Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1665: : Patriarch

"Ao Shuang! You corrupt my style, dare to collude with an outer monster and destroy my Dragon Palace foundation!" The sea above the Dragon Palace, mixed with smoke and clouds, formed a scene like the sky, and in the confusion, the dragon shadow rolled, watching The huge dragon body just sprang out like this, and my face changed slightly when I saw it. Who else could this be the old dragon king?

"Daddy! My daughter definitely didn't collude with the foreign demon!" Ao Shuang quickly murmured, and Long Ying got closer and closer, and the black dragon shadow's head had already sprang out of the smoke: "I said no! Ao Qing has nothing to do with it. I told you that you made a fool of yourself with the outer demon, killing your brother, and killing your brother. What is the sophistry now that you and the evil thief are still not paying your life!?"

Listening to Ao Shuang’s sophistry, I suddenly became vigilant, and it didn’t take long for my vigilance to be confirmed. Ao Shuang flew into the sky immediately, and then confronted the fifty-year-old man who appeared under the shadow of the dragon in the sky. "Father! It was the foreign demon who forced me to turn against my third brother. My daughter was just asking for everything and waiting for you to come! This thief not only killed my brother and brother, but also forced me to marry him. My daughter was helpless. Foolish! But I don’t know you misunderstood your father!"

"Okay! I can't just listen to them. At this time, take down the thief and talk about it!" The fifty-year-old man said coldly, and then dived down quickly. He had a sword-like awl in his hand. It was just shimmering in the black, and the appearance was also accompanied by the swimming of the golden fairy spirit like the swimming of dragons and snakes, which shows that it is not a common product! I have already regarded this thing as a broken spirit cone in my heart!

"Sixth Sister! In that case, why did you kill the second brother's heir? How can I believe in you! Today I am at odds with you!" Ao Qing also appeared when I was flying in from the Laolong Dynasty. Here outside the city.

This immediately made Ao Shuang's face ugly, because Ao Qing's words attracted the cold eyes of the old dragon king, so she immediately said anxiously: "Which eye did you see me killing the second brother's child?"

"I had expected you to ask this! Your wolfish ambition, as long as you kill the second brother's heirs, the throne will definitely not fall to the second brother's head, and if you fall next to the throne, you can sit safely. The real throne is now! If it weren't for me to call Daddy, this matter would really be a wrongdoing case!" Ao Qing said sharply, and rushed towards Ao Shuang with a sword!

"You! The most advantageous thing is that you are right! You are bloody! Despicable and shameless!" Ao Shuang was very angry.

Seeing that Ao Shuang was shaking with anger, I felt that Ao Yue's heir should have been killed by Ao Qing, and it was when he called the Old Dragon King to let the people under his hands complete this important event.

After all, this hand is beautiful enough. It not only blames Ao Shuang, but whether it is true or not, it will be a headless case. And Ao Shuang, who is accused of arresting Ao Yue's sons and family members, must be taken off. It doesn't matter, no matter how you explain it, it is estimated that the old dragon king will not believe it. It is really that one is doing the first year of the middle school and the other is doing the fifteenth. There is absolutely no simple thing in the dragon clan. It is not bad for his sister to count the birds with one stone.

"Ao Shuang! I don't have your daughter!" These words made the old dragon king roar even more, and blamed Ao Shuang for ignoring the relationship between brothers and sisters for actually cutting the grass and eliminating the roots of his beloved son.

Ao Shuang was not pleased by both sides, but she was mistaken by cleverness, but she was also quite wise, and quickly transmitted to me and said, "Be careful! Husband! The mitigation plan has failed, let's run away! My dad is too powerful, and our husband and wife fight But he, originally I wanted to curve to save you, but at this moment... Alas! I blame Shuang'er for not being smarter than my brother..."

"It's okay, I knew you were on my side a long time ago, hehe, so come in here!" I smiled sullenly, and then a roll of the mountain and sea map, everything in the ground array was involved, including the meat fairy, Including some merchants, as well as the treasures of the Dragon Palace, all of them have been included in the mountain and sea map without exception!

When the old dragon king rushed down, he saw that everything was gone. He thought it was a blind eye. He just paused for a while and continued to rush down, only to find that there was nothing left. His expression was shocked: "What are you doing? What's wrong!"

