Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1611: : Solo drum

Watching Chaoshan Mountain is not the name of a mountain, but a sloping land filled with immortality. Standing on a high ground and looking down, it will be a vast expanse of whiteness, like the tidal sea, spectacular and inexplicable!

But in fact, the ground of Guanchao Mountain is full of volcanic craters or rock pits. Once there is no immortal energy, it will be no different from the mass graves. Now, this place has become a ruined battlefield!

The vast expanse of mist like the sea made Zhao Yu and I break in, but we didn't know which way to go. It was too big to imagine! I have traveled all over Kyushu, and I have never seen such a large area of ​​fairy mist gathering place, and inside, I can occasionally hear the sound of killing, or the sight of a mirage!

"Boss! Look over there!" Zhao Yu pointed to a fairy fog, and I quickly looked in the direction he said. There, as expected, another mirage appeared, but it was a pity that it was already lying everywhere. The sight of the dead body without any movement is completely useless.

"Emperor Xia, that... I recognize that team is the army of Zhishuai Li Zhiyun under King Jing's hands. I also recognize the weapon that was broken with only the sword head. It is Li Zhiyun's. The pattern on it is He was left behind when I competed in martial arts...He was a good man, alas, I didn't expect even he would die...so many people." said the coach under Zhao Yu.

This coach ranked first among the four big coaches, named Zhu Chenzhi, and he was the one who led the elite with me this time.

Zhao Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Li Zhiyun, it's okay. Although it looks like a soft-skinned bun, there is a lot of meat in it."

"The mirage is mostly the product of the immortal energy floating and dispersing after the condensation. The battle is so fierce, the more we go inside, I believe we will see more." Zhu Chenzhi said.

To describe Jing Yun's commander Li Zhiyun as a meat bun, Zhao Yu can say it, but it also shows that although Li Zhiyun is weak on the outside, but there are many solid things inside, which Zhao Yu can still admire.

We walked along the middle of Guanchao Mountain, and the mirage we encountered along the way was faintly guiding us, but after more than ten times, or even more than twenty times, we became more and more disappointed in our hearts. According to this method of death And the number, I'm afraid that if I want to come to the line of Jingyun, I am immortal, and there is not much left.

In the next search, we had to separate. Zhao Yu led a team, and Zhu Chenzhi led a team, and I went alone. After all, the Guanchao Mountain was too big for a team to search quickly.

And on the way, I also encountered the army of demon cultivators several times. After a slaughter, I also left a lot of life, and asked about the time and location of their battle with the Jingyun army.

When my hopes are getting weaker and weaker, the last battle was already three days ago. They were part of the extermination army, because Jing Yun's army had been killed until there was nowhere to kill before following the way in. Returned.

My heart is sad and desolate, I never thought that Jing Yun encountered such a desperate battle in Guanchao Mountain!

"Xia Ruize, if I don't kill you, how can I be worthy of the soldiers of the three armed forces?" I said lightly, and a sword smashed a huge boulder beside me and continued on my way.

In the end, news came from Zhao Yu’s messenger before going far, and asked me to meet him northward, and there was an important discovery.

I hurriedly flew over there and approached Zhao Yu at about 3 in the afternoon, but before I asked each other what I found, I saw a huge pool of mirages, and there were real corpses everywhere. It made my face show hesitation.

"Boss, I'll take you to a place, but you first stabilize your emotions. I know you will be sad when you see it." Zhao Yu looked at me and said.

"Is it an acquaintance from the lower realm?" My eyes suddenly scorched, and Zhao Yu nodded, and then silently led me along a trivial stone path forward.

I raised my head, there was a mirage above, and lowered my head, there were corpses of the Zhongzhou army everywhere, and I couldn't help feeling heartache for this hell-like sight.

When he arrived at the destination, Zhao Yu touched the shattered shield and the inner robe of the chief general, and said, "That's it, boss, do you still recognize him..."

"It's a general, and it's different from other generals..." I squatted down and touched the general's inner robe. Although I didn't find anything for the time being, Zhao Yu said so. I know I'm looking for it, and I will definitely know that he is who.

