Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1601: : Yan Xing

"Daughter-in-law! Innocent, this is a dream! Dream, if you are here, these words must be what I want to say to you!" I quickly explained.

However, the daughter-in-law was not happy, but angrily said: "Hmph, Yun Bingxin is here, you say that, I am here, you will also say the same to me, are other people here, you will also say the same sweet words ?"

"I said my daughter-in-law, this dog-blood drama is inferior to a Korean drama. How can I say such things by my nature? It's a confession that Yun Bingxin, who has too little emotional experience, can think of, right!?" I suddenly felt I lost my self-confidence, and felt aggrieved for the inexplicable anger of the daughter-in-law. This woman is really unreasonable when she gets angry.

"If she is less emotional, you will be richer? You have to talk about who is still good to me?" The daughter-in-law looked at me angrily, reluctantly.

"Yun Bingxin! I have come to say that I can do it, so I will tell you, don't stay in your dreams! Wake up quickly, the battle of Kyushu, everyone is waiting for you!" I don't think I can tell my sister-in-law. , Screamed immediately, breaking Yun Bing's heart to have a love affair with the "I" in the sky.

In fact, these dreams are hard to say clearly. They seem to be true, but in fact they are the self-imagining restoration of the dreamer, which is totally untrue.

Hearing my name is Po Yun Bingxin, my daughter-in-law sneaked back into my soul body with an annoyance, but this scene made me wonder what to say. After all, I have thoughts day by day and night by night, is Yun Bingxin's heart? Do you really like me?

"You...you..." Yun Bingxin turned her attention from'I' to the real me. She showed her unbelief, but I didn't care what she thought. She went out of her dream for a moment and returned. It turned out that the sea area, and reached out to reach Yun Bingxin who was still lying on the coffin board of the fast-moving ghost.

She hasn't woken up yet at this moment, but the disappearance of Xianli is of course impossible to happen again, even Nangong Huan felt it, otherwise she would have done it a long time ago.

"Okay, I have broken your magic smoke, should we go this time?" I said calmly, and now at least hold the old woman steady before saying anything else.

"Of course, but I didn't promise not to kill you, just promised to wait for you for half an hour! Let me catch up, and I will let you die!" Nangong Huan said without hesitation.

I nodded. I did say that I was waiting for half an hour, and I also said that I would be able to escape from her palm, but now that the cowhide is blown out, it may not be easy to escape here. After all, I still have Yun Bing's heart. Now that Yun Bingxin has no signs of waking up, I can't help but sigh in my heart. I wake up from nightmares, and good dreams are not so easy.

It seems that the theory of luck does exist. In this situation, I can be considered to be free. Who can save me?

"The old man doesn't take advantage of you. I will run away ten miles for you. I will chase you after ten miles. I will die in my hands when the time comes. Don't blame me!" Nangong Huan sneered. No comment, as if it were justified, it seems that this is not the first time Nangong Huan has done this!

"Shili, right? Well, if you don't have Shili, don't catch up, and you can count on your words!" I took a deep breath, picked up Yun Bingxin slowly, and then slowly flew outside. Speed, who dare to say that I can fly ten miles in a day, I guess I am anxious with him!

"You! Unexpectedly how you are also a monk of the tenth-tier immortal, and you actually play a word game that children can't play! Do you run away or not? The old man who doesn't run away will kill you now!" Nangong trembled with anger. I have seen a rascal, but I guess she has never seen a rascal like me.

Hearing this Nangong hallucination, I would really be a fool if I didn’t run away. I flew to the southwest without saying anything. Now I can’t control the big bear or something. After losing a communication charm, I just Run away lifelessly.

Yun Bing was still whispering some unintelligible dream talks in his heart, and I was worried when I saw it, and immediately said, "Don't talk about dreams! You are about to die, are you still in love?"

As a result, my roar seemed to have effect. Yun Bingxin's long eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was about to wake up. I thought it was effective for her to stimulate her, and immediately said: "Your master is dead! Why are you still thinking about how to fall in love? In this big situation, shouldn't you have a good grasp of the future?"

"Ah... um..." Yun Bingxin's eyes trembled and her complexion flushed. I really don't know what she had dreamed of. In the case of anger, I slapped her face with a slap and said, "Yeah. What is it? Wake up quickly, what is there, wait until everything is calm!"

"You...what did you hit me for? I...woke up a long time ago...but my eyes...can't open!" Yun Bingxin gave me this slap and slapped me with great grievance, but he was still faint Yes, she didn't open her eyes for a while, and the struggle to recover made her face blush.

"Oh... I thought you had... what dream, okay, I'm sorry." I said embarrassedly, still holding her to fly, but Shili Road to a monk like me, it was an instant.

So next, I felt the domineering aura belonging to the Nangong phantom, and suddenly it shot out like a cannonball, and my heart suddenly panicked!

Is this old woman still a human? The speed is comparable to light! If she is still pulling Longzhu, if she is alone, she still knows where she will be soon!

"For a while...If she uses that fascinating smoke again, I must have a way to crack it..." Yun Bing said stubbornly.

I don't know what she was trying to say, but suddenly I remembered her mouthful of gourd, and then remembered that the thing contained a mysterious spirit. As long as I put it out and brushed it, this Nangong magical blue smoke would be invalid!

"So...you just need to escape, I have to recover for a while." Yun Bingxin said in my arms, and I breathed a sigh of relief. At least this magical blue smoke must be useless for us.

The speed of the old woman catching up was really fast, she only ran a distance of two or three hundred miles, and then chased up, grinning and dancing with her sleeves, releasing a strange fascination, as if to make us both die from this fantasy In the green smoke!

And Yun Bingxin had been prepared for a long time, and she really opened the gourd she was holding in her hand, letting out a weird breath, and the magical blue smoke was gone in an instant!

"What's this again?" Nangong Huan was shocked. It seemed that I didn't know Yun Bingxin's gourd. I didn't bother to answer her this time. This kind of inexperienced old monster, in fact, is not as good as our juniors, but just relies on it. Powerful, crushing everything!

With the skill of her talking, I went out for more than a dozen li in an instant. Now Nangong Huan became anxious and said, "Very well, there is innate aura. After all, I underestimated the owner of this godhead, but since you don’t If you are willing to die unconsciously, then die in pain!"

"Grandma, are we going to see blood again?" Longzhu said unwillingly.

"There is no way, the monks outside are too cunning. If grandma doesn't kill them, maybe even killing them will be difficult!" After Nangong Huan explained, the stick in her hand rushed behind me in an instant, but then the prisoner cow A burst shot out from behind me and bumped into her stick!

The prisoner cow flew again, but it also gave me a distance. However, to my surprise, I suddenly fell into a layer of mist. I saw that the Longzhu hands behind me Time is going to be recycled! Obviously she had already used illusions on me when she approached just now!

My face changed drastically, but soon a white light swept over me, and then it made my ears clear. I looked at Yun Bingxin and thanked him. This Xuantian aura is really powerful, no matter what it is driven by breath Spell, it can be cleaned!

It's a pity that the temporary solution was difficult to maintain. Nangong Huan got closer and closer to us, and I even used the immortal ring to seal the world, and I couldn't stop the opponent! And just when our thoughts were lost, I suddenly felt a breath suddenly appear from the bottom of the sea. Before I could reflect it, I only saw the sea behind me bursting with a loud bang, and a huge black shadow suddenly appeared. Behind me, stopped in front of Nangong Huan!

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