Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1676: :world

Seeing that the inheritance of the Godhead is a bit similar to the true Godhead, it seems that part of Lu Yi's part invaded Zou Wei's body, so I had to ask: "Miss Zou, do you have a part of his memory?"

"Hmm...it seems to have...there are some fragmented memories..." Zou Wei turned her head, and then stood up with that sharp gun, but her expression was full of loneliness.

"The six reincarnations cannot be interfered, but he doesn't know what method was used to make you be born here in several lifetimes..." I still feel doubtful about this, and Zou Wei will obviously remember from fragmentary memories. Find this important link in

But I was obviously wrong. Zou Wei shook her head and said pitifully, "Senior Xia, you don't need to pursue it anymore. Otherwise, I will be a sinner... We are wrong, we are really wrong... Let me I will atone for him and myself in the future, so..."

A trace of uncertainty suddenly surged in my heart. It seemed that it was not only Lu Yi, but even Zou Wei’s last life might have done unacceptable things. However, the things of the last life have nothing to do with this life. Why would she say to help Lu Yi and herself atone for the crime?

"You are right... Stealing the fate of others against the six paths of reincarnation is indeed a big mistake. Occupying the fate of others is like killing. Now think about it... how terrifying..." Zou Wei shed tears Come.

"Stealing the fate of others and killing people, so from the moment of birth, Miss Zou, even if she kills one person, her fate is magical and she can't intervene recklessly. However, Miss Zou knows her shame and makes up for it. It can be regarded as a great realization. Lu Yi continued to help Gucheng. The fishermen in the sea may also feel that they are guilty, so they want to use this to comfort their souls?" Brother Hai shook his head and sighed after calculating.

"Senior said..." Zou Wei nodded silently.

I smiled and said, "Don't say anything now. You can't control it. After all, you don't know the seriousness of this matter, right? Maybe it's just Lu Yi who wants to do this, who knows. ..."

Zou Wei shook her head, then touched a sharp spear in her palm, and said with a wry smile: "Senior Xia, you don't have to speak for me, it is our two conspiracy, you can't rely on him...you see..."

After the sharp gun was wiped out by her with a faint layer of black smoke, six names were revealed. The six names have different surnames, but they are all women's names. I took a deep breath and said, "The Sixth?"

"Well...in the past few hundred years, in the sixth life, in each life I am not as good as I want to be in cultivation...Always feel that I am not worthy of him as a **** because my youth is easy to pass away and my appearance is easy to grow old... I want to become a god, I want a better body, so I always choose new ones when my youth is gone..." When Zou Wei looked at me, her eyes were already averted, and she obviously felt shameful about her actions: "Senior Xia... ...Do you think you look down on me...I will change...I won't do this again in the future...I don't know anything...but in my memory...I am such a person..."

"Every life is a brand new you, so how can you define the current you as a bad person? How can you be allowed to bear the sins of the previous life? Since Lu Yi has entered the six realms, then this matter should It's over. You are still yourself, not any of the people in this seventh life, do you understand?" I reached out and patted her on the shoulder.

"The seventh reincarnation will stay together forever...but it's not that you join the seventh life together. If you are a single person deliberately reincarnated in the seventh life, how can you be together? Destiny is something like human control, is it destiny?" Laughed.

"Sister, it's all over, don't worry about this matter anymore. Even if you were a cannibal in your previous life, it has nothing to do with this life. Lu Yi is just a passer-by in your life now. It's not enough to talk about." Wei's hand said.

The child Xiangling also ran over and said, "Yeah, maybe the memories he instilled in you are all false, just to make you think so selfishly for a lifetime? I don't want it!"

"Uh, uh, thank you very much." Zou Wei burst into tears and smiled, as her heart knot gradually untied.

I sighed in my heart, this Lu Yi, even entering the Six Paths of Reincarnation would not make people feel better, instilling such a memory in a little girl, Zou Wei will definitely be burdened with thoughts in the future.

However, it cannot be said that keeping this memory will be bad, at least it can prevent this life from falling into the core reason of the previous sixth rebirth again, so that Zou Wei can live well.

"Let's go back, the people above should have been waiting for a long time." I think staying here will only make Zou Wei remember more unhappiness, so I suggest you go back.

"Wait, Lu Yi's relic..." Zou Wei pulled me back and looked at the ancient city.

I was stunned, and then said: "Well, we are here waiting for you, you can go get it, it belongs to you after all."

Zou Wei thought for a while, and said, "Actually, I don't want anything from him. This sharp gun belongs to me. The previous maps of mountains and seas belonged to him. Now it belongs to Senior Xia, then it's nothing. But the nine big mountains here are part of the mountain and sea map. He shook out from the mountain and sea map. It is a large array that can isolate the world in the mountain and sea map. No one can detect the mountain and sea map. world."

I was shocked. It turned out that these nine movable mountains are actually part of the mountain and sea map?

It's no wonder that a world can be packed into a mountain and sea map, and it is in the form of a treasure. Of course, there will be a large array to guard against others' prying. These nine such big mountains have such a great effect, even the breath of gods can be isolated. It's also powerful enough.

Zou Wei quickly flew to Lu Yi’s residence, and then handed a book to me, saying, "This is the secret to controlling the mountain and sea map. I can bring the nine mountains back to the mountain and sea map. Senior Xia can try ."

I took this book and started to study it. This thin book, which is half an hour’s work, I memorized most of the spells, chanted the spells, and quickly incorporated the nine mountains into the mountains and seas. In the picture, there is a secret surprise in my heart. This is like a divine object like the blue sky scroll. There is also a tripod inside the blue sky scroll, which can be taken out at will. However, in this map of mountains and seas, nine are arranged according to the direction, and it can be used. It's just a mountain that shields the gods from exploring.

But before I could expand on other thoughts, a divine light suddenly fell from the sky and hit Zou Wei directly!

After being hit by the Light of Extinguishing God, Zou Wei's repairing base was unstable, and she snorted and fell to the ground. My face turned pale, but I was responsive, and immediately took a map of the mountains and seas and took Zou Wei in. In the world of mountains and seas!

The divine light disappeared suddenly. I was relieved, and Senior Brother Hai also patted his chest: "It's dangerous, it's dangerous. This should be a true Godhead, this Lu Yi is a liar!"

"Well, this guy is already obsessed. He thinks he will be able to be together forever after the seventh lifetime. He mistakenly thought that Miss Zou and I would be the reason why he wanted to use strong. Forget it, no matter how much it is, since it is a true Godhead. For us, it is torture and also an opportunity." I nodded, and then remembered Yuanci's words. He was right. After obtaining the True Godhead, his luck was at its extreme, and Zou Wei would appear soon. Doom, now it seems so.

"With the map of mountains and seas, many people can live in it. This is a realm, and it can be regarded as an artifact." Senior Brother Hai said.

"Indeed, only gods can possess this kind of thing that is against the sky. It is worthwhile to say that it is a magical instrument." I replied, and then took the lead on top of Xiaojiao's head and said: "Xiaojiao, let's go and go up first. Let everyone know."

"Yes, master." Xiaojiao listened and swam to the sea with Brother Hai and others.

"Master, you have such a small pocket world, you can hide a lot of things in the future. It's like throwing a lot of soldiers in and letting them out in the enemy's den. With a bang, it's just like blooming in the center! "Shaozi said strangely.

"Yes, that world is quite big too, so many people can live there! It's as big as the moon!" Xiang Ling said.

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