Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1698: :resurrection

Wanzhou has completely become the territory of Yuezhou. Yuezhou monks are everywhere, but with Nangong illusion, these monks who are far away have escaped, and Wanzhou base camp in the dense forest is busy at this moment. The relocation, after several years of construction, has formed a large area here, and it is also a transfer station and intelligence point for some cities. Now it is relocated, because the Kyushu War is intensified, and the base camp is placed here, and its position is embarrassing.

Moreover, the base camp only existed for the Kylin treasure before. Now that the Kylin has been found, it is inevitable to leave here and dismantle the equipment here.

My arrival made everyone very happy, and Song Wanyi, Xijun, Long Yue, Xiao Mengtong, etc., all flew to greet me. The big guy was safe and sound, which made me feel relieved.

Since Xia Ruize has sorted out the teachings, and now we have become enemies of the teachings, and we have previously entrusted Tie Zhenping and Gong Meiqin to split and rebuild the teachings. There is no news for the time being, but the relationship between the teachings and us is not bad. , So let our Zhongzhou forces be able to establish a market and trade area here, and behind it is a secret base for catching unicorns.

"Master!" Song Wanyi greeted her with a face full of peach blossoms. It seems that she has had a good time recently, and Xijun also rushed to me, calling ‘brother,’ which shows that she has become a lot better recently.

Long Yue's face was cold and warm. Although she didn't speak, the emotion in her eyes was revealed. I saw it at a glance. She stared at me with a smile and smiled and wanted to say something, but she was obviously smart and would wait for Song Wanyi. They finished.

"I heard that you guys worked together to subdue Qilin's wisps of soul separation. I don't know if it's true?" I quickly asked about business.

"Yeah, I have abandoned the boss. Look at the pit over there. It escaped from here at the time. We chased it for a long time. Even after passing Yuezhou, it was about to chase out of Lanzhou!" Song Wanyi described. The thing that captures the unicorn.

"That's good. With this Kylin Supreme Treasure, we can have a better grasp. Now I will go to Master Sword Demon, and when I see him, I can know how the three ancestors, Qilin, and Yuanfeng are specifically summoned to crack the pure world. It's a battle." I was pleasantly surprised. With the mirror and three super gods, it won't be too difficult to break a battle of the pure world.

"The Qilin Great God is now sleeping in the Qilin Supreme Treasure, and there is no movement at all. If you can find a way, it will be good." Song Wanyi said quickly.

"Brother, I can't communicate with the Great God Yuanfeng anymore. You said it would not be easy for them to come out together to solve the problem." Xijun also became a little confused.

I don’t know the situation of Song Wanyi and Xijun, but Zulong has been a bit quiet recently. It seems that these three great gods have some tacit understanding, but it is better than the three big gods meeting and fighting each other. It is really necessary for all three to come out. I'm afraid that Wanzhou doesn't need it.

The true soul of Zulong is in my body, while Xijun has a trace of Yuanfeng’s blood, and Song Wanyi uses treasures and blood as the source of his summons. The three of us are different. It is normal for the three great gods not to come out. How to lead to fight against the Jingjie Heavenly Tribulation, I have to consult Master Sword Demon, which is one of the reasons why I sought Master.

"You still don't try to summon Yuanfeng and Qilin. Now that the Pure Realm Tribulation is about to come, you have to prepare. Don't be troublesome when the key is not available, hehe." I laughed, Xijun stuck out my tongue: "Yes, it's better to wait and see."

"By the way, what's going on with Chi Feng?" I looked at Hu Qingya next to me.

"I woke up, but it brought bad news." Hu Qingya said, and everyone looked at me strangely.

"What? What's the matter?" I didn't understand what they thought for a while.

"Long Xuantian is not dead, do you know?" Hu Qingya looked at me suspiciously, and Song Wanyi said, "Didn't you say that Long Xuantian was dead?"

"It's dead... Give Xia Ruize a sword through his chest and die!" Xia Ruize's sword is so cruel and accurate, I still dare not remove the heart-saving lamp, for fear that one day I will run into him and kill him with one blow. Up.

