Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1626: : Chill

This God Burial Coffin revealed a weird atmosphere. Although there was no energy leaking out, I felt a murderous aura when I sat on it, as if warning me not to open this coffin.

Summoning the evil thing like the burial coffin is like drawing a lot of money. Sometimes it attracts powerful gods, sometimes it also attracts ordinary gods, so it's all about the luck. Now I am so lucky to attract. Such a coffin for the burial of the gods, it is inevitable that there is a chance of bad luck, so I dare not open it now. Finding Li Taichong before opening the coffin is the safest plan. Even the evil gods, Li Taichong will deal with it.

Although it's a bit tricky, who made him Li Taichong?

The speed of the burial coffin is many times faster than that of the ghost, and this special burial coffin is even more, almost no different from my shrinking technique!

So soon, I caught Li Taichong's breath, but besides his breath, there seemed to be another breath near Li Taichong, and now, the two forces are still colliding with each other!

"Nangong Fantasy?" I was stunned, and then flew over there. I saw that Nangong Fantasy was standing in front of Longzhu and Sun Chongyang at this moment, fighting Li Taicong!

"Friend Nangong, we should mainly discuss this matter. We shouldn't fight like this anyway?" Li Taichong frowned slightly, holding a sword while the sword cage floated beside him.

"Hmph, if you act on Longzhu, how can the old body spare you? Don't say you are a swordsman! Even a saint I will not let you go!" Nangong Huan angrily scolded, waving his sleeves, and a piece of magic smoke sneaked in. In a scene like a fairyland!

This spectacle is supposed to be a magical magic orb, and the magical smoke is so powerful, I have experienced it a long time ago, and the magical smoke is hidden in this paradise of smoke everywhere, it is definitely the magic of the capital. Unconsciously!

Li Taichong encountered Wan Yin this time, so it depends on how he breaks this trick!

"Pan Dao only wants to get the pure green lotus leaf, and has no intention of hurting the innocent, let alone a little girl?" Li Tai shook his head suddenly and reiterated his reason after seeing the real Nangong Illusion.

My mind was thinking about making a provocation, but Nangong's words saved me the effort of talking.

"Hehe, all the benefits are taken by you, why? If you want to cleanse the green lotus leaves, exchange it for the godhead! The old man knows that you are missing this one, but the old man wants the godhead! Otherwise, you will wear the mouth and the old body. No!" Nangong Huan snorted coldly, and continued to cast spells against Li Taichong.

With a heartbeat, I looked at Sun Chongyang and said, "Where is the green lotus leaf?"

Sun Chongyang said with a bitter face, the voice transmission said: "Longzhu told Ye Ye just now. I didn't hold Ye Ye and I snatched it to Senior Nangong..."

I took a deep breath and suppressed the depression in my heart. I could only look at the battlefield. This time it was not fun. I didn't expect the last leaf to be snatched by Nangong Huan.

Whether it is the last leaf or not, Li Taichong is bound to win, so seeing that Nangong Huan is going to be true to him, Li Taichong frowned. This time there was some nameless fire, and said, "In this case, fellow Nangong Taoist, That poor Dao doesn't care about his old face and becomes a bad person."

Faced with Nangong's magical illusion and the magical blue smoke lore, Li Taichong tried to persuade him to say nothing, and reached out a little sword cage floating in the air, and said, "All heroes, come out!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless universe sword souls emerged from the sword cage in an instant. These sword souls were dressed in the same clothes as Li Taichong, and the number was unknown. I only saw the sky full of ghosts of sword souls. , And these sword souls look illusory and cannot see their strength, but the dazzling sword aura makes people feel chilly!

A group of sword souls flew madly towards Nangong. They were either extremely fast, or mysterious in their swordsmanship, and there were also swordsmen who were extremely powerful regardless of their physical skills!

These sword souls are all powerful heroes of Qiankun Dao, and their strengths and skills are different. They maintain the appearance when they entered the sword cage with the body of the sword soul. After Li Taichong's practice touched the sword cage, the strength of these swordsmen At first, because of the power injected by Li Taichong, he began to show his true strength greatly!

