Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1620: :Finger

I originally had four Jingshiqing lotus leaves, but I deceived Wan Songxiao one. I lost two. Now there is one left. Now there is one from Zhu Xingba and the original one at Xianlumen. That is, up to now, a total of six leaves have appeared. This thing is equivalent to a spirit treasure. If it is aimed at once it is shot, it will not even be a problem to destroy the gods. The last time Zhao Qian felt compassion for Longzhu and let Nangong go. Fantasy, otherwise this Nangong Fantasy would be gone!

"Senior Zhu, the book card that I said was left until I helped you find the Godhead and gave it to me Xianlumen. Why are you taking it out now?" Wan Songxiao said with some dissatisfaction.

Zhu Xingba sneered: "I don't care about this, Friends Wandao, you haven't helped me find the godhead, and the book card is mine. Is there anything wrong with me changing the godhead?"

"Of course there is nothing wrong." Wan Song frowned, then looked at Zhou Qiping.

And Zhou Qiping shook his head and said with a smile: "Although this clean world green lotus leaf is good, but it is a tool for killing, it is not necessary for my teaching to help the world's righteousness, or else... if you have other ways to see For things that can be used, this Dao can also be used as a transfer. Use this godhead to exchange it with you, and you can use it to exchange book cards with Zhu Daoyou. As far as I know, Guimen Master has already collected three book pages. Huh? Your green lotus leaves, plus what Li Taichong's teaching Niubi collected, will soon be able to summon the Jingshi Qingping Sword! What a good deal?"

Wan Song smiled slightly, thought about it, and didn't say anything. He was always cunning and would not take out anything at will until the last moment when he couldn't see the situation clearly.

"Jing Shi Qing Lian Ye's book card? Qi also has one here. Hey, if Fellow Daoist can take out good things to exchange for female cultivators, I will add something that fellow Daoists are satisfied with to the basic conditions of the book card. How about swapping back with fellow Daoists?" Qi Liang, who had been waiting for the opportunity after speaking just now, could not miss the opportunity, and immediately raised a raise to discuss with Wan Songxiao.

But suddenly, the closest I was, I saw Wan Song's small eyes flashed with blood! Obviously he had other thoughts, but unfortunately this murderous intent was only a moment. Soon I saw Wan Song smile heartily and said, "It turns out that the last pure world green lotus leaf was in the hands of Fellow Qi Daoist! But... Didn't you bring it with you? So that you didn't smell the book card?"

"Lingbao, of course, can't let the spiritual energy leak out, don't you know?" Qi Liang took out a jade box out of his hand, and pulled the talisman of the demon clan away, revealing the book card: "Hey, Yun The Zhou Yaozu has been treasured for hundreds of years, and it is just to be cautious, but this opportunity is too important. It is still very cost-effective to exchange for the seeds of the clan to survive!

According to Wan Songxiao's statement, that is, all the pure green lotus leaves have appeared? Then Li Taichong possesses the Qingping sword's legacy. Once nine green lotus leaves are inserted on it, wouldn't he be able to summon the Qingping sword? I took a deep breath. If this is the case, then Li Taichong doesn't know how terrifying it will be!

The Qingping sword composed of nine spirit treasures is definitely an existence against the sky!

"There are not many Lingbaos in Kyushu. People who can get them are basically standing here. I also have a Lingbao here. I don't know if you can't see it for fellow Taoists?" I am thinking about Wansong. When Xiaohui took out some treasures to exchange, the silent teaching chief let him talk.

"Oh? Fellow Ren Dao, come quickly. You have been based in Kyushu for so many years. Shenlong has not seen the head and the end. This time, he came out with preparation, right?" Zhou Qiping looked at the talking Ren Zhi unexpectedly. I didn't care that Wan Song was young. Although Wan Song was great, it was their sect leader who was even more powerful. Zhou Qiping didn't bother to grind him.

"Hehe, it's true, Fellow Daoist Zhou, I'm not hiding it. This time I plan to take out one of the two heavy treasures I taught, the Lingbao Reincarnation Realm or the Lingbao Commanding Flying Sword, in exchange for the Godhead. I don’t know if fellow Daoists are interested?" Ren Zhi smiled, and then waved his hand. A transparent fog piece that looked like a mirror and not a mirror, and a piece of fog that only flashed out with black light but no shape appeared. In front of everyone!

