Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1651: : For transport

"Prison Niu!" I shouted, and the Prison Niu banged directly at Sun Dong like a bullet! Although Sun Dong had long been on guard and used the bergamot behind him to defend, the prisoner cow directly penetrated his defense and reached his forehead!

The prisoner cow is extremely fast, and it is difficult to change the path under the influence of air luck. Although my air luck is affected, Sun Dong should not be much stronger than me at the moment, so I can't completely control the movement of the prisoner cow!

But after all, Sun Dong’s luck had been transformed, and his body flashed red, as if his luck had increased again. At this time, a strange scene appeared, and a bright light suddenly flashed from his opened mouth, and then the prisoner The cow, as if possessed by a demon, immediately got into the lamp and started spinning inside!

"Hmph, my sword-fighting flower cup is not an ordinary thing. It specializes in flying swords in the world. There is a trace of my soul in it. Flying swords enter into it and become vaguely chasing my ethereal soul. Turning around, it’s just right to use it against you now!" This sword fighting Huazhan is still a bit powerful. Judging from the current situation, decisively is specifically used to restrain flying swords, but the prisoner cow is not ordinary. Feijian, I squeezed the magic formula in my hand, and immediately transmitted the sound of the prisoner cow to let it out of trouble. Its wisdom is not low, so I don't worry about it.

Of course Sun Dong didn’t know my tricks. Seeing my stunned look, he sneered, then took out the red book from his arms again, and after turning the first page, his eyes turned to look again. Book: "The treasure sword and flying sword in my hand are in my hands. It seems that your luck should be almost exhausted, so take it to death!"

My face turned pale, and my heart was still beating. I don't know what kind of attack Sun Dong would have next. After all, I just swept it out just now, so I was thinking that he must have other ways? Otherwise, why have you been in this sea for so long?

"Hahaha! Xia Yitian, you are over, your so powerful luck has been stolen by me now, I see how you turn over!" The more stupid I was there, Sun Dongyue burst out laughing, holding up the red book with both hands. , And then chanted a few spells, I suddenly felt that some breath in my body was taken away by him!

"Run one day! After this book steals your luck, you will kill him! And the person who steals your luck will get the part of your luck that you are missing, and then it will be impossible to escape!" Yuan Ci yelled on the sea far away, and Sun Dong was even more proud: "Let you see, what else can you have without luck? Come on! luck! Give me everything you steal!"

"Didn't you steal the light?" I smiled faintly, which made Sun Dong's expression slightly change. Although I can't see any luck, it doesn't seem to be particularly good looking at his situation now.

But Sun Dong seemed to notice something was wrong, and immediately took out the red book, turned the pages of the book a little strangely, and said suspiciously: "Impossible, I took your luck!"

"It's drawn." I smiled, and then with a flick of my finger, a ghost ghost appeared in front of my eyes. This ghost ghost is now in a blackened state, and his eyes are dark and lifeless, and his face sinks. It's like water, as if it's taken away from life!

"You!" Seeing the ghost ghost Gu, Sun Dong said in shock: "Did you use a double?"

"Hey, I knew you would rob the fortunes a long time ago, how could I not prevent you? When you swept your gaze just now, I let the avatar Ghost Gu take the plate, and the luck you took away has always been it. It’s okay for you. It’s been a long time since I found out, but it’s not too late to find out. I’ll give you another chance and try it again!” I sneered and clapped my hands. Floating out, with the soul body of the ten-fold immortal stage, he bit Sun Dong in one bite!

Sun Dong was shocked and hurriedly fled to the distance, but the sword-fighting flower was already bitten by the prisoner!

After pulling his hands several times, I couldn’t get back the Doujian Huazhan. Sun Dong looked terrifying with hatred. At this time, my fingers also flicked, and the Tai'a sword immediately appeared in my hand, which made Sun Dong’s face full of The deceived expression!

But he is not a good stubborn, he turned the book quickly, his whole body was red again, his golden and red eyes stared at me again: "I don't believe you can escape the cycle of fate!"

