Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1692: :positive and negative

As if grabbing the life-saving straw, I hurriedly flew towards this ray of light. After all, no matter how dangerous it is, it will not be more dangerous than the two righteous gods behind, right? As a result, the ray of colored light seemed to seduce me, making me fly forward, and when I quickly approached, I found that the colored light was like a hazy mirror, full of light, and energy kept returning. It came out from inside, like a space for transfer.

I erupted into the demon transformation pill, covered my body with a protective light shield, and after pulling out the blue stone shield and sword, I broke into it desperately! Hum! I went straight through it and came to a dark place!

The brilliance of the whole body allowed me to see through the things inside. As a result, there was a burst of stench and mucus, which made me understand in my heart what place it was. It was actually inside a huge sea beast, only because my own magical orb fascinated the surroundings. The breath of that sea beast was also indirectly shielded for me, but I thought that the rainbow light that tempted me was the entrance of the space.

But soon, I quickly removed the effect of the phantom **** orb, because I suddenly found out that I had done a stupid thing this time. You must know that the range of the phantom **** orb was only a few tens of miles, while the scope of Sheng Zhengshi's exploration was thousands of miles! As long as he finds which area is confused, can he tell that this area is where I am? Therefore, no matter whether I use this magic orb, I can't escape his investigation!

Unless there is something like a crossover talisman, it would be difficult to avoid him.


Just when I was thinking about how I discovered it, the sea beast shook. It seems that Sheng Zhengshi and Deputy Yu knew that I had swallowed the sea beast in their stomachs, and they began to attack fiercely!

While the sea beast was in pain, it opened its mouth and roared loudly, and flew away at the same time. With this roar, I suddenly flinched and flew out. Looking back, the sea beast, like a giant lantern fish, was already given to the two. A righteous **** became a stomach piercing, and seeing that I finally came out, the two immediately followed him!

In the space of dozens of miles, they are just a flash of divine kung fu, the strength of these two is really not weaker than the general divine realm!

"Escape, try to escape, don't let us catch you, otherwise we will break your hands and feet first, and then take action!" Sheng Zhengshi said angrily.

"Speak to you well, but you toast and don't drink fine wine. Today is not good, and I can't take care of this much!" Deputy Yu's voice was full of anger. I'd better not catch it this time. It's over!

While feeling depressed, I can only bite the bullet and flee. Fortunately, although the speed of the pseudo-transition is not enough to fight the real transience, I am good at retreating, and the real transience. The comparison will not be far away, and these two envoys also have a rather weird behavior, that is, they will never leave each other, so their advantage in speed is not shown, but is one step ahead of me. After the chase!

If this continues, it is me who runs out of energy first, so chasing is the worst thing for me. I gritted my teeth, swished and rushed to the sea, and then stood in the air, waiting for these two to come up.

"Hehe, it seems that I don't intend to escape, but this time I am not so easy to talk about!" Sheng Zhengshi said angrily, stretched out his hand, and a lightsaber appeared in his hand.

I gritted my teeth and glanced at the sword and shield in my hand. It’s hard to talk, so I can only fight to death, at least kill Sheng Zhengshi, and destroy this super-wide-range detection radar. Even if it doesn’t work, I’ll hurt the opponent. Let his investigative scope not be so broad.

Deputy Envoy Yu looked at me in a reckless posture. She frowned and glanced at Sheng Zhengshi, then sang a pale face: "We are not so unreasonable. Otherwise, Xia Tiantian, you first hand over the owner of the godship We, anyway, the mountain and sea map is still in your hands, with tens of thousands of lives and heavy karma. After all, we can't afford it, and we are not interested in it. It's just that we have protection if we get one of them."

"Okay, come and take it." I smiled, and the hidden spirit shattering cone tied to the back of the blue stone shield secretly brewed power.

"Xia Yitian, are you still obsessed with it? Relying on the sculptural skill behind the shield, you thought you could deal with us?" Sheng Zhengzhu seemed to have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and he actually noticed it when I accumulated the power to break the spirit cone.

"Hehe, okay, I wanted to be a little bit slippery, but if that's the case, then just go ahead and beat me. Isn't everything gone?" Although I don't know how they could detect this special Strength, but I am not unprepared, and chanted a spell in a low voice, and the blue stone shield immediately absorbed the spirit fragmentation energy condensed by the fragmentation cone!

This is the new ability that I got after studying the blue stone shield! This shield is a treasure that can absorb all power, so the immortal energy will be absorbed because of it. As for the blue stone sword, it also has a powerful ability. Its effect is to transfer the power absorbed by the shield and release it. .

Having these two magic weapons is also the reason why I dare to challenge each other.

"Huh, let's die!" Sheng Zhengshi let out a cold snort, and came in front of me with a swish. The long sword pierced a dozen times, as fast as a star!

咚咚咚! The continuous sound of sword strikes quickly hit my shield, and my heart shuddered, and I struck out with the sword, but this Sheng Zhengshi was also a master with swords, and he did not expose his body to the tip of the sword at all. So that I couldn't shoot out the spirit of broken spirit for a while!

And just when I was about to fight back, Deputy Envoy Yu, who was not far away, also launched an attack. She took out a round mirror and looked at me. In an instant, a beam of light shot at me. Without thinking, a sword forced Sheng Zhengshi away, and then the shield blocked the beam of light!

There was a loud bang, and my whole body flew out. When I stopped, my eyes flashed with white light, and I was obviously knocked out. I didn't expect this beam of light to be so powerful!

But when I paused, Sheng Zhengshi had already chased me, several consecutive lightsaber strikes, easily scratched my shield, and another sword almost wiped my body!

I have never been so embarrassed in a group battle since I have become a master of swordsmanship. Two monks in the realm of transformation, one close combat and one long range, are really amazing. I am afraid that Master Sword Demon is here and it is not their cooperation. Opponent!

"I have some ability. I actually took ten tricks from us, and only suffered a little injury! No wonder he dared to challenge us!" Deputy Yu sneered, holding the bronze mirror high again, and shooting another beam of light!

My face turned pale, and this time I said that I can’t use a shield to fight. This attack is too rapid and too powerful, and the blue stone shield cannot fully absorb all its power!

Because of the blow just now, the energy of the blue stone shield was filled! It can be seen how terrible the true power of this mirror is!

I shrank to the front of Sheng Zhengshi in an instant. Sheng Zhengshi knew my cunning, so the tip of my sword was never able to point at him, so this time he also dodges behind my sword!

However, I have learned well. Since I can't kill him with a single blow, I naturally let the blue stone sword scatter the energy of the condensed spirit fragmentation, so I only heard a bang!

Sheng Zhengshi, who originally wanted to get out of the way, directly hit part of the Spirit Fragmenting Qi, shaking his whole body, and the whole person was stunned!

I wanted to give him a fatal blow while he was in a daze, but it was clear that Deputy Yu would not let me do that. The mirror immediately shot between me and Sheng Zhengzhi, and it shot at me because of the light!

I know that there is no way to avoid it, the blue stone sword is close to the shield, and then the beam is hardened!


I retreated to Zhen again, but because the sword was already in an ethereal state after the spirit-breaking aura was released, it absorbed the full power of the shield, and the shield again absorbed the light from the mirror of the deputy Yu, so I It's just that Zhenfei went out, and didn't suffer much!

On the contrary, my blue stone shield sword already has the power of two beams!

Without even thinking about it, I immediately pointed the sword at Deputy Yu, and said, "It's your turn to taste your own power!"

Boom! The same energy as the cluster of light emitted by the mirror was immediately reflected to Deputy Yu!

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