Soon, I found a small piece of cloth with the serial number engraved on the inner robe.

It suddenly appeared in my sight. I picked it up and thought for a long time. Finally, I shook my head and wept tears. My face was even more bitter: "It's Wu Jinchuan's police officer, right?"

Zhao Yu nodded.

"He saved my life back then. At the Xuanmen Family Conference, he stopped the Tang family from pursuing and killing him. After his death, he was the leader of the patrol of the city that day. After making outstanding contributions, he went to the upper realm with his grandmother... …" I shook my heart, and realized that afterwards, I couldn't tell how this life-saver came to Kyushu.

"Boss... don't be sad. Later, he married a wife in Kyushu and gave birth to three children, all of whom were boys. They were all in Xiaotianting. He went to the west with Jingyun. It was also a temporary decision this time. He said that if there is no chaos, he will have no effect. He heard you said that the monsters in the west will one day be harassed, and he wants to apply to the west to defend against the attacks of the monsters... who knows what it is... , Don't blame the boss." Zhao Yu said.

"Old Wu died terribly, and he was killed by a sword. The opponent must be an expert. Otherwise, how could Lao Wu die? His cultivation level is also very good." Zhao Yu said, shaking his head.

"I will avenge this grievance!" I gritted my teeth and put away Wu Jinchuan's inner robe and handed it to Zhao Yu: "It is a great burial, and I give it to the Wu family. Let his three children receive a good education. , To ensure their wealth in the future, nothing else, I owe Wu Jinchuan."

"Oh." Zhao Yu nodded, but shed tears, and said: "Boss, Lao Wu has been with the kid Jingyun, he is dead, will the kid Jingyun..."

"Shut up! I want to see people and corpses when I live. There are no corpses, burial mounds, swords and nothing? I gave him so many things. Isn't it a relic that I haven't found?" I said coldly, scared Zhao Yu Nodded hurriedly: "Yes, that kid is dead, he must not die!"

But when I finished saying this, I lost confidence in what I said. Just like Zhao Yu said, such an important person as Wu Jinchuan has died. How did Jing Yun escape this disaster?

"You continue to search. These annihilated troops are used to sort out the view of Chaoshan Mountain. Now even half of them have not come out. Maybe Jing Yun is inside, or it may escape from here! Don't forget, Jing Yun is not stupid!" I said to Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu patted his chest, and immediately led the troops out arrogantly.

I stood in front of a large number of corpses, sighing in my heart, these corpses were dead at least two days ago, I don't have much time, I don't know if I can find Jing Yun.

And the harder you search inside, the more shocking you are. More and more Zhongzhou troops are dead, and the chances of encountering monsters are increasing. But what breaks my heart is that for so long, no Encounter any living soldier of the Zhongzhou Army, or deserter!

All members died!

These are a few words that slammed my heart. Although Jing Yun’s army is not as brave and good at fighting as Zhao Yu’s, they are not greedy for life and fear of death. The coach was forced into this Guanchao Mountain, and they had to go inside. Those who rescued, never escaped outside!

And here, Zhao Yu, Zhu Chenzhi and I have formed a tripartite investigation team, and the interrogation all the way down is to calculate the direction of the opponent’s army and the concentrated position, and the other way round, Jing Yun The possible location also jumped out!

So I started to fly to the northwest quickly, all the way through the mountains and flowing water, all the way to the cliffs. The terrain here is complex and magnificent, but I don't want to look at it right now, I just wait to find my beloved.

In the second half of the night on the third day, I suddenly heard the sound of the war drum in front of me. The direction of the war drum was different from the position I predicted. I thought it was a hallucination, but I wanted to pass it. After flying for a while, the drum sound gradually increased. In order to confirm its authenticity, I deviated from my intended position by ghosts and spirits!

And the closer I got to the sound of war drums, the more I found that the sound of the drums was lonely and desperate. However, it had a faintly wary voice!

Nothing else, because this is not the drum of an army!

It's a drum!

I have participated in countless battles, how can I not tell which side this drumbeat comes from?

The snail of the monster race, the drum of the human race! When the single drum sounds, it must be a battle to the death!

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