Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1694: : Deity

"No!" Sheng Zhengshi said angrily, and Deputy Yu also shook his head, apparently rejecting my statement. Of course, I would not give up, and immediately asked: "Why?"

"You want to borrow a mountain and sea map to smuggle your close relatives and friends up there, right?" Deputy Yu asked thoughtfully. I hesitated and nodded quickly.

"That's definitely not possible! With so many people and the upper bound of the mountain and sea map, you will inevitably be detected by the on-duty god! Ha ha, or do you think there will be fewer cheaters in the world?" Sheng Zhengzhu sneered. And this made my whole person fall into the abyss. Unexpectedly, I would be spotted by the upper bound of the mountain and sea map? But unwilling to reconcile, I immediately asked: "If I bring it up and will not be detected, will you be spared if you bring it up?"

"Hehe, our gods can naturally take these away, but they can't pass the inspection too! So to take away such a god, you need to empty the Fanxiu inside! It will be a pure world catastrophe!" Sheng Zhengshi Warned me.

"What?" I suddenly felt stunned. If Shanhaitu were to go through a pure world catastrophe, what is the difference with the battle of the pure world here?

"Didn’t you realize that when you got this map of mountains and seas, there are not many monks in it, or the cultivators in it are not too bad? Let me tell you, the map of mountains and seas is the same as leaving one world. Those who want to join the channel with another realm, once the channel is connected together, will inevitably experience a pure world catastrophe! In the mountain and sea map, all creatures above the mortal level will be wiped out in the pure world catastrophe. So do you think that the people inside can escape the pure world catastrophe and go to the realm with you?" Deputy Yu told me coldly!

Alternating between the world and the world will trigger the pure world catastrophe. I have never heard of this, but it seems that what the two said is not false, which makes me feel a little sad.

And Sheng Zhengshi continued: "You now know why we are not willing to give you more conditions, right? The child who inherited the throne of God in it, we have to use a special lock to slap her on her, so that she becomes a body to be sinned. Not to be attacked by the Light of Extinguishing God, take her away from this realm smoothly, and then go up to separate the position of the gods. As for the map of mountains and seas, we also have to take it. After all, staying on you will never be able to bring it up. When the Pure Realm Heaven Tribulation will come to this realm, I am afraid that everything will be finished."

"Hey, let’s not say I’m still hesitating, so now you give me the locks. At most, the heir to the **** throne is a sin-wearing body, and does not affect the surrounding activities? And since Shanhaitu can’t lead the upper realm, it doesn’t matter. , I just don't pretend to be someone inside!" I immediately had another strategy, which made the Sheng Zhengshi and Yu deputy envoys look at each other and stunned.

"Why? Can't it? You handcuff her and she can go out. At most, after the Jingjie war, I will give her and Shanhaitu to you." I laughed.

"You! Was this set of locks given to you when you said you wanted it? Why should we give it to you?" Sheng Zhengzhu was furious and wanted to come over to get me. I immediately said: "If it is not an intangible thing, it will be very easy to lose. Normally, after you have said it, you will besiege a few cultivators of the God Transformation Realm. Fortunately, you will spare your life, but you have lost everything on your body. This is all you need to do. At most, it is useless to curse at the upper level!"

"You silly boy, how can we, as the gods of heaven and earth, let you do things like this?" Deputy Yu was also shaking with excitement, but I retorted: "Don't tell me anything about being upright, you covet Mountains and seas map, dare to move out the words tiandizhengshen with me righteously, how hypocritical? It is better to honestly sign the contract according to what I said, let's get together and get together! Otherwise, you guys Just chase me to the end of the world!"

The two ambassadors felt unable to talk anymore, and the discussion began intensely. I knew that they would compromise sooner or later. After all, I had no fear if they wanted to escape or fight. On the contrary, it was them. The spirit of the fairy spirit would be exhausted sooner or later. At that time, if you want to replenish, you need to find a place with fairy aura, which will consume a lot of time.

