Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1639: : Stonehenge

I found that this breath was so fast that I could conclude that it was difficult for me to escape, so I could only stop with Zou Wei on my back and wait for the arrival of this breath. As expected, a 25-year-old youth appeared in front of me.

This young man looks ordinary, but his black hair is mixed with decadent snow white, which seems to be genetic, but these can't conceal his binocular look, which is unforgettable at first sight, plus a coarse gray dress, temperament There is a touch of freedom in the dust.

Looking at the faint layer of invisible mist around him, I was stunned. Is this a monk in the realm of transformation? Such a character has appeared in this sea area?

"I don't know what is going on with Senior?" I put Zou Wei down.

Zou Wei saw the mysterious and obscured fairy cloud of this young man, her eyes stunned. After all, temperament represents a person's mental outlook, but appearance is an aid. Under the instinct of human beings, it is inevitable that they will develop a good impression, as if they are familiar with each other.

The young man also looked at Zou Wei up and down, and finally looked at me, and said, "Why do people from outside the sea enter the sea area of ​​the ancient city? Is it coveting the treasure here? Or is it worrying about the goddess of the remnant?"

"Senior, I'm looking for someone, and I have no interest in the treasures and godheads here." I said calmly. Looking at this young man, I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

"Oh, it's not coveting the treasures of the ancient city, nor the godhead, but it's looking for people. This is new." The young man looked at me condensedly, and then smiled gloomily: "There are some people outside the ancient city, but here There are only sea beasts, no people. Even if there are, I would have given them to sea beasts a long time ago. Finding someone should save trouble. I can tell you that there are no people here, only ghosts."

My heart was stagnant. Looking at this person who seemed to be unfriendly to me, I could only say: "Senior is the master of this ancient city? If not, no matter whether there are people or ghosts here, I would like to stroll around and make sure there is no Those who are looking for it will go back."

The young man ignored my words, but looked at Zou Wei and said, "As a person in this sea area, you also came to find someone? What is the relationship with this child? Why did you take him into the sea area of ​​the ancient city?"

Zou Wei was taken aback, but quickly said, "Senior, I'm here to lead the way."

"Lead the way? Leading the way will hug and hug?" The young man quickly narrowed his eyes and seemed very upset.

It seems that this person also knows Zou Wei? How else would you know that she is from this sea area? And it seems that Fairy Wei also has a good feeling for this, can't you see her just behind me?

I was too lazy to explain to him. I was already thinking about how to break away from this young man, but Zou Wei was a little dissatisfied that this young man was too broad-minded and said: "I don't even know you, why are you so broad-minded? And I If you get close to him, can't you hug him?"

Upon hearing this, the young man suddenly sneered and said: "This ancient city sea area is all my personal things. If I let you be good, you can be good, and if you can't be good, you can't be together!"

"Haha, ridiculous, don't the seniors think that this is too overbearing! Just because of the high level of cultivation, it is too much to let the low-level monks become their own personal possessions." Zou Wei was a little dissatisfied, as this young man said. , Has angered her.

Knowing that I might not be able to fall this time, I stopped in front of Zou Wei and said, "Your Excellency, it’s no wonder that we don’t know, we will not take away anything from this sea area. If this sea area is near the predecessor’s cave, We are willing to retreat from here. Please do not have the same knowledge of our juniors."

"Haha... after talking so much, do you finally want to escape? Let's leave this girl, and I will let you escape. What do you think?" The young man sneered, chilling.

"Since they came together, of course they left together. What do you want to leave her for?" My eyes were cold, and it turned out that she was stealing a woman.

The young man looked at Zou Wei with a look of interest, and said, "Fairy Wei has an outstanding appearance, and what to do with her, do you want me to tell you?"

It seemed that I couldn’t do anything better this time. I turned around and hugged Zou Wei, and the shrinking technique was activated, and I immediately fled into the sea. In the sea, the physical things will eventually be affected by seabed resistance, but my shrinking technique was will not.

Now that I have fallen out with the other party, I don't need to ink with him anymore. I will first go to the ancient city under the sea and talk about it. Maybe I can find clues about the brother.

I have been chasing the monks of Gao's generation for countless times. My ability to escape has long been superb, even with Zou Wei, it is not impossible to escape from the chasing of the gods of transformation, besides, I also have the magical orb. In the body, using some illusions is not a problem.

So after escaping for a while, I immediately activated the phantom orb and released the ghost ghost gu, but this young man was very fast, as if he was a loach, in the bottom of the water, it was like a fish in water, and he chased up without hindrance.

And illusion is not absolutely useful. After all, the difference between me and Nangong fantasy is not one and a half. I can only simulate a small area. This young man must be very familiar with every square of water in this sea area. The substances in the water are slightly different. He actually avoided the past completely, and as for Zou Wei, who came out as the substitute for Ghost Gu and Phantom, he actually saw the truth directly, and did not intend to chase it, but arrested the two of us in a two-point, one-line way!

I wondered in my heart that being able to be so familiar with this sea is not because I have been cultivating here for many years. Obviously I cannot do it. The young man in front of me looks very weird, and even I can't help but feel familiar.

"This young man looks a little strange, haven't you noticed it?" I asked Zou Wei during my busy schedule.

Zou Wei and I hugged together, her eyes turned to the back. After I mentioned this, I suddenly yelled, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and ashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Like it!"

I took a breath of air and said, "I just said, how come there are such powerful guys in this sea area! It turns out that he is a **** in the sea area of ​​the ancient city!"

"Ah? How is it possible? Didn't it mean that you are dying? Why is it so powerful? No...no...I shouldn't have said that." Zou Wei exclaimed, but soon stopped because she seemed to think This is a bit too much.

"It seems that this matter cannot be dealt with hard. If he is an old **** in this sea area, he will definitely not kill us at will. After all, according to the rumors, didn't he help many sea people and bless the safety of the ancient city sea area?" He hesitated and said, although he was on the run, he was also observing the situation of the god.

"Yeah... I heard that when I was a child, this sea area can be safe and sound. It is with the help of this god, some fishermen can return safely when they go out on a boat and encounter a storm. Listen to them. The narration after returning, indeed saw the gods rescue them, let them through the storm." Zou Wei described.

But since he is a good god, why should he chase us?

I was thinking about how to talk to the great **** behind, but the bottom of the sea rumbling loudly, blocks of boulders gushing out from the nearby bottom of the sea, and countless sea beasts below, as if receiving orders, surrounded them one after another!

"It's a big formation." I said calmly. This young man is really not an ordinary monk. It is not easy to control such a large seabed formation. It must be done by staying in this sea area for many years. This also confirms his identity as a great god!

Seeing the big formation gradually rise, I know that the entire sea area is going to be trapped in the big formation. This is a territory that doesn't know how many miles around, and a few shrinking techniques can't escape his palm!


A large stone pillar rose up. Each of these stone pillars is as huge as a mountain. I don’t know what to use to engrave countless runes on it. At the moment of activation, it sparkles with gold and makes the sea like a dark abyss all because of the big rocks. Started and resonated!

At this time, I suddenly felt the power of the domain. This great **** used the big stone formation to expand his domain, and because of the difference in cultivation level, I actually started to have difficulty moving an inch.

As for the young man, he took advantage of this opportunity to come to me and said with a gloomy smile: "Why? Don't you run away?"

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