Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1681: : Yelong

Seeing this transparent azure blue sea-colored shield, the submarine monster race was all surprised. I don’t think some of them took it seriously. They immediately drove the energy above, and the blue light suddenly appeared, and all the monks were shocked. Obviously everyone was also surprised. All know that this thing is indeed true.

"I didn't expect the blue stone shield of Aolong Island to fall into your hands! You dare to show it openly!" said one of the two urban management team members coldly, as if the blue stone shield was just taken out. It is a sin!

"Take the treasure of the Azure Sea Dragon Palace to ask for money. I really don't know if you are crazy or bold!" The other team member floated in the air and was completely dissatisfied with me, but the stern words of these two also proved the blue stone in my hand. The authenticity of the shield also made many merchants feel that what I said was true. If the royal family really gave money, it was indeed possible to buy all their human slaves.

Everyone knows the abundance in the Azure Sea Dragon Palace, and the blue stone sword and shield are the most precious. This time hundreds of thousands of troops were sent to look for the lost shield on Aolong Island. Naturally, everyone around the Dragon Palace knows everything. The appearance of the stone shield in my hands naturally caused a sensation in the entire Dragon Palace!

Countless monks came to watch this good show. Two urban management team members were also eyeing the shield in my hand. I sneered and said, "Hey, this Aolong Island was not destroyed by me. As for the reason, you should know that you The army didn’t find the blue stone shield, and it appeared in my hand. Shouldn’t I use it for some money? I’ve come here all the way from nine deaths, so how much hard work can I do?"

"In exchange for your hard work? Haha, have you smashed your head? No matter who it is, you should return it to the Dragon Palace, and dare to ask for the hard work? If you are a thief, who can't the Sea Clan? Kill you!?" The urban management team shouted angrily.

"Really? I want to see, your Dragon Palace, do you have the ability to get the blue stone shield from my hands!" My face is gloomy. Although I have come to find fault, I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless ones. Yes, he immediately shrank the ground to the city management team member. As soon as the Tai'a sword came out, it immediately smashed the team member!

That guy is also a little capable, after all, he is a monk of tenfold immortals, so he also brought a gun to me. I didn't bother to care about his blow. Tai'a sword cuts iron like mud, and has long been accustomed to the sword and gun. The defeat, coupled with the sharpness of the time and space sword energy, and the overbearing of the Xuantian devilish energy, under an angry slash, a sword cut him even with a gun in half!

Another urban management team member turned pale in fright, regretting that he had angered me again just now, and I didn't expect that I would dare to kill them in full view, so I immediately turned and flew back to the palace!

A group of merchants below suddenly erupted in exclamation, but, paradoxically, none of them came up to help these urban management monks!

I shrank the ground again, with another sword, and smashed the guy to death in the same way. Then I returned with satisfaction. Seeing these merchants' eyes were shocked, and there was a trace of expectation and joy. I frowned and said secretly. Could it be that these urban management teams are also arrogant and arrogant in the Undersea Dragon Palace on weekdays, arousing public outrage?

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency actually killed the city management? Isn't it afraid of Dragon Palace's condemnation? There are still several ten-fold immortal monks?" The merchant owner suddenly asked me anxiously.

"Hey, I'm a desperado, or else I dare to use this shield to ask for payment? If you don't agree, you can kill with a sword. Is there anything wrong?" I deliberately said arrogantly.

"Sure enough, the evil demon has its own evil demon mill, and the ancient demon honestly does not deceive me!" The merchant owner said to the sky suddenly, but after another thought, he said: "No, since you killed so many demon, Dragon Palace How to let you go? How can you buy so many of our flesh fairy slaves?"

"Yes, yes, since your Excellency has offended Dragon Palace, where can I get money to buy goods?" The demons looked at me in surprise.