After the two negotiated, Sheng Zhengshi took the lead in taking out a set of crystal clear handcuffs, and said: "We will take the map of mountains and seas, and this set of locks for you! It's enough to avoid the light of God! Just think we haven't seen God. Successor!"

I hesitated. The mountains and seas are a realm of their own. If they don’t need to fall into a pure world catastrophe when crossing the boundary, it would be a great treasure. It seems that the gods are also limited, but I think since I can’t bring them. When the fairy goes up, the effect is not so great.

And now Master Sword Demon, Grandma, Xiaoxian Si, and myself, including myself, are all trying their best to solve the battle of the pure world. If possible, can you save everyone from this battle of the pure world? If it can be exempted, then the map of mountains and seas will obviously not have that great effect, and taking them away is not untradeable.

"You can take away the mountain and sea pictures, but at least I will release the people and objects in it first?" I thought about it, and naturally I can't return them now.

"Okay, let's hurry, but don't consume too much time!" Deputy Yu looked at a deadlock again, and could only think about how to end it as soon as possible. As for Sheng Zhengshi, he took away the handcuffs made like bracelets. come back.

"Either give me the shackles first?" I suggested, and Sheng Zhengshi glared at me directly and said, "When will you give us the pictures of mountains and seas, and when will you give you the handcuffs!"

I snorted, and after finding out Xiaojiao, I went to the inner Xianhai again. Without this dispute, I would not be able to achieve such conditions. Now the situation has become a lot more favorable for me, and along the way, The two envoys no longer looked at me nervously, and did not ask me to sign any contract.

There were two cultivators from the Transcendent God Realm acting as tails on this road. It was like someone opening the road. The speed was ridiculously fast. I didn't bother to take a long detour. After passing through Lanzhou, I went straight to Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou has now almost calmed down. The beast tide of the Undersea Monster Race has receded. The Shangsanzhou has lost the task of searching for the pure green lotus leaves and started to shrink up. The last time I heard from Xia Ruize, it was that he had entered. There is an inner sea of ​​immortality, and there is no clear news about where it is now.

I didn't stay in Zhongzhou for one more moment. After all, after crossing three major states, the time of two months really passed in a flash. Therefore, it is urgent to go straight to the inner Xianhai and solve other things.

After two months of land trip, I came to the sea again, and along the way, Sheng Zhengshi and Deputy Yu saw me rushing on the road, and they didn’t say anything, just waiting for me to take them inside. Xianhaili.

Grandma and Master Sword Demon are no longer in the inner sea of ​​immortality, but there should be Nangong illusion. In this way, I will deal with two divine envoys without being too afraid. Of course, if it can be resolved peacefully, then it’s best. Nevertheless.

The moment they approached the island, countless monks flew out of the island. The clearest one was Nangong's magic. It seemed that two divine envoys had been discovered, and the monks on the island were all waiting in the big formation.

Seeing that it was me, cheers broke out inside. This is my base camp, and it has long been exposed, so it doesn't matter if the two envoys know.

After explaining it for a while, I asked these two people to wait outside and took the lead to enter the island to set up treasures. These two did not know what it was. They felt that I could run away and the monk could not run away from the temple. Since the master did not invite them, they Too lazy to come in.

Yun Bingxin heard that he was unifying the demon cultivators in the two states of Yunlei, so she was out, and the godhead holders on the island, as well as Zhao Qian and Zuo Lian, saw me coming, they all asked me happily about this time. Case.

I opened the mountain and river map, and recruited all the people in it except the asylum. Among them were Brother Hai, Shaozi, Xiangling, Yuanci, the priests and apprentices, including Hua Ke, all came out, everyone. I talked about my past experience so arrogantly that I didn't need to waste my words, I just said the threat of the envoy.

In the end, Xiaoxian Si hesitantly looked at me and said coldly: "Hmph, which divine envoy is it? Take this great **** to see! There is no deity I don't know in the garden!"

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