I took a breath as soon as I saw it, because most of them quickly rushed straight into the nine-fold immortal or ten-fold immortal!

It seems that the same reason as the sword cage sword pill in Li Poxiao's hand is that it relies on powerful mana to guide the soul inside, and Li Taichong seems to inject not immortal power, but spiritual power! This kind of immortal aura is more than ten times the immortal aura? Naturally it is too strong to calculate, that's why there are so many sword souls that go straight to the nine and ten!

Even when Nangong Huan saw so many ten-fold immortals, his complexion changed drastically. To this terrifying sword cage, he also noticed the difficulty to confront: "To deceive others with strength is like your style of Qian Kun Dao!"

"Friend Nangong, now I'm giving Qinglian Ye to Poor Dao, how about this being revealed? Why bother to lose and let the evil one please?" Li Taichong also replied and persuaded.

Since Nangong Huan took the leaves, I can’t stay here anymore. Otherwise, this Nangong Huan might find me to settle accounts for the sake of God’s personality. Let the old lady stop me first, which is troublesome.

As a result, I haven't left yet, suddenly two breaths flew in our direction quickly!

I was taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked at the two auras. At this look, my eyes turned red. It's not who Ren Zhi and Xia Ruize can have! ?

Ren Zhi pulled Xia Ruize at an ridiculously fast speed, and what shocked me was that Ren Zhi actually possessed a godhead!

It seems that Li Junfei has really been killed, and the commanding knife floating around Ren Zhi is probably the culprit who killed Li Junfei!

"One day, it's you?" Ren Zhi found out that it was me and smiled slightly, and Xia Ruize's expression did not change at this time, as if the two saw me, and they both ran into relatives.

But I smiled coldly and said, "Ren Zhi, are you hurt? Don't go so fast, how about we relive the past?"

Ren Zhi's eyes sank, and immediately his face looked ugly: "Hehe, one day, I have obtained the godhead right now, and there is no conflict with you. The resurrection of teaching is a foregone conclusion, and I will soon be able to reach the past. I think you should take good care of your own fortune. Don’t be clever but be mistaken by cleverness."

"Your grandfather is right. One day, now is not the time to make emotions. As long as you look back, as your eldest brother, I will always be your eldest brother. We can communicate with our brothers in the past." Xia Ruize also said as if nothing had happened. He continued to escape to the periphery following Ren Zhi.

"Hehe, one mouthful and one grandfather, one always looks like my elder brother, but doing something that elder brother shouldn’t do. It’s really ironic. Today, we won’t say anything else, you two can pass my burial **** first. Let's talk about the coffin!" I sneered, and immediately stopped in front of them. The unhealed palm of my hand hit the God Burial Coffin, and blood burst out immediately, staining the God Burial Coffin red!

Ren Zhi gritted his teeth, and Xia Ruize also showed a hint of hesitation. Even if they didn't know what this thing was, they could still perceive the different aura in the God Burial Coffin!

That is the power of a terrifying fairy! Once the things inside come out, they won't be able to leave!

So Ren Zhi said quickly: "Rize, stop your brother for a while. I have a godhead. In order to intercept the teaching, there are wolves before and tigers, so I must take a step!"

"Master, this..." After listening to Xia Ruize, he glanced at Ren Zhi in amazement, and was a little surprised that Ren Zhi would say so, but I shook my head and said with a sneer: "To stop teaching, Xia Ruize, have you heard? This is it. His real idea, and you, do you still believe what he said? Did he give up as a pawn?"

Xia Ruize gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Master, let's go first. I'm blocking here. Be careful, the enemies behind are coming soon."

Ren Zhi nodded and said, "Good apprentice, let's go first for the teacher. You will come over after you stop him, for sure!"

"Well, definitely." Xia Ruize said confidently, but when Ren Zhigang turned around, Xia Ruize showed a sneer on his face!

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