I sneered, activated the Demon Pill, and rushed into the pseudo-deity realm, holding the Tai'a sword in one hand and the blue stone shield in the other, and instantly collided with the old dragon king weapon!

"Taking my azure blue stone shield, you actually used it against me!? I can't help it!" The old dragon king roared, the broken spirit cone was lifted high, and the sharpest position of the awl was gleaming, which seemed to condense terrible. The power of the fairy spirit, as long as the lasing comes, the blue stone shield may not be able to resist it!

I didn’t dare to underestimate the enemy. I wanted to know that I had refined the blue stone sword just now. I wouldn’t be so passive, but I just got two treasures from the treasury, and I didn’t have time to study it for a while. , I'm afraid it's not as good as the Tai-A sword, thinking of this, I can only use the Tai-A sword to meet the enemy!

And the old dragon king’s broken spirit cone, the blue stone shield should be able to block, so I placed the shield in front of me, but the old dragon king sneered, and the broken spirit cone continued to gather strength!

Just when I felt that the old dragon king was too big and wanted to break the blue stone shield with the broken spirit cone, Ao Shuang immediately transmitted voice and said: "Husband! You can't use the blue stone shield to resist this cone! It will pass through the shield directly. Break your fairy body!"

I have eaten, and my face turned pale after a sigh. Fortunately, I did not tear my face with Ao Shuang just now. Otherwise, without her reminding, I was afraid that the old dragon king would break the spirit cone, and I would break my soul. Up!

Now I have confirmed that this awl is undoubtedly a broken spirit awl, so I teleported to Ao Shuang without daring to underestimate the enemy!

Seeing me grabbing it with my big hand, Ao Shuang originally wanted to resist, but was afraid that I would doubt her, so I simply let me grab her by the collar with my big hand and flee outside!

Blocking her behind me, the old dragon king was so angry that he said that tiger poison can't eat its children. The same is true of this old dragon king. He didn't dare to emit broken auras at this time, so he clearly pointed at the broken spirit cone, but he did not When the curse was released, Ao Qing's face was gloomy and said, "Daddy! Six sisters have turned apostles and become the villains! They have been in collusion long ago, and they want to seize our Azure Dragon Palace! At this time, if let They ran away, it's too late to regret!"

"You want me to kill your sister!? You! Are you a beast!" Old Dragon King shouted angrily, scared Ao Qing's face was green, but in order not to let us escape, he said decisively: "Ke Liumei Kill the second brother's heir!"

But the old dragon king seemed to be undecided, roared and didn't intend to listen anymore, and continued to chase me!

I thought to myself that Ao Yue had taken the position of his eldest brother before, but he still treated him favorably. Sure enough, it was because I was afraid that the old dragon king would think that their brothers would be harmed by each other, otherwise there would be Ao Long Island? I'm afraid this blue stone shield won't be mine anymore.

The old dragon king did not dare to use the broken spirit cone to kill his daughter, but I had no scruples, so the prisoner cow suddenly appeared and hit the old dragon king with a sword!

After all, the prisoner cow is not in the state of transforming the gods. It was obvious to the old dragon king as soon as the seawater fluctuated. The long accumulated spirit shattering cone ray swept away the chaotic iron with a bang. The prisoner cow screamed and was seriously injured. The body shook out!

"It turned out to be Chaos Iron!" The Old Dragon King sneered, and continued to pierce the Immortal Body of the Prisoner with the Spirit Breaking Cone. This thing really can penetrate any foreign objects and reach the depths of the soul!

The prisoner cow, who had escaped the catastrophe after being blocked by the chaotic iron, was somewhat at a loss when facing the old dragon king’s shard ray. Seeing the second wave of light was about to arrive, it flees horribly, and I stopped quickly. , The phantom **** orb was activated at the very moment, and the prisoner cow was immediately hidden with the phantom!

Losing the target of the attack, the old dragon king was very angry: "What a cunning kid! But I see how you can run!"

The simplest illusion is naturally the fog on the sea bottom, but it is also very effective to use, after all, the sea bottom is huge.

So instead of running away, I approached the prisoner cow, took it back into the Chaos Iron, and then went around the old dragon king, preparing to kill Ao Qing first!

Ao Shuang let me go. I was planning to let her escape on her own. However, she bit her silver teeth, and when she got tangled, she spoke first, saying, "It's not impossible to kill my dad, husband. Just do what I say!"

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