"It's strange to say, I don't know if Chi Feng woke up nonsense, anyway, we are not sure about this matter, but he insisted on it, and said with a sharp eye." Hu Qingya groaned.

"What's the matter? Didn't he ask him to **** Jing Shi Qing Lian Ye? The leaf was lost, and finally fell into Li Taichong's hands, and then the Jing Shi Qing Ping sword was summoned? Then who knocked him out? How did you contact Long Xuantian?" I asked quickly.

"According to what he said, after Li Taichong snatched his cleansing green lotus leaves, he didn't do anything to him. He just walked away and hit Long Xuantian on the back because his monk was not tall, and Long Xuantian was too low. I ignored him and only sent his men to hunt him down. As a result, he was able to escape to a barracks near a military camp. He happened to meet the monks and escaped." Hu Qingya told me.

"Is there such a thing?" My expression changed slightly, and then: "Long Xuantian is not dead? Only he found out?"

"Well, he's the only one, everyone else treats him as nonsense!" Hu Qingya shook her head, I was taken aback, and looked at other people. As a result, everyone obviously didn't believe it. Song Wanyi said, "Long Xuantian is dead. Kyushu’s news is well known. Now that he is not dead, how can it be possible? If he is not dead, he can toss so much, how can he not cause a little disturbance?"

"Yes, my brother seized his throne. He must avenge his fault. If he doesn't seek revenge from his brother, it is obviously unreasonable. But whether he is alive, I still worry that he has nowhere to avenge him when he is dead." Xijun said bitterly, if anyone wants to kill the dog emperor now, it is her, because she was in Wanzhou, she did not have time to participate in the last battle, so Xia Ruize killed it.

"What Xijun said is correct, but at the time, I felt a few doubts. The first point was that the map of Kyushu was not found. The second point was that all the civil and military officials around him disappeared with him. Moreover, he has a godhead in him. When he killed him, Xia Ruize didn't. And after he died, he didn't inherit a trace of the godhead. Otherwise, the next series of things would not happen. Therefore, I can have the things he lives. It's about 50% certain." I think it should be more than me.

"I didn't die, it's really a big blessing..." Hu Qingya was also a little biased towards Chi Feng at this time, but now Long Xuantian has no sign of coming out to find something, and it feels a little weird.

"I don't think it's fortune and fate. I must endure what I have to do?" Song Wanyi guessed.

"Not at all, by the way, since Chi Feng found Long Xuantian in Zhongzhou, did he talk about where Long Xuantian went after he discovered it? Did you send a large army to search?" He was sent to the south from the sky at that time It's for Hua Ke, so Long Xuantian must be in Zhongzhou, so brave enough that he doesn't know what he wants to do!

"Yes! But it was because we couldn't find any traces, so everyone felt that Chi Feng..." Hu Qingya shook her head with a wry smile.

I immediately consoled me: "Since I found out, why would Long Xuantian wait for you to come and look for it? Forget it, he will always show up when he should appear. It's better for everyone to be careful and let me know as soon as there is news."

After everyone agreed, I talked about the mountain and sea world again, and decided to start shrinking the line of defense now. The powerful monks would be allocated to the mountain and sea world first, and when asked about the anti-divine alliance, Hu Qingya started again. Speaking of it: "Our intelligence team has a lot of news about these anti-divine alliances. They are an alliance formed by a group of monks. These monks are made up of some small division monks like our fellow villagers, but the difference is that they are all In one interface, the strongest existence ever, and the main leadership is very, very strong! And according to the news I got, even the ancestors of the Arctic Fairy Gate were in this Yinxian Gate, and they seemed to be a bit like you. What about..."

"What? There is such a thing?" I was secretly surprised. I knew that the Immortal Gate was powerful, but I didn't know that it was made up of the strongest in every plane. When the North Pole Immortal Gate was destroyed, the ancestors The Taoist ancestor that Xinghai invited was still inside?

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