Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1628: :Unrighteous

"I said, senior, what do you have to chase me for? At most, I will not ban you in the future, and we shall not know you, what do you think?" I will not ban him this time. It takes too much mana, but no Feng him will catch him up again, which is also extremely troublesome.

"Hey, you have sealed me so many times, the mana consumption is not small, right? Can you continue to seal it? Once your mana is weak, it is my plate of Chinese food." Gu Xie sneered.

"No, I can restore mana in time, but you can't? Finding the spirit of the spirit will also take a lot of time. You think it is easy to eat and drink? And don't think that it will be easy to take me down. You have half the magic power left. There are many people who can kill you in this place. Is it worth it?" I asked instead.

Gu Xie was silent, and said, "Huh, sly child, it's okay, but this coffin must be returned to me!"

"You can't control it. What are you here for? Besides, I have to have a protection, right?" Of course I can't agree to give him this killer against him. Now I can't completely suppress him, but I won't be able to improve my strength. It's easy to say.

I thought about why I summoned such an evil god, but now I have a little eyebrow. My demon pill burst into the pseudo-deity realm, and my strength is no less than that of the god-transition realm, but unfortunately, I don’t have time to absorb the spirit of the fairy in advance. In order to achieve the true transformation of the gods, but because they did their best at that time, the gods and ghosts summoned would appear at the level of the gods, which was unexpected.

"Hehe, I don't have the habit of giving people control!" Gu Xie smiled gloomily!

I already felt the breath of Nangong Huan and Li Taichong nearby, so I immediately said, "Wait! This is not a control, it's just a life-saving method. Otherwise, isn't the senior just coming to the lower realm? Should I still lack a hand to take advantage of it? Weapon? Right now your strength should be right. In the direction ahead, someone is about to collect a full set of nine pure green lotus leaves, and he will be able to summon the pure pure green sword immediately and meet the gods. Killing the gods, it's so powerful, your Excellency is wasting time here, it's better to hit your luck!"

"Hahaha... boy, you know you are good at fooling and want to drive tigers and wolves? I can't underestimate you... but it sounds like a good idea. My ancestor will go and have a look, but I warn you , Don't run out of my range, you kid, otherwise, I will definitely catch you first!" Gu Xie laughed. Without my coffin, he instantly passed me and arrived at the battlefield of Li Taichong and Nangong Huan!

There is still a fog in front of me, and the battle between Nangong Fantasy and Li Taichong has entered a white-hot battle, surrounded by sword souls of the universe, using swords to deal with Nangong Fantasy, and Nangong Fantasy is of course not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the illusion covers a wide area. Sword Soul will find no one anywhere in the illusion, even if it hits the Nangong phantom, it is just a phantom, because the entire illusion continues!

The two have been fighting for a while. Li Taichong’s sword cage didn’t make much money under the Magic Orb, on the contrary, it consumed a lot of power. Of course, the energy supporting the Magic Orb was also a big test for Nangong Fantasy. People fighting against each other means that they have more power to fight each other, but Li Taichong seems to be better at the moment, because there have been some visible gaps in the illusion!

"Two juniors, whoever has the pure world green lotus leaf will give it over. I can let you go! lest everyone consumes the power of the fairy spirit!" Gu Xie broke into it, and said bluntly. What's the matter?

Li Taichong and Nangong Huan both looked at the newcomer Gu Xie at the same time, and they both had doubts.

"Senior Gu, the sword holder over there, with all the pure world green lotus leaves!" I quickly introduced, after all, I have to protect Nangong Huan.

Just to mention this to me, Gu Xie laughed gloomily again, and immediately flew towards Li Taichong with a swish, the speed was ridiculously fast, and Li Taichong faced the sudden coming of the gods and ghosts with a trace of alertness in his eyes, so On the spot, he ordered most of the sword spirits in the sword cage to intercept the evil ghost!

