Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1641: :select

"You use this kid as a shield, so despicable, what right do you have to discuss this with me?" the young man said bitterly, and I shook my head and smiled: "Is it not normal to use all available resources? I know you won't Do something to her, why can't I use her? Besides, you still threaten me with my senior brother. What qualifications do you have to say that I am mean?"

"That's right, I just like to use it for Senior Xia, what's the matter?" Zou Wei also gave the young man a knife, so angry that the young man said two words "you", with an expression that Zou Wei is against me.

"You are the patron saint of this sea, helping and rescuing countless fishermen. Everyone respects you incomparably. Why do you attack me unreasonably? It's not just because I broke into this sea?" I smiled, surprised that a patron saint would behave abnormally.

And the nine stone pillars, I am afraid there are still some weirdness, it may not only be as simple as expanding his domain, maybe there are hidden functions that are unknown.

"You outsiders, all saboteurs, will destroy our sea area. Of course I can't let you do whatever you want here. As for this child, the child of our ancient **** sea area, what's wrong with me protecting her?" Frowned.

"Well, it seems that you are still very stubborn. Otherwise, I wouldn't lock up my seniors and disciples. I don't expect you to let them go like this. Let me give you a condition. How can I let them go?" Bachelor, there must be a reason for him to do this. It seems that the intent of temptation is more obvious, because just now he was dealing with me mainly by capturing and controlling. It was not a killer move, otherwise I would have been defeated.

"People in the outside world think that our sea is so bully. Everyone has to come to destroy and spy. It's really easy for me to come here, and it's easy to go! You all have such thoughts, and really think I can't cure you, I This will restrain you one by one! I will also teach you a lesson! It’s a pity that I didn’t expect to run into such a slippery head and talked to me about the conditions!” The young man said angry, but slowly he spoke to me. With some helplessness, after all, I can't catch me, and I have to bear the risk of me destroying his soul.

You must know that the current contest to hide from the godhead is only a matter of this time. If he is destroyed by me, how can he restrain other monks? When the foreign monk arrives, he will suffer bad luck, so he has to enter the negotiation stage.

"Senior patron saint, let me tell you this. My arrival will actually only benefit you, it will definitely not hurt you. After all, I have promised several colleagues on Zhanyu Island before, and will jointly protect the people on the island. To resist the invasion of foreign monks, although you are outsiders, you can't exclude the outsiders who have the heart to help you, right?" I immediately carried out the previous matter.

"You help us? Hehe, when it comes to the critical moment, take this kid to keep the knife?" The youth was still very concerned. Zou Wei looked at me, and I immediately said, "Miss Zou, are you sure you don't recognize him? He seems to be very close to you. Familiar."

Zou Wei was taken aback and shook her head quickly: "I have only seen it in the ancestral hall..."

The young man’s expression was condensed, but there was an unnoticeable change in his eyes. It was just hidden well. I didn’t read the meaning of it. I could only ask: "Well, if you don’t know it, I thought you were What about his descendants."

"No? But it's also possible. We are sheltered by him on the entire island. He is good. We want the wind to get the wind and pray for the rain to get the rain. We have sacrifices every year. I heard that the source of Taoism is also This great god, that’s why I can’t use Taoist magic to deal with him.” Zou Wei said, but she seemed to feel that she had said something wrong and quickly covered her mouth: “I’m sorry, right? I shouldn’t want to use magic to deal with you, Taoist Great God..."

"Hmph, for the sake of an outsider, I actually dealt with my original great god! Believe it or not, I accept your orthodoxy!" The young man said angrily, but he also talked about it, as if it was just scaring.

"Okay, you are just a divorced soul. You don't need to be so arrogant. If you don't have a good conversation, believe it or not, I will try to kill you, and then go down to discuss with your deity? I believe that your deity is not in a great condition, right? If it weren’t blocked by these nine mountains, it would have disappeared a long time ago. If that’s the case, it’s better for everyone to cooperate. You let my brother and I help you guard the island until the transfer of the godhead is successful. Less, if you have my help, at least have more confidence." I tempted him to let me enter the protection battle of this island, so that I have a legitimate reason to deal with the old monk of Xiyuan Temple, at least once in a while. Hands-on, the four islands will definitely help or not help relatives. At that time, no matter how lucky the monk is, can he be better than the four islands combined?

The young man frowned, thinking about the authenticity of my words, and after a long time came to a conclusion, he said: "If you want me to release the locked up outsider right away, it will definitely not work. I don't know if you will help. I will guard this sea area until the transfer of my godhead is completed. I will not release people until the transfer of godhead is completed. And I changed my mind. Since you said there are many ways to protect the people on the surrounding islands, it's just for you. It would be too easy to do so, you have to promise me one more thing before this is a deal.

This time it’s my turn to frown. Under my guidance, this guy did agree to let him go, but he asked me to promise him additional conditions. I lost it, so I immediately said: "No! Your conditions are too harsh." , You kidnapped my brothers and them, I helped you so much, but I didn't plan to let anyone go. Believe it or not, I immediately brought a few cultivators of the gods to destroy you!"

"I didn't listen to the conditions, so you threatened me first?" The young man seemed to feel a bit difficult when he heard it, but he hesitated and said, "Well, the additional conditions are not too harsh. If you can I promised it and fulfilled the conditions perfectly. I will give you a great advantage. What do you think?"

"It's not very demanding, but there are great benefits? Are you teasing me?" I am a little bit disbelief, my luck is too bad recently, let alone whether it can be completed, it is still a question of whether there is luck to get the great benefits of this day !

"Listen to me first." The young man interrupted my conjecture and said after deliberation: "I am still considering who I want to transfer to, but no matter who I say I want to transfer to, you will help. I will implement it absolutely. No matter who is obstructing my transfer, you must exclude those obstructing."

"Don't you give it to whoever wins the contest?" My heart condensed, what kind of medicine is sold in this patron saint gourd?

"Yes, so I want you to participate in the competition. At that time, I will fight for the right to choose the godhead for me, but I can tell you clearly that the godhead will not be handed over to you, an outsider!" He looked at me with an expression that wanted me to agree immediately.

"Hehe, let me go to the martial arts competition, won, but don't give me the godhead? Isn't this condition too harsh? I pin my head to my waistband, why?" I sneered.

"You are not weaker than my distraction ability! And I said that, if you don't give you the godhead, it will give you no less than the godhead!" the young man said confidently, which made me fall into contemplation. in.

What does he want to choose the Godhead for? Doesn't he have the right to choose?

Could it be said that the person he had to choose would be weaker than the monks on other islands, and he was afraid that no one would surrender after he got the godhead, and instead would fight again and harm the monk he had chosen?

"You have offspring on the island? But I can tell you that if you willfully choose a weak godhead owner, and cause the monks in the ancient city you guard to pursue and kill together, I can't guarantee that he will continue Staying on the island, after all, I can't stay with you for a lifetime to protect him, right?" I said with some dissatisfaction.

"You don’t have to worry about this. As long as you win, stay for a long night to ensure that my transfer of the godhead is successful, and they will never do anything to this godhead owner! I don’t care where you take it in the future, as long as After your battle in the pure world is over, the godhead is still on him, just let him ascend to the **** realm!" the young man said seriously.

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