I know that this book must check and control people's fate, but the ghost ghost was originally designed to deal with this kind of tracking and locking, and I once again used another ghost ghost to resist this attack!

The body continued to flash red light, but because I was not in the range of his luck, there was no sequelae at all. On the contrary, the two ghost ghosts who were recruited died suddenly because they lost the support of their luck!

This kind of terrifying attack is really not something ordinary people can take, but I have suffered twice. Yuanci was shocked in the distance, and he was relieved: "I knew you had this hand! It made me worry about it! "

During the two Heavenly Smiting Destiny, Sun Dong was trying to do his best, so his power seemed to be overused now, his face turned from white to blue, and he immediately fled back madly!

How could I let him run away? I chased him immediately, Shu Jishu stopped him, and then the demon transformation pill broke out, and the power rushed to the pseudo-transition **** realm, and a sword blasted him!

Xuantian Devil Qi and Time Space Sword Qi blasted at him like a cannon fired, forcing him to dodge to the side, but in the end half of his leg disappeared directly into the smoke!

Sun Dong screamed, and quickly took out a bottle of something that looked like jelly, poured it into his mouth, and when I came again, his body was golden, and the injury on his leg appeared magically. The liquid substance of, then actually simulated a leg, this leg quickly turned into an entity, I saw that it is a level thing with the condensed fairy body!

It is very difficult to condense the immortal body. I knew it when I first switched to the upper realm. Therefore, once the immortal family like us is injured, it will take a lot of time and energy to recover, but Sun Dong actually has this heaven-defying potion. It recovered, and the effect was better than my secret gold core!

"Xia Yitian! I am at odds with you! If you have the ability, don't let me escape!" Sun Dong roared and began to flee like crazy. His escape route was always running in the crowd, because this way my shrinking technique would be better. Fear the head and tail, after all, there are many enemies, and it is easy to hide from the open spear and difficult to guard against the dark arrow. It is troublesome to run in the wrong place.

But now I have erupted the cultivation base of the pseudo-deity realm. I don’t have to fear anyone here, and as long as the shrunk technique is released, I will enter the killing path. Even if there is an enemy attack, it will not produce much to me. hurt.

As for the prisoner cow, after it ran out of the chaotic iron, it ran rampant with a huge body, and immediately attracted a lot of firepower. It could not retrieve the chaotic iron in the sword flower cup for a while, and could only continue to chase Sun Dong along the way. But Sun Dong ran too fast, and there were enemies blocking it, so it was expected that he could not chase.

"Prison cattle, try to kill all the enemies!" I said quickly, and then went after Sun Dong by myself.

After the Shujishu approached Sun Dong, I raised the Tai'a sword and slashed the enemy all the way, but it was blocked, and they became soul ashes under the sword. There were too many killings, and the enemy never dared to approach. The six major factions finally He took the initiative to give way to Sun Dong and me. Sun Dong was half dead, and because of the lack of immortal energy along the way, he actually slowed down.

However, because of the cultivation base of the pseudo-sacred realm, I rushed and quickly chased him behind: "Escape from the lower realm to Kyushu, from Kyushu to the blue sea, and from the Mahayana Buddhism of the Xiyuan Temple to the road, it hurt us all the way , It can be seen that you can be regarded as a person who can count the name, but unfortunately, you have a hard time passing this level today!"

When Sun Dong turned his head, his face condensed, but soon he said, "Wait! I have something important to you. For this time you let me go!"

"What?" At the last distance, I shrank the ground directly in front of him and slashed at him with a sword. The two Buddha palms behind Sun Dong again wanted to grab the blade empty-handed, but I didn't give him a chance at all. Changed to the bergamot!

When I heard the sound of the stone, the two bergamot hands were split into two pieces for me!

Sun Dong hurriedly shouted, "I have people you know in my hand! Don't you want them anymore..."

Hey, it's a pity that he hasn't finished speaking yet, my sword has penetrated his chest!

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