Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1392: : Warning

The moment the door opened, an astonishing amount of treasure appeared in the karst cave in front. There were all the karst caves piled with immortal crystals, and the number could not be counted. There was not even a winding road in it. It should have been all flown by people. .

"So... so much!" Qian Longchen's mouth was so wide that he couldn't close it, and then floated over, stretched out his hand to hold a part of the fairy crystal, he was surprised: "If this treasury is piled to such a degree, I am afraid it will be at least two or three. There are tens of millions of level five or six immortal crystals, what a terrifying amount... No wonder Daoyou Luo and I will be demoted, letting his two confidants be the peak of the palm..."

I took a breath, what is the concept of twenty to thirty million? Back then, 10,000 to 20,000 made me want to start a war against the city, and now there are so many, and at that time, Luo Shanyang in the Youran Fairy Valley didn't have such a huge fortune, it had to be several million!

"Why are there so many? How did Fellow Qian Daoist think it came?" I frowned and asked, if such a large sum of fairy crystals rushed into Zhongzhou, the economy would have to be reshuffled, and it would not be easy to transport it away. After all, it is far from the border. There is still a long distance. It would be better if I fly by myself, but such a large amount must be transported by a large number of cultivators.

"There are so many demon cultivators, so many tribes, including the sects on the bright side, including the social settlements hidden in the dark. It is not difficult to collect so many. Besides, I inherited the rumors of the Tianmen and turned it into a logistics supply. The place where the transfer is, the fairy crystals are constantly being carried out from here, this side is transported, and the other is piled up, and there are so many come and go. Tsk, don’t look at it now, there are so many here, and there are still a few behind. This secret room, I don’t know if there are any high-priced treasures hidden, seniors, think about it, so many hidden demonic tribes, who doesn’t have one or two things that can be handed out, is now being wiped out by Chengtianmen and Hongchen. , Whose hands will the treasure fall into?” Qian Longchen said without concealment. For him, it is good enough to do something for me to save his wealth and life.

"Well, the analysis is good. If you didn't have a lot of lives in your hands, it would be a usable talent." I sneered, and then floated to the back room.

"Senior Xia, I am indeed a talent, and once I follow you, I will definitely be loyal and will never have two hearts! Really, I admire someone like you the most, who is decisive and tidy. , Being per capita is really different from that of Yan Haoyun!" Qian Longchen immediately saw the pole climbing up and wanted to join my camp.

He is also a cultivator of the Eightfold Immortal Realm now. If he wants to go to the Ninefold Immortal, I am afraid that he will be stuck on the issue of the fairy crystal. If there are enough fairy crystals, then he is the ninefold immortal, and he can be regarded as a powerful assistant. Okay, I’m also a little worried, but I’m short of people right now, so I can use it first, and say, “If you want to do things under my hands, it’s very likely that you won’t be able to survive, but if you really want to join me, it’s fine. I can also promise you enough wages, but I warn you, don’t make some moths, or I don’t mind doing it myself."

"Yes, yes, I would like to ask seniors to take in, and I will definitely follow them loyally!" Qian Longchen promised as he broke out in a cold sweat. After all, it is not easy for him to find other schools now. , And people might not trust him as an outsider, and give him a lot of immortal crystals to impact the nine-fold immortal, but when I come to me, although I definitely don't believe him, so many treasures will never lose him, right?

"Well, then follow me. I will immediately count the treasures here, and then pick some demon repairs to help." I nodded and ordered, and Qian Longchen was taken aback, and immediately said happily: "Senior, I have something under my hand. Two or three hundred disciples are loyal to me, and they do things well. It's a shame to dismiss them this time. It's better to let me take them with me, or make a hand, and do things for seniors."

"Then look at the arrangement, but don't behave badly. Whenever something bad happens, I will directly kill it on the spot." I said immediately, Qian Longchen nodded like a peck, and then went to order something in person.

Li Poxiao stood outside looking at these treasures coldly, without saying a word. For him, the property is just a supply, enough is enough, it is useless to bring more, and his concept of Kyushu may still remain in his own In terms of understanding, I don’t think about going to the armed forces and bringing huge benefits to the sect, so I don’t care about it.

Xiao Mengtong quickly flew over and watched the entire cave filled with treasures. It was as shocked as we were before, but after all, she was the daughter of a group of leaders. She immediately said: "Brother Xia, so many treasures, let the demon I’m afraid it’s wrong to transport the clan, because I don’t think these monsters are very willing. After all, there are some of them, and we just asked if they are willing to participate in the Zhongzhou War. Some of them will consider it, but some will not immediately. I'm still awkward over there now."

"Uncomfortable? Huh, let them die here. I rescued them. I gave them a new territory in Zhongzhou. I also have to protect my own territory. I am not a philanthropist. If we divide their homes, we still need to protect them and keep them in captivity?" I snorted coldly, these monsters are too unconscious.

"Isn't that? How can there be such a big advantage in the world? These guys should be killed!" Qian Longchen said immediately, I glared at him, scared him to continue to check the treasure.

And Xiao Mengtong said: "In fact, this is only true for individual tribes, because they feel that we are going to push them into another abyss. They would rather be slaves here than die."

"Well, then let those who are not good at fighting go to Zhongzhou to do construction. Where can they go to work instead of doing it, then there are always those who are willing to fight?" I frowned. It is true that they cannot all be allowed to fight. Some are not. Good at fighting, but working as workers, surely you can't let them all kill people, right?

"Yeah, I also said it at the time, but they also made conditions for those powerful ones, not only asking us to return part of the looted property, but also to return the tribal treasures they robbed. Sister Xia and Sister Long also take it. If you don't make up your mind, let me come over and ask you." Xiao Mengtong said.

"Don't even think about the treasure. As for the treasure, it must be what they really want. It can be held by their leader. As a soldier, I will pay them every month. The benefits are based on the Zhongzhou army. Come!" I said immediately.

Xiao Mengtong nodded quickly, thinking that this method would work, but when she saw the treasure full of karst caves, she still said, "Treasure cannot be brought by the monster race. Once it is wiped out, it will really be nothing to steal a chicken. Or else, I immediately contacted the disciples of the nearby Nine Heavens Sword Gate to help, let us human monks escort, that is safe, but also able to deceive each other, and sent to Zhongzhou without knowing it, after all, now Nine Heavens God Many disciples in Jianmen wandered outside, saying they were helping to encircle and suppress the monster clan, but in fact they did nothing all the way."

"It's a good idea, but this batch of treasures is huge, and you need to be more cautious. By the way, what's the situation with Qilinma?" I asked Xiao Mengtong.

"Since we got the news of the unicorn horses, our Nine Heavens Sword Sect has been eyeing them, and we were trapped with people and horses in the first two days. After all, we were afraid that the fat on our lips would be contested by other schools. So now it’s all the way to the south. I have contacted them just now. There is a unicorn horse, and it should be there within a few days." Xiao Mengtong told me the news.

I am very happy. There are tens of thousands of unicorn horses. This is definitely good news. The comprehensive strength of the Nine Heavens Sword Gate can be regarded as a strong team in Wanzhou. Generally, the disciples are more than two kinds of orthodoxy, reaching the sixth and seventh. There are countless disciples of the immortal with more than three kinds of orthodoxy. It shouldn't be a problem for them to win the remnant of Qilin County with Qilin Horses.

Just when everything felt like it would go smoothly with time, the communication symbol paper in my backpack suddenly changed. I quickly took out the symbol. At this sight, my face became gloomy. The warning sent to the Yaozu before Three of the communication talisman papers were burned.

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