my Taoist monk's model of waiting for no small part and taking into account the overall situation. You will learn more in the future. Learn to laugh and cultivate your character, don’t beat and curse at every turn, or even think about others at every turn, right?"

Li Poxiao frowned and looked at me, and Xiao Qianjian amused me for a while, and said with a smile: "No, you guys are strong, but still tender, learn more in the future! Don't say that others fool you without investigating. Own, sometimes it can cause unjust cases! I really can’t figure out how the organization would send you this insecure kid as a special force!"

"Xia Yitian, the organization asked you to come with me." Li Poxiao ignored Xiao Qianjian's cynicism and directly said what he meant.

"Where?" I frowned, and asked a little unhappy, how can I have time to organize with him Li Poxiao, there are still major events waiting for me to take care of the Wanzhou border and Zhongzhou!

"Yuezhou." Li Poxiao said directly.

"Don’t go, don’t try to use strong, you know it’s useless to me, unless it’s attractive enough for me." I opened my heavenly eyes and scanned Li Poxiao’s cultivation base, Jiuzhongxian, entry period, because there is no In the fight, I can't reach the opponent's energy, and I don't know how many times the Taoism at present, but if I want to go against the sky, there is no Yun Bingxin against the sky.

Li Poxiao came up from the lower realm, and with enough immortal crystals, he can be converted into eight-fold immortal or even nine-fold immortal. As for the power of the Taoist lineage, he had maintained about six times the lower realm before, and it should not be lower than this level, or even higher of.

Rumor has it that humans have also produced a guy no less than Yun Bingxin, who is also Jian Xiu. I don’t know if it is related to Li Poxiao, but that’s all, I’m wondering what this guy is doing now. As long as he is not in the Transcendent Stage, I don’t need to be afraid of him. They are all hit, and I have suffered a lot, but I don't think so.

"I said you must go?" Li Poxiao showed a trace of seriousness.

I frowned and said, "Do you want to be strong? Why did you come to Kyushu and haven't learned well?"

"When you were in the lower realm, I saw everything you did. For the good of the world, you made natural disasters, set peace and security, are you in Kyushu, these things are none of your business?" Li Poxiao looked at I was not happy to go back with him, so I pulled out righteousness.

"Hehe, going to Yuezhou may not be righteousness. When you were in the lower realm, you also acted for righteousness. As a result, righteousness also took a lot of diversions? The natural disasters were solved together with the heavens. What did you do in the world? I won’t pull out and wander around if I do something wrong, it’s enough if you know what I did is correct.” I sneered.

Li Poxiao frowned slightly, seeming to have remembered the unhappiness back then, and said: "I admit that I did do some things that turned the cart before the horse, but not anymore. As long as I complete the tasks given to me by the master and the organization, this is righteousness. The trend is one day in the summer, so no matter what you say, you have to go to the organization with me. Not only will I protect your safety along the way, but in the organization, I will try my best to help you get good treatment."

I laughed dumbfounded: "Li Poxiao, I think you are a friend, so I told you so much. We didn't do it when we met before? Don't force me, you know I won't go as long as I can't say it. , I'm all here, I have to leave beforehand."

"Xia Yitian!" Li Poxiao immediately stopped me, and I instantly shrank behind him: "Remember, I was strong before, but I am still the same now."

Li Poxiao frowned, and Long Yue and Xiao Mengtong immediately followed. As for Xiao Qianjian, our goodbye greetings were not finished yet, he immediately rushed over: "Son-in-law, are you leaving now? Me? I haven't finished talking to you yet!"

"I beg you to say it all the way, the head of laughter, this is still on the way." I am not in a good situation now to say goodbye to Xiao Qianjian and Su Hua and other Nine Heavens Swordsmen. Li Poxiao, the plague god, seems to have found the power again. It's a tossing thing, and I don't know if he has listened to someone's flicker again, and wants to bring me back to Yuezhou, anyway, I will definitely not go.

Li Poxiao saw that we all flew away and followed him up. With his strength, it was easy to catch up with us. However, it would be impossible to intervene in persuading me to go to Yuezhou. Xiao Qianjian gagged and laughed. Mengtong was also deeply acquainted with his father's true story. There was a sentence interruption next to him, which made Li Poxiao directly hold back about what is righteousness and what organization, and honestly followed behind, as if he was planning to wait for Xiao Qianjian to return. After that, he tried to persuade me.

But since I didn't want to talk to him about these things, of course there would be various ways to make him unable to ask, so when he spoke along the way, he gave me gorgeous ignorance.

It didn't take long before we ran into a group of monsters fleeing to the Great Wilderness.

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