But this Gu Xie is a bit weird. His figure is erratic. He should be a great **** like Demon Cultivation. I saw a group of sword souls rushing over. He actually passed through directly, and there was no fear of Li Taichong. I actually treated him in my heart. There was a slight expectation that Li Taichong was going to suffer this time.

"Haha, can the spirit treasures of the lower realm be regarded as real spirit treasures? Don't make people laugh out of their teeth!" Gu Xie sneered, and immediately began to say spells in his mouth!

As soon as Nangong Huan saw that Gu Xie rushing in was going to deal with Li Taichong, she stopped short of her mana, but when she looked back, she saw me appear next to Sun Chongyang, her face turned green, and she cursed: "court death!"

When I pulled Sun Chongyang, I immediately wanted to take him away from here. However, after I successfully shrunk the ground, I suddenly found that Sun Chongyang was gone! I was shocked, shouldn't it be him in the shrunken space?

"Brother! I'm here!" As a result, Sun Chongyang yelled in the other direction on the spot, and beside him was the Longzhu who was dragging him, and after just this sentence, Nangong Huan had already stood. In front of him!

I gritted my teeth, Nangong Phantom Grandson’s illusion is too difficult to deal with. Every time I deal with them, it’s like hitting cotton. Now it’s even harder to save Sun Chongyang.

Sure enough, Nangong Huan looked at me coldly and said, "Smelly boy, it's good for you if I don't kill you. It's a delusion to want to arrest someone from me!"

"Senior Nangong, now we are not talking about this. I saved the two of them before. What did I catch them for? I just kept them away from danger! I just brought ghosts and ghosts and something went wrong. I didn't listen to orders!" I quickly explained stand up.

Nangong Huan glanced at Li Taichong, and was silent for a moment, then dragged Sun Chongyang and Longzhu to run to the other side. I quickly said: "Senior takes them quite a bit, and the speed will also slow down. It's better to ride on mine. God Burial Coffin, escape from this place first!"

"Okay! Senior Nangong, just do what the senior brother said!" Sun Chongyang said immediately. Nangong Huan knew that she couldn't run too fast with the two children, and she just avoided Li Taichong, and the life-saving means for Longzhu had been exhausted. Now that the two children are in a dangerous state, Li Taichong may not be able to kill, but it’s hard to tell other people. She didn't dare to ask for it, so she could only follow Sun Chongyang's will and go to my burial coffin.

The speed of the burial coffin is almost equal to mine. This speed is of course faster than that of Nangong Magic, so Nangong Magic is also quite satisfied.

I flew nearby and didn't dare to enter the range, because I still carried the godhead of Zuo Lian. If Nangong Phantom violent attack, it would be very unfavorable to me!

After flying for a while, Nangong Huan said coldly: "Jing Shi Qing Lian Ye exchanges the godhead kid you caught, this kid will also be returned to you, how about?"

I frowned, and secretly said that Nangong Huan is despicable, and Sun Chongyang was also stunned and looked at Longzhu. At this time, Longzhu was not happy, and said, "Grandma! No! This is the person I like, I don't Will return him!"

Nangong Huan frowned slightly, touched Longzhu’s small head, and said lightly: “My child, do you know what we came out for before? Now I can’t get the godhead, and it’s useless to say anything. I got the godhead. Countless heroes will naturally gather around us, who are much better than this one, and he has not run away several times before, all kinds of unwilling? Why do you need to face his cold ass? Remember what grandma said If you take the initiative to greet you, it will be nothing. You are precious only when others need you."

Longzhu was stunned and wanted to say something, but Nangong Huan interrupted her and said to me: "Today you have to change, or if you don't, I will first Kill the child surnamed Sun! At most, I will find another godhead when the time comes, and the sky is so big that you won't find me!"

"It's all fate. Doesn't it mean that seniors are treating me unscrupulously?" I gritted my teeth and looked at Nangong Huan gloomily. Sun Chongyang also smiled bitterly and said, "Senior brothers will not kill innocent people, and I will not let them. Senior brother killed innocent people to save me, Senior Nangong, if you want to kill me, please do it."

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