As soon as this thing appeared on the stage, everyone was shocked. When I saw it was foggy, I actually knew that I didn’t explode the demon pill, so I couldn’t see the spirit treasure. These two things are better than each other. The value of Nangong magical magic beads is higher!

And looking at the three treasures shown on the note Si Xiaoxian gave me, this reincarnation is one of them! Evil thoughts suddenly appeared in my heart.

"Good treasure! Samsara Realm and Zhiming Flying Knife! It's really amazing." Zhou Qiping was also taken aback, and his eyesight soon became apparent, and the nearby Nangong Phantom, who already thought his treasure was the strongest, was also wrinkled at this moment. Raised her eyebrows, it seemed that her phantom goddess was a little downwind, so she immediately planned to bring out more treasures.

I know that in the next moment she may come up with even more powerful treasures, because her hand has been inserted into the big sleeve, and she seems to be hesitant.

It’s not just that I paid attention to the Nangong phantom, and Ren Zhi naturally didn’t lose sight, so he said: "Samsara, see through reincarnation, command a flying knife, and point people to death. Fellow Zhou Dao can think about it. This is extremely useful for you. Everyone knows that you are a ghost cultivator, and the magical effect of the reincarnation state is self-evident, and the commanding flying knife can be used to make up for the weakness of the ghost road spell when the daoist is against a single strong enemy."

Ghost Dao spells are rarely matched against large-scale enemies, or in long-range combat, but single-on-one close combat will suffer, but with the commanding knife, it is different.

As for the reincarnation state, it is said that it is good for ghost cultivation. I didn't think of it for a while, but Ren Zhi's old cunning would not say so for no reason. If it is a good thing, it must be a good thing.

The two treasures that Ren Zhi took out immediately suppressed the other forces. Obviously, not everyone can take out the two spirit treasures. I have been in Kyushu for so long, and before this, I have seen half of the spirit treasure Yinglongzhu. !

But now, the magical **** orb, the reincarnation realm, and the commanding flying knife have all come out. Although the rank is similar to the Yinglongzhu, at the delicate moment of the battle of Kyushu, if the user is a cultivator of the god-transition realm, it will be the same as the real spirit treasure. There is not much difference!

Zhou Qiping smiled and nodded, looking quite satisfied, but said insidiously: "The preaching of the teaching is also for justice in the world, and my ghost teaching is the same. Since it is of the same root and the same origin, I am bold. Give the reincarnation realm and the commanding flying knife to the Dao, how about this rebellion being handed over to the Daoist without a word? After all, the **** flying knives in the two treasures of the Daoist don’t seem to be perfect. A rift... And as long as fellow Daoists readily agree, other families will not consider it! How?"

I obviously couldn't see any cracks. I thought that Zhou Qiping relied on Xuanyuan Ruxin to point it out, but he frowned, looked at Xia Ruize, and finally said, "Okay! Since it's all for the good of the world! Who will go? Isn't it done? Just make a deal! Use these two things to change your Godhead!"

Seeing the deal, the two sides immediately smiled and were ready to trade!

"Haha... these things can be exchanged for Godhead? So Zhou Qiping, I will not only use the commanding knife and reincarnation to trade with you, I will also give you some side dishes, do you want?" I sneered and stood up. , Looked towards Zhou Qiping.

"What is it?" The greedy Zhou Qiping replied instinctively, but his expression became rigid when he saw that I was speaking.

"Two treasures, with the heads of Ren Zhi and Xia Ruize! Can't you change them?" I said coldly, the demon transformation pill broke out at this time, and the cultivation base immediately rushed to the semi-divine realm. This fierce power caused the surrounding people People are shocked!

Ren Zhi and Xia Ruize had ugly faces, and Zhou Qiping also had the expression of running out of Cheng Yaojin halfway, but I didn't bother to pay attention to them, and smiled: "Nowadays, you have to change, and if you don't, you have to change!"

The majestic radiating power of the domain shocked countless cultivators' eyes. Except for a few old monsters that transformed the gods, everyone else was unable to move because of the existence of the domain.

"Robbery is such an interesting thing, how about my master and apprentice?"

However, at this moment, two people, one old and one young, carrying their respective long swords and their respective cages, walked over the clouds.

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