Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1673: :sad

A withered and pale hand suddenly stretched out from the blood mist, and the very old groan sounded in the coffin. Feeling the abundant fairy aura here, I couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, and said quickly: "Xiaojiao, take brother and they go first!"

"Yes, Master!" Xiaojiao also knew that it was not an opponent, and immediately rushed out, and I took advantage of the time when the fierce ghost hadn't come out, stretched out my hand, and summoned the blue stone shield back!

Dashan lost the shield’s power to ascend and collapsed suddenly, but Lu Yi obviously could no longer control the chaotic array, and at the moment, he didn’t seem to need a large array to help, because the opening of the two coffins seemed to What was revealed, so that the corners of his mouth showed confidence.

"After getting married, you still have to round up the house, Xia Yitian, are you curious about this? Why don't you just leave, people say that the secrets of the boudoir are not detectable, don't you even understand this?" Lu Yi smiled darkly. He got up, and his body was getting weaker and weaker, and it seemed that his overall control over the big formation was not so strong. He wanted to complete his mission, plus the divine body came out of the coffin, he, as the soul splitting, would eventually go back!

Those old and thin hands stretched out flat, slowly stretched out in the blood mist, but as Lu Yi disappeared, his strength gradually recovered, from the tenth-fold immortal to the Huajing, from the Huajing to the Huashenjing , A steady stream, there is no limit in general!

My face is blue, this is the power of the gods? And when he appeared from the red cloud, my face had become extremely difficult to look like, this dry and ashamed old man, could it be Lu Yi's real body?

And another coffin, Zou Wei, with her eyes closed, also appeared in front of me. She wore the same light green clothes in front of her, but she was pale and bloodless now. She was already awake, and facing the withered'Lu Yi', she was so shocked that she couldn't speak!

The terrified Zou Wei instinctively wanted to escape, but before she could move, Lu Yi suddenly pressed her hands on her shoulders, and the dry head moved towards her!

"No! Don't!" Zou Wei yelled, thinking that she was going to **** this bad old man soon, and almost fainted!

"Old stuff, you're tired of being a fairy, right? I'll send you to hell!" I gritted my teeth, even if I felt the true power of God, I didn't hesitate to fly over!

"With you...not enough..." Lu Yicang's old voice came, and then he didn't see how he moved. The sharp gun that was thrown aside before, instantly spun towards me!

I instantly shrank behind Lu Yi and pierced at him with a sword!

"It's like a headless...like a fly...flying randomly, interesting..." Lu Yi's voice gradually had a clear sense. I realized that his power had been firmly in the state of transforming the gods, and the body, At this moment, he was regaining his youth at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Is this all possible? My expression was frozen, but the sword was still daring, but before it hit the opponent, a wave-like domain force blasted me away, and immediately the sharp spear stabbed me!

Bang bang!

My azure blue stone shield directly knocked the sharp spear away, and Lu Yi was not too surprised. Instead, he unscrupulously pressed Zou Wei to the bottom of the sea, and his old body also pressed Zou Wei. She kissed her face!

Zou Wei was anxious, angry, and angry, but the power gap made her want to resist, and she felt very strenuous. And seeing the live erotica is about to be staged in front of me, I was also angry. This act of **** of the gods is really hateful. !

"Go into the Six Paths of Samsara earlier!" I shouted angrily, and instantly came to Lu Yi's, a sword struck him, and Lu Yi didn't bother to pay attention to me. He immediately attracted a cloud of mist and sent me flying. Go out, and the smoke is filled, there is nothing to see inside!

In the smoke, Zou Wei's cry came from inside, holding the blue stone shield, my eyes were splitting, and I rushed in again. As a result, in front of the gods, my strength seemed extremely weak, and I couldn't cut through the opponent's domain at all. !

"I am for this sea area and for you! Why don't you understand? I stayed for you!" When I rushed into it for the second time, the voice inside quickly changed from old to middle-aged. It quickly changed into the young Lu Yi's voice, and I was taken aback, but I still stepped up the offensive!

"No! Don't don't don't! Go away! Go away!" Zou Wei screamed, seeming to struggle violently inside.

"I don't have much time! Once the battle is broken, the transfer of the godhead must be completed! But the premise is that you must listen to me!" Lu Yi roared, and Zou Wei fell silent, and suddenly shouted, "I don't believe it. You! I don’t believe you! Senior Xia! Please help me, Senior Xia! He takes off my clothes! Oh! Save me!"

"You beast! Stop it! Are you still a god!" I scolded and thought about it. Without hesitation, I drew out a bright red paper talisman and inserted a set of chess pieces that summon the burial coffin into the ground. , I started to summon the God Burial Coffin as fast as I could. I didn't expect this Lu Yi to be so shameless that he wanted to **** Zou Wei on the grounds of changing his Godhead. This is incredible!

In the lower realms, too many divine sticks violated some women on the grounds of cultivation and even outspoken double cultivation. Unexpectedly, this problem also exists in Kyushu. The common problem of human nature has risen to the divine nature, and it is indeed inevitable that some people are sophisticated and have seven passions!

"You can only be a false **** if you inherit the godhead, but if you give birth to my heirs, you will be the true godhead, and there will be more than a hundred and dozens of protectors! Maybe thousands, how many people can be saved because of you? Don't you want to?" Lu Yili drank, Zou Wei's voice stopped as soon as he said this.

"Damn! Lu Yi, you are shameless and not shameless! You wouldn't be so shameless to lie to you! Do you think everybody is an ignorant girl? You are so wicked and in vain as a god!" I shouted angrily.

Tell me this, Zou Wei struggled again, which immediately made Lu Yi furious: "Don't force me to be strong!"

"Miss Zou! Don't be afraid of him, he has no other choice! You do what you want, don't care about him! I will definitely save you!" I quickly comforted, but my heart was also very entangled. After all, I didn't know what to do. How to do it, save a hundred people, and only 10,000 people, this problem is not only difficult to choose for Zou Wei, but also for me!

It’s no wonder that Zou Wei will choose silently. If she gets the false godhead, her uncles and aunts may not be in the scope of asylum, but if she gets the true godhead, maybe many people can be asylum. In exchange for her being chaste, follow the other From one perspective, it is still very cost-effective.

"Don't make trouble! Can't you save people! Am I terrible with Lu Yi? Or do you like the kid outside?" Lu Yi suddenly angered.

I was stunned for a moment, what does it matter to me?

"I...I!" In the end, Zou Wei didn't know how to answer, but at the end, she finally jumped out a sentence: "Senior fairy, I... please, find someone else, it's not appropriate. It's... we... are really not suitable."

It seems that Zou Wei still can't pass her own level. After all, everyone's virginity is precious. It is too much to exchange something for the price.

"Lu Yi! Have you heard? Since you are stubborn, then I will expose you. I see how long you can jump!" I angered, connecting the large formation of the burial coffin. Then I started to connect to the upper realm. Although I don't need to summon the burial coffin, as long as I connect to the upper realm, the heavenly court that manages the gods or something can always detect that Lu is here, right? If I still can't detect it, I will summon another burial coffin, and I will die with him. I don't believe he is really invincible in this world!

"Senior Immortal, please, don't be like this...I know you're just getting into a demon...Senior Xia, save me soon, I don't like him, I don't want to!" Zou Wei struggled hard, neither life nor death Willingly.

"Could it be that...we are all fate?" My words did not make Lu Yi react, but Zou Wei's words made him suddenly sad, so that he said such inexplicable words.

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