I waved my hand immediately and raised my shield: "This is not what I am worried about. I dare to do this decapitating business. You don’t dare to go to the gate of the city with the fairy meat. You still make money. If you dare to open such a big handicap, don’t you dare to take it? If Dragon Palace doesn’t want this shield, or can’t afford it, the big deal is that I will tear down Dragon Palace. Whatever you like in it, just take it!"

All the monsters suddenly cried out. The Sea-Monster who spoke to me first said on the spot: "Okay! Since your Excellency guarantees this, you can say that, except for the first batch, middle-grade, Besides the best meat fairy, I will also bring the treasures out of Nancheng for your appreciation. Some of my business friends will also bring you the meat fairy you want. What do you think!?"

"Don't worry, brother! I have a lot of fairy meat! Both good and bad will sell you! Never shoddy!" Another merchant also patted his chest.

"Haha, your Excellency must be a collector who loves meat immortals? Everyone is the same. We also have collections of treasures. I am locked in my courtyard. There are five or six human princesses and some sects. The head of the flesh fairy is absolutely satisfied with your Excellency!"

Just like humans in the lower realms like to keep land pets and aquatic fishes, the collections are top-notch and treasures, and the prices are ridiculously high. The lower realms have a dragon fish of several million. The same is true of this monster race. Selling is like the naked female monk in front of you. The price is now astronomical. There are even human monks like treasures in their home, because people have collectors, and so can demons!

And I want so many humans to collect, in fact, in their eyes, the past is also said, because humans want to build an aquarium in order to raise a whale, and demons raise meat fairies, what does it mean to build a small town? In ancient times, the innocent King Zhou also built a wine pond meat forest!

"What an arrogant man! I stole our dragon palace's precious blue stone shield, thinking about driving a city to raise a meat fairy? How arrogant! Take me Chang Yelong today and want you to die! Get back the royal treasure!" A man The voice came from the palace, and then a black dragon shadow appeared, and it came to me in an instant!

"Where's the little black bug, go away!" I didn't even think about it. I swiped a sword, only heard a ping-pong sound, the dragon shadow faltered, but I didn't move at all!

The monk named Chang Yelong had a gloomy face. He shook me out. Obviously he must not be able to beat me now. However, with so many monks at the moment, how dare he lose my momentum, and immediately burst into strong black smoke. The shadow of the dragon was tumbling behind him, and the momentum was really too powerful!

The appearance of Long Ying means that his Yelong Domain has also been activated. I felt a little stagnation, as well as the feeling of being shielded by Taoism.

But with a more powerful domain, I still sneered. After bursting into the domain, I flew briskly in front of him and struck him with a sword, but after Chang Yelong increased his strength, it was indeed a lot more stable, at least With me now, I can play normally!

However, after all, I am tenfold immortal and tenfold orthodoxy, and he is only tenfold immortal and eightfold orthodoxy. When my strength reaches the peak of tenfold immortal and ninefold, he can no longer resist it, and every sword will force him. Backward step by step, there is no offensive attitude at all, it's all endless defense!

"Chang Yelong is the commander of the garrison! Why is it so unbearable?"

"As an officer of the bodyguard, he has only this strength?"

"Hey, it's not that he Chang Yelong is not good, but this one is even more powerful. Look at people, you don't even bother to use the blue stone shield!"

All the monks watched Chang Yelong force me to defend again and again, and the armor on his body was full of pieces of armor that gave me sword energy, and they were all shocked and unacceptable.

I looked at the middle-aged man in front of me, and said gloomily: "This is your Dragon Palace's determination? Then don't blame me for not doing it or not!" I was too lazy to continue to fight with him, wasting my strength, and my strength once again climbed to ten cents. Times Taoism!

At this time, the power of the domain immediately fixed Chang Yelong. Seeing me, my sword suddenly rushed to the center of his eyebrows. He was so frightened that his eyes closed tightly. He could only wait for the blow of my thunderous rage to penetrate his head. !


Just when I was about to hit Fei Chang Yelong's head, I screamed, and suddenly many ten-fold immortals in the palace began to rush here, which made me a little wary!

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